Voting is open for the next 8 hours, 53 minutes
- Variety of Hidden Mountain Seals
- 2 sets of Alarm Seals that generate light/sound respectively in reponse to nearby chakra moulding
- 1 Explosive Seal from Kagome's Intro
[EJ adds: The Nara seals]
Note that you haven't researched any of these. You know the blank but can't make them or infuse them, and don't even know what some of them do. I think that's true of some of the ones you got from Jiraiya as well.

@eaglejarl Does the farmhouse we're at have a set of binoculars or telescope? :D This is a joke
No. I figured. ;>
@faflec Can you make an effort to consider my critique and improve your plan before the deadline?

Edit: It probably won't matter in the grand scheme of thing, though...
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Note: featherfall should not work off an automatic detect of speed to the ground (or as a kinetic energy dampener)

Skywalkers are great because they open up a 3rd dimension in the battlespace. Limiting speed in a certain direction (or in any direction) could negatively impact our ability to dodge/maneuver in all fights, on the off chance of helping in scenarios where we're already pretty likely to die, regardless of whether falling kills us.
[X] Finish the Mission with Minimal Fuss
Adhoc vote count started by Kurkistan on Jul 18, 2017 at 11:36 PM, finished with 241 posts and 12 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Kurkistan on Jul 19, 2017 at 12:33 AM, finished with 250 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Kurkistan on Jul 19, 2017 at 9:26 AM, finished with 255 posts and 13 votes.
Unknown Seals
Casino Seals & Mountain Seals (Mountain seals should have some gas clouds)
Storage Scrolls
Exploding Tags
Poor Man's Yellow flash (Hazou developed)
Kagome's signature seal - 5m Radius Implosion w variable timer.
Seal Kagome stuck on Hazou back when they first met.
Motion detector (Kagome) Note: seals work through wrapping and when attached to buoys
Tripwire seals (Kagome) Note: tripwire seals are civilian usable and can be used with a storage scroll
Shaped Charges (Kagome developed)
Implosion Seals (Kagome developed)
5 Seal Barrier
Locking Seals (Kagome)
Macerator seal
Tunnelers Friend (from J)
Glorious Life Saving purifier (from J)
Banshee Slayer (From J)
Silence Mine (From J)
Alarm Seal (From J)
Earth Dome (kagome reward)
Air Dome (kagome reward)
Goo Bomb (kagome reward)
Sky Walker (modified Air Dome by Kagome)
Chime (Nara)
Long Chime (Nara)
Two Choice Chime (Nara)
Long Two Choice Chime (Nara)
Double Chime (Nara)
Extended Double Chime (Nara)
Octave (Nara)
Long Octave (Nara)
Party Trick Seal - glows (from sealing book)
Air Fresher Seal - puff of wind (from sealing book)
Privacy Seal
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I don't think you've actually seen that one. You know it exists and that it is somewhere in the Hokage's office but I'm not sure you've ever actually seen it. At least, I can't think of a time that you have.
Jiraiya commented that multiple seal masters would be needed to maintain all the privacy/security seals in our compound. If we didn't get a look at them then Kagome can show us because he should already know how to make them.
Jiraiya commented that multiple seal masters would be needed to maintain all the privacy/security seals in our compound. If we didn't get a look at them then Kagome can show us because he should already know how to make them.

Kagome will be busy being an indentured slave to another clan, we effectively no longer have him as a resource outside of missions. Combined with Toad sage now being busy we have managed to drop Team uplift from 2.5 sealers to 0.5

[X] Action Plan: Heartache
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@Kiba I'm sorry but I'm too lazy to actually think up of decent edits that work.

If you want to convince Minami, it's not about just time lost, but the possible opsec concerns from each proposed activity.

Otherwise, the only thing the team can do is set up the standard nightly watch before leaving in the morning. Also, could offer to cook or share food with the contact.

Also, I am paranoid about Kagome taking a turn on watch. What if husband and son returns in the middle of the night and Kagome blows them up. AHHHH. Probably won't happen.
So, um. Low voter turnout combined with no critique? We are going to be fine, right? I hope?
Not particularly low voter turnout as far as I can tell -- around 11 or 12 (hard to tell exactly with SV vote counter since it double counts things).

Little discussion, though, in part, I suspect, because the plans are so small as to not leave much to debate.
Alright, I'm gonna write something about all of these plans, so if you get notified you know why. Do note that I am sleep deprived enough to make regular typing errors, so this will miss a hell of a lot.

Note: I'm assuming the mission happens, and Hazou autopilots to the next place he thinks he needs to step up.

