Relevant actions for calcing out stats:

[X] [Main] Great Dam (-2 Econ)
[X] [Secondary] Change Passive Policy (2x Forestry -> 2x Infrastructure)
[X] [Secondary] Expand Econ (+6 Econ, -6 EE, -2 Tech)
[X] [Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall (-2 Econ, -2 Culture)
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission – Forhuch (-2 Wealth, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo)
[X] [Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinshore Colony (-2 Diplo, Transfer 2 Econ, Wealth, Culture, Tech, and Mysticism)
[X] [Guild Main] Plant Poppies (-3 Econ, -3 Econ Expansion, +1 Mysticism, +7 Wealth, new trade good)
[X] [Guild Main] Expand Snail Cultivation (-1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Culture, potential additional effects)
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation (-3 Econ, +3 Wealth, +1 Culture, increased chance of additional effects)
Provinces – [Main] Expand Econ, [Main] New Settlement (Northern Blackriver), [Sec] Build Glassworks, [Sec] Hunt Troublemakers
Policies – Redshore Market (5/6), Significant Walls (34/66)
FC – Redshore Market (6/6), Redshore Baths (4/6), Redhills Colossal Walls (1/9), Valleyguard Colossal Walls (1/9)
Ok, now that i'm home, time for math, and then hopefully i'll have time to do the A&D post for last update before you update tonight :) @PrimalShadow you online and doing math yourself?
I am disheartened to see (34/66) significant walls. I believed the number increased 2 times for the amount of significant walls we need to build. It will take eight century to finish them all. GAH!
If the problem is information, we should expand the watch tower network and use light or smoke signals anyway, or something like semaphore signals, or a heligraph. beats walking or rinding a horse for message transmission anyday. Or set up horse relay stations, setting up our own pony express, or mongol couriers. And if we have roads we will have to invent horse shoes soon, because horses without them won't deal too well with roads, especially if they are paved.
The Ymaryn hadn't experienced siege warfare since like...The Great Power War, and yet we're building a wall every turn and started on Colossal Wall.
We should assign another defense passive sometime, yes.
If we add another defense policy, it might shift focus to massive walls instead, which is even less complete at 4/45, which is probably an outdated number.
I am of the opinion that, depending on how the government reform goes, we should switch to Defensive Policy for a while. We're mainly using Balanced for the Expand Econ and taking care of the odd thing here or there. This would focus our provinces on something with laser focus, and it's something we actually really want. To make up for the lost econ, the policies we save on Defense could be put on Agriculture or City Support.

With Defense, we could almost instantly finish Watchtowers, and actually conceivably ever finish Walls.
@Academia Nut Here's what i've got for math:

Diplo 24
+0.5 (Disrupted KotH)
+1.5 (Disrupted Games)
+[1-2] (Trade Mission)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
Total: [25-26]

Intrigue 6
-1 (Hunt Troublemakers)
Total: 5

Econ 15
+4 (Colony Taxes)
+18 (Expand Econs)
+1 (New Settlement)
-0 (Cities)
-2 (Great Dam)
-2 (Great Hall)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
-3 (Plant Poppies)
-4 (Expand Snail Cultivations)
-1 (Build Glassworks)
Total: 24

Used Forests 29 {36}
+1 (Build Glassworks)
+{1} (Build Glassworks)
Total: 30 {37}

Available Forests 34

EE 24
-18 (Expand Econs)
-4 (Colony Taxes)
-3 (Plant Poppies)
+3 (New Settlement)
+2 (GD Refund)
+2 (GH Refund)
+2 (IS Refund)
+2 (PP Refund)
+3 (ESC Refunds)
+1 (BG Refund)
Total: 14

Martial 7
Light Cav 3
Naval 1

Wealth 4
+1 (Income/Expenses)
-2 (Trade Mission)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
+7 (Plant Poppies)
+4 (Expand Snail Cultivations)
+1 (Build Glassworks)
Total: 13

Culture 16
+3 (Free Cities)
+1 (Games + Cities)
-2 (Great Hall)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
+2 (Expand Snail Cultivations)
+2 (Build Glassworks)
Subtotal: 20
+10 (Overflow from Mysticism)
-3 (Overflow to Tech)
Total: 27

