Making use of The King Still Stands. Basically if the war doesn't end this turn the Forhuch take a stability hit and they seem to not be particularly stable right now.
Note that our Martial is so hilariously Red(like, we have twice as much martial as our administration is prepared to handle) the old strategy is now obsolete.
We need to speedblitz all three foes and land on the other side before our we realize we've run off the cliff.
The War Chief, having more reliable access to the Spiritbonded, had smashed a large raiding party that had tried to pull the same trick on him. If the Forhuch suspected that he might be in the area they just ditched their captives and ran.
Morality must be backed with power.
Because you can imagine what happened to those guys who did the civilian massacre stunt when our guys caught up to them.
It won't be pretty.
Incidentally, they hadn't even met our levies yet...I'd love to see their faces when we send half a million crossbowmen marching in a fury.
They are currently running high on religious fanaticism and looted Khem colony resources. Their objective is to seize as much of the lowlands as possible and convert their population to fanatics and the region into a fortified hardpoint. The Harmurri haven't been particularly into developing their military power too much, and the HK are running hotter than is sustainable.
Ahh. So beating them back here would be a major setback?
Also, while i wont be getting the A&D post for this update out until tomorrow at the earliest (still haven't finished the one before...), am i right in thinking the extra 2(+?) martial we got this turn came from the steel innovation? (We went from 6 martial to 9, with king still stands giving 1, and i dont think anything else that would boost it? unless we crit succeeded swords and ploughshares like the last epic age i guess )
It's less the +6 Martial, for me, than the issue that I damned well don't want this to become a "rich man's war, poor man's fight." Not with the stress that overmartial is putting on the government.
And the Patricians boosting the Yeomen seems, narratively, to be more likely to be active support for the war.
Obviously we don't have enough martial, otherwise the question wouldn't be how to deploy our forces, but rather whether we declared war on the Highland Kingdom or not.
If nothing else, the extra yeomen will do an excellent job of acting as local defenses in our territories that are exposed to the Steppes (Boundary Hills, former Western Wall territory).
From a meta perspective, AN wouldn't list the patricians switching their support to our martial faction if it didn't influence the war at all.
Yes, that contradicts the previous points; which is why if we do it we are going to have to weight the consequences very carefully.
Particularly troublesome is that a Secondary is hillariously inefficient, producing only 1 Cavalry despite spending 12 Wealth. If you count all the stuff produced/consumed, it comes to 1 Cavalry for 8 net stats. A Main gives us 2 Cavalry for 9 stats. So we really don't want to do the secondary there.
On the other hand, a Main costs 4 econ and 14 wealth, which is a lot. It will also pop a bunch of our cities, which would be rather annoying right now. And eat up half of our Tech after transfers, which is also annoying.
Honestly, at this point, I'd rather just send more War Missions.
[] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
I don't understand why people prefer this. The main advantage it grants is more martial, which, as a reminder of our current martial:
Martial 9/37 {85/39}Levy Overmax: Pay for it later
We currently have very little need for more temp martial. According to AN, having more won't be that detrimental, but that doesn't change the fact that we straight up don't need more martial at the moment.
The other advantage to this vote is that it allows us more time to complete the current Trader quest. Frankly, the quest is nice, but it's not mission critical to gain single extra point of Navy when all of our current problem are in the steppes or lowlands. We could better spend this wealth on a Support Sacred Order, or any number of other things like letting wealth overflow into Econ and preventing our cities from popping, which would tank our wealth income as markets go offline.
That leads me to our other option:
[] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
According to the update, the Traders are no longer pissed. I am assuming that means they will no longer generate a spite quest and are no longer suppressing our innovations. This gives us a chance to generate a new, more situation appropriate Trader quest from a happy faction at temp power of 8, while also greatly improving our chance of innovating warfare technologies. With a genius martial, this could easily lead to great leaps in tactics and warfare, or perhaps supporting a wartime economy.
This seems much more potentially valuable to me at the moment than 6 temp martial and a potential +1 free Navy (if we have the time for it) for boats we aren't using right now.
