Hopefully we can wrap the courier mission up sooner rather than later. It doesn't really work well for a quest. It also just works against the strengths of the hivemind. As well as highlights our particular problem with a lack of initiative.
Our boundless creativity and problem solving capabilities. Should the problem be something along the lines of winning a single battle of squad size.
Which strengths are you thinking of?

Parallel processing of actionable information to achieve a short term goal. There isn't enough information to really optimize things when we aren't beating people up. Then when we do beat people up or interact with anyone they are just faceless npcs. Honestly this arc feels like a meaningless fetch quest that keeps dragging on. Go here and talk to this guy who you will never see again. Then go there.
Personally, I'd be fine with "To Be Continued" -- it at least allows us the option of leaving the plan to continue, whereas "What do you do?" means that we're never going to not make a plan because we're, shall we say, "concerned" about what you guys would do without a plan.

Oh, I think you might be surprised. If people are interested in what's going on they'll talk about it, even if no vote is needed.
I would be more concerned about leaving us to our own ends. Who knows what shenanigans we'll come up with if we don't have to panic over plans??? :p

e: I still kind of lowkey want Hazou to get involved in the Tactics division (if one exists, or start one if not) of Leaf. It'd be cool to work on developing tactics to teach.
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail how long do water clones last after they are created?
We did tell you that water clone max range was currently somewhere around 150m right? I feel like we did at some point, but it might have slipped through. That and the time limit, which is something like 10 minutes at the moment, less in strenuous combat.
Edit: It's probably more since this was a long time ago, and Noburi's gotten better. Still, it's a benchmark.
Yep. Long enough that if a ninja is trained in their use and Syrup Trap and has time to prep, they aren't losing.
I mean, it's not just "missions" in general. It's specifically this courier mission which is, "Run in a very wide circle making deliveries and pick-ups." There's not much agency to be had for anyone.

With other missions there tends to be a general objective and then a variety of ways that objective could be achieved. As an example, the Goda-capture break from courier duty gave Hazou a lot more opportunities to do stuff and suggest plans.

Though I think there's also an issue about where updates end. Because the QMs are trying to keep to a very specific schedule, updates tend to end after a QM has written as much as they had time to write and/or their creativity carried them. That is not necessarily a decision point where it's useful to have players vote about what to do next. In fact it's often not. There are some strategies from other quests that might help with this:

1. Sometimes you can put votes in the middle of an update rather than the end. That is, no matter what the players vote it is (unless completely off the wall) not going to have have an immediate effect on the scene. Instead it's just used to inform Hazou's character and set up stuff down the line. That encourages looking for specific decision points to vote about rather than going, "It's the end of the update... time to vote I guess." The Second Uchiha quest uses this to good effect.

2. It's okay to end an update with, "To Be Continued" rather than "What Now?" if there's no particular need for a vote. There's no reason that every update has to have a vote in between it.

I like the idea of votes in the middle of an update; thanks for that suggestion.

As to the "to be continued", the assumption is that you don't *have* to re-vote but you can if you want. If you don't then the old plan will be carried out, but you have the option to update it if so desired. To me this is strictly better than not letting people vote, and it prevents the situation where new information is revealed in the course of the update that the players cannot take advantage of because it wasn't in the original plan.
Apologies in advance for the brain dump.
So I have some ideas on the uplift both how it might look once completed and some ideas that could be started after this mission is completed. I have been trying to envisage what 'uplifted' would even mean in this setting a settled on the following:

To Transition to an information economy in a post scarcity environment.

One of the underpinnings of this society would be to transition to a Chakra$ universal income. This would also give nations an inherit reason to want larger healthier populations.
The Chakra$ is pegged at the amount of chakra a healthy civilian can safely donate/transfer in a day.

[ ] Action Plan: WorldVision adopt a village now!
Request the team be assigned an average Leaf village to test methods for improving the lives of civilians.
Work to improve village.
- Granite town walls
- Harvest chakra animals in radius of town
- Improve standing structures with MEW where possible, aquduct, irrigation channels etc.
- Provide Nin-Med care for critical and pediatric patients
- Provide storage seal for traders with trigger for them to open at destination
Suggest that in non-emergency times Genin teams should be encouraged to adopt their own village, both to improve Fire country as a whole and to help reintegrate ninjas after stressful missions and reinforce the will of fire.
Suggest that Leaf village should track the health of sponsored villages (GDP, Life expectancy, Infant mortality etc) and provide rewards such as intensive Jutsu training to the teams with impressive improvments. These results should be open and sharing of techniques used encouraged.
If the above becomes accepted, suggest a class be taught at the academy about the most effective methods to help civilians.

