Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Cool fight. Much epic, such wow. I could write a laundry list of everything I loved and how I was trembling with adrenaline while reading, but that wouldn't be anything new. This fic's just that awesome, even if that last chapter was a classic Take to 11.
Now. The most important question: with Apeiron confirmed as a Genuine Lizard Wizard, when will The Family contract him for some decor work?
I know maybe it is too late to ask that question and it is probably answered somewhere here or on the discord, but
When March was about to split Joe from his head, was his face exposed to the world?
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He still had half of his mask on, apparently. No telling if that was enough...
Even if his face was revealed to the world, so what? Who's gonna try to intimidate the next triumvirate level cape? There is some delicious drama to be had from his familiy's interactions to his alter ego, though... probably nothing so cliche as kidnapping, but more rather the semi obligation his family might try to force on him should they know he's aperion.
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So, can we suggest perks for the forge? I thought the possible perks were already set in stone.

If yes, Reddit has a Fate/Apocrypha jump that has the perk below:

200 – Black Boxed – Sure, sharing your stuff is all well and good…but on the off chance you want to keep a few things to yourself, or make sure you're not expendable, this is the option for you. Now, regardless of analysis or how long you've actually worked with someone on your projects, nobody else can reverse engineer or even fully use anything you've developed or made if you don't want them to. You can include and exclude people at will and at any time – up to you if one day somebody's an expert with your stuff, the next they can't even figure out how to turn it on.

Which would solve all of Joe's worries about other people revese engineering or using his tech, the best part is that it is selective, so it would still alow him to have assistants. The jump also has a perk to build stuff in secrecy and another to mix magic and tech.
You said newtype is both telepath and empath?

Wow, yeah, newtypes basically give top-tier communication skills or at least cheats it which is something all parahumans and humans can benefit from. It's also something Joe needs.

I think it's really interesting since Worm doesn't have any true telepaths and the only empath IIRC is Gallant who was a vial cape. Proper communication and empathy in their parahumans seems to be something Earth Bet can't allow naturally.
Nope.. True telepathy is within the powers of shards... At least it was alluded too in worm.
they apparently were capable of it but then shifted all of it into the adjustment to new species stuff or something based on the wog. it basically said they had telepathy and then broke it up or discarded it. no idea why, but that may have been contradicted in worm or ward.
Well, anyone with telepathy will be too close to the truth of the cycle as they will be able to access the memory of the trigger event blocked by the shards; also they will see other shards influence in their hosts' brains in action.
Based on LordR said about Marche
Is there even going to be anything of the motoroid left? I know there was some discussion about what would happen to it, that it would most likely be taken in by the PRT or Dragon. But if Marche blew its power core up to create a portal to shardspace, then wouldn't the motoroid be broken/blown up enough in to small pieces to be reassembled in the warehouse due to fiat?

Also I seem to really be into Joe becoming a Transformer cause I keep thinking about its effects in story. Such as this: if the motoroid fell under the effect of the Fashion fiat due to counting as heavy armor, then would any vehicle with a motoroid form now count if it fit Joe's Transformer alt-body? All the shenanigans that went into the motoroid bike could then be applied to nearly all of his vehicles!
If there's anything that I've come to understand about this fic's readers that in general from all these comments, they're very bloodthirsty. Anything short of loss of limb and certified death don't seem to be enough for them, reasoning that if these characters don't die then they're guaranteed to come back to become worse problems.

It's almost as though Worm and Ward hasn't shown enough people coming back to life if the author really wanted them to come back and become threats again. Just look at the S9000 arc and the first batch of Titans from Ward. Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they are guaranteed to cease to be an issue, so why stress over March's condition? In the end, it's really on LordRoustabout's decision on whether she comes back again to become a nightmare, or if the charter of her appearances in story ends with the denoument of this arc.
More how March and the other antagonists are portrayed anything less than that is guaranteed to be a minor obstacle. With anyone going against Joe getting a major power boost we have people like Bakuda making a grenade that gave her back her limbs, it might be cancer but it get them up and running. And who knows what Leet can do if he gets his megaproject working (almost a certainty).

While death might not be the end of a character, anything less than maiming is a guarantee they will cause problems later on. And can you even say those readers are wrong in their assumptions?

From how March is played if she can talk and communicate effectively she can turn any group of decent scrubs into a slaughterhouse 9 contender with a little effort so long as Joe is involved.
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Based on LordR said about Marche
Is there even going to be anything of the motoroid left? I know there was some discussion about what would happen to it, that it would most likely be taken in by the PRT or Dragon. But if Marche blew its power core up to create a portal to shardspace, then wouldn't the motoroid be broken/blown up enough in to small pieces to be reassembled in the warehouse due to fiat?

Also I seem to really be into Joe becoming a Transformer cause I keep thinking about its effects in story. Such as this: if the motoroid fell under the effect of the Fashion fiat due to counting as heavy armor, then would any vehicle with a motoroid form now count if it fit Joe's Transformer alt-body? All the shenanigans that went into the motoroid bike could then be applied to nearly all of his vehicles!
While I'm confused why you put your first comment in spoilers since it doesn't contain any of the spoilers that Lord has wrote I will reply to them in spoilers.

