Main - Restore Harmony
Secondary - New Trails
Secondary - Expand Warriors
Something like this? It wastes Diplo bonus of the Heroic Diplomacy leader, but it answers the challenges of the situation, so...
We'll see at the vote itself. If we have +1 Stability or higher, maybe we can Main something else...although again, if we have an option of even bigger refugee input, getting Restore on top of +1 to get all the Economy can be viable; after all, those refugees are people we are taking in, and bigger population means more warriors.
Besides, we are most likely more populous than Dead Priests, so we are the ones who can probably throw more bodies at the problem - although we lack their massed warfare tactics, so...
Actually, look at the bolded.
Restore Harmony
-Step 1: Use Blackbirds to observe Disharmonious individuals
-Step 2: Correct Disharmony.
--Martial Chief - Send out the warriors to intimidate or eliminate dissenters
--Admin Chief - Ensure the resource allocations undercut the causes of dissent
--Mystic Chief - Frown at the Disharmonious. Have someone clean up the pee afterwards.
--DIplo Chief - ???
I dare say it's entirely possible for a Restore Harmony to be implemented Diplomatically, for the dissenters to be bribed and manipulated...
...and Trails are trade routes, a Trader chief may be quite good at finding the best places to put them, though probably not quite as good at actually building them.
We probably can't convey complex abstract ideas, but basic communication should be easily possible with logographic. We just need to get a bit of an alphabet in there, and we can convey legends and stories easily.
Alphabet isn't necessarily a given, but that breakthrough likely relies more on making literacy more widespread than anything else.
Current uses of the written language are:
-Shamans - Trained specialists. Largest vocabulary
-Administrators - Trained specialists. Limited vocabulary needed.
-Chiefs - Trained speciaists. Broad but not deep vocabulary.
-Advisors - Elite non-specialists. Likely specialied vocabulary
Most of these people have a job training time of a couple of decades. Logographic complexity would be just accepted as part of the job. Alphabet comes quickly when you want EVERYONE to use the language.
Also, there are current logographic writings, you know. Like Chinese Hanzi and Japanese Kanji. They convey legends and stories easily...
I rather hope that we go about it similarly to the Japanese and develop an alphabet (instead of a syllabary because it would not work with our phonology) to use in addition to and together with the logographic symbols. That always seemed to me to be the best of both worlds. Also, it's similar to how the Egyptian hieroglyphs worked. Redundancy. It's a feature, not a flaw.
It has major drawbacks in language mastery time investment however.