Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Putting it as Handwavey is kinda unfair, to everything. Since all of the worm and even the forge could be called handwavey. But for an example, well there's a reason the space slugs avoid higher end civ's. A passing FTL has a good chance of making them seizure and fall apart.

So just what grade do you think they would study subspace in or do Science fair projects? Last year high school? University?
Would just take something like "SelfProgating subspace harmonic carrier wave" Or what have you. Star teck is kinda the king of technobabble handwaving you know? Some kids project for cross galaxy discord could do it. But the idea is just to close the millions on millions of little portals the entire shard base operates by. Even if just for a moment it would be like all the tiny bloodlines in your brain stopping at once. Brain go squish.

Related/Unrelated. I'm very very curious as to what element zero will do to them.. it doesn't use subspace or whatnot. but it does very very weird things to space-time viva darkmater.
Would just take something like "SelfProgating subspace harmonic carrier wave"

You gotta crack the barrier first; space whales explicitly cut off entry into their dimension. Whats the canon that will come from? You can't just handwave it, because Lord is under no obligation to handwave it. If there is no canon justification for it, Lord can speak down from his diamond throne and say "LO! The Star Trek technology shalt not overcome Scion's bullshit barrier!" And that would be perfectly valid.

If its easy, you gotta show why, canonically, it would work. Examples of tech breaking dimensional barriers. Or of self-propagating carrier waves or anything else. Or else Lord can justifiably handwave it to not work.

Again, it wouldn't surprise me if there are easy solutions to these types of problems directly from the canon of these universes. But you can't assume it and figure Lord will play along.
Honestly, Joe handwaving Zion would be so unsatisfying. If Joe is fighting Zion, I would like it to be an epic struggle, not a footnote.
I was trying to think of interesting tech from Stellaris but honestly the only things I can think of are the Infinity Machine (designed to calculate infinity and is successful provided you don't destroy it) and the engimatic fortress (which I can't actually see Aperion using/studying unless I just for dark matter to power it)
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this line of thought brings up some important questions regarding how parts of the multiverse of other realities brought about by perks work. Do igher dimensional entities that are part of the multiverse at large just exist now? Do the Q as a species now exist after joe got Star Trek perks? Is going too fast going to cause hyper evolution? Will things like the hytherion be real all of a sudden? is primus an active force creating cybertrons right now? i have many questions about this. It was semi explored in Celestial entertainment, but i want to see lord do it.
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this line of thought brings up some important questions regarding how parts of the multiverse of other realities brought about by perks work. Do igher dimensional entities that are part of the multiverse at large just exist now? Do the Q as a species now exist after joe got Star Trek perks? Is going to fast going to cause hyper evolution? Will things like the hytherion be real all of a sudden? is primus an active force creating cybertrons right now? i have many questions about this. It was semi explored in Celestial entertainment, but i want to see lord do it.
Oof if things like the Judgments exist (Fallen London basically living sun's) exist I would be worried
i now realize that if all the higher entities exist, joe is literally the closest thing to a picard. and that gaia and by extension alaya from fate both exist. thats some serious bullshit that will be boosting joes powers.
I don't know if Lord mentioned this but did Joe get the other post-Jump freebies from Fallen London or did he just get the candle? If he didn't, will Joe get the other freebies with Avid Glove?


A hefty tome, written by Mr Pages himself! The Ambition of the Chained, not a bad read. There
are some blank pages at the back that fill as you inspect them. Perhaps it could inspire others into
your footsteps. At the very least, reading from it conjures vivid illusions of your life which is fun
for charades or distracting opponents. The weak of will who read this may be convinced that they
are you, which could prove troublesome.

And a selection of fruit. There's pears, apples, plums, ooh peaches! Haven't had those in a while.
The Peaches of the Traitor Empress are delicious and best eaten for breakfast.
Maybe I don't recall but is it one of the candles from the Mr Eaten storyline?

The candle was one of the rewards for finishing the Fallen London. As far as I recall, and from my searches, it doesn't actually show up in Fallen London.

That candle you had so long ago. It feels heavier now, perhaps it has fed upon your sins, perhaps it too has changed as you have. St Andrew's Candle no longer burns low, for indeed it resists all attempts to extinguish it. But in the case of your sudden and fatal injury, it flares in brilliant ignition, granting you ten more minutes of life and action as it burns itself down from wick to stub. It will not heal your injuries, but it will prevent new ones from forming. Should you survive and reverse your fatality, the candle will not and will only renew itself at the beginning of a new jump or after ten years post-spark. The light it gives is a true Neathy light, a reminder of your time in the Fifth City.
The candle was one of the rewards for finishing the Fallen London. As far as I recall, and from my searches, it doesn't actually show up in Fallen London.

That candle you had so long ago. It feels heavier now, perhaps it has fed upon your sins, perhaps it too has changed as you have. St Andrew's Candle no longer burns low, for indeed it resists all attempts to extinguish it. But in the case of your sudden and fatal injury, it flares in brilliant ignition, granting you ten more minutes of life and action as it burns itself down from wick to stub. It will not heal your injuries, but it will prevent new ones from forming. Should you survive and reverse your fatality, the candle will not and will only renew itself at the beginning of a new jump or after ten years post-spark. The light it gives is a true Neathy light, a reminder of your time in the Fifth City.
Weird sounds like it should be an actual thing (possibly it is) thank you.