[X] Action Plan: Slay the Beast
- Take Minami aside and talk about helping our contact out.
- Suggest that instead of going to find the husband and son, we could take a crack at finding and killing the chakra beast tonight. It's probably laired around here somewhere.
- Point out that Jiraiya did not cancel the "help contacts as opportunity presents" order so being covert has its limits.
- Also point out that unless we do something, there's nothing stopping the chakra beast from coming back and destroying this farmstead, which would be a blow to J's network.
- Besides, it would be nice to do something unambiguously good and we're very experienced killing chakra beasts.
  • First point undermines Minami's authority, if you want to turn her into a bunch of putty like a disturbing manipulator this might work, but we don't have the ability to follow through on that.
  • There's not just one chakra beast, there's an entire wilderness' worth of them.
    • Note about that: Contact isn't asking for chakra beast extermination; Contact is asking for full blown escort mission
  • No objections to doing good.

[X] Fireside Story Time
  • Accept the woman's invitation to stay the night: ask her questions about her life and the recent troubles. Make sure she hasn't been turned or anything
  • In the morning, go to check on her husband and son. Make sure they exist and help them if expediently possible. Don't tell the woman we're doing this
  • "Make sure she hasn't been turned" is dangerously open ended; could range from on the spot execution to the social manipulation I think you're advocating for.
  • Ask her questions sounds like an interrogation, not a dialogue as I presume you mean.
  • Any reason not to tell the woman you're doing that? Obviously if she turned out to be a double agent (and not a triple agent for Jiraiya) then don't, but why hide it if she's otherwise loyal?

[X] The Mission Marches Ever Onward
  • Bid our hostess farewell and continue on our mission - can't stop for the night
  • Pretty sure Hazou will riot if we try this, and if Hazou doesn't, Noburi and Akane will. Running in a monsoon sucks, and sleeping outside when we could have had warm and dry is going to make them hate you for a bit. Keiko, of course, is too cold to tell you to fuck off to your face, Minami will plaster on a smile, and Kagome will rest easier knowing he's on watch.

[X] Paranoid Ninja say What
  • Bid our hostess farewell and say we must continue on our mission
  • Before we leave, ask some questions about her husband and son to check her story. Say that we're just asking in case we meet them.
  • Make a camp in the nearby woods (~2 miles from her house)
  • In the morning, check on our hostess - make sure she's still alone in the area
  • Check on her husband and son - make sure that story checks out
  • Continue on the mission
  • Note we aren't letting anyone else on the team know of our suspicion. Telling them might tamp down on the rioting.
  • We will also probably get a riot from the teammates that want warm and dry.
  • We kinda don't do anything with her husband and son when we check them, and if they check out. Do you want to do something there?

[X] Be Normal
  • Accept our hostess's invitation and leave in the morning to continue our mission
  • Can't make mistakes if you don't do anything! Will do exactly as the plan says.

[X] Action Plan: Investigation
  • Quietly investigate the farmhouse for evidence collaborating the story we have been told.
  • Has no followup - will entrust Hazou run by QMs to try and interpret the results of the investigation, and then take actions accordingly.
  • Will either cause extremely short update, miniupdate, or the QMs taking their mental model of Hazou and figuring out what happens next.

[X] Action Plan: Returning Home
  • Exchange some (OPSEC-safe) stories with our hostess, both to get another perspective on civilian life and to make extra sure she isn't working against us or anything.
  • Complete the rest of the courier missions at Minami's direction.
  • Get back to Leaf and meet with Jiraiya again.
    • He's almost definitely stressed and overworked. Give him a chance to vent and drop the facade.
    • He might want us out of Leaf for a while longer. If so, and if he doesn't have anything in mind, suggest we go spend a month in the woods and do some sealwork. If not, catch up more thoroughly with Mari.
  • Timeskips a hell of a lot, and the stuff it mentions is slightly recycled/may reduce further XP gains when we recycle plans.
  • There's likely to be another point of player agency somewhere on the mission. The update will likely end right at that point, and so half this plan may not survive contact with the QMs

[X] Action Plan: Helpful, Yet Ninja
  1. Stay for food. Don't stay over night.
  2. Ask the woman various things:
    1. Nature of chakra beast attack.
    2. How the rest of the family is moving the wagon.
    3. Potential other dangers to the family.
    4. Something to assuage the hivemind's paranoia?
    5. Whatever Minami or Noburi want to ask.
  3. Investigate the farm for suspicious stuff without being overbearing.
  4. Make a one-night base 2 miles from here the way we used to as missing-nin.
  5. Try to convince Minami to help the farm people in some way (or find out if she had some serious reason for saying no that she didn't mention).
    1. Either covertly escort or kill the chakra beast(s) endangering the farm.
    2. Use arguments like that helping is still part of the Hokage's mission and if this breaks our cover nearly anything would.
    3. Be respectful towards Minami.
  6. Follow orders.
  7. Don't endanger team or mission or clan secrets.
  • Team will grumble about leaving warm and dry for wet, cold, and chakra beast infected.
  • 1.4 is way too openended, needs to be clarified.
  • Like the way we used to as missingnin is going to set off all of Minami's paranoia detectors.
  • Covert escort doesn't really work, because it'll be traveling at civilian speeds rather than the ninja speeds we need to get to our next outpost.
  • 6 and 7 are nearly redundant, may work better much higher up in the plan and lumped into one point.

