Also there was the bit about how the People on the ground are pretty confident that we can nick more than they can. The confluence of this has basically made the thread consider it an okay trade. Also you forgot your artisan vote.
Except we have the Sharingan, so we're always going to steal more than they can, while no amount of looking will tell you anything about an alchemical recipe for dye, metal or fuel.
This is directly contradicted by the GM's explicit explanation of what the International Games do.
Note: Opening the games means that all participants pool their innovation rolls together and share the results. Subsidizing other participants means that one of their innovation rolls each turn is doubled, and may also allow them to build their own Artisan Games
We all share the results. That means each of us gets stuff, not that we get everything and they sit around being confused.
If anything, this diminishes the value of our natural tech stealing abilities, as there will be 3 sides from which we can't steal anything.
As such if such a thing happened the other participants have carte blanche to attack the instigator since they flagrantly broke the compact represented by the Games. And more than likely, everyone knows this is a thing, or will once they are in it.
Look at the example of our war with the Trelli.
There, the Games gave us the Casus Belli. We were allowed to go to war to defend Trelli from it's own internal enemies. That very same casus Belli would happily be used by the Storm Ymarin to defend the Western Wall, or by the Freehills to defend Trade. Our war was not popular only because of the fact that we screwed up and decided to fight a war of liberation several millenia early, not because attacking others is not done.
In addition, I disagree with the people thinking that only we can get the fruits of our research. If anything, I'd argue that the other sides are much better suited to do it.
Innovations require wealth to support and to build. Given our double wealth price increase, that cripples our ability to build high level infrastructure. Freehills meanwhile get tonnes of wealth from the straits, and the Storm Ymarin don't seem to do badly either.
Hell, we even know that the SY are explicitly building up their infrastructure. So, while we have to contend with high costs, and multiple wars, they have the resources and the peace to profit from our technologies.
Edit :
In the end, I believe this is a choice, about whether we fear the Non-Games nations enough to give the game-nations a major boosts.
After , I believe that with the International Games we should be getting at least twice as much innovation rolls as we have now. Our partners will benefit more, of course, but we will still benefit a lot.