Rune of Mourning : A rune used on recently dead dwarves to stop their decay. Used during campaigns or when a dwarf die far from home allowing others to send them back to their clan or hold in a good state.
Rune of Farwhistle : A recent rune allowing the user to produce a certain sound only hearable by some creatures such as the Brana, allowing rangers or patrols to call for help any who would be close enough to hear it without warning threats.
Mourning: A stasis Rune does this well enough, though common Dwarfs are buried near where they die. Usually, the only times effort is spent on bringing Dwarfs back to their hold s usually when they're high ranking like a Thane or Runesmith.
Farwhistle: Neat. Future Rune.
Rune of Disguising: Can disguise itself and other runes on the same object as different Runes.
Relatively niche, given that it takes up a Rune spot. Could be used by a paranoid Runesmith to hide his works from other smiths.
Master Rune of Disguising: Can disguise itself and other runes on the same object as Klinkarhun runes.
An improvement on the basic Rune
Name may need to change, I think there's a Mater Rune of Disguise already.
Rune of the Cleansing Sun (Creates a field or fills a room with an ambient field of Hysh in the form of Sunlight, weakening undead and vampires.
Master Rune of the Cruel Sun/Ekri the Proud (Like the lesser Rune, but the field is not only more potent, but will actively flood sources of Dhar/necromancers with Hysh, burning them from within)
The spiteful creations of ever prideful Ekri Drongsson, Runelord of Zhufbar, after a Necrarch seared off a fifth of his beard during a battle between the Dwarfs and the Uzkular of Sylvania. The Runelord was tragically slain by a scion of the Von Carsteins before he could inscribe the Master Rune on the walls of his home. Only his journals confirm its existence, though not its method of creation. Forever lost with its maker before ever seeing the light of day.
Rune of Brightness: Ammo fired from artillery with this rune explodes in a burst of white light, not enough to really kill or even seriously wound but well enough to leave the foe blind temporarily.
Rune of Bang: Similar to the Rune of Brightness, however where the Rune of Brightness explodes with light this produces a deafening noise.
Master Rune of Synchronization: A somewhat strange Rune, the artillery piece bearing it may have up to two other pieces bound to it, allowing them to fire at the same time and to move their aim if not their real position. For instance the King piece might act as a ninety degree angle while the Thane pieces fire at relative forty-five degrees, all while needing few, if any, trained crew for the Thane piece-only a reloader.
Brightness and Bang: I question the Dwarf's need for this on artillery specifically. I don't think their approach towards warfare is that advanced or precise yet as to need this kind of screening. A Talismanic may work for both, and their simple enough that it should work.
Synchronization: So as I understand it, you have the artillery with the Rune inscribed acting as the leader for two other nearby artillery pieces. These pieces don't move, but their aim moves towards the direction of the Master artillery? Just wanna be sure that we're on the same page before adding it is all. If we are, then it IS very niche. I question the necessity when you have Runes of Accuracy, but reducing the need for a trained Master Engineer to do the aiming themself is valid enough reason though it being a Master Rune sorta invalidates it. Master Version can have more oomph I think.
Mmm, you can forgo the "steel hard ice" part then, and go with "the colder the climate, the thicker the layer of ice".
Forgot it wasn't a combo.
That said, might as well have a couple more Runes the.
[Armour] Master Rune of Storri Frostklad: Covers the wearer's armour in an ablative layer of magical ice that scales in hardness as the original armour quality. Additionally, emits a chilling aura to enemies within 40 meters.
[Engineering] Master Rune of Shattering Strikes: Warmachines deal additional damage against enemy structures, and shards are blown towards enemies. Against the Fimir and their foul fortifications, the crafty Runesmiths created this potent Master Rune.
[Structural] Rune of the Hidden Door: Doors and entry points inscribed with this Rune are hidden from intruders. Capable of interfering with magical means of seeking them. The more copies, the more potent the effect.
[Structural] Master Rune of the Hidden Hold: Must be scaled to the area it covers, but allows the hold to be hidden from their enemies; capable of confuddling scrying magic to perceive the mountain as just an ordinary mountain without anything special.
[Structural] Rune of the Secured Door: Doors, gates, and other such things inscribed with this Rune are forified against forced entry, hinges and similar mechanisms included.
[Structural] Master Rune of Retributive Stone: Absorbs magic up to a critical point, where it is released as an explosive wave of heat, molten metal, and lava that repairs the structure.
Frostklad 2.0: okey
Frostklad Armour: added, reduced aura range.
Shattering Strikes: added, lore changed.
Hidden Door: added, maybe change the descriptor to something else if you can think of something,
Hidden Hold: nope.
Secured Door: maybe focus on the locks and hinges part, regular defensive Runes will make the door itself hard to break. Again, maybe a different descriptor for the name if you can.
Retributive Stone: ooooh, a combo of Devouring and Living Stone? Hmm, future Rune then. Like the door Runes, maybe think of a different descriptor if you can.
[Structural] Master Rune of Avenging Stone: When the defenders manning the wall this Master Rune is inscribed on have either fallen to the last dwarf or have fully retreated, the structure explodes in a last bid to thin out as many of the invaders as possible.
[Structural] Master Rune of Vengeful Stone: Whenever a dwarf manning the structure this Master Rune is inscribed on has been slain on duty, the structure emits a blast of heat and force at the general direction of the invading army.
Created by a particularly vindictive Runelord, when his brothers were slain while manning the walls during the Incursion.
Avenging Stone: Added.
Vengeful Stone: Added.
Really liking that you're running with the __ Stone naming scheme, though you may not realize why exactly it makes my day.