Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[Non Canon] A Song
Hidden in a shadowed corner of your workshop, you watch your three apprentices work. Dolgi and Fjolla led the exercise, while Snerra determinedly followed along. Runesmiths were, you knew, a generally solitary lot, with the exception of their apprentices. But at times it became necessary to work with one's peers rather than just being assisted by apprentices, hence the nature of the exercise: collaborative crafting. The slightest variations in hammerblow and chant can throw off entire runic arrays, so the beardlings needed practice. It was tradition to encourage them to create their own chants, mimicking the actual chants for real runes.

"Cold. The air and water flowing.
The land we call our own."

You noted the tiniest variations in swing and chant speeds. Snerra had the most, of course, being the youngest, but not actually that far behind the apprentices decades her senior. She really was amazing.

"Push to keep the Dark from coming.
Feel the weight of what we owe."

Dolgi, too light on the eigth swing, too high a note on every sixth word. Fjolla, heavier on every tenth swing, voice too deep on every third word. Beardling's been getting some practice singing to his beloved, hmm? You smirk underneath your beard. Your gaze turns to Snerra. Too light on every third swing, voice a touch too high on most notes. Again, most impressive for her age.

"This, the song of sons and daughters.
Hide the heart of who we are."

You rather liked the song, though. It sang well of Kraka Drakk and the Dawi.

"Making peace to build our future.
Strong, united, working till we fall."

That one might be your influence, you thought, idly scratching a cheek.

"And we all lift, and we're all adrift, together, together.
Through the cold mist, till we're lifeless together, together."

Now that was a little morbid.

Still, as the song wound down and the exercise neared completion, your hand dug into your pocket. Nowhere is safe, after all.

Just a little piece.
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Turn 12:
The mood of the Elder Council is tenser than usual, all here are well aware of the news of the South. Moira is silent, her mouth set into a grim line while Gormak grumbles so loudly that it can almost be considered bellowing. None of the assembled elders grumble about the usual things, instead the mutter curses against daemons and tell stories about how many they've slain in between bouts of hard drinking. You note that the amount of alcohol consumed during these times always spikes around moments of celebration and great woe. Sadly for your people, in this case it is for the latter.

Because now Karak Ungor bleeds.

Only decades after the last attack, another horde came bearing down on the Delving Hold, and in five years of siege did what it's forebear couldn't. Choosing their timing to inflict maximum damage, tales from the few traders coming north talk about how when the demons came it seemed entire mountain slopes became varying shades of red, blue, pink and green. A great tide of fel creatures of every stripe and force coming to bring down the youngest of Grungni's personal foundings. Assaulting the nearly complete reconstruction efforts and casting them down alongside a further two layers of the Karak's formidable defensive array before being driven out in a bloody struggle that saw a greater daemon banished. It is a terrible blow in terms of material, time and most importantly Dawi lives.

"The Ungdrin route is delayed further, with Ungor and Vlag both now preoccupied with patching up their defences we're the only hold so far that hasn't suffered any delay in our timetables despite the best efforts of the Trolls," King Otrek snarls, fist smacking against the stone table.

That too was an issue, for while the north was seeing daemons like the south, Kraka Drakk was also dealing with a continuous assault of Trolls surging out of the southern passes. The decade's worth of battles culminated in an assault by a horde a third again larger than the Greedy One's facing off against the Throng of Kraka Drakk at the mouth of the now aptly named Trollbane Pass. There King Otrek led the throng against the horde from the vanguard, where the perfidious magic of the group of Greedy Trolls leading that terrible ensemble of beasts was thwarted by the larger number of Runesmiths and the presence of so many warding talismans. The Reckoner too made an appearance, leading the artillery barrage where its bolts destroying three times the number of trolls than its lesser kin, much to the joy of its crew.

The battle was fierce, but with the artillery intact, an entire throng armed with Runic weapons, talismans and banners, all led by a King bearing Trollslayer the outcome was never in doubt. It took most of the day, but the horde's back was broken when the King led a charge reminiscent of the one at the Dragon's Maw, breaking through the mass of bodies and defeating the horde's leaders, a group of Greedy Trolls all wearing crudely beaten Dwarf armour, the protection afforded by their theft doing nothing when their chests were blown apart by the singing edge of Trollslayer.

Though there was one bit of oddity, over the din of battle many of the throng recall hearing the piercing shriek of Griffons above them and the passing of shadows overhead. The odd phenomena and claims were supported by what Brokk and his rangers found as they dealt with the stragglers that escaped into the wilderness and traced the horde's path northward. Many times they found the sight of dead trolls and griffon feathers. Of what seemed to be lightning-fast assaults that left the dumb brutes little time to think before they were cut in half and had their heads crushed. Though they only ever see one of the great flying monsters actually dead, its body being eaten by the troll it had been fighting before Brokk killed it.

You're growing a small collection of griffon brains at this rate.

"Still don't know where they get the numbers, area around the hold is still clear though. I think its also safe to say that whatever killed the Greedy Troll those last years back is the same thing killing the trolls now," Brokk chimes in.

"Before we get too off-topic, my King, how badly are the other holds delayed exactly?" Moira asks from her seat.

"Estimates are hard to come by what with the difficulty of travel nowadays, but by my reckoning, our crews may have to do a part of Ungor and Vlag's routes if we're to even be done by the century's end," the King answers, stroking his beard.

The original plan, as agreed upon by all three kings, was for the various holds to meet at a Juncture point. Ungor heading north, Vlag west and Kraka Drakk south to meet at a point equidistant from each other. There, the holds could then gain access to the greater Ungdrin, following the path south through Ungor and into the main arterial highways. The agreement was signed both in oaths and gold that would enrich all three kingdoms. Kraka Drakk by opening a larger and more steady flow to export its unique wealth and import whatever it needed more easily, Ungor for becoming a vital pivot point between northern and southern trade and Vlag for easier trade of its iron and the knowledge that timely reinforcements could reach its desolate peaks. When completed, a great binding celebration was to be done, where gold, ale and marriage vows were meant to be exchanged.

But now, it seemed such a thing was far, far into the distant future.

"Trade's been tough on account of the bastards too, harder to get goods from down south than usual. I think the Rhunrikki's clan and a handful of others are the only caravan's still braving the passes these days," Gormark growls, no doubt aware of the logistical impact.

"Aye, though hopefully after the defeat we dealt them should alleviate pressure for a while. I've devoted more of the Throng towards keeping the trade routes open, it slows the campaign but until the Ungdrin route is done I see no other way," Otrek agrees, taking a deep gulp of his ale afterwards.

"Casualties, thankfully, are light. The surplus of Rune Weapons young Snorri managed to wrangle out of his juniors does much to aid us," Moira says calmly.

The rest of the council nods, grunts and chuffs of approval filling the room.

You simply accept the compliment silently with nothing more than a nod.


The warm glow of the furnace casts a pale haze over the room, you, Dolgi and Fjolla all standing and watching quietly as Snerra murmurs the Chant with crystal clear accuracy.

Each word is accompanied by a hammer blow on the Gromril Chestplate, the sonorous tones overpowering the clang of metal as she slowly draws the Rune of Stone onto its surface.

It is adequate, not for an apprentice, but for a journeyman. Which says much about the girl's skill that she's already at this level of skill while still in her forties. Savant isn't a term you would throw out lightly, but well…

…if anyone's earned it in your eyes it's your niece.

The downright amazing part is that for all the skill she's showing right now, Armour Runes are not one of Snerra's many specialties. If you could describe how she takes to Banner and Weapons Runes like a dwarf to ale, then the girl and Talismanic Runes are like dwarfs and stone. A connection that runs deep, almost at the very foundation of things.

Which again, you'll never tell her until she's 200 and you've sworn both Dolgi and Fjolla to the same. Wouldn't do to have her grow a big head from it, no matter how unlikely it is. Girl's more joy than dwarf some days, which is both a boon and great oddity in equal parts.
Outside of anyone's notice, Thungni's eyes burn with teal fire.
You banish the thought from your mind, your ears picking up the ending verses of the Chant.

The light of the Rune is bright, almost overpowering the orange glow of the forge.

"You both were equally stupefied, yes," you say with a snort, answering the unasked question no doubt running through your other apprentices' minds.

Walking past them both, you stand directly behind Snerra who nods absentmindedly, some part of her mind catching notice of your approach. Looking down from over her shoulder you see the familiar sight of a Runesmith enchanted by their first creation.

It will hopefully be one of many for her.

You'll make sure of it.

But right now, it is a teaching moment.

"Hmmph, not pickaxe scratch, but if that's a Rune I'll shave my beard," you say, patting her on the shoulder just as you did with Dolgi and Fjolla all those years ago.

"Yes Master," Snerra mutters, still transfixed.



- Another horde of daemons came upon Ungor again, actually succeeding where the previous horde had not. The half-finished reconstruction of the Hold's defences was torn down and a further two layers of walls with it before they were driven back.
- Monster attacks continue to come at Kraka Drakk, forcing King Otrek away from campaigning early once more. As the throng fought off yet more troll hordes, the angry shrieks of Griffons were heard over the din of the battle, and the remains of some found nearby. An odd thing indeed.
- Underway progress will now be shown. 5 Progress a turn from current efforts.