Obviously we don't have enough martial, otherwise the question wouldn't be how to deploy our forces, but rather whether we declared war on the Highland Kingdom or not.
If nothing else, the extra yeomen will do an excellent job of acting as local defenses in our territories that are exposed to the Steppes (Boundary Hills, former Western Wall territory).
The difficulty in deploying our forces is that we only have two main War missions worth of people deployed: one by default plus one for our kick. Or that is how I understood the mechanics.
@Academia Nut - how does this work? It sounds like we are calling all of our levies, but from what I remember of the mechanics we only move so much martial at a time. So what is actually going on here? What is all that extra martial score doing, in practice?
@Academia Nut
How does the patricians supporting the Yeomen influence the war? Will the extra forces be included in our offensive operations, left at home, or will they be entirely unmobilized?
[] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
I don't understand why people prefer this. The main advantage it grants is more martial, which, as a reminder of our current martial:
Martial 9/37 {85/39}Levy Overmax: Pay for it later
We currently have very little need for more temp martial. According to AN, having more won't be that detrimental, but that doesn't change the fact that we straight up don't need more martial at the moment.
The other advantage to this vote is that it allows us more time to complete the current Trader quest. Frankly, the quest is nice, but it's not mission critical to gain single extra point of Navy when all of our current problem are in the steppes or lowlands. We could better spend this wealth on a Support Sacred Order, or any number of other things like letting wealth overflow into Econ and preventing our cities from popping, which would tank our wealth income as markets go offline.
That leads me to our other option:
[] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
According to the update, the Traders are no longer pissed. I am assuming that means they will no longer generate a spite quest and are no longer suppressing our innovations. This gives us a chance to generate a new, more situation appropriate Trader quest from a happy faction at temp power of 8, while also greatly improving our chance of innovating warfare technologies. With a genius martial, this could easily lead to great leaps in tactics and warfare, or perhaps supporting a wartime economy.
This seems much more potentially valuable to me at the moment than 6 temp martial and a potential +1 free Navy (if we have the time for it) for boats we aren't using right now.
Also, as the back and forth for the iron work accelerated the traders discovered that whatever grudge they had against the king for increasing prices on them had been satiated by the incredible wealth the iron trade was bringing them. People other than the People sold ore cheap and were more than happy to accept the elevated prices for the high quality goods the People made.
A few priests pointed out that the ore was so bloody cheap because it had been mined by slaves, and more than a few local mines were struggling from being undercut by foreign ore, but the People had other concerns, and the miners could be pulled out for warrior duty.
Some concern from this, our skilled miners are being out competed by cheap foreign ore; which may reduce incentives of ore survey within our realm, resulting in over-reliance on imports. Another trigger point for currency crisis-like problem? Priests are also getting annoyed at our "double-standard"?
Initial: 27
+1 (Pending Trade Mission)
+1 (King of the Hill)
+1 (Mature Trade Post)
+1 (Grand Halls)
+3 (International Games)
-2 (Skullduggery)
Subtotal: 32
-1 (Invite to Games)
-2 (Trade Mission)
Subtotal: 29
+2 (Plant Textiles)
Subtotal: 31
-2 (Overflow to Culture)
-2 (Overflow to Wealth)
Total: 27
Intrigue 3 -> 4
Initial: 3
+1 (Skullduggery)
Total: 4
Econ 27 (+5) -> [18-19] (+1+3)
Initial: 27
+5 (Pending Refugees)
+5 (Vassal Taxes)
-4 (Cities + City Support)
Subtotal: 33
-2 (Dam)
-2 (Found March)
-6 (Temple x2)
-5 (Plant Textiles)
-9 (Saltern x3)
-2 (Expand Forests)
-1 (New Settlement)
-2 (Refugees Out)
Subtotal: 4
+12 (Expand Econ)
Subtotal: 16
+3 (Overflow from Wealth)
Subtotal: 19
+(+0+1) (Plant Textiles)
+(+0+2) (Expand Forests)
+(+1) (New Settlement)
Total: 19 (+1+3)
Note that we did in fact end up getting refugees drained from us due to the general malaise stab hit.
