Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Soooo, Lord's policy on NSFW lewds for BCF
For NSFW stuff, my policy is that I'm not associating with any of it due to the policies of Sufficient Velocity and other sites. I'm not getting in the way of anyone who wants to do their own thing and it's great that people enjoy the story enough to make their own content of all levels. I'm fine letting other people enjoy themselves, but it's not something that I feel I can be involved with.
As for where to post this kinda stuff... BCF-the-lewdening
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Let's see he has the forced diplomacy field, sexual harassment field, memory adding/removing tech, healing tech capable of altering brain chemistry, Lethe water, soul manipulation perks, perfect style perks, and various enchantment effects on his equipment. I think the evidence for him being a master far outweighs his objections.

The are also the colors of the Neathbow, granted him by the Prismatic Laboratory. I would say some of them would have master/stranger effects, including a memory altering one and another that demands/promotes attention.
The are also the colors of the Neathbow, granted him by the Prismatic Laboratory. I would say some of them would have master/stranger effects, including a memory altering one and another that demands/promotes attention.

To clarify the effects of the Neathbow colors are :

IRRIGO - is the unremembered color, the light of absence.

Exposure to it causes severe memory loss, overexposure to it can result in total ego death, and it can cause thick, bony plates to grow over one's eyes, creating disgusting eyeless skulls

VIOLANT- is the color of troublesome but necessary connections; it indelibly lingers in one's memory and is often unnerving to stare at for too long. It's very hard to forget anything written in violant ink.

COSMOGONE - is the color of remembered sunlight. Under its light, fungus and other flora flourishes. Also attractive to entities behind mirrors apparently.

PELIGINE - is the hue of the waters of the Unterzee and those of the land of the dead, not sure what it does.

APOCYAN - the color of coral, of memory, and of the Zee's waves. Used to create "daguerrotypes" of dreams and certain memories, often by blinking in these dreams to produce flashes of apocyanic light

VIRIC - when viric light comes into contact with vegetation, it causes it to flourish and grow at an exponential rate also wards off dream invaders

GANT - can write invisible ink and remove "false tatoos"
I feel the need to inform others of this:
Lord has revealed on AO3 that the nature of Joe's Fallen London hell connection perk will essentially be, "receiving fan mail from Hell."

So yeah. That's going to be hilariously uncomfortable for our protagonist. Cannot wait to see it.
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I feel the need to inform others of this:
Lord has revealed on AO3 that the nature of Joe's Fallen London hell connection perk will essentially be, "receiving fan mail from Hell."

So yeah. That's going to be hilariously uncomfortable for our protagonist. Cannot wait to see it.

Joe should consider himself lucky. Fallen London's Hell is way nicer than many others. He hasn't even seen what happens in the Warp yet.
I feel the need to inform others of this:
Lord has revealed on AO3 that the nature of Joe's Fallen London hell connection perk will essentially be, "receiving fan mail from Hell."

So yeah. That's going to be hilariously uncomfortable for our protagonist. Cannot wait to see it.
Apeiron "yo guys i called to tell you all that i wont be able to finish the tech you asked for by tomorrow, you will have to wait for a extra day."
undersider:s "why?"
Apeiron: "i have to think about how to answer the fan mail from hell, man they sended all the letters at the same time they truly are demons"
Undersiders: "...what"
Has anyone yet made an omake where Joe just shows up in a different universe? Bonus points if it's one where he's gotten a perk from. I feel like there's a lot of potential there.
Has anyone yet made an omake where Joe just shows up in a different universe? Bonus points if it's one where he's gotten a perk from. I feel like there's a lot of potential there.
I've been spitballing/brainstorming ideas of Apeiron ending up in the Dresden Files (based off some great crossover/fusion fics on SB/SV) post-Alt!Golden Morning.

Mainly after the latest ability to create 'Bigs' was revealed. Mab in canon called Human/Mortal technology 'Ferromancy'. Now imagine the reaction to Humanity creating actual god-machines?
Has anyone yet made an omake where Joe just shows up in a different universe? Bonus points if it's one where he's gotten a perk from. I feel like there's a lot of potential there.
I thought about that, but instead of Joe it was a duplicate after it dispelled, it would be intense for them to suddenly be permint, and on a new world with no goal, like a one of the very first ends up in Girl Genius, or in Halo later.
Jozef Duris, Worldwalker (akatoshslayer)
Non Canon Omake

Jozef Duris, Worldwalker

"Behold my latest creation!" Joe bellowed out before a room of bored looking individuals.