- Apprentice Specialties, AGAIN! Snerra received an Exceptional specialty in Talismanic Runes from your teaching and regular specialties in Weapon Runes and Banner Runes.
- Freed up Apprentice Action + New Apprentice Action: Snerra has now become proficient enough that both Dolgi and Fjolla can spare their time on other projects once more, plus Snerra herself can now contribute an action of her own!
- +1 Griffon Brain


You have (5 -1) =4 actions and (3 -1) =2 apprentice actions this turn:

[ ] Odd Places 2/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
[X] Teach your apprentices. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 1 turns.
[X] Teach your apprentice. [Cost: 1 Apprentice Action] Locked in for 3 turns.

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.

[ ] [Simple] The Underway: King Otrek does not mince words, he wants the connection to the Underway ready as soon as possible. The number of monsters that are appearing has not only forced the throng into ever-increasing levels of conflict but slowed overland travel and trade to a near standstill. The north is effectively being cut off from the rest of the Karaz Ankor inch by inch. He is calling any aid a dwarf can provide in excavating the connection south. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 10 out of (25 +15[Delayed South]) =40 Progress. 5 progress a turn regardless of input.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to. [Cost: variable apprentice actions.] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action.
[ ] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard-bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1:You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt.2 costs will be at the bottom of the post. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

Research: Your career and your honour demand you hone your craft, and it's usually done through poking at runes and seeing what works.
[ ] Silverwood: An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc
[ ] The Greedy One's Heart: This thing has been transferred to a warded container because you don't really trust anything that came from that thing. You're all but certain you could make a truly potent Rune of Healing or Fortitude with this thing, but perhaps there are other uses for it you could come up with that a battery of tests could reveal.[Cost: (4 -1) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc
[ ] The Secrets of Light?: That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more?[Cost: (8 -2) =6 Actions] Student of the Odd will proc
[ ] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak? [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 3: The Gromril isn't pure, well metaphysically. You need to first devise a Rune or Runic array necessary to draw out the magical impurity from the Gromril itself before you can even begin to tackle the actual physical makeup of such a procedure. You're lucky there's a large body of Runework dedicated to removing or stopping magic cold in its unstable tracks, otherwise this would have taken far longer. Your gut tells you nevertheless, that nothing short of a Master Rune will cut it.[Cost: (12 -7) =5 Actions] Student of the Odd and Mind of Metal will proc.
[ ] Understand a Master Rune: The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc.

You can order 1 new item a turn, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats. [Struggles Overland: +1 to turn length on orders]
[ ]Write-in:
- [ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order.
[ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] +1 Order.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.
AN: The skys are clear, though the wind blows stronger than usual. Thank you for reading and don't forget to C&C :^)
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Turn 12 Results:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan Figure Out That Rune and Poke the Journal
-[X] Odd Places 2/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 Action.
-[X] Teach your apprentices. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 1 turns.
-[X] Teach your apprentice. [Cost: 1 Apprentice Action] Locked in for 3 turns.
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: King Otrek does not mince words, he wants the connection to the Underway ready as soon as possible. The number of monsters that are appearing has not only forced the throng into ever-increasing levels of conflict but slowed overland travel and trade to a near standstill. The north is effectively being cut off from the rest of the Karaz Ankor inch by inch. He is calling any aid a dwarf can provide in excavating the connection south. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 10 out of (25 +15[Delayed South]) =40 Progress. 5 progress a turn regardless of input. 2 Apprentice Actions.
-[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 3: The Gromril isn't pure, well metaphysically. You need to first devise a Rune or Runic array necessary to draw out the magical impurity from the Gromril itself before you can even begin to tackle the actual physical makeup of such a procedure. You're lucky there's a large body of Runework dedicated to removing or stopping magic cold in its unstable tracks, otherwise this would have taken far longer. Your gut tells you nevertheless, that nothing short of a Master Rune will cut it.[Cost: (12 -7) =5 Actions] Student of the Odd and Mind of Metal will proc. 3 actions.

The king calls for aid, and the apprentices shall answer.

For Fjolla and Dolgi it will be a test of their endurance and overall productivity. Further, it will doubtlessly build a great deal of credibility for the two of them within the hold, which is also valuable in its own way. You give them the task of assembling the sort of Rune equipment they believe would best aid the construction of the Underway tunnel meant to connect the hold to the Karaz Ankor. You offer no hints, no tips, giving them an unprecedented amount of freedom to do what they believe is best, the only caveat being you will examine their stockpile of work before it is sent out and critique from there. It is, in your mind, their final test before you can say for certain they will be prepared for the Journeyman's life. Any Runesmith worth their beard or plaits can fill out an order, only in the face of near limitless choice can someone's decisive ability be decided. And Runes offer quite the array of choices.

You also throw Snerra at them partly, giving them the authority to use her as a gopher in between her own lessons that you've planned out for her. Mostly dealing with shoring up her relative weakness when working with Armour and Engineering Runes.

Emphasis on relative weakness, because the girl isn't really that weak (for an apprentice) in any field, simply far better in some than others. Academically, she's chewing through the material you're putting out at an astonishing pace. Imperceptibly learning faster and faster as her knowledge base grows and she has more understanding to fuel her continued growth. A sort of chain reaction that pushes her decades beyond where almost all other apprentices would be at this stage in their learning.

But you knew that already and had tailored your curriculum to meet her ability. The questions are harder, the learning more detailed and obscure, critique more vague and hints near nonexistent. You put her through her paces and fill her mind with as much as you think it can bear and still sometimes find it still hungers for more knowledge.

Each apprentice is different, their needs and quirks to be acknowledged and accounted for when teaching them.

It just so happened your niece's quirk was learning very, very quickly.

Manageable, but enough faffing about. You've given them this time to work because you've got something of a breakthrough raging in the back of your mind, demanding to be finished.

Snorting at your three apprentices, all currently bustling about and getting right into their work, you turn around and walk into your workshop. With a shuddering thud the door to your quarters is sealed shut behind you, and if you have anything to say about it, will not open until the work is done.

In your mind, the silver gleams.


The work is slow going, inscribing the Rune over and over again onto the talisman, slightly altering form, adding reagents as needed.

Troll blood? Nothing

Griffon feathers? Nothing

Troll heart? Nothing

Pure Gromril? The metal grows hotter but nothing changes.

Over and over, you draw on a myriad of samples to try and make the completed Rune but it continues to evade you. Days spent making this Rune with some new ingredient paired with a change to the construction leading to failure, compounded over who knows how many hours, days or mayhaps even months.

You work on regardless, the gleam of that glorious silver sings to you, pushing your body to move, to eat, to sleep, and maintain its current pace.

.3 Years.​

The clang of metal stops, the glow of yet another finished Rune blazes in Dolgi's face. The boy gets up and carefully places the Rune Pick, one of seventy he's made, onto the rack. Each and every one showing a bit of improvement as he went further along. Turning from the sight, he walks over to his fellow apprentice, alerted by her grunts of frustration.

"Banner Runes?" Dolgi says, looking over Fjolla's shoulder.

"Aye, largest area of impact for greatest amount of gains. Push the time table up, sorta surprised I didn't think of it before, made that stack of amulets seem foolish in the end," she mutters, staring down at the teal length of cloth in concentration, ignoring the rows on rows of Rune amulets glowing patiently.

"Trying to think of an array?" he asks.

"Mhmm," she admits.


"Obviously, thinking of that alteration to the Rune of Speed that Master Snorri taught us as well… Snerra! Fetch the quicksilver!"

"Sure thing!" the girl shouts, getting up from her desk and scurrying off into the storeroom.

Dolgi looks at her retreating back, only turning to face Fjolla when Snerra disappears behind a corner.

"...getting stuff handed to us sure is convenient," he says quietly.

"Aye," Fjolla grunts, still looking down at her banner.

"Course we can't tell her that," Dolgi continues.



You watch the Runes glow brighter and brighter, the light shining from them just barely edging out the glow of the Pure Gromril.

Temperature has reached critical point, metal retains shape despite loss of cohesion.

A good sign.

You look to the amulet, studying the burn of the Runes. This modification of your as of yet unnamed Rune hopefully would pull out the impurity at a more ev-

-you see the crack before it becomes significant. Past experience tells you that you have maybe a second and half to act. The talisman shatters in a shower of molten metal that bounces off your hastily raised shield.

Waiting the prerequisite 30 seconds in case of a secondary, tertiary or delayed reaction, you lower your shield and observe the results.

The bar shows no discernable differences from tests 180 to 270, impurity pattern reminiscent of test 340. You note down the details in your mind, the knowledge held in your mind with a vice like grip until you can put it down to the papers that are outside the room.

Can't have the stuff combust from the heat like last time now, could you?

Shaking your head you look away from the bar of Pure Gromril and at the former location of test amulet 300.

Explosion patterns mimic the past 50 or so tests before. Metal splatter from Runic destabilization bears no major resemblance to previous patterns, note for further testing to remove possibility of a fluke. You grunt at the sight of the molten metal pooling at the base of the pedestal. That'll be a pain to clean just like the last 80 or so times, you're sure of it.

But at least you can narrow down your list of potential answers, patterns 1-49 of this Rune Array 20 version 4A could now be safely discarded.

Rising from behind your shield you move to grab your scraper and pan, better to deal with the metal before it fuses to the stone. You didn't want to remake the damn thing again.

