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Potential perk of WDB 50: Noburi said that the toads respect personal power immensely. Having a giant, flashy jutsu that he's quite skilled at will probably help him get good summons, something that'll help with the immediate "murder tons of chakra beasts" plans.
PSA: Hazō cannot use Shadow Clone training until his Severe consequences heal.

Watsonian: Sufficient pain will disrupt an SC, the Severes copy across, so every time a clone moves the wrong way and twinges its injuries it disappears.

Doylist: We generally don't worry about tracking where the XP came from but that's because we assume that you're doing a variety of training in the background. Technically Hazō could be doing eg calligraphy training right now but he could not be doing anything even slightly physically or mentally demanding and it's extreme enough that we don't feel comfortable saying that he was doing one thing and increasing something else.

@eaglejarl So what did Asuma say regarding the two banished Isan nin, other than that the Goketsu wouldn't need to be a part of the team dealing with them?
"Well done. Come home, rest up, I'll take it from here."
PSA: The grue has sneezed.

@Velorien made a polite comment this morning which led me to believe that I am terrible at OPSEC. Fortunately, Hazō and the team are not as terrible, and therefore it would never have occured to them to use mist drain in front of Sasuke and Hyūga. They were careful, as you can see from the update and has always been the case, to do that as a separate experiment between the other two.
PSA: The grue has sneezed.

@Velorien made a polite comment this morning which led me to believe that I am terrible at OPSEC. Fortunately, Hazō and the team are not as terrible, and therefore it would never have occured to them to use mist drain in front of Sasuke and Hyūga. They were careful, as you can see from the update and has always been the case, to do that as a separate experiment between the other two.
One of us. One of us. One of us.

It might be better to just have it as a scene during an update.

Mini section:

In Hazo's opinion, Is calligraphy adequate for replicating the Great Seal, which is a 3D seal into a 2D format.
  • Consult Kagome and other sealmasters for their opinions.
  • If calligraphy is adequate, then just train calligraphy more.
    • If not, seeks out a stonecrafter or scupltor. Learn the basic from presumed civilian expert.
      • Seek out compatible jutsu for stonecrafting as well.
      • How does a person infuse a stone seal anyway?
        • Hints might be available with craved wooden seal.
We should make a mark near the rift to make it easier to find next time. Maybe not on the rift in case it messes with it.
Also, since part of the reason we are here is to learn dimensionalism for the great seal. We could do experiments with the other rifts too in case they react differently.
Here's my plan from last cycle, I'll probably write a different plan tomorrow though.

[X] Welcome Home, Here's Some Lists
Word Count: 240
    • The apocalypse
      • Hand out DRAGONWAR reports.
        • What do Noburi and Keiko think of Ami's Crusader idea?
      • Either we don't know where the Arachnid Scroll is or it's in a Rock fort. Seems to be a bust, unless someone disagrees...?
        • Discuss other Scroll options. Otter or Kraken seem the most promising to get Kagome to 7th Path the quickest.
          • Is that too slow to affect the DRAGONWAR? If so, Hazou prefers any mission to retrieve a Scroll would be for Akane next.
            • Thoughts?
      • There is another...senior sealmaster in Leaf, but he hasn't been to the Sealmaster meetings. Is it worth betting we can solve this crisis on our own?
  • Kumokogo
    • Bring HOWS Seals to Arachnid territory, explain how they work.
    • Pitch Ami's Crusader idea. She's not familiar with 7th path denizens, how could it be improved?
      • Also, Condor Scouts should be coming by soon.
    • Explain what Hazou thinks will be needed to recreate the Seal for study. Earthshaping or drawing only?
    • If the plan to reach the Great Seal is the same as before, Hazou has timed Implosion Seals for the kamikaze troops to wear.
      • Take appropriate amount of time to learn how to activate as needed.
      • Show proper respect.
      • Hazou isn't expecting much, but in theory the Implosion seals should severely damage lungs if detonated near a Dragon.
    • Apply the HOWS to the Great Seal, ensure they work, and get out.
Ok, I have heavily modified the plan to be almost entirely about the DRAGONWAR, all that other stuff is important but eh, it can wait

I'll be writing another one in a little bit
Real quick, before the thread moves on too far; does anyone agree with my interpretation of Asuma's understanding of the Itachi incident? I'm really curious to see what everyone else thought.

I always interpreted Asuma's line to us as we were dragged out of the Killbox as "You Accidentally Committed Treason Again But The Consequences Were Minimal And You Got A Politically Significant Portion Of The Village Advocating For You So I'll Overlook It This Time And Play Along With Your Ridiculous Story"
PSA: Good news, bad news, and worse news about the Great Seal.

With the healing of Hazō's Medium consequences, his bloodline access has been restored and he has a clear picture of the Great Seal available to him. He waited several days to start looking at it and even then only very carefully, mentally 'looking away' before really taking in the entire thing. There were some minor issues at first but it's been a couple of weeks and he's now comfortable mentally 'examining' the seal as much as he likes. That's the good news.

