Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I'm hoping that Gully's inhuman appearance will be green hair or something, and that she gets to be as petite as she wants (I don't know what she'd like for height, though). Basically, I'm rooting for an elfin-looking terrakinetic beauty who decides on 'Fern' as her first name, for the awful pun of it.
Me in Cultist rant: They have not realized what they have done, with both chapters in place, we can begin the summons, soon our dark lord shall return, soon Shipageddon shall be upon us.

(in reference to how there is now a chapter on page 69 and 420 and my earlier comment about how cult like we readers can be, also shipping)

On a more important note we have more info on Sarah Palmens breakdown.
I'm hoping that Gully's inhuman appearance will be green hair or something, and that she gets to be as petite as she wants (I don't know what she'd like for height, though). Basically, I'm rooting for an elfin-looking terrakinetic beauty who decides on 'Fern' as her first name, for the awful pun of it.

Considering she is in the Wards I assume she will be an adorable child :D

She might miss the shovel though since it would clash with the kiddy image.
Finally awoken and read the chapter, damn. Vicky really got hit hard by her own actions or what she perceived were her actions in her mind Apeiron is without doubt a monster in terms of sheer absolute mind fuck hard power and didn't truly needed to manipulate others because of it.

It just didn't matter because is unnecessary for someone at the level where he, apparently is, and even in his weakest form aka the first time that she saw him talking with her sister Apeiron was totally unsurprised and dissatisfied by her. Her punch was just no sell like nothing and the weight of what he could have done if he was more aggressive is heavy in her mind.

She is trying to accept, endure and understand what was happening and cause of all the proof is impossible to truly blame Apeiron for all. The mess has just too many sides forced out and she is trying to navigate, she can't be like Vista and all her worries about her sister, how the PTR failed to provide protection to the hostages, the city being basically collateral in a negotiation of monster and even the chaos when the two sides clash.

All of it, shows that it really matters for Victoria. Moments when she feels like a person, isn't an interlude but a whole character arc condensed and show in such brilliant way that one can't help but want to put a hand in the shoulder like during Gutsy or Chen's parts.
Damn, I was hoping to see the reaction towards Apeiron FTL ramming Lung into atoms. Other than that, great chapter overall.

Next week.

And at least we got the reaction to the 3 day old line.

Joe wasn't courting her, he confessed and blew up in his face I think. Can't remember, it's been a while

They had an on/off relationship/courtship. Honestly the whole thing was a mess.

But that's only part of the reason he triggered. He also had a bad reaction to some drugs, his favourite teacher died (Anette) AND he had a toxic familly.

I'm unsure about what happened to the points from this interlude. We got the Ironman perk from the Dragon interlude, so where is the earnings from this one?

Joe only get points when the story progress, so no points for this one.
Next week, we get the rest. Looking forward to it.

Nice to see Vicky shaken out of her irresponsible obliviousness without needing to become Wildbow's chosen woobie.
But what the hell is going on with Amy? Wow is the entire fic just a cover for fucking her over? She's hasn't got her own lawers yet? Anything? Youthguard rep? It's absurd.

What is going on is that Carol is the worst mom ever. She signed off Amy to the PRT so that she didn't have to deal with her while she dealt with New wave failling (which is entirely her fault by the way).

Of course, it's mind numblingly stupid considering the state of the city. They really need the healer back.

What I'm really looking forward to, is the reaction to Aperion's roars...

"Oh, so he is really a case 53 that healed himself after all, and his healing tech break down when under too much stress." that's just the one robot. Apeireon is just really, really fast.

3 robots actually, he took a cloning potion.
Ahh. Wow. *gasps for breath* Loved it!
This chapter showcased planty for us to various plots. How other people generally view mc, the mood on the street, the vast disparency between the local PRT and public perception. How many ideas are simply being thrown against vast and unfathomable Apairon, and then being tossed out because a new incredible piece of information has risen anew. It showed Glory Girls who are slowly maturing and trying to deal with falling apart.

I have no idea what this meme is. Can you explain the deal with 69 and 420?

What's the link for the discord server?
Join the The Celestial Forge Discord Server!
...Okay, Lord, I have a question coming from the last chapter:

Is March gonna kill an Endbringer?

This might sound out of left field, but hear me out:
We know that the Shard knows about Worm, so it knows Leviathan is going to come to the Bay, and I think it, and Apeiron, both know that she could kill it, and how much it would reset progress for Apeiron if Leviathan destroyed the Bay. Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if they worked together once the sirens sound, because I doubt either of them wants to deal with the legal issues that'd come from ignoring the Endbringer truce, since I doubt Apeiron is cocky enough to risk running afoul of Cauldron, or at least I doubt that his Shard won't tell him not to.

Further, the interlude shows that people want to know what's up with Apeiron and March, and want to know what they are talking about, and it seems to hint at people assuming for there to have been a past connection.