But this was progress!

By your reckoning, this amulet held out just a microsecond longer than last time!

.4 Years.​

"Snerra! Quicksilver's about to run out!" Fjolla shouts.

"Yes Niece!" the girl says, running off towards the storerooms.

Dolgi looks up from the pick he was working on, stares at Snerra's retreating form then back to Fjolla's back.

"Did she?" Dolgi begins to ask before getting cut off.

"Aye, doesn't matter, stilltechnicallycorrect, don'tthinkaboutit, and Don't. Distract. Me! I think I have something here!" Fjolla shouts louder.

He stares at her for a good few seconds before shrugging, Dolgi returns to his work, carefully but quickly, marking the pickaxe head with the Rune of Cleaving.

.7 Years.​

The thirtieth iteration of the pedestal, modified to better hold your amulets and deal with the potential of molten metal, begins to sag from the heat.

You meanwhile are in a suit of Gromril plate mail, runed to withstand tremendous levels of heat, behind a shield and bearing an amulet for the same purpose on the opposite end of the room.

You still sweat profusely.

Test 1003 ends when the amulet falls out of the melting socket, exploding as it touches the stone floor in a shower of molten metal droplets that slide off your shield.

The Pure Gromril bar simply embeds itself in the pile of slag, form untouched despite having briefly been a pile of molten metal held in shape by the powers of the Rune.

You take a moment to look at the room, seeing signs of heat stress evident on even its incredibly reinforced structure.

Right now the damage is superficial, but the fact that there even is damage does astound you a little bit. You huff from behind your full face covering, the sound muffled by your beard and the metal of the helmet itself. You were close, all but certain that you at least had the proper form of the rune itself. You simply missed the right ingredient.

Walking out of the room you wait for the orange glow of your armour to fade before you take off the helmet and look at your stockpile of reagents.

Ores, rocks, body parts, vials of liquid, you had maybe 200 samples left to test on the Rune. Furrowing your brow you walk over and pick up the hunk of lodestone, turning the hunk of magical iron ore in your hand for a good few seconds before moving over to the forge.

No use bellyaching about it.


"And that is pickaxe number one hundred and fifty," Dolgi says proudly.

"Going for two hundred?" Fjolla says in between bites of stonebread, the rest of her lunch already having been eaten.

"Aye," Dolgi says before sitting down next to her, pulling out his own meal.

Fjolla stares down at it, contemplating before smacking her bread carrying fist onto her open palm.

"Klorah made that!" she says, figuring it out.

"Aye," Dolgi says a bit more quietly, managing to not blush. Pulling out stone container full of troll soup

"Well that's nice," she admit, "better than making the stonebread yourself at least,"

"You figure out clue 5 by the way?" Dolgi asks as he eats.

"Nope, still can't figure it out. No idea how the ratio of ore to rock content on a sample from a large iron mine taken four centuries since its opening has to do with the mix of flour to gravel in Master Snorri's stonebread recipe," she mutters.

"We'll figure it out I'm sure," Dolgi says patting her on the back.

"Wont lie...need some troll jerky to go with this stone bread," Fjolla admits.

"I think I have some that Klorah made," Dolgi replies, digging around in his pockets for a while only to come up with nothing.

"Huh. Guess I ate it all," he says sheepishly.

"Where's Snerra? She usually has some handy," Fjolla says suddenly, eyes roving around the room searching for their younger compatriot

"Out on the weekly supply run just like Master Snorri's had her doing for the past few years now? You haven't noticed?" Dolgi says, staring at her oddly.

"Not that rockhead, I just didn't realize it's been a week is all," she grumbles at him angrily, "Didn't think that banner would take so long."

"Ah, I see," he says, nodding in understanding.

.8 Years.​

One hundred and fifty samples later, and you're no closer to figuring out the correct material. It is something that frustrates you greatly if you're honest. But stubbornness pushes you on regardless.

You're standing in front of the remaining reagents not yet tested.

Variants of ore, chimera bits....

...and Obsidian.

The purplish-black stone draws your eye, the sheen glinting in the light of your room. Logically it made no sense, obsidian was inert to magic, useful for some Warding Runes and Runes of Negation, but it didn't fit your image of removing m-

- you're an idiot.

If you can't draw it out, then push it out.

You grab the shard of volcanic glass and move to your forge and begin to work. Cursing under your breath you lift your chisel over the form of the amulet and take a deep breath. Berate yourself later, anger had its place in forging some Runes, but not this one.

Only calm. Only focus.

You hum to yourself, the unfinished Chant you've been preparing in parallel as you refined the Rune itself. Your eyes are open, your mind is present, but some part of you simply loses itself in your work.
Power flows
The chisel carves the grooves smoothly, cutting into the metal easily. Lines upon lines are carved by a hand controlled by an iron will.
Will guides it
You imagine the obsidian, the magic's bane, a hole in the aether, a lack of presence. A void.
Let song remind you
The pick is raised high, black canvas and twinkling stars, and falls on the meteor silently. The clang of metal is no longer there, only an emptiness, a silence so stark and all-consuming that you could hear your body and find it deafeningly loud.
Let mind shape it
You see the rune, in your mind's eye, drawing in the light rather than emitting it. Behind it, just out of sight you know is something greater, but out of your reach.

The dream fades, reality floods back in and you stare down at the completed Rune.

It isn't black so much as it is simply a lack of light. Darkness beyond darkness staring at you, looking as if it's eating the light that hits it. The other two Runes around it glow dimmer than you've seen in any of the other experiments.

You have a good feeling about this one.

It takes you less than five minutes to put on your protective gear, and you're quickly standing before the 77th iteration of your pedestal, the last 76 having been ruined either by heat, or explosive force.

You tap the Array, activate it, then run to the far end of the room and raise the shield to just below your eyes. Watching as the bar heats up as per usual, looking, hoping for something different.

For a good few seconds, nothing new occurs, but then…

...the glow of the bar grows orange then continues on to white, the actual bar finally beginning to deform from the heat. Then the bar shifts from blazing white hot, to a brilliant, shining silver.

A familiar silver.

Of course, the Rune blows up just as the bar reaches its brightest intensity, the force of the explosion knocking you into the wall and the breath out of your lungs.

That was almost as bad as the times you got punched by The Greedy One.

You blink the stars out of your eyes and look at the devastation the talisman wrought. Your pedestal is gone again, the heat leaving it a pool of molten metal on the ground, the walls are blackened and chipping but all of it fades away when you see the former bar of Pure Gromril.

It shines silver.

A beautiful hunk of that familiar sheen sits nicely in the middle of the molten metal puddle. You discard the now ruined shield and run over to pick it up out of the cooling metal. It takes a bit of effort, but you manage to dislodge the bar out of the pile and stare at your work.

You cannot help but begin to laugh uproariously.

It was done! You've gone and done it! This was a crowning achievement, one you'll hold dearly for the rest of your life. You run out of the protected room, discard your protective gear, and set down the oddly cool bar of formerly Pure Gromril on your desk before walking out of the room.

"I'm done beardlings! You'd best have something worth my time!" you yell out into the workshop.


"Hmmph, these 50 won't do, the rest can go on. Only two out of three worth being held by a beardling Dolgi? Whats this shoddy craftsmanship you're making boy? Replace those fifty before the year's out!" You grumble at the boy.

"Yes master!" he shouts.

180 picks in 8 years was good productivity, shame he clearly rushed those last 50. Lad probably got overconfident.

"Fjolla! Are those Runes or the doodles a beardling left on the family rug?!Get rid of those ten and replace them by year's end! Can't go handing shoddy equipment to the client. Those things are liable to make them split their pants instead of stone!" you say, ignoring Dolgi and rounding on your other apprentice.

"Yes master!" Fjolla shouts, eyes already staring at the banners you pointed out.

You eye one of her acceptable banners, the altered Rune of Speed on its surface catching your attention. Well well, good on her for figuring out that one so early. Girl would probably figure out half of the errors, you'd be sure to tell her the rest.

"Snerra! These ledgers are shoddy! You think I can read this girl? Rewrite all of this forty times over, then fifty more repetitions of carving routine twelve for you! Are you a Runesmith or a turtle girl?" you snort down at her.

"Yes master!" she says cheerily.

You couldn't overly critique her technique, but you could push her to improve everything else.

"But before that!" you say, shaking them out of their thoughts, "a drink on me because I'm in a particularly good mood today beardlings! Oh, and when we get pack, pack for another training trip, 6 weeks this time!"

"Yes master!"



Your group marches through the snow, the crunch of your boots breaking up the natural sounds of the area.

This wasn't just a trip out to one of Yorri's odd places, you were also recording your activity and findings for the hold. Both Brokk and King Otrek wanted as detailed a map of the surrounding area as possible; every approach scouted, every pass taken into account and every potential daemon or beastie hidey hole marked. Thankfully you find none of the former and just a few of the latter.

You are especially excited about the Ice bear that tried to assault your party.

Bear meat wasn't especially good, but Master Yorri had found a way to mask the greasiness of it through prodigious use of gravel, sauce and frying. Course it made your carts far heavier when you had to haul the damn thing's carcass, but that was for your apprentices to worry about.

Speaking of...