"Joe, that's a box." Aisha blandly replied hardly looking up from her smart watch.

"It certainly is a box." Survey responded, "A very nicely colored box Joe."

"Ah, it is not just any box. It is the culmination of work between myself, myself, and myself through three separate iterations of duplication potions."

"Now you got my attention." Aisha said. "So what does it do?"

"I don't know." Joe proudly responded. "I haven't opened it yet."

If Joe saw the look Aisha gave him he would have reevaluated his next statement. Sadly he was too caught up in the presentation to notice.

"While constructing the machine to produce the box I had an epiphany. Anything that requires that amount of time, dedication, and resources must be something so great that it must never be used except in the most dire circumstances. Thus I will in fact never open the box. I decided to present the box to everyone to ensure the box will remain shut. For there is no . . ."

As Joe ranted Aisha got out of her chair and opened the box before everyone in the room. Colors and eldritch shapes danced forth from the opened parcel revealing a strange void filled with the undefinable. As the void shifted an image could be seen forming a gateway between the real and imaginary. The gateway expanded until a perfect square fitted around the edge of the box leaving a portal to Brocktown Bay.

"Oww." Aisha screamed out dropping the lid and clutching her head as it attempted to make sense of what just occurred.

"Nooo, the box, it opened. How did this happen? Garment did you open the box?" Joe hastily let out.

Aisha looked up and noticed Garment vaguely gesturing to her. Her power must have been activated as Joe seemed to forget she was here. Joe on the other hand was looking around for the lid of the box to seal away whatever horrors were contained inside. As he looked around Aisha realized she dropped the lid and it must have entered the portal.

"Well shit."

. . . . .

Apeiron dressed in his newest costume, Lethe in her updated power armor, and Fleet piloting the Motoroid Mark 6 exited the square portal into the city. The area certainly looked like Brocktown Bay. The best Aisha could figure was Joe created a second entrance to his workshop. Honestly Aisha thought that wouldn't be a bad thing if they could find the lid to close it. As it was, Garment and two Apeiron clones were waiting on the other side of the portal to prevent anyone from entering.

Looking around in an empty area of the docks for the lid provided no clues to it's location. Hopefully it just blew away instead of being lost in the in between. Apeiron said he sensed the lid so that shouldn't be the case. Even if it was it would be returned in two days making the only difficult aspect be the constant guard duty.

"Huh, that's strange." Joe let out after a while. "I can only sense the lid, all my other equipment doesn't appear to be in the city."

"That doesn't make any sense, I would know if the Undersiders left." Aisha let out before realizing she should not, in fact, know that.

Joe ever the localized source of densium that he is missed the implications. "I am attempting to call them, but they are not answering their watches."

"Want to go to their base and check it out?"

"Might as well, getting out of the area could make it easier to triangulate the lid." Joe agreed.

As Fleet transformed into his Apeiron cycle mode Aisha climbed on behind Joe so that they could get to old factory that her brother was staying in. Even with power armor the chance of riding a motorcycle capable of FTL is not something you ignore. As they pulled up Aisha noticed the building look unusually run down. Ignoring the nagging feeling in her mind she and Joe entered the building.

Being attacked by bugs was not what she thought would happen. Honestly she could have gone her entire life without seeing that in person. Luckily she was ignored as Joe was the sole target of the attack.

"Taylor what's wrong, why are you attacking me?" Joe asked.

Due to the sensors installed in her armor Aisha was able to hear the conversation occurring above her.

"Eep, Tattletale he knows who I am!" Taylor let out.

"Well that doesn't help us figure out who the hell he is." Lisa shot back.

As Joe released some form of concussive blast the insects fell to the ground. He rushed up to the Undersiders who were hiding on the second floor.

"Taylor, Lisa are two okay? Who is attacking you?" Joe said with obvious confusion in his voice.