The bad news is that he now realizes that, unlike every other seal he has ever seen, the Great Seal is three dimensional. The Iron Nerve stored the relative heights of each segment, the overall layout, and even the texture of the surface, suggesting that all of those factors were important.

The worse news is that no one that either Hazō or Kagome have ever heard of has so much as mentioned the idea of a 3D seal. It's possible it's even against some of the standard lore, meaning that lore is wrong. That means there is no precedent for how such a seal interacts with the Iron Nerve. Hazō doesn't know if there are important factors that the Iron Nerve didn't store, or if some of the ones that it did store are actually not important.

One more tiny bit of good news: The Iron Nerve did in fact store parts of the seal that were occluded from the angle Hazō was looking at, so he's fairly sure that his mental image includes the entire thing.
Last edited:
[X] Kabuto Gets Some New Friends
Word Count: 286
  • Kabuto
    • Don't violate OPSEC/reveal information above his clearance.
    • The SSSSS will be joining Leaf soon. Their assistance was mission critical: this was a concession.
      • We wanted to notify you - they aren't fond of you.
    • Here's the most recent, highest quality copy of the Great Seal available and an updated report on DRAGONWAR.
      • Your insight and Orochimaru's would be very helpful if it is convenient.
  • Kumokogo
    • Bring HOWS to Arachnids, explain lifespan and how to tell if they need replacing.
    • Pitch Ami's Crusader idea. She's unfamiliar with 7th path, how could it be improved?
      • Condor Scouts should visit soon to verify Dragons exist, on Enma's recommendation. Pardon us if this was rude.
    • Describe landmarks around Rock fort, verify it's the same island/lake Kumokogo described.
      • Rock would capture/kill Hazou on sight. If the Scroll is there, Hazou likely can't access it.
      • If they have it, why haven't they signed it? Hopefully they train a Sealmaster...
    • Explain what Hazou thinks will be needed to recreate Seal for study. Manage research time expectations.
      • Any lore/history helps. How long have arachnids guarded it? Did Kumokogo see its creation/meet the Sage?
    • If the plan to reach the Great Seal is the same as before, Hazou has timed Implosion Seals for the kamikaze troops to wear.
      • Show proper respect.
      • Take time to teach seal activation.
      • How frequently can Great Seal be approached with this strategy?
      • Hazou isn't expecting much, but Implosion seals could damage lungs if detonated near Dragons' chests.
    • Apply HOWS to Great Seal, ensure they work, get out.
  • Other (Offscreen)
    • Ask Noburi what he wants to train. Is our suggestion okay?
    • Ask Haru to stop murdering yaks. Asuma noticed, he's pissed. We're not exactly happy either.
Last edited:
PSA: Good news, bad news, and worse news about the Great Sealing.

With the healing of Hazō's Medium consequences, his bloodline access has been restored and he has a clear picture of the Great Seal available to him. He waited several days to start looking at it and even then only very carefully, mentally 'looking away' before really taking in the entire thing. There were some minor issues at first but it's been a couple of weeks and he's now comfortable mentally 'examining' the seal as much as he likes. That's the good news.

The bad news is that he now realizes that, unlike every other seal he has ever seen, the Great Seal is three dimensional. The Iron Nerve stored the relative heights of each segment, the overall layout, and even the texture of the surface, suggesting that all of those factors were important.

The worse news is that no one that either Hazō or Kagome have ever heard of has so much as mentioned the idea of a 3D seal. It's possible it's even against some of the standard lore, meaning that lore is wrong. That means there is no precedent for how such a seal interacts with the Iron Nerve. Hazō doesn't know if there are important factors that the Iron Nerve didn't store, or if some of the ones that it did store are actually not important.

One more tiny bit of good news: The Iron Nerve did in fact store parts of the seal that were occluded from the angle Hazō was looking at, so he's fairly sure that his mental image includes the entire thing.
well, shit
Here's my plan from last cycle, I'll probably write a different plan tomorrow though.