Used Forests 30{37} -> 31{38}
Initial: 30 {37}
+1, +{1} (Redshore Baths)
Forests 34 -> 34.5
Initial: 34
+(0.5) (Expand Forests)
Total: 34.5
EE 7 -> 18
Initial: 7
+4 (Cities + City Support)
-5 (Vassal Taxes)
Subtotal: 6
-5 (Plant Textiles)
-12 (Expand Econ)
-1 (Expand Forest)
Subtotal: -12
+2 (Dam Refund)
+2 (FM Refund)
+6 (Temple Refund)
+5 (PT Refund)
+9 (Saltern Refunds)
+2 (EF Refund)
+1 (Redshore Baths)
+1 (NS Refund)
+3 (New Settlement)
+2 (Refugees Out Refund)
Subtotal: 21
-3 (Overflow to econ)
Total: 18
This puts us on track to pop stallion pen, though that will only be checked come end of turn. Of course, with us going mass levy, we can't really do much to reduce our EE between now and then. Add in econ losses or expenses that refund EE and the like, and we might end up popping like all of our cities...again After all, with the new block housing, valleyhome only has 20 threshold, while blackmouth has...22? Unless we switch the two, in which case blackmouth has 19 and valleyhome has 22. Currently asking AN in thread how thats gonna work now that our cities have enough infrastructure to outpace the "second city" penalty.
Martial 11 -> 6 {37}
Initial: 11
-5 (Found March)
Total: 6
+{6} (Swords and Ploughshares)
+{2} (Yeomen Faction Power)
+{8} (Red Banner after reinforcement)
+{8} (Dragon Banner)
+{7} (Blood Rain after reinforcement)
Total: 6 {37}
Since we can keep all the mercs in main budget, we retroactively didn't have to pay wealth for the one that was previously out of main budget, yay!
And of course we max out wealth right after trashing our economy with free labor Note that the salterns give +1 wealth immediately for a new/lv 1 saltern, or +3 each for a lv 2 saltern expansion, as per AN in the stat calc convo we have.
Initial: 27
+2 (Pending Refunds)
+1 (Arsenals)
-2 (City Supports)
Subtotal: 28
-1 (Dam)
-9 (Saltern x3)
-4 (Expand Econ)
Subtotal: 14
+2 (Saltern Canal Bonus x2)
Subtotal: 16
+11 (Overflow from Mysticism)
Subtotal: 27
+(+1) (Per Turn Expense Refund)
+(+1) (Dam Refund)
+(+3) (Saltern Refunds)
+(+2) (EE Refunds)
Total: 27 (+7)
And yay for overflow filling up tech ...mostly from the canal bonus of course XD And we've got a good chunk of refunds to fill us back up after we start turning tech into wealth...
Initial: 1
+1 (Enforce Justice)
-1 (General Malaise)
Total: 1
Alas, poor roles and narrative mean a random stab hit to undo our enforce justice :/ ...Could really have used a stab buffer, and the 2 econ we lost to the SY for that matter D=
Oooh, tolerances are being listed overtly now, yay!
Cent 5 -> 6
Initial: 5
+1 (Enforce Justice [1-3])
Total: 6
Min roll on enforce justice, which is good with our cent tolerance so low and us not getting cent tolerance from roads until the gov upgrade (i missed it last update so it wasn't in my action list changes, since it got lost among all the changes, but our current +7 from connectivity is the max we can have for this government)
No change for hierachy, but now we know our tolerance, and that we have a decent amount of leeway there
RA 7 {9} -> 8 {11}
Initial: 7
+1 (Temple Upgrade)
Subtotal: 8
+{3} (Priest Faction Power)
Total: 8 {11}
Completing the priest quest increased their power from 2 to 3, but also increased our tolerance by 1.