[ ] Action Plan: Peace Corps
Work to create a humanitarian relief mission profile for exporting goodwill out of fire country, and to be ready to help if natural (and unnatural) disasters strike within Fire.
Current work on civilian use sealing could be leveraged for reconstruction and releiving poverty.
With any luck as violent Ninja missions subside, these forms of ninja outreach can increase so that the villages stay relevent and continue to bind ninja's together.

[ ] Action Plan: Uplift Mofo Party plan
See who is charge of Leaf R&D, seek an introduction.
Revise the work that has already been done in these areas, and what resources may be available in the coming years to work on your goals.

[ ] Action Plan: Seal all of the things!
These are all the seal improvements that would power the elemental nations into a post scarcity society.

MEW, its back, now in seal form.
- Extend MEW types to include Granite, sandstone and marble.
- Design a modular Mew Shelter that can be used for mission-shelter and in humanitarian situations for pre-fab housing.
- Expand designs to other buildings/industries

Wood release
- Research a viable seal version for growing crops.

- Create non-gas version to construct material in front of seal from material in storage. basically a replicator
- Reverse technique to absorb all material in a 3M cone infront of it, storing wanted material and expelling unwanted material: mining/agriculture/industry basically a deconstructor.

Storage Seal
- Create multi-compartment storage seal
- Combine multi-compartment storage seal with ReverseUGLSP and Macerator: town recycler

- Create interface for recharging active seals. (put more power into ReverseUGLSP to go harvest another field/mine)
- Create method for variables within a seal. (the ability to create IF statments or triggers, ie if finger is placed here, then activate ReverseUGLSP deconstruction cone)
- Create common-method language for creating different items in a UGLSP-replicator, encourage sharing of designs.
- Work to increase resolution of UGLSP, first down to compounds, then to elements.
- Create method to Blackbox civilian seals. Black paper/ink, folder over, disintegrate non-violently in reaction to direct observation.
- Work with mednin for safe way for partial harvesting of civilian chakra. ie place hands over symbol for 10 seconds each morning x population of town, this would make the civilian population and any stored chakra the strategic reserve for nations.
- Work with mednin for method to harvest non-human chakra. ie villagers send animals into kill room for chakra harvest before taking them to butcher.
- Work with mednin for an personal scale seal based chackra storage.
- Work with mednin for an industrial scale seal based chackra storage.

Ere we go ere we go

First; Your end goal makes Wakahisa terminally unable to contribute value, even outside of being ninja.
(Can't generate chakra, can only recycle chakra)
Alternatively, it could make algae farms the only valuable commodity and drive humans out of the marketplace. It's confusing.

World vision will probably be rejected on the basis that Leaf has other uses for us instead of that long term assignement, but we can probably pick a village at random to focus our efforts on. Every other suggestion will have to wait until we own Leaf, so there's that.

Peace Corps is a really good idea, but I want to add the part where we build infrastructure in foreign nations. That way, we can explain to the warmongers that this generosity will benefit us because we built their civilian infrastructure and eventually village infrastructure and therefore have them by the balls.

I also personally want to use this opportunity to build working relationships with foreign ninja so we can slowly form alliances made from friendship and not scraps of paper.

Uplift Mofo sounds like what we're going to end up in anyway.

Modular MEW shelter sounds like something we have already. Expanded design pretty much only takes coordination, so something we could do with large D Ranks

Wood Release...is either impossible or the post scarcity engine right there.

UGSLP working on solids sounds really difficult to me, but maybe fluids would be simpler?
Deconstrcutor sounds interesting but difficult.

Multi compartment storage seals is something we'll have to build anyway.

Recharging seals is a good idea

Programming language in seal sounds interesting, but may be exported to an external machine.

UGSLP sounds like it does that to an extent, but we'd probably have to discover elements first.

Black box seal is a fantastic idea that we should get on right now. Maybe modified explosive seal to explode upon disconnection with adhesive, turned down as far as we can?

Interestingly, Kagome is absolutely convinced that chakra storage seals are impossible. It may come down to analysis of the Vampiric Dew bloodline to figure out how.
Anyway, my personal goals are the Shinobi Union, peace among the nations, and "training exercises" all over the place that happen to improve civilian lives everywhere.

Exalting someone to god hood is completely optional.

Since apparently we're talking about this now.
For me long-term planning isn't possible until we (at the bare minimum) finish the mission, and definitely should not be started before Jiraiya's political position isn't quite so tenuous.
definitely should not be started before Jiraiya's political position isn't quite so tenuous.