You turn back to glance at your apprentices as they carefully steer the ornery goats hauling the carts of supplies and bear meat while you walk ahead. Snorting at the sight of their bumbling you turn back and continue reading through Master Yorri's notes

Day 267, Year 44 of Journey

I have discovered a new way to cook troll.

Dipping the meat in a runny batter then through stonebread crumbs before frying produces a delicious crunchy piece of meat. I should consider selling it as a delicacy or at least give it to someone and claim a royalty on the sale.

I remember when eating so much troll bothered me. Those days seem so long ago now.

Regardless, today I have found a rather curious depression in the earth that led to a cavern that glowed with a warm orange light. The source was surprising.

Simple orange stones that emanated a nice level of heat, the walls of the cave bearing large veins of the material. I'd appreciate taking these south with me but the best I can do is bring a sack of the things with me to Vlag. I can maybe sell them for quite the pretty penny, though I'll be sure to keep a few myself.

You turn the page over and see the map you've been using and Yorri's note.


Stones last, still have the ones I sewed into my blanket and they work as good as the day I found 'em. Still don't know if they ever run out, but mine haven't. Anywho, there's the map, maybe you can sell em for me, I better get a discount from you.

- Yorri

You chuff in quiet amusement, then look at the surrounding area. You should be close to the depression Master Yorri found, maybe within eyesigh-

-there it is!

"Over there beardlings! Set up camp for the night by that clearing while I do some preliminary exploration!" you holler back at them, already running off towards the cave. It takes a few minutes to walk to the entrance, a few more to get deep enough inside to see the orange light Yorri talked about.

You turn the corner and see

(Roll, How good?: 68 +10[Seclusion] =78)

Large seams of orange stone, big enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Pulling out your pickaxe, you carefully pry one of the stones out of the wall then remove your glove to press it against your bare hand.

Well now.

This was a nice comfortable temperature, which was useful especially in the depths of winter. You aren't sure if there's more to this stone, but you suppose you'll find out.

Hewing out a few more, you put them into a sack and walk back out of the cave.

To your minor delight, the campsite is well on its way to being set up, your apprentices working together to get everything done quicker.

"Shameful how slow you are beardlings, but I suppose it can't be helped," you say gruffly, shaking your head as you walk over to fix their mistakes.

Can't even clear the ground properly!



When you return to the hold weeks later, cart full of the stone and an actual map of the location in tow, you immediately head towards the deed office and get your apprentices to work, sending them off with letters to a few select individuals.

By the decade's end you own both the entire cavern system and the surrounding land around it. Though you can't really exploit the stuff, what with all the workers being devoted to clearing out the Ungdrin. But once things settled down, you were sure you could at least find a market for this stuff in the north, a good way to keep warm in winter without burning wood was useful. Both domestically and for rangers out in the wild trying to stay hidden.

It was a good end to the decade, in fact your trip actually gave you time to name your newly discovered materials.

Duraz Zhar, firestones, named for both their heat and the flame-like pattern of colours the stones appeared in..

And Adamant for your new form of Gromril, deciding that calling it True Gromril felt a bit pretentious, and something in your gut told you it wasn't accurate either.

- Rune Metal Pt. 4 unlocked. You've made the metal, the Adamant, but you can find a way to make it without as many explosions, you're sure of it!
- [Tier 4] Bar of Adamant
- Master Rune of ???: you're close to finishing this Rune, you're sure of it. Necesarry Ingredients: [T2] Obsidian?
- Yorri's place 2/10, Firestones: These small stones dimly glow with a pleasing warm glow, and emanate a steady level of heat that can keep a dwarf warm in the cold. With the right materials and construction, it can likely work to keep a room warm or more. Not much can be done what with the flurry of work on the Underway still ...underway. Research Unlocked.
- 5 +2[apprentice actions] Progress to the Underway this turn, new total: 17/40

AN: You thought it would be that easy?! :^V I decided to cut the last parts a bit short because an update longer than that would actually kill me to edit. Hope they don't get longer than this tbh. Anywho thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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Turn 13:
"Hurry it up beardlings!" you shout at the two of them, "are we testing your journeyman works or out on a nice hike through the woods?"

"Yes master!"

"Bah!" you yell back, and return to your vigil.

There were monsters about, the number growing to such a degree that now even Brokk and his rangers cannot keep the area around Kraka Drakk clear without the aid of king Otrek's throng.

It is not especially good news, but it also offers both your charges an opportunity to see if they're capable of the challenges a journeyman is meant to face, which in this case meant hunting for food while fighting off beasties.

Fjolla hefts a simple Rune Axe, thumbing her amulet of protection nervously while Dolgi trudges through the snow, hefting his crossbow in a relaxed but ready stance.

You meanwhile are a good few feet away dressed in your ranger get-up, far enough to give them a chance for themselves, but close enough to drive away anything they couldn't yet handle. Which account for much of what was here, if the trail of troll corpses you've left behind without them noticing is anything to go by.

Thankfully the cold and snow could keep them frozen and preserved, giving you time to get it later.

A good thing too, you were running low on je-

"—Rhunrikki," the familiar voice of Elder Brokk comes out from your left.

You do not startle, but you do exhale.

"Elder," you acknowledge back with a nod.

"Trouble ahead, best pull those young folk back a bit," the ranger says quietly.

"Mmm? What kind?" you ask, eyeing him warrily.

"The kind tha-" whatever the elder was going to say is cut off by a terrible series of deep guttural screams coming from up ahead.

"The kind that broke past the defensive screen, quickly!" Brokk finishes with a growl.

"BOTH OF YOU," you bellow at your apprentices as you follow behind the elder ranger, "BEHIND ME. NOW!"

Neither even bothers to say anything, the tone of your voice conveying just how much time was of the essence to them.

"The plan?" you mutter to the elder ranger, pulling out your weapons. Your two charges scrambling back behind your advancing forms.

"Stall, we can't kill them all even if we try, but my rangers will be coming. Five minutes doable for you?" Brokk says, hefting a massive Runic Crossbow out from within his billowing cloak.

You glance back at your charges before replying grimly.

"I've dealt with worse."

Nothing but the guttural screams can be heard for several seconds, then the canopy begins to shake, trees begin to tumble and fall as they are broken apart by the mad charge of what you can guess is maybe dozens of the creatures. Then the smell hits you, that pungent odour of muck and gore that can only come from a troll.

"A small group of the beasts," Elder Brokk speaks up, "maybe 100 or so, haven't found the leader, but something tells me its coming to meet us right now."

You only grunt.

What's another few dozen?

The lead beast breaks out of the canopy, a massive Greedy Troll six meters tall, its form bulging with energy, and arms covered in scavenged armour. Behind it, several Ice, Snow and Rock trolls follow suit, stopping when it raises one of its four arms.

The creature sniffs, litres of air being sucked into its lungs before it exhales out of its now drooling mouth. Its eyes lock in on you, the pupils growing beady and brows furrowed in concentration.

" are what I see in my dreams. You are what kiLls the FiRsT... I know you RUNELORD, I see you kill the notme in My dreAms. My knees BucKle, my BreAthIng gRows S-shoRT, I hate this feEling, I hAte this FEar-r-rrrr…. I hATE yOU!!! " it roars, voice growing more and more warped and incoherent as it continues.

"Come and do something about it then," you mutter, activating Wrath and Ruin, the force buckling several of the beasts, but not all.

"KILL HIM. KILL THEM ALL!" The Greedy Troll bellows, frothing at the mouth, seemingly unaffected by the monumental amount of weight bearing down on it.

"KHAZUKAN, KAZAKIT-HA!" you bellow back, readying your axe.

Then suddenly a shadow, a screech, and a thunderous boom as snow and dirt and bark are blasted away from something landing on top of the Greedy Troll.

You clear the muck out of your eyes with a snarl and look at this new entrant, your gaze going up, and up, and up to see.

A griffon.

An absolutely massive specimen of a griffon. Its onyx black, almost purplish, plumage trailing away from an equally black beak down its chest and to its front talons, before shifting to a spotted white back and hind paws.

It does not stare at you, gaze fixed on the now-dead Greedy Troll and the torso it had ripped away the rest of the corpse.

In the blink of an eye, it tears the chest open and pulls out the beast's heart with its beak, gulping it down in one single bite.

The creature caws once, then you see its body shudder as energies flood its form prompting further change, muscles grow a tad larger, the claws grow sharper. The reflexive flex afterwards pulping the head beneath it.

Only after the finish of the change does it seem to notice the horde of stupefied trolls and four confused dwarfs staring at it.

The beast screeches and lightning crackles along its body, making its fur and feathers bristle, then it dissapears.

The trolls die in a blur of screams and feathers, the four of you staring as the beast concludes its grisly work it stops and stares at you. Its eyes roaming over the four of you, looking for any sign of threat or danger.

You note with some trepidation that its eyes hone in on your amulet, the glint of silver seeming to captivate it for a moment before its greater intelligence pushes back against the instinct. The beast caws again, quieter now but still loud enough to echo for a good few meters, then digs through the pile of gore for a particularly shiny piece of gold that Greedy Troll had before blasting off into the air with a pump of its onyx wings.

Brokk exhales loudly through his teeth, shouldering his crossbow and taking a deep drink from his belt flask.

"We should tell the king," he says eventually.

You nod in agreement.