"So the fucker knows me too, great. I don't know who you are but once it gets out you are attacking us out of costume every one in the city will be after you." Lisa yelled out to Joe as he entered the room.

As this was happening Aisha watched her brother, Reagent, and Bitch jump out onto the street and get ready to run away. Aisha decided to figure out what was going on and snuck up to them.

"Why the hell is some strange cape attacking us?" Reagent whispered to Brian.

"I don't know, Lisa has no clue who the hell he is and told us to get ready to run just in case." Brian whispered back.

"Let's just attack him, he doesn't look strong." Bitch replied without even making an attempt at whispering.

"Do you seriously not know who Apeiron is?" Aisha said finally deciding to make herself known.

Panicking Reagent whipped around trying to find Aisha. Bitch on the other hand sent a signal to her dogs to find the invisible cape.

"Who the fuck said that?" Brian let out in a tone Aisha knew all to well.

Figuring she could have some fun at his expense Aisha let out, "Don't you recognize your own sister's voice?"

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but if you think threatening my sister will get you anywhere you are fucking asking for it!" Brian shouted out while trying to find Aisha.

The nagging feeling in Aisha's mind finally clicked. Brian shouldn't even recognize he has a sister when she is in full Lethe mode. Something is seriously wrong here. Exiting stealth mode Bitch sicked her dogs onto Aisha. As the armor was rated at Behemoth levels she had no fear of injury. In fact it appeared the dogs came out worse for wear from the brief encounter.

"Seriously hold the fuck on for on second. Brian listen to my fucking voice, I am Aisha."


. . . . .

"I didn't know Aisha was your sister Brian. It does make sense now that I think about it. Living with her dad and brother, figuring out who I am . . ."

"Focus, we have more important things to discuss than Grue's family drama." Tattletale said in a tired voice. "So Aisha and you are from another Earth Bet where we teamed up due to the voice in your head saying it was a good idea. In that world you are a S-rank tinker and arch nemesis of fucking Dragon and the entirety of the local Protectorate. You entered through a portal that exists inside a tinkertech cardboard box while looking for a lid that allows this dimension to be sealed from your own."

"Yup, that about sums it up." Joe said absentmindedly. He was seemingly still stuck on Aisha's connection to Brian.

"I am so not fucking with an S rank tinker so go find your damn lid and leave us alone."

"I'll help." Taylor, apparently known as Skitter in this dimension, quietly said ignoring Tattletale's proclamation.

. . . . .

With Taylor/Skitter finding the lid was laughably easy. It slipped into a storm drain, but the cardboard showed Apeiron quality even with naturally flimsy materials. Thanking Taylor/Skitter Aisha and Joe went back to Earth Bet 1.

"That was interesting." Aisha said as Joe closed the box to Earth Bet A.

"Yeah, I wonder where the other boxes lead?"

"Other boxes?"

"If you would have finished listening to my speech I would have told you about them."

"How many are there Joe?"

"I guess around 1200. I never bothered to count as they kept multiplying every time one was made."

"So, now that we know what they do want to see what is in the others?" Aisha asked expectantly.

"Why not, what's the worst that can happen."

. . . . .

Inventor (Futurama) 600 Points:
You are a brilliant (if eccentric) Inventor. You can (within reason) create nearly anything you can imagine if you put in the time. You have a cabinet full of doomsday devices and would be more than capable of slapping together Reverse Scuba Suits for fish or Death Clocks.
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Dadpeiron (But What If It Was A PHO Interlude Instead?) (readerdreamer)
Dadpeiron (But What If It Was A PHO Interlude Instead?)


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♦ Topic: Apeiron and the Wards Public Event (Live Reaction Thread)
In: Boards ► Places ► Brockton Bay ► Apeiron
(Original Poster) (Verified PRT Agent)
Posted On Apr 29th 2011:
Alright, you guys should already know how this goes. This thread is for any commentary on the live stream involving Apeiron and the Wards, as per Apeiron's request. Just in case some of you don't know how to behave on this thread, here's a quick reminder:

1) Don't be rude. Fairly simple enough, be polite while posting on this thread. No verbal attacks, not to your fellow posters nor the capes involved in this event.
2) If you have questions for Apeiron, send them to our resident mod. In this case, the resident mod is Tin_Mother. We can't promise that they'll make it through the cut, and of course inane questions or ones that infringe on the subject of identities will be ignored. Remember however, we can only pass on the questions - if Apeiron refuses to answer, do not press.
3) Lastly, keep the memes off of this thread. I know that this may be asking for the impossible, but this thread is supposed to keep a certain standard. Reactions are fine, memes are not. We already have a meme thread created just for this event, so please post those memes there. Those that try to push it, well you have been warned.

