Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

50 hours till update probably...
It's a shame that there probably won't be points/perks earned during the interlude but I am curious to see what Lord is planning to wrap up the whole fight. Honestly i just like to see the various characters be in awe/fear Joe since that's pure indulgent power fantasy for me, but I know Lord will actually have the reactions and interludes mean something as well. I'm still excited to see what things will be like after Joe pretty much secured his reputation as the most powerful parahuman in Brockton Bay capable of beating a team of powerful and synergistic parahumans who prepped and did everything to kill him and seeing them still absolutely get bodied. I believe Lord said something about a lot of stuff on Ao3 so lots of cool WoG there, as well as in the TV tropes page for BCF.
Checking the perk list sheet, the pagian 600 perk went into my list of most wanted perks for the awsome music Joe could have in the background. For those of you who dont know there is a soundtrack perks for this specific media: Ace combat, rwby, Halo, Sabaton, Bayonetta, Cavestory, Chrono trigger, God of War, Indiana Jones, MCU, Van Helsing and The Witcher.

In my head I already have in mind two songs that I would beg to be in the fic

The first one would be the ace combat song "daredevil"

and the second without a doubt would be the Warthog run from Halo

I just think this two songs would go perfect for Joe in an epic battle against Huge or powerful opponents like the endbringers while he brings all his best tech as possible

I wanna ask you guys with this list what would be the songs you would love to see appear in the fic with this perk?
Or Maybe you have a cis fantasy, are determined to ignore all evidence to the contrary, and are doing the "I hate being reminded that trans people exist" thing that gamer dudes on the internet are prone to. /s

in all seriousness, how does someone talking about their headcanon give activism a bad name? Especially when it was clearly presented as a joke. Also, what evidence is there that Joe is cis? This story takes place around the start of Worm, which takes place in 2011, so there's a pretty decent chance that Joe has Never encountered the idea that you can be trans or non-binary in the first place.
Jozef has a boy's name, is referred to internally and externally as male, and has made no reference to having lifelong experience with dysphoria. Indeed, his training with Tetra is the first time he's looked at the mirror - or potion clones - and experienced 'is that really me'? So he's never taken hormones or gotten drastic surgery. There's no talk of breast binding. There's no mention of using potions to finally feel right in his skin through breast reduction, enabling penile function, or flat-out gender-swapping. There's no mention of having to be careful with drug interactions due to needing both hormones and mood meds.

Despite running from his issues all his life until finally finding a good shrink, there was no mention or hint of the complications that being trans would add to his family being bullying assholes to him.

There's nothing to suggest he's anything other than an XY male who feels comfortable with his sex of birth, and if he was trans there's plenty of places in the fic where that should have had presence.

But Muffin wants to project a trans fantasy, and leapt upon "Joe could be short for Josephine" to smug/educate randomecringey about how Joe could totally be trans because Joe thinks of himself as Joe and not Jozef and 'Joe' is such a feminine nickname.

The smugness and 'let me educate you' is what makes Muffin come across as insufferable. I mean, it's not like trans takes on characters are underrepresented in fanfiction: There's plenty of it out there for everyone to enjoy. Heck, Muffin could write an omake where Joe explains to the audience that he was trans all along, and LordRoustabout would be entirely capable of adding it to the apocrypha tab with the rest, for anyone reading this thread to find again when they wish to. But still much smug, very insufferable, give own side bad rep.
So I found this section in a WoG:
Joe IS from Gundam now (thanks to having the perk), meaning he has the capacity to become a newtype if exposed to space conditions and Minovski particles for a long enough period. He hasn't personally reached space yet, but enough exposure could do it. Synchronicity Event could also boost his 'latent' potential to at least the level of a weak newtype.

What are newtypes? Can someone explain?
So I found this section in a WoG:
Joe IS from Gundam now (thanks to having the perk), meaning he has the capacity to become a newtype if exposed to space conditions and Minovski particles for a long enough period. He hasn't personally reached space yet, but enough exposure could do it. Synchronicity Event could also boost his 'latent' potential to at least the level of a weak newtype.

What are newtypes? Can someone explain?
Im not too familiar with the gundam lore, what exactly are newtypes? are they something Joe could used in the future of gundam or mech creations?
well. cringe you are a gundam fan from the discord. How do you not know? sorry, my UC favoritism is showing

but for clarification, not really. we have general ideas about newtype strength, but this only really matters in the context of how much funnels you can use. the actually relevant stuff is done via psychoframe garbage which basically ignores newtype power level.
The WoG makes them seem like psychics. What kind of abilities do they have and how does that relate to being exposed to space?
That's a bit ignorant of you. Let me help you out, mate.
Shrugs, personally I seen/heard Joe as masculine and Jo used as feminine. Wikipedia agrees with me so I can't be the only one who thought that way.

What are newtypes? Can someone explain?
Better reflexes, spatial awareness, and minor psychic abilities IIRC. Danger sense and Sense other newtype is what I remember from the wiki.
well. cringe you are a gundam fan from the discord. How do you not know? sorry, my UC favoritism is showing

but for clarification, not really. we have general ideas about newtype strength, but this only really matters in the context of how much funnels you can use. the actually relevant stuff is done via psychoframe garbage which basically ignores newtype power level.
i am a Gundam 00 fan no the whole gundam franchise

so no hard limits then
is there any limitations as i am unfamiliar with it

The idea behind newtypes is that they are an evolution in response to Humanity reaching Space

The characteristics are:

1) High degree of focus and spacial awareness
2) A 6th sense aimed at sensing hostile intent allowing for quick reactions
3) a few have Telepathy and Psychokinesis
4) Apparently but i haven't had a physical copy monkeys can also develop newtype abilities.