New march Gives us a good layer of protection, with Heaven's Hawk able to support it, while it can support both HH and know, assuming it survives long enough D=
Red Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 3/5, E: 8/10) Dragon Banner (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 5/5, E: 8/10) Blood Rain Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 3/5, E: 7/10)
Merc companies continue to recover.
Red Banner E 7 -> 8
Dragon Banner L 4 -> 5
Blood Rain E 5 -> 7
So dragon banner is back to 100%, while the other two are either full on power or mostly full...but still not at all recovered on loyalty
Western Wall (Colony) - Expands to produce new provinces and find new resources, and can take be brought into wars to the north and west (L: 3/5, D: 1/5) Greenshore Colony (Colony) - Settles the territory on the west coast of the sea (L: 3/5, D: 2/5) Tinriver Colony (Colony) - Settles the territory on the south-west coast of the sea (L: 3/5, D: 2/5)
Provinces go for a broad list of general ("balanced", one could say ) actions. Econ and study stars as per usual. New settlement to get LTE up (even though we probably have enough...), trade mission to boost games invite and keep good relations (and make some wealth), survey lands to look for wealth, and expand forests because Ymaryn (and because we dont have policies doing it)
Policies spend their progress on things other than markets, which is annoying :/ Block housing because the guilds want to pass their quest, a market to at least try to stop the bleeding of wealth, and block housing for both wealth and the urban poor preferring a partial block housing over a partial market. Note that the colossal walls progress was from the defence policy, which apparently can apply its action to 1 progress on colossal instead of on significant walls.
Religious settlement, with lack of much in the way of resources, produces black soil so it can expand econ next turn so it can do whatever it wants to do the next turn. Or maybe they want to plant cash crops to get wealth for sacred orders and need EE to burn on those? Hmm....
The changes to the half-exile system brought a remarkable number of complaints, but somehow the People carried on regardless. In the first few years after the change the incidence of disease in the cities began to increase, the harvests showed problems as the rains were less consistent, and general tax collection had numerous issues. There wasn't one single thing that could be said to demonstrate the displeasure of the gods and spirits, but it was taken as a general given that the gods were generally displeased.
he widespread disruption of taxes in one way or another and the rising costs also had the People pursuing new ways to bring in money to pay for everything, with a few in Greenshore going to cultivate a certain kind of tree that produced a fragrant bark that could be dried and ground into an intensely flavourful spice.
Cinnamin! Specifically "a somewhat more temperate tolerant kind of Cinnamomum species that is more widely distributed. Compared to cinnamon proper it's not as good, but you can grow it in your environment."
Along the way some of the other kinds of bark the trees produced were experimented with to see if anything relevant was within them, and while for the most part this just produced useless goop, a few of the alchemists were given ideas about ways to use some of the fibrous materials in the bark and various textiles.
Unfortunately, the traders were rather unhappy about all the profits they were losing out on with everyone increasing the amount of money they were charging, and thus rather than invest in further experiments to see if there was anything worthwhile - possibly a way to use waste fibers - they were being generally cold towards such investments. Furthermore, the lower patricians were also generally lacking in funds and favours that they might want to spread around, meaning that even though a group of artisans, farmers, and alchemists were all certain that they were on to something, they couldn't get the resources needed to continue on with their work unless it came from the king.
Support these inventors?
[] [Inno] No, the kingdom has other things to spend on (Innovation probably lost for the time being)
[] [Inno] Something can be spared from the budget (-1 Wealth, -1 Mysticism, ???)
[] [Inno] Looks important, invest heavily (-3 Wealth, -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, ???)
The Freehills were continuing their expansion, and while superior in general to the Tin Tribes, apparently a great leader had emerged from among those mountain people and was stalemating the warriors of the Freehills.
ortunately the Saffron Islanders had apparently set up dozens of major settlements across the sea in the south-west and those colonies were ever hungry for the goods of the People, with the Trelli strait providing Freehills with an immense amount of wealth in passing the trade of resources and wealth between the two seas. Freehills wanted the high quality iron goods of the People in abundant amounts, and were more than willing to pay for them.