The stream starts at 11 am. This thread will open by then.

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Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
My god, I know the picnic has just started, but already I'm getting very jealous of the food. Did the PRT decide to hire a five-star hotel to cater for this event or something? I won't be surprised if they did, considering how much they're obviously trying to pander for Apeiron.​
►Laser Augment
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
I don't know hw you missed it but Aperiron was anounced to be the one to make the food. I'm jelly too tho​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Never mind the food, have you seen how Vista's glared at Apeiron near the start of the event? The cameras have been avoiding her since then, but man does she look pissed.​
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
You must be imagining things. Vista wouldn't glare at our new Tinker Overlord now would she? After all, no one wants to be smote with another FTL ram. The sun must have gotten in her eyes, the poor thing, she must be missing the visor of her old costume design...​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Well, I'll certainly won't know to hide my glares if I was used to my eyes being hidden. Still, the new costume does look good on her. It was commissioned from Garment, wasn't it? It certainly fits her more than whatever designs they used before.​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Back to the subject of the food, Browbeat's certainly been eyeing the sandwiches since the event started. Can't blame the guy, those look positively divine...​
Ugh, why do I only have plain bread?​
►ClockFan (Banned)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Clockblocker looks so dashing as always!​
I really wish that he too can get a redesign. Let us see a bit of our hero's face!​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Ah, @ClockFan. Our newest cape groupie. Have you had enough of terrorizing poor Clockblocker's threads? Last I checked, he was so intimidated that he even stopped posting for a while because you kept stalking his activities.​
►ClockFan (Banned)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
I'm not stalking him, I'm just his biggest fan! And he's just misunderstood me, that's all! I just want to know more about him... know his sizes... maybe write a few fics involving Gallant and a female self-insert...​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
And that's the part where you creeped him out.​
Anyways, putting aside ClockFan's activities, anyone notice how everything about this event seems to be absurdly perfect? Like, Apeiron's a given, literally every frame involving him seems to be fit enough for a magazine, but for some reason even the camera crew seems to be getting into it. I haven't seen video of this quality for a long while now.​
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Maybe it's Apeiron just being Apeiron? Reverse Squealer Effect making even recordings of him beautiful now?​
►Mock Moniker
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
That must be terrifying to the PRT. I mean, at this point it's all but clear to see that Apeiron's getting stronger over time, but even his Reverse Squealer Effect? Would he just get more and more endlessly powerful at this rate?​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Well, Apeiron is indeed Greek for boundless and without limitations. And this name was apparently fitting enough a moniker for him that Apeiron chose it for himself.​
►Mock Moniker
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Oh, trust me, I know all about monikers. You can say it's literally my name.​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
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Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
I thought I was imagining it too, but Apeiron really did just imply that. But wasn't the running theory that he was a former Case 53? How is that even possible!?​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Well, if there was certainly any wonder on if Weld had balls of steel, this is certainly proof of it.​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Edit: Oh, they're adopted? That makes so much more sense now. Hey, would that make his "kids" Case 53 too, like he found himself some fellow Case 53s and decided to adopt them?​
►Forgotten Creator
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
@Tinker's Hoarder, YOU MIGHT WANT TO SEE THIS​
►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Don't worry, I am already analyzing it. But man, that dropship looks space-worthy. Would I be surprised if it could FTL too, no.​
►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Damn, he has a spaceship that's probably capable of FTL and he uses it to drop off his kids into a picnic with the Wards. As far as Cool Dad points go, nothing beats that.​
Also, we have first intros to his kids now. Survey, Fleet, and Tetra? They look like nice kids.​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Wait, so they've been helping Apeiron all this time then? I mean, Fleet just said that he worked on the drones. Does that mean that he helped make them, or that he helped drive them? And what does logistical support mean in Survey's case?​
►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Well, Apeiron's drones were definitely created on the field, he said that much. If Fleet helped with making the drones, he probably only helped Apeiron design them as well as whatever Apeiron uses to fabricate them on the field.​
But driving the drones sounds more likely, considering Fleet's pilot costume.​
►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Wait, so wouldn't that mean that Apeiron gave his kid what basically amounts to superpowered toys? Well, if weapons of mass destruction counts as toys in this case...​
It's a terrifying thought considering that kind of power in the hands of a teenager, but who knows? Maybe Fleet is the responsible sort and Apeiron decided to trust him on that as a result.​
As far as Dad Points though... Damn, Dadpeiron's showing up every cape father at this rate.​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
It wouldn't be the first time Apeiron showed anyone up at any rate.​
But if Fleet is the one who manages Apeiron's machines in combat... Consider the recordings we have of the last ABB fight. Apeiron released countless drones, as well as multiple Tripredacus Guardians, into the city. Even assuming some kind of autopilot support, considering the sheer battlefield control and assessment those drones and Guardians showed when they were deployed...​