"My boys came about two minutes later, we packed up the trolls the Rhunrikki killed earlier and came to you as soon as possible," Brokk finishes his report from beside you.

King Otrek's mouth is set into a grim line at the news. Gormak, Moira, and the few other elders that arrived early for this year's session all have pensive looks on their faces.

"Any signs of chaotic taint?" King Otrek finally says after a while.

"Can't say my King," Brokk says, looking at you expectantly.

You cough before replying, "Not enough time to get a good look, but my gut says no. Ate Greedy Trolls yes, and seems to be eating them exclusively or at least the majority of its diet consists of the things as well. But Greedy Trolls are a step removed from their progenitor. I'd reckon that they're maybe as tainted as any other weird beastie we see up here; exposed to a lot of mutagenic magic, but not direct corruption like the Greedy One. Still would do to verify of course."

"Thank you Rhunrikki, Brokk, I'm giving your boys a task to pursue when they aren't too busy keeping everything else at bay. Track that beast, make sure it doesn't hurt any dwarfs and kill it if it does, Griffons aren't usually the type to attack without feeling provoked. The two that I killed all those years ago probably felt I was threatening their food supply If I can hazard a guess, but who knows what's happened to the beast after its eaten who knows how many Greedy Troll hearts," the king orders, tone serious.

"Aye, I'll have a few boys that can be spared on it immediately my King,"

Otrek nods, "We'll wait for everyone else to get here before we move on, in the meantime just drink and think my Elders."

Gormak snorts while Moira slides a mug over to everyone from her coveted position near the ale cart.

You take the mug she slides over graciously, mind abuzz while you drink.

Something tingled in the back of your head as you recalled that moment. Both the troll's odd declaration and the griffon's reaction to eating its heart. As for the latter, the energy and growth the griffon experienced when it ate the heart only made you curious as to just how strong the Greedy One's heart would be. What sort of energy did that thing contain and just much more would its progenitor produce? Perhaps..

...something to test later.


Only when the last few elders arrive, three seconds early of course, does King Otrek finally clear his throat and bid everyone to listen to him.

"I have received reports, very few and sparse, for the runner was assaulted and the message badly damaged in the journey. The boy is fine, thank small mercies, but the long and short of it is that Grimnir is on the warpath. When the lad left Ungor, the news was only days old, and is a good few months out of date by now, but this time Kadrin was besieged by a horde of daemons…" the king begins.

You, and most of the elders present, frown. This boded ill.

"While Grimnir was visiting," the King continues with a grim smile.

Nevermind then.

"He slew the horde in its entirety as expected, but the important news is the announcement he made when he returned to Karaz A Karak. The Ancestor called for a throng, from every hold able to volunteer its resources, from every clan with the numbers, from every dwarf with the will and desire. He calls to clear the mountains, and drive the beasts back," he finishes with grim resolve.

The hall is silent.

"How much can we contribute?" Gormak asks, the first one to speak after hearing the news.

"Our fair share, but only if we manage to clear either a way out of Trollbane pass or complete the Underway route. If we can't do either, then we can link up with the throng when it eventually gets up here I imagine. Not sure how long it'll take for Grimnir to finish, but at least a decade or two to prepare the logistics for mobilizing the entire Realms." Otrek says after a moment of contemplation.

"Well, at least there's a bit of time to get the throng ready, can't be embarrassing ourselves in front of the Ancestor," Moira says.

All nod in agreement, tugging their beards or plaits unnecessarily.



You are in your workshop, having been inspired both by the sight you saw earlier that day and the knowledge that an ancestor is calling the dwarfs to war. The rush of energy filling the hold at the release of this news doesn't fail to catch you in its grip either.

You stare at the Greedy One's heart, then down at a barrel of Troll's blood.

Tests need to be done, you're feeling inspired.


You spit onto the floor, wiping your axe clean on a nearby rag.

Well, at least you know what this damn thing can do.

You glare at the beating heart, pumping blood while the now dead Greedy Troll's corpse cools on the ground.

Test 90 concluded, results reveal that placing the heart in the corpse of a dead troll revives the beast and begins transforming it into a Greedy Troll.

Further testing cancelled.

You're sure of several things now:
- The heart has stupendous regenerative abilities. Being able to revive trolls, and thanks to previous tests, you know it only works on trolls.
- The heart confers a tremendous amount of energy, seemingly endlessly.

You're sure that whatever Rune you create with this damn thing will be incredibly energetic, more so than usual. It would make a regeneration rune you think could at the very least regrow limbs in seconds if concentrated to an individual, and heal broken limbs if spread out through something like a Banner Rune. Defensive Runes too would be incredibly powerful, if you had this heart when you had made your amulet it would have made the shield far more powerful, perhaps even reflect physical attacks as well. The limits are endless, and many of your theories ended up being proven correct. Frankly its a bit disappointing to have been right the first time, admittedly you were surprised by some things, and you're sure the damn thing will have one last trick in store for you, but you won't really know until you put it to use on a Rune.


- Critical Fail threshold reached, Grimnir calls for a Great Throng, one to wipe the mountains clear of daemonic taint once more.
- Epiphany! 1d2 +2 =3 progress to random research. Greedy One's Heart completed
- The mystery revealed? A griffon that consumes greedy troll parts has been found and many believe it is the source of the mysterious deaths these past few decades. ???

- Greedy One's Heart Trait Revealed, Pulling from the Deep: Energy eternal, drawing without end from the deepest places of the earth and the oldest magics. Whatever Rune is made from this baleful thing will not only be incredibly powerful, beyond even the scope of the original rune, but also never falter, never cease, and endure until the world's ending.


You have (5 - 1) = 4 actions and (3 -1) =2 apprentice actions this turn:

[ ] Odd Places 3/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
[X] Teach your apprentices. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 0 turns. Apprentices can now be released into the world
- [ ] Release them: Your bumbling charges are now of an age where they can begin the journeyman's trial. It will be perilous, but considering the state of things right now, its unlike they'll leave the immediate area or the hold for a while yet. [Cost: 2 apprentice actions permanently] Action cost will switch to Snerra
- [ ] Hold them: They aren't ready yet, a brew that needs just a bit more time to age, a bar of metal not quite the right shade of plum. You retain their services, though technically you could hold them here for eternity, it would not look good to do so past their second century. [Cost: Delayed Journeyman's trial]
[X] Teach your apprentice. [Cost: 2 Apprentice Actions] Locked in for 2 turns.

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.

[ ] [Simple] The Underway: King Otrek does not mince words, he wants the connection to the Underway ready as soon as possible. The number of monsters that are appearing have not only forced the throng into ever increasing levels of conflict, but slowed overland travel and trade to a near standstill. The north is effectively being cut off from the rest of the Karaz Ankor inch by inch. He is calling any aid a dwarf can provide in excavating the connection south. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 17 out of (25+ 15[Delayed South]) =40 Progress. 5 progress a turn regardless of input.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to. [Cost: variable apprentice actions.] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action.
[ ] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1:You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt.2 costs will be at the bottom of the post. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

Research: Your career and your honour demand you hone your craft, and it's usually done through poking at runes and seeing what works.
[ ] Silverwood: An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] Fire Stones: This deep orange gem glows with never-ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Secrets of Light?: That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more?[Cost: (8 -2) =6 Actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak? [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: You've made Adamant, a form of Gromril harder and stronger than any you've ever seen. The metal abhors magic, even that of Runes to some extent[Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind of Metal will proc.
[ ] Understand a Master Rune: The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc.

Order: You can order 1 new item a turn, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats. +2 turns on orders[The North, Alone]

[ ]Write-in:
- [ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order.
[ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] +1 Order.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: So the Griffon thing was several series of rolls that came from one of my counters interacting with my rolls for what happened when the Greedy One died. This is one of the few things Ive got in place to make sure the timeline isn't too static or predictable and make the world feel more alive and reactive to your actions. Anywho, thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C :^)

EDIT: For those of you who want to know, the Griffon is colored like a Crow/Raven and a Snow leopard. Its beak is also just a bit more raven-y than it is eagle-y
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[Image] Help for envisionin the Griffon,
So for the people who want a bit of guidance on what the Griffon looks like from Turn 13 I was thinking mostly of


EDIT: credit to @EVA-Saiyajin for finding pics.

think the head and coloration of this one:

with the overall body plan and shape of this one

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[Non Canon]: Imperial Historian Torbold Twodinger's Lecture on the Nature of Dwarfen Gift Giving
Transcribed Lectures from the University of Altdorf on Dwarfs and Gift Giving

As this class has progressed through our time together, we have discussed a myriad of ways that Dwarven and Empire cultures diverge, connect, and contrast. The importance of Oaths, Promises, and Grudges being prominent examples of differences while the vital importance of heroes and stories being an area where the cultures connect. This lecture will focus on a unique confluence of these two aspects of Dwarven culture in a way that is impossible to emulate in the Empire. An aspect of Dwarven culture that can be said to be the root of the Empire itself. I speak, of course, of the tradition of gift-giving in the Dwarven Empire.

