Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

V2 powerlevel's out of whack, that's why one of V3's objectives is to balance it by cutting those perks that are just ridiculously strong.
Why would they want to nerf it?
Do they know of the threats that exist in the multiverse?
Lucifer,Anti-spiral,Celestialsapiens,Featherine augustus aurora,Trigon,Mephisto,Dormammu,The One Below All,Ajimu Najimi(anshin'in-san),Magic Gods,Angels,Outsiders,Beasts,Types,the SCP's,The White Queen,YHVH,etc...
V2 powerlevel's out of whack, that's why one of V3's objectives is to balance it by cutting those perks that are just ridiculously strong.
Another problem I've seen with V2 is that there are perks that has nothing to do with crafting. There was a perk that gave you kage bunshin alonside chakra, another that gives you ben10 RV, harry potter books with a wand and some others.
Why would they want to nerf it?
Do they know of the threats that exist in the multiverse?
Lucifer,Anti-spiral,Celestialsapiens,Featherine augustus aurora,Trigon,Mephisto,Dormammu,The One Below All,Ajimu Najimi(anshin'in-san),Magic Gods,Angels,Outsiders,Beasts,Types,the SCP's,The White Queen,YHVH,etc...
What version of D.C. were you reading that had Lucifer as an antagonist?! I mean he wasn't the nicest guy I suppose, and the TV show certainly doesn't do the comic justice, but he was hardly in the same moral category as Mephisto as far as bad guys go.
What version of D.C. were you reading that had Lucifer as an antagonist?! I mean he wasn't the nicest guy I suppose, and the TV show certainly doesn't do the comic justice, but he was hardly in the same moral category as Mephisto as far as bad guys go.
Shin Megami Tensei Lucifer.
Probably other versions of him too.
Why would they want to nerf it?
Do they know of the threats that exist in the multiverse?
Lucifer,Anti-spiral,Celestialsapiens,Featherine augustus aurora,Trigon,Mephisto,Dormammu,The One Below All,Ajimu Najimi(anshin'in-san),Magic Gods,Angels,Outsiders,Beasts,Types,the SCP's,The White Queen,YHVH,etc...

There're perks that are pretty much "You Win against everything and it's Fiat backed." Those perks don't make good stories usually.
The idea of the Forge is a collection of crafting perks that don't directly give you power, but the means to achieve it through creation. There're plenty of perks that give you access to the means of handling those threats, but you gotta keep in mind, some of those threats you mentioned are a threat because they are meant to.

Another problem I've seen with V2 is that there are perks that has nothing to do with crafting. There was a perk that gave you kage bunshin alonside chakra, another that gives you ben10 RV, harry potter books with a wand and some others.

Yes, that's one of the other objectives, I wouldn't have that much problem with some, but e.g. the Kage Bunshin's only 100CP and the perk text insists you break it even further. Eh, the HP books are not that bad, they are a magical database, but if I remember right, they are too cheap for what they are and should have been divided into maybe two or three levels.
The real Harry Potter set of perks that make no sense in the Forge are the fifteen or so perks of items from the Make a Wish fanfiction.
Can Joe make a Transformer into a Big or vice-versa? Cause I'm wondering if when Joe finally gets the perk that gives him a Transformer body, if he's gonna up grade it. Because if his perks are still in effect on the Transformer body, and he gives it the upgrades that make a Big into a god-machine, then just what kind of OP would that be? And would any upgrades done to his Transformer body reflect back onto his flesh (kind of gone beyond just human now) body?
As someone who has no knowledge of the Fallen London setting, what can we expect of the Prismatic Laboratory? Magic lasers?
These posts give some info on that:

Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Have some handy links for capabilities. The long and short of it is that Fallen London lights and colors could let him become one hell of a Master and reality warper in the same stroke. That does kind of sleep on the fact that the fact he now has contacts with Devils and Rubbery Men, who can...

Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

To clarify the effects of the Neathbow colors are : IRRIGO - is the unremembered color, the light of absence. Exposure to it causes severe memory loss, overexposure to it can result in total ego death, and it can cause thick, bony plates to grow over one's eyes, creating disgusting eyeless...
While re-reading the fight scene, it was mentioned that the reason for the Dust inside Joe's body wasn't just because got into his wounds, it was blasted into his deep tissue along with Tetra. Does this mean that Tetra was infused with Dust as well, and if she was, what would the repercussions of that be? Would Life Fiber uber regeneration just push out or would she get a power boost?
While re-reading the fight scene, it was mentioned that the reason for the Dust inside Joe's body wasn't just because got into his wounds, it was blasted into his deep tissue along with Tetra. Does this mean that Tetra was infused with Dust as well, and if she was, what would the repercussions of that be? Would Life Fiber uber regeneration just push out or would she get a power boost?
We do see Joe using Tetra to Channel the dust, so it's possible that Tetra has gained/evolved the ability to act as a Dust Conduit and transfer device. Paired with Grament's abilities, Tetra is probably capable of dust weaving on her own flesh, allowing for some pretty interesting effects whether or not Tetra ever gains Aura use on her own. As I haven't touched Kill La Kill, I can't tell you what sort of upgrade or sidegrade this would be to her abilities, but it does mean that Tetra can likely hold tactical weapons grade effects in her flesh to be used at will.
We do see Joe using Tetra to Channel the dust, so it's possible that Tetra has gained/evolved the ability to act as a Dust Conduit and transfer device. Paired with Grament's abilities, Tetra is probably capable of dust weaving on her own flesh, allowing for some pretty interesting effects whether or not Tetra ever gains Aura use on her own. As I haven't touched Kill La Kill, I can't tell you what sort of upgrade or sidegrade this would be to her abilities, but it does mean that Tetra can likely hold tactical weapons grade effects in her flesh to be used at will.

As someone who has seen Kill La Kill, a Kamui has the power to turn a human into a human spaceship by the power of Anime Bullshit. In addition to, well, nigh immortality towards anything but another Kamui. So there is that.
As someone who has seen Kill La Kill, a Kamui has the power to turn a human into a human spaceship by the power of Anime Bullshit. In addition to, well, nigh immortality towards anything but another Kamui. So there is that.

They're also at least weakly adaptive on a more sophisticated level than just shifting through a transformation sequence - the rocket dress didn't come built in.
Well, past a certain age gap you kind of have to admit things get weird and inappropriate.

Actually, I'll amend that. If there's an age gap between an old person and an older person that's not really much of an issue. The real problem comes from adults interacting with the young and undeveloped; people who aren't yet physically/mentally mature, lack life experience, are inherently dependent on others to function in society, etc. Maybe there's some leeway with those approaching adulthood, but a middle schooler very much is not that, so Joe being friends with Aisha would still seem a bit yikes to me. Though as I said above, I think there are other positive relationship frameworks that work just fine for them.

I always get weirded out when people act like children and adults cannot be peers and insinuate that any relationship between adults and children is going to be sexual. I worked in my church when I was 10-14 and worked with adults, I even ended up coordinating functions later and had teens/adults work under me and they were my friends and peers and coworkers.

It's like Knightly times and knights had pages and squires with whom they would work with (or would work for them) and develop platonic co-worker relationships.

I'm not saying that Joe having such limited friends or if he were to try to rely on Aisha as his only form of human support that that would be in any way healthy for Joe or Aisha. I'm just saying that it seems weird that people think that children and adults should be isolated from eachother, or assume that something bad is/will happen in those cases.
I always get weirded out when people act like children and adults cannot be peers and insinuate that any relationship between adults and children is going to be sexual. I worked in my church when I was 10-14 and worked with adults, I even ended up coordinating functions later and had teens/adults work under me and they were my friends and peers and coworkers.

It's like Knightly times and knights had pages and squires with whom they would work with (or would work for them) and develop platonic co-worker relationships.

I'm not saying that Joe having such limited friends or if he were to try to rely on Aisha as his only form of human support that that would be in any way healthy for Joe or Aisha. I'm just saying that it seems weird that people think that children and adults should be isolated from eachother, or assume that something bad is/will happen in those cases.
I'm not saying that Joe and Aisha hanging out would be sexual or that anyone else would only interpret it as sexual, nor am I saying that adults and children ought to be isolated from one another.