Maybe Apeiron isn't the only bullshit Tinker on the team.​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
As if Apeiron wasn't terrifying enough... Still, do you guys remember how Apeiron located all of the conscripts and their bombs during the last attack, with live updates? Maybe that was Survey's "logistical work"?​
I won't be surprised too if her work also covered helping Fleet pilot the drones and Tripredacus Guardians.​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
One bullshit Tinker to make bullshit robots and drones, another bullshit Tinker to help pilot them, and what looks like a powerful Thinker to coordinate all their efforts and analyze the battlefield. If this is Apeiron's secret on how he's so super-competent, I won't be surprised.​
In that case though, what does Tetra do? Anyone have any ideas?​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
According to the ongoing interview, he's some kind of Brute.​
In that case though, why doesn't he join Apeiron in the frontlines? In my opinion, this could be because as a Case 53, he only got cured very recently. And Apeiron's healing tech can temporarily break down under heavy damage, right? That could be one more reason why Apeiron didn't want Tetra to fight.​
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
I've just realized something. Tetra. That means the fourth, with no relation whatsoever to Tetra's supposed Brute powerset. Doesn't this sound like some kind of numerical designation among Apeiron's children, turned into Tetra's cape name? First kid, second kid, third kid, and so on.​
But we only have three kids. We don't know which numbers Fleet and Survey are, but that still leaves one kid missing.​
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►Mock Moniker
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Well, there's whoever supposedly drove the frigging mech that fought Lung. Sure, Fleet could've controlled that too, but I don't know which is more terrifying: that Fleet's list of "toys" includes Endbringer-sized mechs, or that this missing kid was the reason why the mech managed to appear out of nowhere and as well as giving it the ability to disappear just as easily.​
And remember that field repair too? Apeiron had been nowhere near that thing when it happened. That means that whoever drove the mech has a potentially stronger version of Apeiron's Shaker repair ability along with whatever Stranger ability they might have.​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
...I think you just added to the nightmares of the local PRT charter. It's odd that I have to say this, but maybe the super-powerful mech with super-powerful weapons also had super-powerful stealth tech combined with super-powerful self-repair tech? Apeiron could do that right?​
...we haven't seen the missing kid, and god, in retrospect how did the space ship disappear and why haven't I thought about this before? Maybe it is a super powerful Stranger/Shaker on Apeiron's team after all...​
►ClockFan (Banned)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
I don't care about any of that! Cameras, when will you show my Clocklover again? I can't see him!​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
You know, ClockFan, if there's anything admirable about you it's that you certainly have a one-track mind. Multiple people on this thread are having breakdowns over Apeiron's team and the potential powers of his kids, and you're more concerned over Clockblocker's screentime?​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Who cares about Clockblocker and his stalker, I think I just saw Vista heading for Apeiron's way earlier before the cameras turned to Apeiron's kids. Look, I know the interview is important, but guys! Notice it!​
►Reave (Original Poster) (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Too late, Vista just finished talking with him, and nobody but Clockblocker realized it until it was over. Nobody managed to record their talk either.​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
How did all of you even manage to fail a fifteen-minute talk? Because that's how long it was! And why didn't Clockblocker speak up earlier!​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
@SenorEel, I dunno why didn't you speak up earlier as well? If you noticed Vista approaching from the very beginning, why didn't you post about it earlier?​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Actually. I... Huh.​
Why didn't I talk about it earlier? I was about to, I had my eyes on Vista the entire time after the way she was glaring at Apeiron, but somehow it didn't come to me to inform someone to interrupt or record their conversation until just a moment ago.​
►ClockFan (Banned)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Why didn't Clockblocker interrupt them! He would've gotten so much focus from the cameras!​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Our theories over Fleet are confirmed. He's indeed the one that pilots Apeiron robots. And god, that was Fleet? Fleet was the one that shot Lung into space with a fucking FTL ramming maneuver?​
Yeah, it was amazing, but it was TERRIFYING too!​
►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Fleet sounds like a good kid, and he just called Apeiron Dadpeiron.​
I can't believe it but DADPEIRON IS CANON​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
And from the sounds of it, this Dadpeiron is also a Loverpeiron. I mean, there was no doubt, but Aunt Garment? And this Aunt Lethe? Maybe it's a love triangle?​
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►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Apr 29th 2011:​
Oh come off it, the Super Tinker just turned out to have a family as big and powerful as the friggin' local Protectorate and you're more concerned about the shipping?​
And everyone knows that Apeiron can satisfy both women! The man has two very dexterous hands, for the love of god!​
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And that was when Sveta shut down her laptop. The images Procto's answer had given her had been too graphic for her own sanity.
Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)Replied On Apr 29th 2011:I've just realized something. Tetra. That means the fourth, with no relation whatsoever to Tetra's supposed Brute powerset. Doesn't this sound like some kind of numerical designation among Apeiron's children, turned into Tetra's cape name? First kid, second kid, third kid, and so on.But we only have three kids. We don't know which numbers Fleet and Survey are, but that still leaves one kid missing.