Now, before we begin our discussion on such an important part of Dwarven culture, we must refresh ourselves as to some characteristics of culture itself. Cultures come from a way of doing things, and in that vein, it is typically produced over long years of thought and tradition typically assumed to be normal by a group of people. To pinpoint a specific person as the reason behind a cultural phenomenon is typically as difficult as it is fruitless, for the progenitor of the tradition is not nearly as important as the reason behind the tradition. The "why" it is done. For Dwarves and their culture of gift-giving, however, that is not the case. For the dwarf who begat the tradition is well known and continues his work in the North; High Runelord Snorri Kluasson, the Gift-Giver, is ascribed to be a 7,000-year-old dwarf who it is said walked alongside the dwarven Ancestor Gods.

While it seems completely implausible that any mortal could live for such a stretch of time, and in my professional opinion it is most likely a series of successive dwarves taking up the mantle of Snorri Kluasson, the impact of such an iconic cultural figure having the name "Gift-Giver" should not be ignored. From the founding of the Dwarven Empire, gift-giving has had a unique niche within the eternal balancing of scales that Dwarves undertake. No grudge is unpaid and no assistance is left uncompensated. So how, then, can one balance the scales of a gift which you can not repay back? This is a conundrum that the Dwarves have answered through ingenious means. If a dwarf is given a gift that they have no means of repaying back, then that dwarf will pass along their good fortune to others less fortunate than themselves. It is in this way that a gift from a Dwarven King to a thane or other noble will send a cascade of gifts down throughout the society of the Karak until, eventually, children are given gifts who are incapable of giving anything to someone lower than them on the hierarchy.

It is here that the second part of the gift-giving tradition is made apparent, the "Recognition of Generosity." For while a child cannot repay the gift he received, an adult with a trade certainly can. As such, when a dwarven child finally comes of age and begins his trade he begins work on a piece that he will present to his clan in recognition of their generosity. All such pieces are collected and then celebrated once a year, if able, by members of the clan in the Karak. This celebration is an acknowledgment that while all work should be fairly compensated, a clan grows stronger through the generosity of their members, of supporting the individuals in the clan to fully realize their gifts and strengths, even if those members are unable to repay the generosity of the clan at the moment. It is in this way that the Dwarves are able to square away their desire to not be indebted to another and their tradition of gift-giving.

How then does this culture of gift-giving become the root of the Empire itself? For the Empire does not have a great culture of gift-giving, especially given the oftentimes fractured Elector Counts of the Empire. The Empire does, however, owe its existence to the gifting of Ghal Maraz to the Great Sigmar by the Dwarven High-King. And if it was only the gifting of Ghal Maraz, then perhaps there would be no Empire today, for as mighty a hammer as Ghal Maraz is, it is not able to pound political alliances or unity out of fractured man. No, the Dwarven High-King seemed to find inspiration from the Gift-Giver in his gifts to Great Sigmar. For with Ghal Maraz came the twelve Runefangs, and with all of these weapons came the implication of rulership. For while Sigmar was certainly equal to Ghal Maraz, were the twelve tribal rulers equal to the Runefangs? Unlikely. But by being gifted these great weapons, the twelve rulers could unite their people and begin to actually rule under Sigmar. Just as legend holds that Snorri Klausson gave a weapon and kingship to the first kings of Karak Drakk, so too did the High-King give weapons and rulerships to Sigmar and his followers.

The High-King of the Dwarves knew, as his culture had engrained into him to know, that such generosity to the leader of men would repay not only the High-King but the entire Karak Anzor. And over the years the High-King's generosity has paid out, for even though the Greenskins threaten the Dwarves from the South and the East, and Chaos threatens from the North, the Dwarves have secured a respite from the West. A bulwark of assuredness that despite how bleak the world may be, they are not alone in facing the threats.
Turn 13 Results:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan Leaving the nest Underway +Proper Apprentice Actions
-[X] Teach your apprentices
-- [X] Release them
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: 4 Snorri actions, 2 Apprentice actions


You stare down at Fjolla and Dolgi, having sent Snerra out on a twenty-kilometre jog through the hold gathering supplies and passing letters.

How they've grown, these two bumbling idiots of yours.

Dolgi stands calmly before you, his ruby red mane finally bearing a streak or two of silver that he combs to display with pride. More and more of his soft teal and white clothing bears Klorah's telltale stitchwork, as clear a sign as any of the strength of their relationship. His armour bears fewer and fewer mistakes.

Still a lot mind you, but it was at least serviceable.

You look over at Fjolla, the red clothing she wears in imitation, conscious or subconscious, of you still immaculate. Her nimble fingers and keen eye keeping the material serviceable for well over a century and growing more and more tailored to her as she honed her skills as diligently as she has her Runecraft. The pale blue eyes burn with a focus molded from a century of relentless focus, a streak of silver runs down her locks, blending in with their light blonde sheen.

You take all of it in for just a single moment, burning the memory into your mind just as you have with all of your apprentices.

"By the decade's end," you say seriously, your tone of finality catching their interest, "you will be ready,"

No insults, no critiques, at least not for this moment.

The two of them nod comprehension dawning on them.

"Your final task will be fulfilling this list of orders," you say, handing them a prodigious stack of papers each, "How, why or the direction of your work is entirely up to your discretion. I will not check over your final product, there won't be a safety net between your work and the hands of the client besides your own this time. What you make here will leave as is, your client will rely on your own judgement being correct. Now, you'd best get to it."

"Yes master," the two of them say solemnly before scurrying off.

You watch them a moment longer than usual before turning around and entering your workshop.

Had to leave a lasting impression on them after all.


Your king, your hold, calls for aid, and by Grungni you'll answer alright. A cold day in hell you'll let some beardling under their fourth century say they personally did more for this Underway work than you and be right about it!

So it is with heavy heart but grim resolve that you call upon the Runesmiths of the hold once more. Sending Snerra off with bundles of letters while you meet with the leaders of the mining, mason and smithing clans and guilds respectively. Drawing on past experience to get the accursed planning and work to coordinate the lot of you in some reasonable fashion going more easily than before, with a few refinements and bits of coordination than last time.

It doesn't take as long as last time, but it still took a good few months, months you didn't spend working on your own part. Because for all the work you've put into getting the Runesmiths mobilized, you don't count it as your contribution. Nothing more than getting a few people talking, something a beardling could do just by bumbling about.

You're a Runelord. A dwarf with few peers, the prestige and responsibility of a Guildmaster, High Priest and even in some circumstances a King all bundled into one career. A dwarf of your rank, your age, your skill, should be doing more than running herd on a bunch of youngsters!

You won't fail to uphold your duty, you swear you will succeed on your Ancestors and your beard before your personal shrine to Thungni.
You fail to notice the glimmer in the bust's eyes.
No time to faff about then.


The Runesmiths are roused once more, and again they congregate at the call of the oldest among them in Kraka Drakk.

Again the, slightly more refined, bundle of individual requests, orders and supply chains are set up just as they were decades before. But this time the guilds and shops churn out tools of work instead of weapons of war.

When the wagons of material reach the elder masters they doll them out with just a bit more ease, their vault-like minds remembering everything from last time with the clarity expected of any Runesmith. Real data is taken into account and the numbers are adjusted to account for it. Supply, not chains but maybe strings, are re-opened as the material flows down from elder to youngster and the work is completed with more and more ease.

Runesmiths are independent, but they are dwarfs all the same, and dwarfs cannot bear to look at inefficiency not born from adhering to tradition.

The end result is a convoluted, finicky but functioning supply line of runic equipment that is churned out and swiftly incorporated into the precise and efficient mechanisms of the construction effort. Old trusty picks are enhanced with Runes, banners of fortitude and speed are raised up in the now Runelit galleries of the still constructing Underway, pushing the work crews to feats of endurance that are beyond even their natural hardiness. Cart systems are expanded to remove the far larger amount of stone now being quarried. The sheer speed of having what is essentially giving half of the hold's able-bodied workers a piece of Runic Equipment pushing the timetable forward by years. The speed of the excavation actually leaves enough time that other plans could be put in place.

Ones wrought from the mind of Dwarf who was partly responsible for this improved pace.

Several of the support pillars are left intentionally loose, a few trusted Runesmiths are given the task of applying Runes of Force behind them. Great Statues of the Ancestors bearing titanic axes and hammers are partly mechanized so that several Runes of Waking allow them to swing downward, crushing or bisecting whatever is unlucky enough lie beneath when they do so.

Great channels are dug and connected to cisterns that are filled with the now molten remnants of the tunnel's waste rock. Great spouts built into the mouths of masterfully carved Magma Wyrms that appear every few dozen meters, ready to spew their deadly payload onto unsuspecting attackers below.

The Under-inns, rest stops built by enterprising dwarfs to host incoming caravans and offer them a warm meal and good lodging before they continue their trek along the massive underground highways, are built to also house garrisons for hardy rangers and keen-eyed miners.

Miles and miles of the Underway are turned into a deathtrap, perhaps unnecessarily, but as the saying goes, "better to have a deathtrap you never need than not have a deathtrap when you do."

Yet somehow, someway this tale of incredible productivity is eclipsed by another.


Some of the youth, those too young to have been alive when the deed happened, whisper amongst themselves that Snorri Gift Giver couldn't have made enough toys for every child in his old home twice over in just two months. Their trust in the words of their elders stretched thin by such a proclamation, but not anymore. Not after the hold is almost rendered speechless by the sight of an absolutely massive wagon train full of Runic Equipment that marches through it, Snorri Gift Giver at its head, stoically making his way through the Residential district, dropping off enough tools to equip every member of a clan then moving on to the next home.