Meh, i would prefer he loses his position post emergency to Tsunade . the clan gains his time as a competent leader and he can contribute to making new seals. And if he kicks off the world vision adopt a village program before leaving, we have the start of what we need anyway.

Frankly he is a terrible Hokage, and will start a clan war if he continues in his current direction. While Tsunade is a conciliator who will bring the clans together.
Meh, i would prefer he loses his position post emergency to Tsunade . the clan gains his time as a competent leader and he can contribute to making new seals. And if he kicks off the world vision adopt a village program before leaving, we have the start of what we need anyway.

Frankly he is a terrible Hokage, and will start a clan war if he continues in his current direction. While Tsunade is a conciliator who will bring the clans together.
If you ask Keiko, she will point out that Jiraiya cannot afford to not cover this up. Jiraiya just burned every scrap of goodwill he had with the clan leaders; if it is shown that adopting all of you was a really bad idea then he is ruined. All of the tentative support he's currently getting will dissolve into civil war and he won't be able to focus on finding Naruto. Likewise, Nara Shikaku will have to support you because allowing Leaf to devolve into civil war would destroy Leaf. Neither of them will be happy and there will definitely be consequences, but they will work to cover this up.
I would imagine that this would happen even if our particular incompetence wasn't involved. So I don't think this is a good thing.

Also, "Tsunade is a conciliator"? Where the hell does this come from?
I would imagine that this would happen even if our particular incompetence wasn't involved. So I don't think this is a good thing.

Also, "Tsunade is a conciliator"? Where the hell does this come from?

Well if we got them the information to save naruto we probably balanced out our other mistakes
So unrelatedly, does anyone in the party have the experience to suggest the idiom, "you're not dead until you're warm and dead"? If yes, we should spend some time preparing coldboxes for Kei to take bodies back to Konoha with -- It's possible that they could be brought back from death. Depends, I guess, on if it's possible to resucitate someone in MfDverse.

On which note:

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If Noburi developed Medical Ninjutsu, would he get half cost to those past the first as he does with Water Ninjutsu? I assume also that Medical Ninjutsu may not be chakra boosted.

Medical Ninjutsu: Blood as Water Technique

Attribute Costs: Medical Ninjutsu * 1, Intelligence * 2

Chakra Cost: 10 chakra per second while actively moving around, 10 chakra per 30 seconds otherwise.

Description: The first precept of being a Medical Ninjutsu specialist is to keep yourself alive -- this technique aids in that. It floods the body with medical chakra, providing the blood present with oxygen and producing additional blood as necessary. It is a triage technique which must be used immediately after the wound is inflicted. It does not affect shock, pain, or physical capabilities otherwise.

Mechanics: Add the results of Blood as Water to a failed combat roll: If this would reduce the total failure class below C, the target survives as long as the technique is in use. This technique only helps against blood loss -- if your or your teammate's body is kablooey you're SOL. Unsure as to whether this technique should be allowed as a reaction, or as part of a combat attack. This technique is intended to give enough time for the user to treat themselves or the target properly after combat is over; while it's possible for them to continue in combat, any further lethal injuries guarantee death, and they cannot use this against a target that they are not able to physically touch (or, you know, touch with water if Noburi ever figures that out).

Example: Noburi rolls Water Whip to block a jounin's attack on the way out of combat:

Noburi: 34 (base) + 11 (chakra boost) + 6 (Hozuki's Mantle) + 9 (multicombat) - 3 (A-class injury) : 57d100: 2864
Jounin: ?d100: 3882

Formula says: -42.6...

Ordinarily, an additional B-class injury would be enough to kill Noburi, but by using this technique he may roll a sum of dice equal to Blood as Water and add them to his roll, resulting in instead, the following:

57d100+13d100: 70d100: 3542

Formula Says: -13.38...

Having reduced the "injury" below C class total, Noburi survives (though he retains C-class penalties to further rolls), surviving perhaps until he can find somewhere to treat his injuries properly.
So unrelatedly, does anyone in the party have the experience to suggest the idiom, "you're not dead until you're warm and dead"? If yes, we should spend some time preparing coldboxes for Kei to take bodies back to Konoha with -- It's possible that they could be brought back from death. Depends, I guess, on if it's possible to resucitate someone in MfDverse.

On which note:

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If Noburi developed Medical Ninjutsu, would he get half cost to those past the first as he does with Water Ninjutsu? I assume also that Medical Ninjutsu may not be chakra boosted.

Medical Ninjutsu: Blood as Water Technique

Attribute Costs: Medical Ninjutsu * 1, Intelligence * 2

Chakra Cost: 10 chakra per second while actively moving around, 10 chakra per 30 seconds otherwise.