TLDR: Weak Force abilities

They are not actually that strong in comparison to Joe now.

They become dangerous when synergized with technology that allows them use their relative weak powers to be used in war like the psycho comps which basically gives them drones controlled by mind beams.

Later editions go full superpower master race in that they could legitimately pull of miracles including space warping and channeling emotions of the dead or something.
Better reflexes, spatial awareness, and minor psychic abilities IIRC. Danger sense and Sense other newtype is what I remember from the wiki.
you know space and time? basically newtypes can ignore that at peak levels to communicate ideas on a telepathic and empathic level. this is the basic passive stuff, but you get legit time travel later on
Awesome! With the addition of F.E.A.R psionics abilities, possibly the X-Com psionic abilities, Raildex Esper powers, the possibility of Joe becoming a force sensitive from Synchronicity Event, and the biotic powers from the eezo that's gonna be added to his body during the operation, Joe is gonna be a psychic powerhouse especially if those powers stack!

I'm probably missing a few more things including some partial psychic-like powers Joe has like Dragon Pulse and other future perks.
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The idea behind newtypes is that they are an evolution in response to Humanity reaching Space

The characteristics are:

1) High degree of focus and spacial awareness
2) A 6th sense aimed at sensing hostile intent allowing for quick reactions
3) a few have Telepathy and Psychokinesis
4) Apparently but i haven't had a physical copy monkeys can also develop newtype abilities.

TLDR: Weak Force abilities

They are not actually that strong in comparison to Joe now.

They become dangerous when synergized with technology that allows them use their relative weak powers to be used in war like the psycho comps which basically gives them drones controlled by mind beams.

Later editions go full superpower master race in that they could legitimately pull of miracles including space warping and channeling emotions of the dead or something.
sir thats where you are wrong. its all thematic stuff like spiral. spiral is personal growth in its rawest form. Newtypes are the rawest form of communication regardless of any actual barrier on a thematic scale which is what joe would be pulling from due to being injected to as lord said "the raw shonen levels of studio trigger." Weak newtype at this point is way beyond anything kamille or judo would be pulling at their peaks.
the limits only exist as to whether the character is ready to communicate on that level. the canon weakest newtype you ever really see on a real level is char, and char is bullshit on spatial awareness and feeling levels, so really the level stuff is mostly arbitrary when under the psychoframe
The idea behind newtypes is that they are an evolution in response to Humanity reaching Space

The characteristics are:

1) High degree of focus and spacial awareness
2) A 6th sense aimed at sensing hostile intent allowing for quick reactions
3) a few have Telepathy and Psychokinesis
4) Apparently but i haven't had a physical copy monkeys can also develop newtype abilities.

TLDR: Weak Force abilities

They are not actually that strong in comparison to Joe now.

They become dangerous when synergized with technology that allows them use their relative weak powers to be used in war like the psycho comps which basically gives them drones controlled by mind beams.

Later editions go full superpower master race in that they could legitimately pull of miracles including space warping and channeling emotions of the dead or something.
so nothing THAT special other with out the psychoframe then
so nothing THAT special other with out the psychoframe then
i know this is double posting, but i just remembered that the setting we are in is worm. the series where humans basically live with just flaws and no benefits. this is primarily shown via people not talking to each other and stuff or finding simple solutions to stuff.

in the context of a cycle or really worm as a whole, newtypes are the actual end of everything. all the things that start conflict are generally impossible under a newtype as they just know whats going on with you even if you lie like char in chars counterattack. basically its just like letting in actual telepaths to worm, but they have optimism written into the plot.
in the context of a cycle or really worm as a whole, newtypes are the actual end of everything. all the things that start conflict are generally impossible under a newtype as they just know whats going on with you even if you lie like char in chars counterattack. basically its just like letting in actual telepaths to worm, but they have optimism written into the plot.

Or it could lead to worse stratification than what is already happening in Worm with Capes and Humans.

The term for non-enhanced humans are old-types and as the series progressed the best gundams and war technology in general needed a newtype to use it. Newtypes tend to be war assets and there are multiple cases of artificially creating newtypes with terrible inhumane experiments.

Remeber that while the Gundam series has optimistic ideals it also has a lot of really dark and messed-up stuff that would fit right in with worm.
i know this is double posting, but i just remembered that the setting we are in is worm. the series where humans basically live with just flaws and no benefits. this is primarily shown via people not talking to each other and stuff or finding simple solutions to stuff.

in the context of a cycle or really worm as a whole, newtypes are the actual end of everything. all the things that start conflict are generally impossible under a newtype as they just know whats going on with you even if you lie like char in chars counterattack. basically its just like letting in actual telepaths to worm, but they have optimism written into the plot.
You said newtype is both telepath and empath?

Wow, yeah, newtypes basically give top-tier communication skills or at least cheats it which is something all parahumans and humans can benefit from. It's also something Joe needs.

I think it's really interesting since Worm doesn't have any true telepaths and the only empath IIRC is Gallant who was a vial cape. Proper communication and empathy in their parahumans seems to be something Earth Bet can't allow naturally.
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