The Runelord repeats this over, and over again until every clan is met, every Dwarf is given a tool to use before he takes his wagon train down further to the Underway Station.

There his apprentice had, on his orders and according to his blueprint, carved a twelve meter tall stone statue of a Dwarf Miner. The pale grey stone depicts him in crisp detail, from the scuffs and dust on his boots, to the individual links of his chainmail shirt, and even the dripping wax of the candle and boney grooves of his horned miner's helmet. The head of the pick in its hands is made of Gromril, the engraved Silver Wutroth shaft made from the trunk of a single tree. When the baggage train arrives the Runelord is said to have scoffed at everything, his voice echoing through the gallery and down the miles of tunnel.

"This is all you've got done?"

With only a glance he cleared an area of the room, then cordoned it off with giant Runic drapes warded to cancel out sound and got to work. For weeks he worked in absolute silence, only the chisel of his pick and the hammering of stone echoing through his workplace, cut off from the sound of the busy station. When at last he told his apprentice that people could enter once more, he waited on top of the scaffolding surrounding what could only be a gronti of titanic size until at last, when enough dwarfs had entered, with a gruff nod he tapped the now finished Master Rune on the gronti's chest.

The sound of grinding stone, the thunderous roar of a moving mountain, and the glow of its diamond eyes accompany the gronti's activation. Its first act is to pick up its maker and place him on the ground, then with contemptuous ease, destroy the wooden scaffolding around it. The creation, ignoring the stares of the dwarfs around it, simply takes a piece of paper offered to it by the Runelord then walks into the tunnel. The shimmering silver of the pick resting against its shoulder twinkling in the Runelight as its steps echo into the deep.

The Gift Giver, meanwhile, sniffs before taking his now depleted baggage train home, apprentice in tow.

With the aid of so much equipment and the prodigious and tireless might of a gronti, does the construction pick up its prodigious pace, completing in one decade what had been expected to take three.


(Roll, How's Brokk been doing?: 74 +15[Wizened Old Ranger] =89)

Days later, while you sit at your desk, recovering quietly while watching Snerra work on her 80th stack of chisel practice you hear a knock on your door.

Snerra automatically finishes the rune she's working on and goes to answer.

Only seconds later she comes running back and says completely seriously, "It's Elder Brokk and he's got a griffon with him?"

You sigh, get up and walk to the door, gesturing for Snerra to get back to her practice.

"Elder...Griffon," you say to both of them, eyeing the Dwarf curiously before turning your attention to the giant beast behind him. Brokk looks a little worse for wear, a feather or two sticking out of his hood but otherwise unperturbed, as for the griffon It looks the same as last time, the dark plumage perhaps a tad shinier.

"Rhunrikki," he replies while the creature caws quietly.

"Guess it isn't hostile?" you continue.

"Nai," Brokk confirms, the Griffon cawing a bit louder, its eyes roving over the metal inside your workshop curiously. None of the animal instinct like last time appeared in its gaze this time.

"What can I do for you?" you ask.

"You got something that lets me talk to the damn thing?" the Elder responds, jerking a thumb at the beast, its body uncomfortably sat between the two walls.

You ponder for a moment.

[Student of the odd Proc]

Then nod.

"Probably, how many do you need? Just the one?" you say, gesturing to the giant beast behind you.

"I have a list of measurements here, can you make torques for all of them?" the Ranger says, handing off a piece of pristine parchment.

"Give me a few years, I'm...a bit tuckered out. I suppose we'll discuss this during the meeting later?" You reply.

"Aye, in the meantime I'm gonna keep trying other methods of communication," the Ranger says nodding, "see you then?"

"See you then, good day Brokk...Griffon. Does he or she have a name?" you ask.

"Nope," Brokk replies.

The creature is staring at the shining figurehead of Grimnir when it caws at the two of you.

"Maybe," Brokk corrects.

"Fair enough, well then. Brokk, Griffon, if that's everything?" you question.

"That's everything, my thanks Rhunrikki. Good work on the tunnel," he says.

"Good work on the Griffon," you compliment back and wave them off, closing the door behind you.


- Griffon Rolls well, ??? Action Unlocked
- Legendary Deed, The Earth Mover:
Creating enough tools to equip the hold and doing twice the amount of effort than the combined efforts of every other runesmith in the hold, the Gift Giver was instrumental in pushing the work on Kraka Drakk's Underway connection forward by decades.
Trait Upgraded:
- Productivity like No Other: Every 2 request actions add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 2 free actions.
- +1 Standing +40 favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: 10 Standing, 140 Favours
- +30 favours with King Otrek, new totals: 10 Standing, 165 Favours
- +1 Standing with Radical Runesmiths, new totals: 5 Standing, 0 Favours
- Creation of Note, The Miner:
A twelve-meter tall Gronti of stone. Made in the image of a dwarf miner, its form is incredibly detailed down to the links in its chain shirt. It wields a titanic Gromril headed pickaxe, the Silver Wutroth shaft held in both hands. Used to clear the Underway path of Kraka Drakk, and if called, a weapon of war. [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Speed, Rune of Burning]
- 5 +2[apprentice actions] +12[Snorri actions]Progress to the Underway this turn, new total: 36/40

AN: Shorter than usual, but then again you decided to put four actions into digging a hole so /shrug :^v
Last edited:
Turn 14:
"Brokk, what do you have to report," King Otrekk asks the Ranger.

"Griffon work has hit a snag, Rikki. Beast is capable of basic communication and probably smarter than an 18-year-old, but any more in-depth discussion is gonna need the Rhunrikki's work to complete. As for the more important news, He's about a week out now. Maybe less if He feels the throng's taking too long," the dwarf replies, taking a swig from his flask right after.

He, of course, being Grimnir and a throng well into its hundreds of thousands. A marching column long enough to reach past the horizon, a wagon train that could feed every hold in the north twice over, consisted of some of the deadliest warriors, and the noblest of princes and princesses, with even the odd king or queen. Most importantly for you, the throng has the oldest and most belligerent Runesmiths and Runelords marching with it. It is the largest assemblage of dwarfs the world over with Grimnir the Valiant at its head; a throng for the Ages led by the greatest warrior and general of your entire race.

It almost makes you want to cry.


"Moira, are we ready to receive them?" Otrek asks.

"We can host the noble caste of the Great Throng here for decades if need be. If you're asking for the main body, I will say no. The hold is too young and the throng too large for anything short of Karaz a Karak or the larger southern holds to supply. Thankfully, from what the Thane of Ravnsvake noted the throng can keep itself fed, at least until our connection to the Underway is complete. We'd have had to tighten our belts a bit to host them properly had Snorri here not pushed our timetable forward by decades," she says, raising her mug in one of the universal toasts of your people.

The room grunts, tugging their beards and plaits.

You simply nod.

"I suppose we'll be as ready as we can be logistically. We'll keep up the drills, it wouldn't do to look worse than expected in front of the Valiant. I'll call the meeting now unless anyone has something they want to bring up now?" King Otrek asks, glancing around the room.

None say anything.

"Alright then, dismissed," The king announces, getting out of his seat and walking out with his Huskarls in tow.


You walk through the caverns of Kraka Drakk, simply doing your daily business. All around you dwarfs make way as you pass them by. Deep bows and honoured words heaped upon you, the fact that every dwarf here bears some work of yours is remembered with stark clarity.

It is a sign of respect usually reserved for Kings or dwarfs of legend.

It is humbling that these dawi consider you among those storied individuals of legend, only fueling your desire to prove them right. To fail now would not only be shaming yourself but making these many dwarfs look foolish for believing in you.

And that wouldn't do.

All the bowing does, however, make buying a loaf of Stonebread a rather protracted and drawn-out affair. You appreciate the feeling, yes, but there are days where you simply want a loaf of warm stonebread and a cold tankard of ale.

Still, doesn't look good to complain about being appreciated for doing good work.

You continue your walk, making your way through the market district and towards the first of your two important stops today.


(Roll, Dolgi: 67)

You catch sight of Dolgi, quietly conversing with an engineer. Your ears picking up the smallest hints of their conversation.

It seems Dolgi was trying to convince the engineer about the benefits of a Rune of Fire on his commission rather than a Rune of Penetrating. From the looks of things, your young charge has it well in hand, though his technique could use some work. If he kept it up he could turn his frequent presence in the Foundry district into a good business decision, taking commissions from the Smiths and Engineers Guild respectively. Boy certainly had the natural charm to get the average dwarf to like him at least, not that he realized it yet. You've taught him enough that he'll figure out the situation eventually though. The one about making deals with the guilds, not the charm part, the lad will never figure that out.

Best to keep an eye on them while they're still in the hold proper though. Both Dolgi and Fjolla were doing commission work and building up the funds to go off on their trial proper.

Speaking of, you grunt quietly to yourself and move on to your next destination, not satisfied but certainly not disappointed in the lad's work so far.

Now to see how Fjolla was doing.