Description: The first precept of being a Medical Ninjutsu specialist is to keep yourself alive -- this technique aids in that. It floods the body with medical chakra, providing the blood present with oxygen and producing additional blood as necessary. It is a triage technique which must be used immediately after the wound is inflicted. It does not affect shock, pain, or physical capabilities otherwise.

Mechanics: Add the results of Blood as Water to a failed combat roll: If this would reduce the total failure class below C, the target survives as long as the technique is in use. This technique only helps against blood loss -- if your or your teammate's body is kablooey you're SOL. Unsure as to whether this technique should be allowed as a reaction, or as part of a combat attack. This technique is intended to give enough time for the user to treat themselves or the target properly after combat is over; while it's possible for them to continue in combat, any further lethal injuries guarantee death, and they cannot use this against a target that they are not able to physically touch (or, you know, touch with water if Noburi ever figures that out).

Example: Noburi rolls Water Whip to block a jounin's attack on the way out of combat:

Noburi: 34 (base) + 11 (chakra boost) + 6 (Hozuki's Mantle) + 9 (multicombat) - 3 (A-class injury) : 57d100: 2864
Jounin: ?d100: 3882

Formula says: -42.6...

Ordinarily, an additional B-class injury would be enough to kill Noburi, but by using this technique he may roll a sum of dice equal to Blood as Water and add them to his roll, resulting in instead, the following:

57d100+13d100: 70d100: 3542

Formula Says: -13.38...

Having reduced the "injury" below C class total, Noburi survives (though he retains C-class penalties to further rolls), surviving perhaps until he can find somewhere to treat his injuries properly.
I like this. It's useful but not blatantly overpowered since most causes of death are gonna involve a lot more than just blood loss (burns, blunt force trauma...). It's mostly useful for Weapons users which are Noburi's weakness (Ranged Weapons).
I like this. It's useful but not blatantly overpowered since most causes of death are gonna involve a lot more than just blood loss (burns, blunt force trauma...). It's mostly useful for Weapons users which are Noburi's weakness (Ranged Weapons).
Yep. And it's useful to keep someone alive until he can treat them properly.
So unrelatedly, does anyone in the party have the experience to suggest the idiom, "you're not dead until you're warm and dead"? If yes, we should spend some time preparing coldboxes for Kei to take bodies back to Konoha with -- It's possible that they could be brought back from death. Depends, I guess, on if it's possible to resucitate someone in MfDverse.

On which note:

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If Noburi developed Medical Ninjutsu, would he get half cost to those past the first as he does with Water Ninjutsu? I assume also that Medical Ninjutsu may not be chakra boosted.

Medical Ninjutsu: Blood as Water Technique

Attribute Costs: Medical Ninjutsu * 1, Intelligence * 2

Chakra Cost: 10 chakra per second while actively moving around, 10 chakra per 30 seconds otherwise.

Description: The first precept of being a Medical Ninjutsu specialist is to keep yourself alive -- this technique aids in that. It floods the body with medical chakra, providing the blood present with oxygen and producing additional blood as necessary. It is a triage technique which must be used immediately after the wound is inflicted. It does not affect shock, pain, or physical capabilities otherwise.

Mechanics: Add the results of Blood as Water to a failed combat roll: If this would reduce the total failure class below C, the target survives as long as the technique is in use. This technique only helps against blood loss -- if your or your teammate's body is kablooey you're SOL. Unsure as to whether this technique should be allowed as a reaction, or as part of a combat attack. This technique is intended to give enough time for the user to treat themselves or the target properly after combat is over; while it's possible for them to continue in combat, any further lethal injuries guarantee death, and they cannot use this against a target that they are not able to physically touch (or, you know, touch with water if Noburi ever figures that out).

Example: Noburi rolls Water Whip to block a jounin's attack on the way out of combat:

Noburi: 34 (base) + 11 (chakra boost) + 6 (Hozuki's Mantle) + 9 (multicombat) - 3 (A-class injury) : 57d100: 2864
Jounin: ?d100: 3882

Formula says: -42.6...

Ordinarily, an additional B-class injury would be enough to kill Noburi, but by using this technique he may roll a sum of dice equal to Blood as Water and add them to his roll, resulting in instead, the following:

57d100+13d100: 70d100: 3542

Formula Says: -13.38...

Having reduced the "injury" below C class total, Noburi survives (though he retains C-class penalties to further rolls), surviving perhaps until he can find somewhere to treat his injuries properly.
This also sounds like it negates poisons too, or at least mitigates their effects.