I am only of the opinion that friendship isn't that appropriate between the two groups in general. I'm not going to pry into your personal life or make assumptions about it on my own, but having a good working relationship with someone doesn't sound the same as friendship to me. That goes for knights and pages to; I'm no history buff, but I'm fairly certain the boundaries of such a partnership would be distinctly different from a regular friendship.

And I say none of that with the intent to degrade such relationships as lesser or strictly professional or any other disparaging label. There are plenty of positive and fulfilling relationship types outside of friendship (and romance, I'll mention, because it's the other category so much of human experience gets shoved into). Maybe in the end what you and I are calling friendship are just different ideas from one another.
I am only of the opinion that friendship isn't that appropriate between the two groups in general. ...
Why? Can you give a reason, or is this just a "my puritanical upbringing says this" kinda deal?

ADDENDUM: Not that Aisha and Joe's relationship is a friendship. He is clearly her mentor.
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ADDENDUM: Not that Aisha and Joe's relationship is a friendship. He is clearly her magical animal companion.
Corrected this for you, though a transforming werewolf-dinosaur hybrid makes for a very weird mascot in Aisha's magical girl TV show.

Then again, she seems to be mixing the sci-fi genre with the magical girl genre ala Nanoha, and Joe is definitely better than Kyuubey in this case.
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Why? Can you give a reason, or is this just a "my puritanical upbringing says this" kinda deal?
I'll admit I don't have a prepared essay with explicitly laid out points, and as much as I say that jokingly I'm sure my argument would be a lot more persuasive if I took the time to articulate my beliefs like that. Call it laziness, a subconscious protection of my own biases, or just an inability to properly articulate an abstract social idea I haven't really written about before, but I just don't really feel like writing that up.

Still, I feel like the call to Puritanism reveals a bit of a misunderstanding here. I'll clarify, as I suppose I have not successfully done before, that I am not a supporter of preventing children and adults from having platonic relationships, nor am I a supporter of strictly controlling what specific types of relationships are the "okay" types, beyond a certain common sense threshold. (To further clarify, this appeal to common sense is only intended in reference to obvious taboos such as pedophillia and other exploitative relationships; our current discussion is not within such bounds, and so I hope not to give the impression that I am presenting my own view on the nuances of friendship within this discussion as "obvious" or "common sense.")

I'm pretty sure this all comes down to semantic bullshit, honestly. I'm sure there a plenty of relationships between children and adults that people call friendship that I would have no issue with; my issue lies in calling those relationships a friendship. A feel like using friendship as an umbrella term for close relationships built on mutual trust and platonic affection is overly simplistic, and in fact makes it harder to deal with the moralistic outrage of puritanistic folks.

Like, if I were to imagine myself having a more angry conservative viewpoint on this, I'd have been arguing that Joe shouldn't be chatting with Aisha at all; only interacting as long as is necessary to satisfy his responsibilities in regard to her. No IMAX movie time, no talking about personal stuff, etc. Puritan me would see that as friendship and demand it end, probably to be replaced with something more socially authoritarian.

I don't agree with that though. I think, within the odd set of circumstances Joe and Aisha have found themselves in which make it hard to equivocate their situation to more mundane examples, they're pretty okay. I'd liken it in some ways to being like siblings, personally close with some natural separation on account of differences in experiences and appropriate responsibilities. In other ways like something of a mentorship, with Joe feeling responsible for making sure Aisha doesn't go down a bad path, in as much as he doesn't have the right/ability to stop her against her will from risking her life. On a "professional" level, they could even be called peers of a sort since they're both capes and can relate to each other as such. And there's a lot of overlap with friendship there, but the areas in which their relationship does not overlap with the expectations of friendship are just as important. And I really do mean that in a positive sense. Joe doesn't trust Aisha with the full knowledge of his mental burdens as one might a close friend, imparting onto her a sense of social obligation to worry and be there for him in some way. Joe doesn't make himself a part of Aisha's life in equal part to how she's made herself a part of his, as one might with a friend. Joe makes it clear that Aisha is not really a teammate/peer to Apieron and her actions as a cape (while allowed) are subject to his (and his clones and AIs) judgement on when it is appropriate for her to engage, as opposed to how one might treat a partnership with a trusted friend. And this all good, because Aisha is an irresponsible inexperienced middle school girl who does not need all this cape bullshit blended with the ordinary experiences/social development of someone her age.
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