Small #DiscordDump
Can Karstah do [Difficult] requests?
Yes. #Mechanics
Sorry everyone, I thought I answered this. I remember you guys asking a few months ago and I said I'd get back to you after thinking about it more, but someone PM'd me and asked because apperantly I never actually cleared this?
If u do the option that says let Snorri/Karstah decide. Otherwise I will respect the Runes chosen on the design and have the narrative reflect the intent.
To further clarify. Karstahs traits will appear on the part she does and same for Snorri. If Karstah does pt 2 then her traits would appear on the final product. Im not sure if Ill have this ability to switch between the two on one item for narrative reasons but we'll see.
Does the 40% chance on Master of the odd apply to rune compressions/understands like talismans does?
if it causes Understanding then yes, so Compressions would qualify for the 40% #Mechanics
Do left over khazagar actions roll over to the next turn like prods?
Yes. #Mechanics
There was also a discussion about the specifics of Karstah and being named heir that i'll try and summarize my responses to.
If we didn't take Karstah as our heir, who gets our stuff if we bit it?
Still Karstah most likely. Just because Snorri didn't recognize an adoption does not mean the Hold and society did not.
That sounds sketchy? Wanting to teach a foundling sounds like it necessitates adoption. Wouldn't that discourage it?
To teach Karstah necessitates sharing secrets you could and would not share with someone outside of a Runesmith Clan. This is normally a non-issue because most Masters don't look beyond Runesmith Clans when looking for apprentices. For the rare few that do, it does involve a formal adoption into the Clan like what happens for most other professions. Some Dwarfs treat the adoption as a legal formality, and if they have kids themselves they may need to state otherwise. But a Dwarf man usually doesn't have kids of his own most times, so this apprentice he has to adopt to teach becoming a Clan Member and his legal beneficiary is usually fine. Trickier for women, but thats part of the negotiation if they have kids.
So Karstah was adopted from the beginning?
Yes. I must reiterate that Snorri was being wilfully ignorant. The foundling part of apprentice hunt was an asked for addition, and I figured I could add it and this was the way that it works with what I recall telling the thread beforehand. Could I have been clearer? Yeah probably, can't recall how much I laid out from that time.
Assuming a World where Karstah was never adopted. Who would be our heir? Would it go to Snerra?
In the event you had no legally stated heir or children then your worldly possessions not earmarked to be part of your burial are taken by the Clan to be used for the good of future Winterhearth Clansdwarfs. Technically speaking, from that point the Clan decides who gets what, but practically speaking it would likely go to Snerra as she is the only other Runelord the Clan has and is your niece.
What if Karstah was adopted but not explicitly our heir, what then?
Depends. If Snorri wasn't the one to adopt her then it could be divied out, but its likely to go to Snerra.
If Karstah was adopted by you, as is Canon, then what I said earlier happens. Karstah is defacto heir and is given everything unless she wishes otherwise. Claiming her as your heir was more a personal admittance than a societal one.
And the willingness to teach her to actually be ready for the role too right?
For you? Yes. Ideas about being an heir and apprentice
do vary a bit. Snorri's view is largely inherited from Yorri, and is notedly older and more committed than some other understandings.
Is Snerra still in Clan Winterhearth by the way?
Still being discussed in universe. To get nitty gritty, the Clan is negotiating hard to keep her. Its not common for Dwarfs to start Clans
after they have kids, they plan to have em obviously, but yeah. Even then Jorri's circumstances make it an actual point of discussion as to whether Snerra comes with him, legally speaking, when he founds his new Clan.
As an aside because I don't know where to fit it.
Clan is vocation is family. What takes precedence is up to the people involved.
#Culture #Runesmiths
I guess you could argue that without the magic round to cancel out combat losses is what allowed her to draw, however I think she was just a combination of tanky with a high hp pool and with a 40% chance to escape every round, I don't think Snorri's damage per turn would be enough to kill her before she escaped if she had started hitting the eject button at turn 1. If she wasn't consistently winning magic rounds, she'd have just started to flee earlier and it still would have drawn.
The Meargh's plan, as Snorri can best infer, was not to kill you, It was to survive. She was stalling, so long as she didn't die in combat and you didn't notice her tricks she just had to survive 5 combat phases. And the Rolls ended up being in her favour. Assuming you figured out early enough or heck, rolled to select the right item, she would be dead otherwise most likely.