EDIT: I reread it again and it contained something about March.
To be honest I don't know why many people are convinced that the PRT will retrieve the motoroid remains successfully nor am I convinced they will learn something worthwhile while it is with them should they succeed in retrieving it.
He kept talking about the Docks, the container yard. His motorcycle crashed there, and the other ABB…"

"We'll deal with it. Here. Get him onto the medical bed."
This has implied that the clones (likely the new clone set) will retrieve the wreckage, also Joe can sense where his tech is so this is not a problem for the clones I guess.
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More how March and the other antagonists are portrayed anything less than that is guaranteed to be a minor obstacle. With anyone going against Joe getting a major power boost we have people like Bakuda making a grenade that gave her back her limbs, it might be cancer but it get them up and running. And who knows what Leet can do if he gets his megaproject working (almost a certainty).

While death might not be the end of a character, anything less than maiming is a guarantee they will cause problems later on. And can you even say those readers are wrong in their assumptions?

From how March is played if she can talk and communicate effectively she can turn any group of decent scrubs into a slaughterhouse 9 contender with a little effort so long as Joe is involved.
The thing about Worm is that threats are abundant as all hell. You would think that with March out of the picture, nothing can threaten Joe?

Not at all. Remember, S-Rank threats come as a list, not as a bunch of exceptions. There are at least three potential S-rank threats in the Bay currently, from the Butcher, to Noelle, to Blasto if his hand is forced. And that's only counting threats to general life - to Joe specially, Dragon can be considered an S-rank threat, and so should Leet at this point.

Then there's the potential threats that we know would come at some point. The S9, the Endbringers, Cauldron - the big three groups that all fics tend to surround on in the lategame when it comes to story telling. And between the S-rank threats, you can also get the oddities - people with powers so strange and weird that in the right situation, they could be threats to Joe. You can count most Masters and Strangers here, as well as the odd Shaker or Striker.

Joe gives off the illusion of invincibility because we often compare him to the E88 or the ABB. The thing is, neither of these groups are true representatives to what could count for as threats to him, much less the people he cares for who are by magnitudes a lot more vulnerable and squishier. It's like Alexandria in canon - seemingly undefeatable, at least until Skitter choked her with bugs. All in all, the thing is, it doesn't have to be March to challenge Joe. People have simply become too narrowly focused on her, even as they ironically say they detest her and want to see no more of her.

And in the end, it's less a matter of whether March could come back and more of a question on whether we trust LordRoustabout to know where he's going with his story. And it's not even close to over yet - it hasn't even been a month in terms of in-story progress, with plenty of plot threads left untied. I would say that after all his efforts in writing this much, people could at least learn to be more patient and wait for the relevant interludes before making assumptions and raising complaints about them.
This got me thinking. We know that others can learn fullmetal alchemist stuff by watching the MC and other stuff. What I mean is that reality of this worm verse is becoming more and more anime/high fantasy/ high tech/ high end wuxia/etc.
So even without a cheating shard(s) saying that this is now allowed I could believe if some ridiculous stuff will happen to capes even without shards influence.
From capes trying to better they roleplay, costumes and etc. From return enemies. We see that stuff 10000 times in anime and other medias.
So first someone trigger. Then it become a cyborg/zombie and etc. Then it become a mess of other stuff.

The funny thing is give enough time the MC don't need to anything more. Because there a aura user with a simulated anime clothes already. Give enough time and will be more:D
edit: We can see anime like rivals, love stories surging. And even odder stuff. Like:
(below a plan full of moving parts that only a shard could love)
the S9 taking all those lung meat out there in the sea 'convince' blasto or doing what they did to have army of clones lungs. They just need to put in a bubble of 'accelerate time' and
convince 'someone'
to bust it. (in the anime sense) it would be funny because as numberman clones show they don't need to act like the original one. So they can have multiple cyborg/enhanced Lungs trying to show themselves as the biggest Ham or anime villains. And that is just one thing that is possible to do even with 'just' shards allowing.
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If there's anything that I've come to understand about this fic's readers that in general from all these comments, they're very bloodthirsty. Anything short of loss of limb and certified death don't seem to be enough for them, reasoning that if these characters don't die then they're guaranteed to come back to become worse problems.

It's almost as though Worm and Ward hasn't shown enough people coming back to life if the author really wanted them to come back and become threats again. Just look at the S9000 arc and the first batch of Titans from Ward. Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they are guaranteed to cease to be an issue, so why stress over March's condition? In the end, it's really on LordRoustabout's decision on whether she comes back again to become a nightmare, or if the charter of her appearances in story ends with the denoument of this arc.
People also seem to forget that characters can change narrative roles over time. Assuming both that March lives and that she returns to narrative relevance at some point thereafter, there is no guarantee that she will return as a major antagonist once again. There are plenty of other places in the narrative she could occupy to interesting effect without being a direct challenge to Joe.
Cool fight. Much epic, such wow. I could write a laundry list of everything I loved and how I was trembling with adrenaline while reading, but that wouldn't be anything new. This fic's just that awesome, even if that last chapter was a classic Take to 11.
Now. The most important question: with Apeiron confirmed as a Genuine Lizard Wizard, when will The Family contract him for some decor work?

Was that a Taylor Varga reference? Is someone going to make a BCF Taylor Varga Omake?