Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So, everybody seems pretty aware of upcoming plot-points like cleaning up the city's fallout from Bakuda/Apeiron tech, the dismantling of the ABB and end of the gang war, and the duel plots of Coil/Undersider's and Dragon/D-Slayers attempting to use the magnificent Iron Pie. But what about the one I know I forgot about twice. And haven't seen mentioned in a while.

Apeiron got a digital invitation from the Number Man while they were dueling over ABB finances. He doesn't seem to have thought about it since, but there are a lot of potential paths this road could take. The simplest (and perhaps most likely) of course is an offer of services. The Number Man can be fairly mercenary that way, and it'd also be an easy way to keep an eye on a rising star that might've made him actually try.

On the other hand, Cauldron is basically propping up Earth Bet heavily for the purposes of making more Capes and keeping them organized (where a collapsed feudal society might have even more Parahumans, but no way to wrangle them against EB's or Zion). Their most favored tool is of course the PRT and similar organizations, but they're also partly responsible for keeping the world economy too, via Contessa and the Number Man right? If too many nations went for economic independence (and from there to isolation) or collapsed under the weight of their needs, there would be war and eventually the same Feudal situation. Hence keeping the 'modern' world on life support so that it's institutions and social structures keep Parahuman control relatively stream-lined.

And here comes this Tinker that by now is showing signs of inducing 'quality' in whatever they put their hands on, not just technology. Miraculous talent in manipulating systems doesn't just grow on trees, and the other ideal manipulator of the world is an AI neither optimized for the task, but also crippled by innate and learned restrictions. Apeiron however seems to be a mercenary that while bound by his own set of morals is also willing to get their hands dirty for them (the truth being that he's just been flying by the seat of his pants since the beginning of course). Cauldron wouldn't have to reveal much of their true nature and objectives to pitch a recruitment for one of their side-projects (that is, propping of failing systems of society), and they can do so without revealing more then what should already be obvious to an individual capable of making the Number Man try. That there is another, deeper group in control of World Economics then Watch Dog, and that said group has not gone about acting maliciously, if anything being the opposite in how things are still running despite the routine destruction of major industrial centers by EB's, or one of the world's largest natural/workforce resources cutting themselves off (China turning into the CUI).

Or it could be something else. But looking some more into the background of how Bet really is one massive experiment, rigged and fought over by different factions (made by the Entities, altered by Cauldron, now a power-struggle between Cauldron, the EB's, the Shards standard conflict drive, and possibly some others like the CUI) would be quite interesting, and something a Cape like Joe could actually breakdown unlike a street-fighter, gang-warlord, or Thinker depending on Shard contrivances and limitations.
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People also seem to forget that characters can change narrative roles over time. Assuming both that March lives and that she returns to narrative relevance at some point thereafter, there is no guarantee that she will return as a major antagonist once again. There are plenty of other places in the narrative she could occupy to interesting effect without being a direct challenge to Joe.


March redemption arc when
I found an audio book version that has been quite enjoyable listening while buried in spreadsheet analysis for the past couple of weeks. As such, the perks from Lord of Light will be included in the roll tables once the interludes are completed.

Wow, I'm honored that LordRoustabout followed my suggestion, and happy that he enjoyed the book. Hope it encourage others to read it as well, it's an award winning classic of the Science Fantasy genre. I just wonder if Joe will be able to duplicate the reincarnation machines that are the basis of their society, because that would be (as it was in that setting) an immense game changer to say the least. 'Course, that's wet tinkering, so Joe may go no no...

So, can we suggest perks for the forge? I thought the possible perks were already set in stone.

For the most part, all perks are drawn from Version 1 of the Celestial Forge, but there is an approved list from that version as a whole the LordRoustabout draws from, which are all the possible perks that are from settings he is familiar with. He has been working to expand the approved list, most recently by playing Splatoon and watching Strike Witches and Inukami (the latter of which was evidently a painful experience for poor LordR.) So any suggestions should probably come from the Celestial Forge 1st edition, and be on the order of "this setting is easy to learn and digest" rather than how fun the perk would be. (like, personally, I would enjoy seeing the Maker's Prodigy/Maker perk, but the setting it's from is a rather long and grim video game). The link to a nice version of the Forge is here: Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference

The perks he is currently drawing from are in the leftmost bottom tab, the unapproved but possible perks are included in the tab third from the left.