[X] Action Plan: Heartache
  • Keep doing the mission. Same protocol as we've always done, plus additional security because we're close to Mist.
  • Try to convince Minami to help the contact.
    • Discuss time lost by escorting the contact's family.
    • Discuss time lost by clearing chakra beasts, such that the family could safely travel.
    • Discuss alternative methods of helping the family (material goods, MEW defenses, kill nearby chakra monsters...).
  • Some heartwarming/heartwrenching scenes wherein we check up on Rockfall 1's mental state (regarding killing 60 civilians).
  • Related scenes with Keiko considering the status of Panjandrum (who was "killed" during the battle), and other Pangolin-related matters.
  • Anything we haven't yet done from this list.
  • What the woman is asking for is essentially an unpaid escort mission. Remember that.
  • We can't kill enough chakra beasts to make the road safe without attracting a lot of attention we very much don't want.
  • Expand alternative methods of helping the family:
    • Perhaps leaving a LBF-Air Dome apparatus with the father and son, with instructions?
  • heartwarming/heartwrenching scene is very vague and comes across as you telling the QMs to write a scene for the sake of the scene, not because Hazou makes it happen. Perhaps reword this so that Hazou is taking action to make the scene happen?
  • Revise Keiko scene point for the same reasons as the heartwarming/heartwrenching point needs to be revised.
  • I think the QMs want us to assume that's all happened in the background, but it may make the QMs judge it more harshly because that's a lot of words to read and doublecheck, which takes extra effort. May want to clean up the post or retype the post and relink it to the cleaned up post.
Team will grumble about leaving warm and dry for wet, cold, and chakra beast infected.
Grumbling is acceptable. Wet and cold is solved through MEW and Elemental Mastery, chakra beasts through boom squish. We comfortably survived in Snow for Kami sake.
1.4 is way too openended, needs to be clarified.
I was hoping for suggestions. If none would have come and my plan was near the top I'd have removed it.
Like the way we used to as missingnin is going to set off all of Minami's paranoia detectors.
Minami knows we were missing-nin. And as our team leader she should be made aware of that enemies of Leaf might still consider us as such. If talking about making a base like we used to do makes her go over the edge then it's really not our fault. If anything, seeing that our "missing-nin base" is not adorned with baby skulls should make her rethink her "all missing-nin are monsters" mentality a bit more
Covert escort doesn't really work, because it'll be traveling at civilian speeds rather than the ninja speeds we need to get to our next outpost.
I thought the problem was that we didn't want to reveal ourselves anywhere, not speed. And covert escort can also mean running ahead to clear dangers. In any case, if it doesn't work I trust Keiko to suggest something better. Should I spell that out? I was trying for brevity.
6 and 7 are nearly redundant, may work better much higher up in the plan and lumped into one point.
Are you afraid that this redundancy and the position in the plan will cost us XP? Or that the QMs will interpret it as meaning that those two things are my lowest priority? If not, I'd rather keep edits to a minimum.

[X] Action Plan: Slay the Beast
Voting is over.

Action plans Heartache and The Mission Marches Ever Onward are tied.

Well. This is going to be fun. The two plans embody diametrically opposing objectives, and the second one is a single line.
May I suggest using your model of Hazou the character to decide which one to go with? It could be represented in update as Hazou waffling for a second and considering both plans before deciding.
May I suggest using your model of Hazou the character to decide which one to go with? It could be represented in update as Hazou waffling for a second and considering both plans before deciding.

... but he is not the team leader, he isn't even the 2IC, so he has very little agency in missions. which makes votes likes these silly, we can 'suggest' things, but little more.
... but he is not the team leader, he isn't even the 2IC, so he has very little agency in missions. which makes votes likes these silly, we can 'suggest' things, but little more.

I mean, it's not just "missions" in general. It's specifically this courier mission which is, "Run in a very wide circle making deliveries and pick-ups." There's not much agency to be had for anyone.

With other missions there tends to be a general objective and then a variety of ways that objective could be achieved. As an example, the Goda-capture break from courier duty gave Hazou a lot more opportunities to do stuff and suggest plans.

Though I think there's also an issue about where updates end. Because the QMs are trying to keep to a very specific schedule, updates tend to end after a QM has written as much as they had time to write and/or their creativity carried them. That is not necessarily a decision point where it's useful to have players vote about what to do next. In fact it's often not. There are some strategies from other quests that might help with this:

1. Sometimes you can put votes in the middle of an update rather than the end. That is, no matter what the players vote it is (unless completely off the wall) not going to have have an immediate effect on the scene. Instead it's just used to inform Hazou's character and set up stuff down the line. That encourages looking for specific decision points to vote about rather than going, "It's the end of the update... time to vote I guess." The Second Uchiha quest uses this to good effect.

2. It's okay to end an update with, "To Be Continued" rather than "What Now?" if there's no particular need for a vote. There's no reason that every update has to have a vote in between it.
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Voting is open for the next 8 hours, 53 minutes