Master Rune of the Shardthrower: Normally the Dwarfs want something that will not break. Not so with this Engineering Rune--when inscribed on warmachines, when its ammunition hits it will explode into razor-sharp shrapnel and yet retain all the other portions of the nature of the material. So, for instance, a Wutroth-Gromril bolt could be made and fired and then razor sharp bits of wood and gromril will, expanding from the point of impact, fill the air. A niche Rune, but helpful in the proper place.
Rune of Shifting: Artillery is a hefty, weighty thing and nothing can change that; however pieces inscribed with this Rune seem lighter to the hands and thews of the Dwarfs that move them, and can therefore be shifted to new positions more quickly, either to exploit a new gap or help cover a breach in the line or so on or so forth.
Rune of Seeking: A piece of artillery bearing this rune will have a certain inertia that seeks to return its aim to a pre-sighted position, compensating for possible user error, shifts in the wind, the shaking released by certain blows of the enemy, so on and so forth--making it very useful for the making of killing fields.
Runes repurposed in Kraka Ravnsvake during the Incursion, for fear of Kholek Suneater.
Master Rune of Valor: A banner Rune, its effect is simple--those true champions under it who bellow honest challenge and valorous call will be answered by their foe, no matter how base, how cowardly, or how treacherous they have proven themselves, or indeed even if it is a plainly bad idea.
Rune of Contests: Under the effect of this Rune Beardling and Longbeard alike will become full of the desire to prove themselves in the shieldwall, with a fey and youthful spirit seeking to make themselves champion, to come to grips with the foe, challenging each other to great feats on the field and so charging forward.
Rune of the Wolf: The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf, this is the law of the forest. Those that forget this must die and those who hold to it shall live. To that end banners bearing this rune increase the loyalty, cohesiveness, and coordination of those under its effect.
War is often an ugly affair, but it is least ugly, in Tharr's opinion, when it comes to the honest contest of axe and shield and line, when a warrior can only kill what he means to kill, rather than worry that he has slain something he did not mean to with shrapnel. So he made these runes that the war will come to the line, and that none who would call for it can flee from the consequences of it.
Master Rune of the Cleaning Sun: While the Dwarfs are not the greatest fans of the open sky and the burning orb therein there is something to be respected in anything that Chaos so detests and fears. To that end this Rune reflects a true fraction of that celestial glory as light, and so those that fear the sunlight and a bright and shining day will be repulsed, or at least weakened, by any structure bearing it.
Rune of Calm Scent: A simple Rune, it releases an energy which the thinking mind interprets as a pleasant and calming scent--for instance, the Elves speak of the scent of coffee and tea or the smell of old scrolls.
Rune of Clarity: Those words spoken in this place will not be mumbled, garbled, hidden things thanks to acoustics, rather every word spoken will be clear, well understood and comprehended. That this makes treacherous plot and bleak politicking much the more difficult is, of course, only a bonus.
Simple, pleasant Runes for a god to teach.