(Roll, Fjolla: 99)

You watch, far enough away as to not be seen of course, as Fjolla converses with yet another Jeweller. Her 20th client today from when you arrived, so perhaps even more as well. You've been tracking her progress just as you have Dolgi's, noting how she's making her way through the hold's Jewellers to do commissions and build connections purposefully compared to Dolgi's more natural flow. Made a good bit of sense, she had a good eye for intricate detail work and Runes on talismans and Jewelry needed that level of finesse to pull off. Work paid well, and she could use the funds for her trial in the future too. Likely she thought far enough ahead to realize that building support now would perhaps help her in trying to come to a more official accommodation with the Jewellers Guild in the future when she became a master in her own right.

Good effort, you had many critiques of course but perhaps the largest was her decision to not approach as many silversmiths as she did Jewellers. They paid a bit less, but the work was steadier and in your opinion a bit less gaudy. Would do her good to make sure her reputation didn't slide too far into one spectrum in your opinion, but such things were out of your hands now.

It was up to them now.


The week ends quickly, the past three days especially have been nothing short of anxiety-inducing.

First a messenger, a Longbeard well into his fifth century, announced the incoming arrival of the Great Throng in a few days' time. This prompted the entire hold into a frenzy of preparation, the King roused the Throng of Kraka Drakk to readiness and drilled them all the harder for the next two days.

On the final day, all throughout the hold, a rumbling was felt through the stone of the mountain, growing louder and louder. Its a kick in the gruntaz for many, the King called the Throng to assemble and prepare to receive their guests while he called for the most prominent members of the Elders Council to come with him, the royal family and the Throng in its totality, to meet the Ancestor outside the opened gates of the hold.

It is perhaps halfway through the morning when you catch sight of the Great Throng peak over the horizon and enter the Valley proper. For the next several hours the Throng of Kraka Drakk watches as it stands outside the hold in parade formation. The hold's throng is a sight to see, their Gromril weaponry gleaming in the daylight, their Runic standards fluttering proudly in the wind.

But it pales in comparison to the might that dominates your vision. A mass of wood, steel and Gromril that actually does reach beyond the horizon, lords and clans of arguably greater lineage and prestige taking the Van, entire regiments of dwarfs in Runic Gromril more ornate than the Huskarls of King Otrek, though not by much.

But even that, falls away as the leader, the head of this mighty beast, becomes clearer to your vision.

A single Dwarf marches at the very fore, six truly ancient dwarf soldiers behind him one of whom held aloft a banner bearing his personal Rune, glowing a vibrant light blue.

He is unmistakable, in his Ancestor wrought armour glittering the silver of Adamant. Holding his two legendary axes in each hand. A third, longer, axe is strapped to his back, the wicked edge just barely visible behind the flowing red cloak on his back. His white, braided and richly decorated beard and forked mustache sticking out from his helmeted head.

As you get closer you can begin to make out ever more detail, the depictions of battle engraved on his chest plate, the sagas sung in his name etched so finely and such a small size that they appear like scales on him. The blurry form of the Runes, ones of such complexity and power that only Thungni himself could have crafted them, glowing on his equipment befuddle even you. Their might and intricacy make you feel like a beardling in comparison.

(Roll, Grimnir Looks at your Defences: 62 +20[A Honed Mind] =82. DC 70, 80, 90)

Eventually, he and his honour guard stop in front of the king, not two meters away from your party. Now so close you can see the glinting Gromril of his chainmail, actually read the stanzas of the sagas on his breastplate, witness the immaculate state of his beard, behold the fine weaving of his cloak, and better make out the indecipherable Runes adorning every piece of his equipment. Some you can make a fair guess as to their purpose, others like the Various Master Runes, one for each piece of equipment, are so beyond you that it is laughable to even try and attempt to decipher them.

He stands barely a head taller than you, but it feels like staring at, not a mountain, but one of THE mountains. A pillar of your people, the eldest of the elderly, the most skillful of the skilled. A dwarf whose stories take longer than a lifetime to tell in their totality.

An Ancestor.


Grimnir the Valiant. Slayer of Urmskaladrak. Daemonbane. Mountain Breaker. The conquering Warrior King whose axes cleaved a clear path north that your ancestors followed. His ferocity defending your people as well as Grungni's walls or Valaya's lessons.

And He is here.

Were you younger, you'd be frozen in shock and awe like Snerra doubtlessly is from her position in the far back of the delegation with the other young notables of the hold. As is, you are simply frozen through force of will. Can't have yourself look loose in front of Grimnir after all.

"Ancestor," King Otrek says, leading all of you to kneel and bow before Grimnir, "we are honoured to see you. Kraka Drakk is open to you."

"I hear you Young King, yet I will know your name, and your deeds," the dwarf rumbles, his voice like thunder.

"I am Otrek, of Clan Ironarm, King by appointment, whose blood runs true. King by deed, for I fought the Greedy One alongside the Gift Giver, and work even now to aid my brother kings of the North to safeguard our peoples," he replies.

"Hmmph," The Ancestor snorts before turning to Gormak.

"I remember your face, the Cleansing of Cragdane off the slopes of Azul," the Ancestor says.

"Aye Lord, the left flank." Gormak rumbles back respectfully.

Grimnir grunts.

The Ancestor turns his gaze then onto you. At that moment you feel the weight of the mountains bearing down on you, the inescapable gaze of Grimnir the Valiant boring into your very being. Tearing apart all your inadequacies and defences, to stare at the truest parts of yourself.

(Roll, Assessment: 47 +5[Gift Giver] +5[Greed Slayer] +5[Earth Mover] +5[Defence. In. Depth.] +5[Trollslayer] =72)

He grunts once again, pausing for a second before taking a deep sniff.

(Roll, Does he know?: 99 +50[Sight Beyond Reckoning] =149)
(Roll, Reassess: 72 +5[Gift Giver] +5[Greed Slayer] +5[Earth Mover] +5[Defence. In. Depth.] +5[Trollslayer]+10[The Rune Metal] =107)

He grunts a second time, the tone different to the keen ears of the dwarfs here.

The tiniest, imperceptible amount of approval.

You dare not breathe, dare not think, you are so euphoric you even hallucinate the Ancestor giving the tiniest nods at you.

Nothing can take this moment from you.


"We march," Grimnir says, even quiet his voice bellows for meters around, "Dreng them to the last. We will base ourselves here, use the Underway connection when it is complete for supply. Do you allow it, Young King?"

King Otrek nods.

The Valiant grunts once more, hefting his axe skyward and moving it in a specific pattern. Behind him the dwarfs roar in acknowledgement, and soon begin making camp.

"We will speak again," he says, before turning around and heading into the mass of bodies, his followers behind him.

Your own group stands there a few seconds longer as tradition dictates before making their way back into the hold. You stare at the sky, mind still reeling, and notice that the sun beams down on you, a clearing in the cloudy sky.



You have (5 -1) =4 actions and 1 apprentice actions this turn:

[ ] Odd Places 3/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
[ ] March: Grimnir the Valiant calls, who are you to not answer? Campaign with the Great Throng as it marches through the region. For the next ten years you will walk amongst the greatest examples of your people, partaking in the campaigns. Smiting enemies and perhaps even discussing things with a few dwarfs while you're at it. [Cost: 4 actions] Interlude Turns. These are not battle turns, Interlude Turns will be a series of updates happening over the decade, you get one choice an interlude turn. The number of Interlude turns = your unaltered total actions (which is 5) So you get your actions worth of stuff over the interlude turns. Snerra teaching will be unaffected.
[ ] Apprentice Hunt: Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards! [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.
[X] Teach your apprentice. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 1 turn.

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.

[ ] [Simple] The Underway: King Otrek does not mince words, he wants the connection to the Underway ready as soon as possible. The number of monsters that are appearing have not only forced the throng into ever increasing levels of conflict, but slowed overland travel and trade to a near standstill. The north is effectively being cut off from the rest of the Karaz Ankor inch by inch. He is calling any aid a dwarf can provide in excavating the connection south. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 36 out of (25+ 15[Delayed South]) =40 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input.
[ ] [Simple] Torques A Plenty: Elder Brokk has asked you specifically to create a set of Runic Torques, all meant to facilitate proper communication between what is clearly an avian and a dwarf. You remember Master Yorri told you about the time he bargained a few feathers off a Great Eagle. He never told you how, but you remember being taught a few odd runes in your past, just have to figure out which combination worked for Master Yorri. Maybe his book has something? Worst come to worst you could send a letter to the Dwarf. [Cost: 3 Actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to. [Cost: variable apprentice actions.] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action.
[ ] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard-bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1:You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt.2 costs will be at the bottom of the post. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

Research: Your career and your honour demand you hone your craft, and it's usually done through poking at runes and seeing what works.
[ ] Silverwood: An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] Fire Stones: This deep orange gem glows with never ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Secrets of Light?: That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more?[Cost: (8 -2) =6 Actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak? [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: You've made Adamant, a form of Gromril harder and stronger than any you've ever seen. The metal abhors magic, even that of Runes to some extent, making it difficult to inscribe on the metal itself. You need to find a way to make this in a less explosive fashion, and maybe figure out what exactly its properties are.[Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc.
[ ] Understand a Master Rune: The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc.

Order: You can order 1 new item a turn, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats.

[ ]Write-in:
- [ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order.
[ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] +1 Order.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: Grimnir doesn't fuck about, hope I did him justice. GJ on the rolls, thanks for reading and dont forget to C&C. :^)
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