The only other perks he has added were the "Fate Finds You Interesting" perk that expanded on the Child of Hephaestus perk, and in future he will add a new constellation that has capstone perks, some of which are not currently in the forge.

Edit: Well, I suppose he also adds free perks from the jumpchain docs that are not listed in the original versions of the Forge. Did he do this from the very start? Because I don't remember seeing them in earlier chapters, and I think some of those jumpchains did have free perks....
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So any suggestions should probably come from the Celestial Forge 1st edition, and be on the order of "this setting is easy to learn and digest" rather than how fun the perk would be. (like, personally, I would enjoy seeing the Maker's Prodigy/Maker perk, but the setting it's from is a rather long and grim video game). The link to a nice version of the Forge is here: Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference

Fun! Don't forget fun. Fun video game. But yeah, the lore can be...convoluted in that game. >.> Still haven't beaten the 4th one and am still not entirely sure of what all hells going on...although it -would- be funny to add another hell he could potentially have he got the Bayonnetta perks, did that throw in Bayonnetta heaven/hell verse into the world as well? Or would that need some actual powers of well, powers/crafting for it to happen?

And on that note. For someone who so badly wanted to be a great Tinker hero, well, uh, that doesn't seem like it would have worked out even if it wasn't for the passenger goof up. I mean, really, how do you convince someone you -aren't- a villain when you have access to three different hells, one of which is sending him gifts for services unnamed rendered, one not-quite-hell, and live in a volcano lair with numerous world ending substances and gizmos galore. And let us not forget about the cages. I'd have to say that the Passenger did him a solid by unintentionally forcing him into the Heroically inclined Merc role.
Lol. Imagine he had become a Protectorate hero and there were regular mandatory inspections of his Warehouse. And that each and every item he built or improved had to be pre-approved, either by Piggot personally, or by a Committee. (Or is it just the Wards who have to have pre-approvals?)
He has been working to expand the approved list, most recently by playing Splatoon and watching Strike Witches and Inukami (the latter of which was evidently a painful experience for poor LordR.
Which of the two anime were a painful experience? Strike Witches is pretty sexually suggestive, so I could see how that might be awkward for some people, but I know nothing about Inukami whatsoever.
Lol. Imagine he had become a Protectorate hero and there were regular mandatory inspections of his Warehouse. And that each and every item he built or improved had to be pre-approved, either by Piggot personally, or by a Committee. (Or is it just the Wards who have to have pre-approvals?)

Rule of cool approval. If cool, than approve.
Which of the two anime were a painful experience?

It was Inukami. I searched thru several chapters worth of AO3 update reactions to try to find the specific WOG, but couldn't :(. I had forgotten that Bloody Roar was another recent addition, and the Perk from there quickly became the star of the show as soon as it was acquired. In fact, it's probably a shoo-in for the "Perk most immediately useful when rolled" category if there is ever a Perk Award Show.

Edit: Found it! Thanks KingMajorWolf!

Another set of perks have been added. This is a less happy story. In seeing that the Clothing constellation was almost finished I looked over the excluded perks to see if there were any that could be easily added. Turns out there was the perk Talented that was only 100 points, and was from the same property as the Talisman Adept perk from the Magic constellation.

That property was Inukami.

Since the magic constellation doesn't have many low cost perks I figured it might be good to include, so I watched a few episodes. That was a mistake. So I jumped to the end of the series to see if it got better. It did not. At this point I was basically in sunk cost mode, and proceeded to skim through 26 episodes of bargain bin level Urusei Yatsura trying to figure out the magic system. Eventually I got enough information to be able to include it in the forge and seriously regret my decision to do so. Seriously, I would not recommend anyone doing the same and am moderately ashamed of the fact that I am now familiar with that work. But on the bright side, Joe now has the potential to learn Japanese style talisman magic, so I guess that's something.
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It was Inukami. I searched thru several chapters worth of AO3 update reactions to try to find the specific WOG, but couldn't :(. I had forgotten that Bloody Roar was another recent addition, and the Perk from there quickly became the star of the show as soon as it was acquired. In fact, it's probably a shoo-in for the "Perk most immediately useful when rolled" category if there is ever a Perk Award Show.
The quote is in Chapter 44.

There's a link to the quote in the Trivia section of the TV Tropes page for this story.

