The logographic writing are for keeping track of things, not yet used to record or communicate ideas in general.
No, i distinctly remember AN saying 'the tally system has been getting more complex and can now be used to communicate more and more complex ideas'
The logographic writing are for keeping track of things, not yet used to record or communicate ideas in general.
But the chiefs and advisers have been using it to communicate and send messages since we evolved it from proto-writing? Haven't they? Hang on I'm trying to find the quote I'm thinking of.
The logographic writing are for keeping track of things, not yet used to record or communicate ideas in general.
We probably can't convey complex abstract ideas, but basic communication should be easily possible with logographic. We just need to get a bit of an alphabet in there, and we can convey legends and stories easily.
The messenger probably just remember what he is supposed to remember.

We probably can't convey complex abstract ideas, but basic communication should be easily possible with logographic. We just need to get a bit of an alphabet in there, and we can convey legends and stories easily.


While these new mills were the most noticeable new addition for the People, for the chiefs there was a subtle new thing going about. With all of their new advisors coordinating with each other, it was noted that the tally and tracking system of the granary managers was being expanded as more and more experts were talking with each other over long distances. More and more different tally marks were added to represent new concepts, and soon enough the management tool was picking up new elements and was able to convey increasingly complex ideas. While hard to learn to the point where elders had a hard time picking it up in the time they had left in their lives, some of the younger grain counters and advisors were able to keep track of what everything meant and were suddenly able to better coordinate actions and remember things.
This is way back during the war with the blight.

Also, there are current logographic writings, you know. Like Chinese Hanzi and Japanese Kanji. They convey legends and stories easily...

I rather hope that we go about it similarly to the Japanese and develop an alphabet (instead of a syllabary because it would not work with our phonology) to use in addition to and together with the logographic symbols. That always seemed to me to be the best of both worlds. Also, it's similar to how the Egyptian hieroglyphs worked. Redundancy. It's a feature, not a flaw.
We're early logographic still, those systems are very, very old. And I said we can't record complex abstractions , which are even harder to convey.

This is way back during the war with the blight.

Also, there are current logographic writings, you know. Like Chinese Hanzi and Japanese Kanji. They convey legends and stories easily...

I rather hope that we go about it similarly to the Japanese and develop an alphabet (instead of a syllabary because it would not work with our phonology) to use in addition to and together with the logographic symbols. That always seemed to me to be the best of both worlds. Also, it's similar to how the Egyptian hieroglyphs worked. Redundancy. It's a feature, not a flaw.

As a person who tries to learn Japanese and is hurt by kanji: spirits please no. Rote learning of 5000 of those asshole pictures who change their reading and meaning depending on the phase of the moon* is a paaain. I have no idea how people can learn Chinese.

*Technically, there are rules, but there are so many fucking exceptions "phase of the moon" is not exactly wrong way of describing it

Also, @Candesce makes a good point: it is better to waste an opportunity than to be unprepared when the war comes knocking. Not sure whether it applies here - it can be argued that we are a bit lacking in the diplomatic contacts and trade department and should invest more while there is such a prime opportunity - but the gist of their argument makes sense.
Like we kept saying, it's not fully developed yet.
Also important to note is that our religion doesn't seem to be having as much of a current effect on our proto-writing as people seem to be thinking. That recent bit that @Eri quoted was the result of our administrators and bureaucrats adapting the language for more and more esoteric subjects. If that trend continues, focusing on our bureaucracy to move our system of writing along should help better than our religion.
Probably won't matter for this vote but for the future
@Academia Nut
If we get a hero unit but don't make him/her high chief (King now I guess) will he still do bonus things in the background while he's alive?
As a person who tries to learn Japanese and is hurt by kanji: spirits please no. Rote learning of 5000 of those asshole pictures who change their reading and meaning depending on the phase of the moon* is a paaain. I have no idea how people can learn Chinese.

*Technically, there are rules, but there are so many fucking exceptions "phase of the moon" is not exactly wrong way of describing it

Also, @Candesce makes a good point: it is better to waste an opportunity than to be unprepared when the war comes knocking. Not sure whether it applies here - it can be argued that we are a bit lacking in the diplomatic contacts and trade department and should invest more while there is such a prime opportunity - but the gist of their argument makes sense.
Ah, sorry, Japanese was a bad example. The On and Kun readings are a result of mixing both the native Japanese pronunciation of the word and the original Chinese pronunciation of the symbol and do add some unnecessary complexity. What I meant was I would like us to have some redundancy in our writing as an aid to understanding. For example, both using a logograph for the semantic meaning of a word and adding some additional symbols to express the phonetic sound of the word.

Like we kept saying, it's not fully developed yet.
And I'm saying that I think it's a bit more developed than you seem to think. (Although I may have conflated you a bit with the first person who I replied to who didn't seem to think we had a writing system at all, sorry.) I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have it improve or that it's impossible to improve, rather than it can convey complex ideas and, in fact also abstract ones. Like endless/ uncountable and power/fist.