Meanwhile, the Storm Ymaryn had apparently cleaned up the problems they had been having under the auspices of a new, vibrant king. Pursuing a policy of infrastructure build up and the beautification of the mountainous core territories, the Storm Ymaryn also had a tremendous appetite for the People's goods and expertise, and were willing to pay for it.
Beyond that though, the two most sophisticated members of the Games were demonstrating considerable interest in sending not just their proud warriors, but also their artisans. While this immediately raised the hackles of the guilds over potential theft of trade secrets, there was also something to the idea that the guilds tended to get complacent without competition. More than that, given the frequency with which those two groups went to war, it seemed entirely possible that inviting them in would open up the People to any significant weapons innovations they might come up with, and given that the infrastructure for the best works wasn't exactly something that could be discerned by looking at the final products, it could be that inviting them would allow the People to more easily steal their ideas than the other way around. Finally, there was a definite pride issue at work with the requests, with both parties seeing not being invited to the Artisan Games as something of a long term snub. Maybe not today, but it definitely seemed like they viewed such an invite as being in some ways peer to the People.
Open up the Artisan Games
[] [AG] No
[] [AG] Those things are expensive, they'll need to pay (Open games, Diplo income changed to Wealth income, ???)
[] [AG] They may join (Open games, ???)
[] [AG] Subsidize their involvement (Open games, -1 Wealth income per participant, increased innovation, ???) Note: Opening the games means that all participants pool their innovation rolls together and share the results. Subsidizing other participants means that one of their innovation rolls each turn is doubled, and may also allow them to build their own Artisan Games
There was discussion with the king and the guilds over how much to sell to Freehills and the Storm Ymaryn when the talk of the moment began to drift to the increasing number of incidents between the Highlanders and the Harmurri along the Great River in the south. It seemed that the Highlanders were ready to take a shot at the Harmurri, and the time for intervention was drawing near. What exactly would be the breaking point was still some speculation, but conflict in the south was assuredly inevitable at this point.
Before the king and the patricians in the palace could come to a consensus though, news came from the far east on the mission sent to encourage trade and invite the Forhuch to the Games.
"The offer was rejected... and more than that, the new king seems to have taken offence at our invitation. We're not sure what set him off, perhaps he feels insecure in his predecessor's shadow, but the king has elected to send us away empty handed and deeply confused," the emissary explained to the shocked court. What had gone wrong?
Over the next month word came back that the territories along the Forhuch border were seeing increasing incidents of mounted warriors launching excursionary raids. An emissary was sent off to demand an explanation/open the door for the People to bribe the only half-settled Forhuch into calming down, but two weeks after that emissary left a messenger came from the Thunder Horse.
"We have received word from the Forhuch king that the People's arrogance offends him, and he intends to show us the strength of his house. Not only does he give his people free rein to raid our territory as they see fit, but he also declares that he shall lead his warriors against us, for pride, honour, and conquest. A formal state of war now exists between the People and the Forhuch. The governor of the Thunder Horse adds on that while the Forhuch king was kind enough to give half a turning of the moon before he would lead his own armies out, in recognition of the time it will take the messengers to arrive, he fully expects all out combat to begin before the message reaches Valleyhome."
The court exploded into anarchy at this stunning change around. Had the People not been good to the Forhuch? Many demanded to know what could possibly cause this, and it was soon decided that the issue may in fact be one of internal structure. The new king was young, and while a skilled leader of armies, his tongue was not quite as silver as his predecessor and he also clearly did not have the same skill at administration. He was in his (grand-?, not quite clear how their succession had worked) father's shadow and the shadow of the People, and he had elected to lash out in the way he best knew how. Given that the Forhuch had settled their herds in prime agricultural land that was also great pastureland, and had invested most of their metal output into military means...
"We're going to be facing a lot of horsemen," the War Chief summed up.
The Forhuch come! Change policy?