(I'd put it up, but I don't know how to quote things that aren't on this site)
I feel dumb writing this, but isn't Joe the guy who created a curtain that can dimensionally isolate his work space. Why isn't he making stuff like a fork that lets you teleport or some tweezers that let you pluck out shards or something. Not sure what possible with that perk of his that lets him make stuff like that but o feel like teleportation is possible.
I feel dumb writing this, but isn't Joe the guy who created a curtain that can dimensionally isolate his work space. Why isn't he making stuff like a fork that lets you teleport or some tweezers that let you pluck out shards or something. Not sure what possible with that perk of his that lets him make stuff like that but o feel like teleportation is possible.
It has to be a household problem that it was made for. There is a perk for 800 (I think that's the cost) that removes it.
Weird question. Do you think Lung's shard would start trying to emulate the metals aperion had around to supplement his scales? That would be a cool upgrade for Lung besides making him Bigger and Badder. Just seeing his scales changing into cybertroniom or adamantite would have been super dicey. Hell Eezo scales would have been hilarious.
I feel dumb writing this, but isn't Joe the guy who created a curtain that can dimensionally isolate his work space. Why isn't he making stuff like a fork that lets you teleport or some tweezers that let you pluck out shards or something. Not sure what possible with that perk of his that lets him make stuff like that but o feel like teleportation is possible.
Here's a compiled set of WoG on that:
"Simple Scientific Solution" can do almost anything to address household issues, though trying to apply those items outside their designed use can result in humorous failures of a significant scale.
Because of the power of Simple Scientific Solution my ruling is the only perk that can properly reverse engineer it is The Maddest Science Yet!, the 800cp perk also from Tenchi Muyo. This is technology built on the skill level of Washu. There is magic less advanced than the principles being applied here. That isn't to say the tech can't be integrated into other items or used creatively, but the principles behind it are locked. Being fair, it is a 100 point perk that gives access to teleportation, matter creation, and interdimensional travel. There have to be some hard limits built in.
Once again, pushing Simple Scientific Solution beyond its household limits is asking for a disaster. There's a reason Joe's not using SSS appliances in his crafting. It is prone to massive failure when taken outside household applications.
Tenchi super science is serious stuff. The curtain will do its job as long as the 'domestic problem' element isn't challenged. It works for Joe because it's protecting privacy in a home workshop. If he used it in a more offensive capacity then it would probably burn out, but the addition of new areas of a 'home' is not going to affect it. It's an 11 dimensional privacy curtain and can stretch around a lot more than a single mountain.
Simple Scientific Solution is more about application than location. It's a 100 point perk that lets you do things that would normally require the most advanced technology in existence and peerless scientific knowledge. The balancing factor is it can only address household problems. So it can make a kitchen knife that can cut through anything, but try to use it in combat and you get a spectacular failure. So yes, you could rig a privacy curtain to an RV, but only as long as you used the RV as an RV. Try to use it as a mobile command center and you're privacy curtain is going to short out and probably backfire. Anyone who's watched Tenchi knows how bad a Washu tech backfire can get.
Weird question. Do you think Lung's shard would start trying to emulate the metals aperion had around to supplement his scales? That would be a cool upgrade for Lung besides making him Bigger and Badder. Just seeing his scales changing into cybertroniom or adamantite would have been super dicey. Hell Eezo scales would have been hilarious.
As awesome and terrifying as that is, I don't think that's possible since the scanning and emulation of exotic material to apply to the Host is outside of the preset parameters and capabilities of Lung's power.

Even a second trigger likely wouldn't since it's a redefining of the power rather then adding new features to it.

Still, eezo scales would indeed be hilarious.
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So, I just realized March may have lost by achieving her objective. As in from the perspective of her shard this counts as winning, and this is the first time I really wondered about an off screen shard's perspective in a fanfic. I we have enough perspective to make the call but it suggests parahumans gaining strength for these confrontations might not mean it's actually helpful for them rather than just their shards quest for more Data.

Also, ~2 hours out and "Total: 105 (members: 50, guests: 55)"

Yea, we might have a problem.
Today I came across 'winged monkeys' as a term for sending people to contact someone who has gone no-contact.

If Aisha finds out about Joe's mother and sisters, she should totally call his sisters the winged monkeys of his mother.
isn't that a spoiler, if you know March's objective? you should probably spoiler that part.

Uhh, not sure what you mean by that? I am referring to in story events where he's lying broken and they lose the initiative. If her goal was to kill him then that failed, but at that moment he's helpless and they have access to his tech which was seemingly her goal. It reminded me of a gamer hitting quick save without realizing in game death was inescapable at that point.
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