Also important to note is that our religion doesn't seem to be having as much of a current effect on our proto-writing as people seem to be thinking. That recent bit that @Eri quoted was the result of our administrators and bureaucrats adapting the language for more and more esoteric subjects. If that trend continues, focusing on our bureaucracy to move our system of writing along should help better than our religion.
It seems likely that administration strain and a larger need for bureaucratic communication would help the writing system develop, yes. However, I want to point out that the bit I quoted was ages ago. Twenty turns or something.
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In any case, the idea that we need to take advantage of every opportunity we get needs to die; if we miss out on maximally leveraging a Heroic Diplomacy stat, that's not going to mean much compared to what'll happen if we wait until the Dead Priests are invading to try to train more warriors.
I VERY much agree with this. We held off on building up our military with the shaman leader because his martial ability was Poor, figuring the next leader could do it. Mediocre isn't perfect. but the idea we can just wait to get a decent military together is absurd. Time's up, it just needs doing now.
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So either Main Restore Harmony + Expand Warriors + Trails or Main Expand Warriors + Trails + Survey, depending on the outcome of the megaproject, I guess?
So either Main Restore Harmony + Expand Warriors + Trails or Main Expand Warriors + Trails + Survey, depending on the outcome of the megaproject, I guess?
As some have said, we just have no idea what things are going to look like with our new government and potentially a Wonder done. If we got bonus stability from the Scourge Warding, it'll make Restore Harmony a nonfactor. If Centralization tanks, we'll probably want to main Expand Trails. We'll see.
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As some have said, we just have no idea what things are going to look like with our new government and potentially a Wonder done. If we got bonus stability from the Scourge Warding, it'll make Restore Harmony a nonfactor. If Centralization tanks, we'll probably want to main Expand Trails. We'll see.

Fair enough. I still want more than +1 Stability to actually take 'Take in ALL the refugees for critical stability hit and ludicrous econ boost' option - even if this does not evolve the trait (and it prrobably can), it is still cool as fuck.
So, I am aiming at ~+3 Stability here. But that can wait until after we are sufficiently protected against Dead Priests.
Bear in mind that restore harmony is not guarantied to increase our stability.

Which is why it should be used when we are high enough, so that even utter failure won't lead to crisis; conversely, Festivals, being limited in numbers (only so much days in the year), should only be used on bringing up already really low Stability.
Main - Restore Harmony
Secondary - New Trails
Secondary - Expand Warriors
Something like this? It wastes Diplo bonus of the Heroic Diplomacy leader, but it answers the challenges of the situation, so...
We'll see at the vote itself. If we have +1 Stability or higher, maybe we can Main something else...although again, if we have an option of even bigger refugee input, getting Restore on top of +1 to get all the Economy can be viable; after all, those refugees are people we are taking in, and bigger population means more warriors.

Besides, we are most likely more populous than Dead Priests, so we are the ones who can probably throw more bodies at the problem - although we lack their massed warfare tactics, so...
Actually, look at the bolded.
Restore Harmony
-Step 1: Use Blackbirds to observe Disharmonious individuals
-Step 2: Correct Disharmony.
--Martial Chief - Send out the warriors to intimidate or eliminate dissenters
--Admin Chief - Ensure the resource allocations undercut the causes of dissent
--Mystic Chief - Frown at the Disharmonious. Have someone clean up the pee afterwards.
--DIplo Chief - ???

I dare say it's entirely possible for a Restore Harmony to be implemented Diplomatically, for the dissenters to be bribed and manipulated...

...and Trails are trade routes, a Trader chief may be quite good at finding the best places to put them, though probably not quite as good at actually building them.
We probably can't convey complex abstract ideas, but basic communication should be easily possible with logographic. We just need to get a bit of an alphabet in there, and we can convey legends and stories easily.
Alphabet isn't necessarily a given, but that breakthrough likely relies more on making literacy more widespread than anything else.

Current uses of the written language are:
-Shamans - Trained specialists. Largest vocabulary
-Administrators - Trained specialists. Limited vocabulary needed.
-Chiefs - Trained speciaists. Broad but not deep vocabulary.
-Advisors - Elite non-specialists. Likely specialied vocabulary

Most of these people have a job training time of a couple of decades. Logographic complexity would be just accepted as part of the job. Alphabet comes quickly when you want EVERYONE to use the language.
Also, there are current logographic writings, you know. Like Chinese Hanzi and Japanese Kanji. They convey legends and stories easily...

I rather hope that we go about it similarly to the Japanese and develop an alphabet (instead of a syllabary because it would not work with our phonology) to use in addition to and together with the logographic symbols. That always seemed to me to be the best of both worlds. Also, it's similar to how the Egyptian hieroglyphs worked. Redundancy. It's a feature, not a flaw.
It has major drawbacks in language mastery time investment however.
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I VERY much agree with this. We held off on building up our military with the shaman leader because his martial ability was Poor, figuring the next leader could do it. Mediocre isn't perfect. but the idea we can just wait to get a decent military together is absurd. Time's up, it just needs doing now.
Erm... we held off on military with Bynwyn because all of our other actions were necessary. In order to finish the megaproject sometime this century we had to actually do the pre-reqs. That he was terrible at working martial stuff was a side-concern that just added to the wall of reasons not to expand warriors while he was leader.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Duesal on Apr 7, 2017 at 1:31 PM, finished with 14542 posts and 56 votes.
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)

Not that my vote would be necessary now.