[] [Policy] Stay on Balanced (Only mercenary companies and local defenses deployed for now)
[] [Policy] Switch to Offensive
[] [Policy] Switch to Mass Levy
Lost access to Forhuch and Harmurri markets, and Freehills and Storm Ymaryn want specific types of goods
[] [Trade] Stay as is (Gain the Disrupted Trade status)
[] [Trade] Smiths work overtime! (-2 Tech/turn but can meet demand for trade)
[] [Trade] Push the guilds to the limit to meet demands (Trade Tech for Wealth, up to 5 per phase, to attempt to top up Wealth)
True Cities
[4/5 City Candidates, 3 Free Cities, 12 City Limit]
[Limit is (#Provinces + #LandedNonFreeCitySubordinates)/2]
[3 Non-Supported True Cites : -3 High Cent Tolerance]
[Cities activate when EE is at or below Threshold/2]
-Valleyhome [Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
-Blackmouth [Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (22 EE Threshold) {Block Housing 2/3 Progress}
-Sacred Forest [Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
-Stallion Pen [Aqueduct, Mass. Walls] (16 EE Threshold) <Projected to pop at end of turn>
-Lower Valleyhome [Aqueduct] (10 EE Threshold)
-Valleyhome [Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
[20 (Base) + 7 (Infrastructure) - 7 (No Block Housing) = 20]
-Greenshore - Capital [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore - Unknown City [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Western Wall - Capital [Aqueduct, Governor's Palace, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Heaven's Hawk - Phygriftwyn [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
[Total effect: 3 Mysticism Refund]
-Sacred Forest (Temple, Megaproject, +1 Refund by itself)
-Valleyhome (True City)
-Valleyhome (Palace Annex x2 = 1 National Library)
-Stallion Pen (Temple)
-Redshore (True City) -Amber Road (Temple) (In Subordinate)
[6 {7} Total Temple Levels, 1 Natural Wonder]:
-Sacred Forest in Sacred Shore (Lv 2)
-Dragon Graveyard in Stallion Province (Lv 2 + Natural Wonder)
-Horse Valley in Stonepen (Lv 2 + Lv 1 Observatory) -Amber Road (Lv 1) (Subordinate)
Salt/Gold Production
[Total Effect: +5 Wealth/turn]
-Heaven's Hawk (Lv 1 Salt Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]
-Heaven's Hawk (Gold Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]
[Total Level Count: 3]
[Effect on Expand Econ Secondary: +2 Econ, -2 EE, -2 Tech]
[Effect on City Support/Agriculture Passive Policies: +2 Econ, -2 EE, -1 Tech]
-Redhills (Megaproject) [Functions as Lv 1 for total Ironwork level count]
-Redshore (Lv 2)
Governor's Palace:
[All numbers are totals]
[-1 Min Cent Tolerance, -2 Max Cent Tolerance, +0 True City Admin Support]
[+2 Max Interconnectivity, +2 Temp Econ Damage Resistance]
[+2 Max Safe Martial, +2 RA Tolerance]
[+1.5 Tech Refund, including main Palace]
-Sacred Shore
-Western Wall (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore (In Subordinate) [In Progress 6/9]
Interconnectivity (21/55)
[Can gain Cent from roads up to half of max IC value (27/55), any past that will be banked]
[+7 Max Centralization Tolerance (IC/3, round down). 0 Banked Centralization]
[Max IC Formula: 2 + 3*Full_Provinces + Governor's_Palaces]
[17 Full Provinces - 3 Extra Sec King Actions, 6 Sec Province Actions, 2 Main + 1 Sec Guild Actions]
[Next Action increases: +1 Sec Guild Action at 18 Provinces | +1 Sec Province Action at 19 Provinces | No Gain at 20 Provinces]
[New King Actions at every (9+4n) Province]
[New Province Actions at every (11+4n) Province]
[New Guild Actions at every (3n) Province]
[In Progress Provinces]
-Northern Blackriver [2/6]
[Subordinate Provinces]
<Just ignore this section for now, it's out of date, was only ever my (Abby Normal) guesses, and with the plague and unknown subordinate status, is likely even more wrong than I know>
-Western Wall - 2-3? Provinces (0? Ready to Integrate)
-Greenshore - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Heaven's Hawk - 1 Province (1 Ready to Integrate) [March]
-Txolla - 3-4? Provinces (2? Ready to Integrate)
