Note that the single most comprehensive library in existence is probably inside the Nara compound and which Keiko, but not even Asuma, has the authority to unilaterally grant Hazou full access to. They educate their young on neigh-heretical esoteric facts about the origins of their nation's founding philosophy from records which predate it by centuries. They literally invented the world's first printing press. They kinda like books.
That said, while not exactly necessary, it's probably a good idea to loop Shikamaru in on what is going on, what is being done about it, and why Hazou needs access to what is quite possibly the single most valuable resource on the entire planet. Seriously, earlier comments from him to Keiko while the team were still visiting as missing-nin could be read to suggest that even the two other clans in the closest and longest alliance in all of existence aren't automatically entitled to access, but he is generally reasonable, and "imminent multiversal omnicide" is pretty solid as far as petitions go.
Oh, and while probably not as comprehensive, the Nara's equivalents in Mist and Sand might have some records that their clan lacks.
Oh, and don't the pangolins have some legend about a grand shared library which should be accessible again and even a holy priority now that the Condors have been dealt with?
Oh, and then there are the snakes and slugs...
-and, given the last chapter, it might be a good idea to have somebody dig through the Inuzuka records for anything relevant before deciding how to handle the outcast loremaster.