Give a cookie to Dawgsmiles, that was some quick thinking that would probably terrify the PRT with the implication. What if Apeiron took under his wings (or worst, kidnapped) other case 53 children to test his healing tech on them ? And the 4th children died in the attempt ?
With Taylor/Skitter finding the lid was laughably easy. It slipped into a storm drain, but the cardboard showed Apeiron quality even with naturally flimsy materials. Thanking Taylor/Skitter Aisha and Joe went back to Earth Bet 1.

"That was interesting." Aisha said as Joe closed the box to Earth Bet A.

"Yeah, I wonder where the other boxes lead?"

"Other boxes?"

"If you would have finished listening to my speech I would have told you about them."

"How many are there Joe?"

"I guess around 1200. I never bothered to count as they kept multiplying every time one was made."

"So, now that we know what they do want to see what is in the others?" Aisha asked expectantly.

"Why not, what's the worst that can happen."

You fool! What have you done?! You have drawn the gaze of The Council of Joe! Now none are safe!

The well-built part was mostly because, as far as I know, Joe isn't known to wear a costume with exaggerated proportions or Tinker Tech power armour. I'm pretty sure you can get a definition and a general outline of what he looks like from his costume.

Well, that and lets not forget now...before the Gundam even came out his costume was blasted to bits by the Lee/March combo. Meaning that after Tetra stitched him back together he was mostly naked ,and being recorded....or did everyone forget that part where Garmet cheekily reworks the ruined remains of his costume into discount barbarian chic?
I was also going to add the nanite matrix into the mix, but we don't actually have a name for them yet and any personality directly set. Tetra was also mostly in the background for this one as I have no precise base to work off of in terms of her actual personality. Maybe in future omakes, if I work on this setting again.
That's just like the baby from Incredibles 2. :p

Of course they are not going to let him out, like the others.

The baby is back home, where Lethe is babysitting him.

Your omake really gave off some Incredibles vibes. Family of wacky powered.
Dadpeiron is funny and all but I have a feeling that Joe would never do or say such thing. It's just not his personality, it's too embarrassing for him.
That's said, I loved your PHO writings readerdreamer. Can we have more? That meme thread make me laugh like an idiot just by imagine what is happening in there. They truly created an entire thread just to contain the memes?
You fool! What have you done?! You have drawn the gaze of The Council of Joe! Now none are safe!