Mysticism 25 (+9)
+9 (Pending)
+3 (Temples)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
+1 (Plant Poppies)
+1 (New Settlement)
Subtotal: 37
-10 (Overflow to Culture)
Subtotal: 27
+(+2) (IS Refund)
Total: 27 (+2)

Tech 24
+2 (Pending)
+1 (Arsenals)
-1 (City Support)
-6 (Expand Econs)
-2 (Influence Subordinate)
-2 (Build Glassworks)
Subtotal: 16
+3 (Overflow from Culture)
Subtotal: 19
+(+1) (CS Refund)
+(+3) (EE Refunds)
+(+1) (IS Refund)
+(+1) (BG Refund)
Total: 19 (+6)

Prestige 98
+1 (Grand Bazaar)
+[0-4] (Games)
Total: [99-103]

Stab 3

Legit 4

Cent 7

RA 7 {9}
Though i intend to go over it again in a little bit, and would prefer it if @PrimalShadow or someone else double checked my math and/or did their own math attempt and checked it against mine

(Also, this is assuming that the -1 econ income is a typo, since i can't remember anything that would cause that, but if i'm just forgetting something let me know :p)
I am disheartened to see (34/66) significant walls. I believed the number increased 2 times for the amount of significant walls we need to build. It will take eight century to finish them all. GAH!
We should assign another defense passive sometime, yes.
Count me in favor of assigning a defence passive policy if two cities come online. I'm keen to get Vassal Support x2, Diplomacy, or Skullduggery online but favor defence after one of those three.
Count me in favor of assigning a defence passive policy if two cities come online. I'm keen to get Vassal Support x2, Diplomacy, or Skullduggery online but favor defence after one of those three.
Well, assuming my math is right, we're unlikely to have any cities come online this turn; with the extra EE from the new settlement action our provinces took, we'll be at 24 Econ, 14 EE, so we've got 1 EE too much even if we maxed out our econ to have cities come back online.
The majority of our empire's land is not within a day's travel by foot of a river. While rivers are great highways and railways, they are not great roads. The Via Appia was built for a reason. California's El Camino Royale was built for a reason.

The problem isn't just information, isn't just goods, it's culture & people.

I have little interest in a defensive policy and a shitton of walls. I want the watchtowers but I don't know how likely they are to be built. I'd rather have as few regular actions (and thus power taken out of our hands) as possible; if we can do something well enough with a passive policy we should. It would be nice if we could dedicate regular actions to a megsproject, however unlikely that is.
And if you really want more trade, it won't be enough to just have roads, you have to keep them in good order, then you need inns or caravanserais, or something like that. And the peoples version of the Highway patrol....
Shouldn't that be +6 since it's a [Main] action? It's worth 2 progress on a +3 province.
I don't believe thats how it works. Sec vs main keeps the same EE gain as normal, with the "only" changes being the province progress and the quicker return. I guess its something like the bigger investment meaning you can have enough organization and population for a "province" with less land if you focus on a handful of settlements verse if you half ass twice as many? @Academia Nut ?
The majority of our empire's land is not within a day's travel by foot of a river. While rivers are great highways and railways, they are not great roads. The Via Appia was built for a reason. California's El Camino Royale was built for a reason.

The problem isn't just information, isn't just goods, it's culture & people.

I have little interest in a defensive policy and a shitton of walls. I want the watchtowers but I don't know how likely they are to be built. I'd rather have as few regular actions (and thus power taken out of our hands) as possible; if we can do something well enough with a passive policy we should. It would be nice if we could dedicate regular actions to a megsproject, however unlikely that is.
I think I know what you mean by context, but regular is also used to mean normal, so I don't think it's a good term for referring to automated actions.

Are you referring to a defensive passive policy or a defensive active policy?
I think I know what you mean by context, but regular is also used to mean normal, so I don't think it's a good term for referring to automated actions.

Are you referring to a defensive passive policy or a defensive active policy?
Defensive active. Afaik regular is the official term; am I mistaken? Edit: ah, repeated.
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