Do you think Aperion could get favorable circumstances from the Bazaar? Would it be useful at all for him?
Do you think Aperion could get favorable circumstances from the Bazaar? Would it be useful at all for him?

I think he could. Reading through the jump, it already seems like the Jumper and the Bazaar have friendly if professional relationship.

I can't remember how powerful the Masters of the Bazaar are but they have to be useful. There's a lot of things they can give to Joe and Joe does have a lot of things he could trade to them.
I think he could. Reading through the jump, it already seems like the Jumper and the Bazaar have friendly if professional relationship.

I can't remember how powerful the Masters of the Bazaar are but they have to be useful. There's a lot of things they can give to Joe and Joe does have a lot of things he could trade to them.
I mean they can grant wishes to leaders of the cities they want to bring to the neath. Pretty sure the traitor empress is only around because she wished for immortality
I doubt Joe will go for that. He'll probably just ask for the strange resources the Bazaar would have access to. Joe already has better forms of immortality if he were so inclined.
If Joe has Love Stories or interesting enough secrets, stories and the like they could probably make a deal of sorts. I wouldn't imagine them being too interested in technology
Maybe he can make and sing a poet. His perks making it to a masterpiece granting him a large bonus from the Bazaar.
That would likely work but at the same time he very well might not be the best singer down there because for one everyone down there is mostly immortal (unless they die on the Zea) and other strange effects that could increase singing and other abilities. But yeah at the very least I would expect him to get a shit ton of common and uncommon resources
But for an example, well there's a reason the space slugs avoid higher end civ's. A passing FTL has a good chance of making them seizure and fall apart.
The entities don't necessarily avoid higher end civ's - they had trouble with one of them towards the beginning of the cycle, but they also gained a lot from that encounter - knowledge of gravity and space warping. Given that the entities as of the start of canon have started locking off the dimensions their shards are located in, I doubt that would be as much of as an issue as it was the first time (especially given that said 'first time' was the second time they did the cycle)
I just realized if the Worm and the other universes are somehow connected to each other that means Sorrow spiders are a thing.

For those that don't know they travel through mirrors and like to take people's eyes and apparently they are considered natural by the Judgments. Also they can make a giant mass of themselves into something called the Spider council
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This doesn't exactly relate to the latest chapter, but I was reminded by a comment. I'm generally happy to roll with whatever premise an author wants to run with as long as the story remains internally consistent. If the author wants all redheads to have fire powers, that is fine by me, but then all redheads need to have fire powers, not just when it's useful. Which leads me to a complaint about the big fight. Maybe I'm just reading things wrong, but it appears that there is now an ongoing in-story excuse for random character power boosts when they are dealing with Joe due to his out of context power.

I have a big problem with this because it kills any sense of internal consistency in relation to character power levels. Not only is any preexisting Worm knowledge about powers useless, any in story knowledge is useless as well. Characters can now get random power ups at any time, including in the middle of a fight. I guess it can be useful to the author, so he can let anybody keep up with Joe if he wants to, but its a big problem for me. I have learned from past experience that internal consistency is important to my enjoyment of a story. Its not going to kill the story for me, but it's going to poison my overall enjoyment. Since I can no longer have any kind of prediction about how a fight or power related interaction is going to turn out, I don't care as much. It's hard for me to be invested in a story if I have idea of what is going to happen.
This doesn't exactly relate to the latest chapter, but I was reminded by a comment. I'm generally happy to roll with whatever premise an author wants to run with as long as the story remains internally consistent. If the author wants all redheads to have fire powers, that is fine by me, but then all redheads need to have fire powers, not just when it's useful. Which leads me to a complaint about the big fight. Maybe I'm just reading things wrong, but it appears that there is now an ongoing in-story excuse for random character power boosts when they are dealing with Joe due to his out of context power.

I have a big problem with this because it kills any sense of internal consistency in relation to character power levels. Not only is any preexisting Worm knowledge about powers useless, any in story knowledge is useless as well. Characters can now get random power ups at any time, including in the middle of a fight. I guess it can be useful to the author, so he can let anybody keep up with Joe if he wants to, but its a big problem for me. I have learned from past experience that internal consistency is important to my enjoyment of a story. Its not going to kill the story for me, but it's going to poison my overall enjoyment. Since I can no longer have any kind of prediction about how a fight or power related interaction is going to turn out, I don't care as much. It's hard for me to be invested in a story if I have idea of what is going to happen.

While that's certainly a valid opinion, I would contend that Lord is being quite consistent, in that all of Joe's enemies are getting a major power-up. Part of this (at least in the conflict with the ABB) is the effect of March, but a big part of it is the powers themselves. The shards want more data - that's their whole purpose. The best way they have found to get that data is by promoting conflict among their hosts to push them to use their powers in new and creative ways, but that still has limits of what data they get. And now, along comes Joe with incredible new powers that they have never seen, being used in ways they have never imagined, coming from a source that they could never have predicted. This is the equivalent of a starving man finding himself in an all-you-can eat restaurant. And so, to make the most of this golden opportunity in their quest for MORE DATA, the shards respond by taking off the limiters and allowing their hosts to push their powers to new heights. While it's obviously not identical to Worm canon, it does still follow the general idea of the world that Wildbow created, in my opinion.

I think we can expect that from here on out, Joe's opponents will be able to use their powers more effectively, and possibly in new and unforeseen ways. It's not predictable, but it can still be consistent. Personally, I think it will be interesting to see what Lord manages to come up with.