-Tinriver - 2-3? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Thunder Horse - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Amber Road - 1 Province (0 Ready to Integrate) [Immature Trading Post, cannot expand]
Stat Caps
[Base Cap - 27]
[Base is 10 + #Provinces]
[Wealth Cap - 24]
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-5 Guild Faction Power (+2.5)
-11 RA Mylathadysm (-5.5)
[Safe Martial Limit - 37 {39}]
[Number in {} is safe "non-primary" martial, which refers to the extra martial we gain from econ, listed in {} on the civ sheet]
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+2)
-Palace Arsenal Annexes (+1)
-Iron Age Census (+2)
-International Games (+5)
-Gymnasiums {+2}
[Note: Being at a tolerance cap triggers penalties]
[Low Centralization Tolerance: - 2]
-Government Base "Neutral" (0)
-Legacies (-1)
-2 Governor's Palaces (-1) [-0.5 per GP]
[High Centralization Tolerance: 8]
-Government Base "High" (7)
-21 Interconnectivity (+7) [+1 per 3 IC]
-Legacies (+2)
-17 Provinces (-3) [-1 per 2 provinces over 12]
-3 Unsupported True Cities (-3) [-1 per Unsupported City. Free Cities and Capital are supported. Governor's Palaces can support 1 city per 3 GPs.]
-2 Governor's Palaces (-2) [-1 per GP]
[Hierarchy Tolerance: 10]
-8? Base (+8)
-Legacies (+2)
[Religious Authority Tolerance: 13]
-9? Base (+9)
-1? Quest Reward (+1)
-3 Capital/Governor's Palaces (+3) [+1 Per Palace]
[All Refunds are limited on a per action basis]
[Econ Refund - 8]
[Refunds spent Econ as EE. Gained from True/Free Cities]
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick
Some concern from this, our skilled miners are being out competed by cheap foreign ore; which may reduce incentives of ore survey within our realm, resulting in over-reliance on imports. Another trigger point for currency crisis-like problem? Priests are also getting annoyed at our "double-standard"?
We'll have to see how to handle this in the future. We could subsidize the miners by having the kingdom buy out their ore, to be stored in case of emergency.
Some concern from this, our skilled miners are being out competed by cheap foreign ore; which may reduce incentives of ore survey within our realm, resulting in over-reliance on imports. Another trigger point for currency crisis-like problem? Priests are also getting annoyed at our "double-standard"?
Also might lead to innovation where our miners find better ways. Also having a steady trade with our neighbors is something of a good thing. If they become dependent on us for metalwork war is less likely.
[] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
Six extra martial score. The fact that it pushes the trader quest back another full turn (two midturns after the start of the next turn) to complete their quest is just a nice bonus.
We've got 80+ Martial already. The extra six Martial on top of that just isn't worth as much as re-rolling the Trader quest for something hopefully less expensive. The last thing we want to deal with right now is the consequences of a failed quest, and since we don't want to spend the Wealth or the action on More Warships, we should just take a different quest.
If we were planning to go for More Warships next turn, Extra Turn would be good, but we're not so it isn't.
I should also note that if we don't like the Trader Quest we get from Re-roll, because we will have Supported twice now, we can let them fail it. If we go for Extra Turn, on the other hand, we'd burn our free fail on the current quest and be forced to deal with the next one.
Some concern from this, our skilled miners are being out competed by cheap foreign ore; which may reduce incentives of ore survey within our realm, resulting in over-reliance on imports. Another trigger point for currency crisis-like problem? Priests are also getting annoyed at our "double-standard"?
While iron ore is most of our mines, there's plenty other mines so even in the worst case mining expertise is always going to be in demand. Also, while our miners might be in trouble, their ironworks infrastructure is basically doomed for the time being, which is very bad for them (iron ore is far cheaper than the products we sell back, cue trade imbalance in our favor).