[X] Welcome Home, Here's Some Lists
Word Count: 235
    • The apocalypse
      • Hand out DRAGONWAR reports.
        • What do Noburi and Keiko think of Ami's Crusader idea?
      • Either we don't know where the Arachnid Scroll is or it's in a Rock fort. Seems to be a bust, unless someone disagrees...?
        • Discuss other Scroll options. Otter or Kraken seem the most promising to get Kagome to 7th Path the quickest.
          • Is that too slow to affect the DRAGONWAR? If so, Hazou prefers any mission to retrieve a Scroll would be for Akane next.
            • Thoughts?
      • There is another...senior sealmaster in Leaf, but he hasn't been to the Sealmaster meetings. Is it worth betting we can solve this crisis on our own?
  • Kumokogo
    • Bring HOWS Seals to Arachnid territory, explain how they work.
    • Pitch Ami's Crusader idea. She's not familiar with 7th path denizens, how could it be improved?
      • Also, Condor Scouts should be coming by soon.
    • Explain what Hazou thinks will be needed to recreate the Seal for study. Earthshaping or topographic map?
    • If the plan to reach the Great Seal is the same as before, Hazou has timed Implosion Seals for the kamikaze troops to wear.
      • Take appropriate amount of time to learn how to activate as needed.
      • Show proper respect.
      • Hazou isn't expecting much, but in theory the Implosion seals should severely damage lungs if detonated near a Dragon.
    • Apply the HOWS to the Great Seal, ensure they work, and get out.
updated this plan with new information that the Seal is in fact 3D
So the next step is creating experimental 3D Seals, with the primary caveat that 'it works', regardless of any actual effects.
We should make a mark near the rift to make it easier to find next time. Maybe not on the rift in case it messes with it.
Also, since part of the reason we are here is to learn dimensionalism for the great seal. We could do experiments with the other rifts too in case they react differently.
You've already left. If you want to have done experiments on the other seals it will need to be done as a Declaration which, if accepted, will cost you 1 FP.
[X] Kabuto Gets Some New Friends
the standard rules are two scenes per chapter, correct? i thiink we should tell asuma about how the SSSS are related to the liberators army and the hydra foundation even if it's out of screen.
You spent hours and hours of time with Sasuke and Hyūga watching you manipulate chakra across the rift scar using every method you could think of, all to no avail. This includes chakra adhesion, chakra repulsion, chakra boosting, Pantokrator's Hammer, and probably whatever else y'all come up with.
So would this also include Noburi's chakra water via barrel? Such as...him covering the scar-area with his chakra water and repeatedly moving the 'chakra' portion back and forth around the edges of the scar?
You've already left. If you want to have done experiments on the other seals it will need to be done as a Declaration which, if accepted, will cost you 1 FP.
Without stating that we wish to make any Declarations...I think these tests are the most important:
  • Examining the effects of implosion seals, which could theoretically transport air from the afterlife-side of the portal to our side.
  • Checking for chakra use via chakdar seal.
  • Sticking a Summoning Scroll at it.
the standard rules are two scenes per chapter, correct?

More like "max of three", although obviously if you want fewer we aren't going to complain. You can also put more if you want, it's simply that we're unlikely to get to them and I charge an XP penalty for having more than one in the plan even if I don't write it. I don't believe @Velorien has done that in the past, suggesting that he's nicer than me.

Can we get a list of probable rift sites from sealmasters? It would be nice if we don't have to trek 4 days just to get to Love Island.

You already know of the scissor monster one in Iron. You can ask around for others if you want to put that in the plan.
[X] Kabuto Gets Some New Friends
Word Count: 190
  • Kabuto
    • Don't violate OPSEC or reveal information that hasn't been cleared.
    • Kabuto, just so you know, the SSSSS will likely be joining Leaf soon.
      • We heard they weren't fond of you, so we thought we'd notify you.
    • Also, here's the most up-to-date and high quality copy of the Great Seal we have.
      • Feel free to share with Orochimaru if it doesn't bug him.
  • Kumokogo
    • Bring HOWS Seals to Arachnid territory, explain how they work.
    • Pitch Ami's Crusader idea. She's not familiar with 7th path denizens, how could it be improved?
      • Also, Condor Scouts should be coming by soon.
    • Explain what Hazou thinks will be needed to recreate the Seal for study. Earthshaping or drawing a topographic map?
    • If the plan to reach the Great Seal is the same as before, Hazou has timed Implosion Seals for the kamikaze troops to wear.
      • Take appropriate amount of time to learn how to activate as needed.
      • Show proper respect.
      • Hazou isn't expecting much, but in theory the Implosion seals should severely damage lungs if detonated near a Dragon.
    • Apply the HOWS to the Great Seal, ensure they work, and get out.

Is HOWS complete? Also i would suggest asking/explaining Kabuto the DRAGONWAR situation, in case he didn't care about the report, i doubt it he doesn't know about it, but it could help.
PSA on Declarations:

Y'all are welcome to propose Declarations outside of plans. Simple ones can be charged and resolved then and there but things with more narrative time/effort costs would be approved but then need to go into the plan and be answered in the update.
@eaglejarl @Velorien Now that Hazou's Bloodline is working and he can properly visualize the Great Seal, does he think it can be replicated in 2-D like a regular seal, or does he think it must be a 3-D sculpture like the original version?

HDK for sure but 3D would be the way to bet.

How does a person infuse a 3D seal?

HDK but the words 'very carefully' probably factor in somewhere.

So would this also include Noburi's chakra water via barrel? Such as...him covering the scar-area with his chakra water and repeatedly moving the 'chakra' portion back and forth around the edges of the scar?

Sure. He tried it and couldn't detect anything.

Voting is open for the next 1 hour, 55 minutes