... I feel disappointed for this chapter. It's great, but it feels short and doesn't really cover anything new, but I'll take it.
Moar please, milord.
Gotta say, I agree. This chapter doesn't actually change much, nor does it deliver on any of the promises/answers* Lord put out other than "it will be a Victoria POV interlude." The only good thing about this interlude is that Vicky is slowly beginning to
think**. I do like that she's made the first initial step(s), but it's 50/50 if she'll regress back to her (rather literal) brute phase (especially if matters surrounding Amy don't go the way she wants or expects). I do hope she keeps it up honestly, and if she does, then perhaps she'll get through to Vista as well.
I do also appreciate how Lightstar is displayed here and I hope there might be a future interaction between him and Manpower where he can -
hopefully - talk Manpower down from his seemingly suicidal actions by using their shared experiences or seomthing. Because as it stands, it looks like Manpower will die, if not during the bombs as an offscreen casualty that Joe didn't see/notice, then later when one of the Endbringers/S9/Teeth/whatever come to Brockton.
I'm also hoping that Amy will finally get out after all this because she's been sidelined for so long and I'm looking forward to seeing if and how Carol throwing her right into M/S screening has affected her and her perceptions towards the Dallons/Pelhams and possibly the PRT. It's gonna be a doozy, that.
TL;DR: There's a lot I'm looking forward to, but this interlude disappoints because it brings nothing new for all its wordcount.
*Those will now supposedly be in the next interlude, tbf, but...
**I'll be honest, did we really need an entire interlude (with a good portion of it just rehash of the main chapter) just to prove that she's starting to smarten up and not blame Apeiron for everything? Feels more like we could've had a very brief snapshot of her thoughts like those Addendums and moved on to something that actually advanced the plot, rather than have 14k words about Vicky and an interlude that cuts off before the real meat of things.