Well, that and lets not forget now...before the Gundam even came out his costume was blasted to bits by the Lee/March combo. Meaning that after Tetra stitched him back together he was mostly naked ,and being recorded....or did everyone forget that part where Garmet cheekily reworks the ruined remains of his costume into discount barbarian chic?

I completely forgot his costume was mostly destroyed. Barbarian chic with half his mask broken. Honestly just makes it more anime, really.
By The Power of The Moon Stone (The Shallow)
By The Power of The Moon Stone
Aisha smiled as Joe opened the case.
"I really appreciate your help through all of this, so this is a gift. This is for emergencies, don't toy with it."
She smiled at the bracelet. It looked like it was made of a cheap plastic indigo resin, but still had an elegance to it. "What's it called?"
Joe picked it up and it unfolded into a large, elegant, indigo rapier. "Renhithvegil."
"It's my first try at compound names. Ren is remembrance. Hîth is fog. Megil is sword."
"Memory-fog sword?"
"Memory fog?"
"Right..." He flicked the sword and it changed colors... what color was that? She could not recognize it, she couldn't even describe it! It was outside all hues ever seen... "Irrigo. The color of forgotten corners. It's much like your power actually, except it steals memories rather than suppress them." Fog of that same color started manifesting around the sword as he gave it a spin "Of course, with all the rune-work, I've made it give those memories back. the 'Ren' allows it to connect to Ren, so it's mostly just a boost to your powers. AOE generalized confusion."
"Area of Effect." He twirled the blade in the opposite direction and the fog disappeared. A flick and it turned back was once more Indigo, rather than Irrigo.
"Right... Is that it?"
"You can use it to make copies of peoples memories if you stab them, but they're just on a databank I can later read. Also, focus on the blade."
She looked at it and it disintegrated into a shower of purple sparks, appearing in her hand. "Woah..."
"Soul Bound- not literally, but it's forever connected to you. Kinda like Beria."
She twirled it a bit "It's really cool..."
Joe seemed to grimace slightly "One last feature, which is only for emergency escape."
The Blade exploded out of her hand, growing into an elegant metallic unicorn. She gasped loudly. She immediately recognized the color scheme. "...Moondancer."
There was already an irrigo glow exiting the unicorn, but suddenly its plates turned irrigo too.
Joe cleared his throat "It will get you out of any situation, but Survey controls that feature, and will only activate it when she deems it necessary. It also interfaces with your Fleet in Beria to control the Wi- Unico-"
"Wish? Why were you going to call it a wish?"
"Unimportant. Fleet pilots the unicorn form, and much like you can call Renhithvegil to you, Renhithvegil can call you to it."
Aisha blinked as she took in all the information "This is so cool..."
Joe rolled his eyes "Well, lady Fallon, go live out your magical girl dream."
Aisha choked up "I already am."
Joe froze like a deer in headlights.
She sniffled a bit "Thanks, Joe, thanks a lot."
"Huh my comments really were accurate." She frowned, and he responded with a shit eating grin "You've gotta be Fallon, 'cuz Aisha Laborn calls me Jozef."
She giggled, and then stepped forward and gave the tinker a hug.
Is it wrong that I want Joe and Aisha to just hang out and be friends, without having to worry about anything popping up? Also it's both funny and sad that Joe's second best friend is a thirteen year old girl (while his first is Garment who is a sentient, sapient and sophont pair of gloves that are less than two months old) that basically barged into his life and superhero career.

If (read when) people find out (like her father) they are going to laugh or worse.
If (read when) people find out (like her father) they are going to laugh or worse.
I'm gonna have to go with "Worse." Laughter is not the first thing I imagine people doing when they discover a young girl is hanging out with a strange and unstable older man.

Aside from perception though, I don't think friendship is the most appropriate way to class their relationship in the first place. They aren't exactly peers of any sort. Which isn't to say what they have isn't positive. I think I'd class it more as a mentorship or something similar, cause Joe feels responsible for Aisha and tries to protect and guide her. Or, really, has his AIs guide her away from dumb choices as they come up, but still.