It feels, to me, like those two are gonna team up to take down whatever EB might appear, and I feel like I even have an idea on how they'd do it:
Apeiron makes March a powered suit with a sword (maybe a Samurai one with Bunny Ears, to go with the ABB looks) using all his best perks (he can just remotely destroy it, after all, and it might be a matter of pride to bring his best to an EB fight). When he gives it to March, he'd probably mention that "yes, this one is upgraded with all the new tech," which sounds innocent and with which Apeiron is simply referring to the whole "three days" thing, but one or two people might catch on that "upgrade" implies that the suit existed prior.
So the EB comes in, and March wrecks it with a single blow. As anticlimatic as it sounds, the reaction to that will be insane, since it means that a presumed D-Lister villain just one-shot a freaking EB.

The interesting part would be that March has shown that she CAN use her Thinker ability on Apeiron, and she'll use it ruthlessly: When she comes back and gets out and Apeiron puts on a show, she'll look him dead in the eye and says something along the lines of "sure, you're good at upgrading, but you'd honestly be a better guy if you wouldn't always go to upgrade to a younger model" before turning and leaving.

And then, PHO explodes, because she just implied that they were a thing, which would not only start a new ship for a future PHO interlude, but also give credence to Apeiron/Bakuda (with the idea being that she and March teamed up against their mutual Ex after he dumped March for Bakuda and then presumably Bakuda for Kephri). Additionally, it implies Apeiron as the kinda person who takes trophies from his conquests (as he still has March's "old" suit, and probably also took some of Bakuda's bombs at some point in the story, if only to analyze them, coupled with the fact that he knew the bomb Bakuda used when he came to save the Undersiders, further implying that he knows Bakuda well enough to make such predictions) and also points towards him... Well, liking them young, which could also serve as an additional point of comedy in an Interlude, and might come back to haunt the guy should the Undersiders ever decide to go against Coil, as it would probably result in him being seen holding a very distressed, and very underage Dinah in his arms.
Something which would look even worse if he and Taylor start acting colder to each other beforehand like they discussed in order for people to no longer ship them, as it would then look like Apeiron "upgraded" again.

I admit, this is probably a shot in the dark, but I feel like I just had to ask because this seems like something that'd happen to our poor MC. It feels like the right kinda Comedy, is all.
In all honesty I kinda expect Piggot to burn the last of her bridges and retire just to get Amy put into the Birdcage at this point. Because yeah, Piggot the Bigot.

Or at least try.

The moment Apeiron hears of Amy getting just held and not helped after this, he is going to swoop in and rescue her. Because fuck the PRoT for their incompetence, corruption, and the fate they had for Brockton Bay.
I can see him having to recuse Amy if the PRT decides to be really stupid. I don't think they know she's a biotinker, suspect maybe. More likely with her mom having all but sighed her away well... the PRT isn't going to be eager to give back such a useful cape.

Going to be interesting to see the response from the end of the fight. He killed lung when he was fully ramped up which was considered impossible.
In all honesty I kinda expect Piggot to burn the last of her bridges and retire just to get Amy put into the Birdcage at this point. Because yeah, Piggot the Bigot.

Or at least try.
Except that overplays Piggot's hatred for Parahumans and downplays her pity of them. Yes, Piggot hates having to work with Parahumans as her job, which is why she does everything in her power to establish dominance over them at every chance she gets, as well as avoiding any situation where she needs to personally rely on one like her healing from Panacea, but she also unconsciously understands to some degree that their powers are the cause of all their problems.

Would she do it if it was a Parahuman she particularly hated, like Nilbog? Of course she would. But to her, this incident with Apeiron notwithstanding, Panacea is just the healer in her city who occasionally comes in to heal her Wards and Protectorate without any demands on compensation. Amy wouldn't be winning a popularity contest on her list, but she wouldn't go far as to burn herself just to make things worse for Amy in particular. That way lies fanon Flanderized Cape Hater Piggot, and nobody likes Flanderization.
In all honesty... snip
I don't think Piggot would like Amy in the birdcage. She hasn't broken down and hadn't pushed any bio tinker buttons on her. Assults wouldn't have been 'cleared' to get healing from her on an 'escort' mission.

Piggot is probably just panicking and is suffering a slow crash because of all problems, data, contradictary data and general problem with a Public Relations Team- ah. I mean Parahuman Response Team. Coil also facilitated her problems with just the right amount of help.
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It will be 10k words he said. It will be a short update, he said.
*14K word update*
Holy shit, @LordRoustabout you work fast! Even though this Interlude is "incomplete", its still more than most fanfic authors pump out. Hell, even if you only write 15K words a week, you will still be doing better than most fanfic authors. Good job.

Corrections underlined.
financial crimes on top of gang activity, but that was outside of Vicky's experience. Her mother would have been able to brief New Wave on what was happenin
iconic to his life as a cape, being treated like scrap metal. Even the relief that greeted Browbeat when he confirmed the destruction of one of those nightmare knives.
number of people it was intended to coordinate." Channeled through his new demeanor the joking attitude now seemed threatening. "If the dumpster fire of logistics that led me to this call was intentionally implemented for my benefit then I'm impressed by your commitment, if nothing else."
Really, who could manage something like this? The Protectorate would have been hard pressed with focus
You know, I was thinking for a bit and wondering about Coil- and I had a thought. I wonder how much Coil was supporting the ABB .... I mean, it was his best bet to put down Aperion, and that would explain quite a bit about where some of their resources, and the PRT negligence is coming from....
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