If he's also implementing the whole "investing faction actions" system, we'd probably also be pretty safe in letting the Urban Poor control their own actions, since they mostly just want to upgrade our cities.

> trust Urban Poor
I have a bad feeling about this idea. Mob is fickle and easily manipulated by whatever demagogue has the biggest purse or sweetest tongue, just look at the Rome.
I'm curious as to roughly what year we're in relative to IRL history, just so we have a vague OOC idea of what might be going on in the rest of the world.

And how we might have mucked it up, of course, starting by our replacing the Hittites.
Use this handy formula, 4000 BC + 15 Years/threadmark.

We are around 1700 BC.

Redhills was attacked by Hermphobe-khan, Valleyguard borders steppe (although I am surprised it's not Stallionpen or Blackmouth). So I am pretty sure it's provinces deciding that fucking nomads should be protected against.
Valleyguard does not border steppe, its the cataract settlement that leads into the HK from what I recall. Its also a short route to Valleyhome from the Lowlands which Evil Pure Khan could have used.

Also, HURRAH Colossal Walls!
Glass is such a useful material, from mundane containers such as vases, or drinking vessels, to containers used by alchemist and window panes, at least something like stained glass windows should be feasible... and don't forget lenses, even if were a long way from clear glas used for optics... It's also a great trade good. Roman glass was exported all over. Roman pottery too as I recall
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Glass is such a useful material, from mundane containers such as vases, or drinking vessels, to containers used by alchemist and window panes, at least something like stained glass windows should be feasible... and don't forget lenses, even if were a long way from clear glas used for optics... It's also a great trade good. Roman glass was exported all over. Roman pottery too as I recall

I thought we came upon clear glass recently?
Use this handy formula, 4000 BC + 15 Years/threadmark.

We are around 1700 BC.
Are you sure we start at 4000? AN has likened the climate shift under Rulwyna to the Year 4.2k Event... named because it was ~4200 BC. And that was some way in into the story. OTOH, I'm also not sure about 15 years. With Kings typically lasting two or three rounds, I'd more say 20 or probably even 25 years.
That nat 100 on our golden age innovation roll really changed the whole game, didn't it?
Pretty much. I think we would have stayed as we were before that point: Turtling friendly Agrarian.

We only started our rapid expansion when we had fuckhuge levels of martial as a result of the advent of iron. Between that and our ridiculous disease resistance (it's still ridiculous) we have been solidly expanding and not overextending for centuries. That 200 year long baby boom and century of population explosion certainly helped.

Though from the look of things we were sort of tumbling down the rabbit hole with that gilded age and currency issue. Not to mention we had everyone else breathing down our necks. TBH I think the Horseman's Plague actually helped us, more than anything. So long as we can bring our colony loyalty back up and maybe incorporate the Western People, we should be in decent shape.
Are you sure we start at 4000? AN has likened the climate shift under Rulwyna to the Year 4.2k Event... named because it was ~4200 BC. And that was some way in into the story. OTOH, I'm also not sure about 15 years. With Kings typically lasting two or three rounds, I'd more say 20 or probably even 25 years.
Its just the formula AN uses to estimate the century. :p

This is correct. Not sure when, but there will be a general reduction in time frames between turns, and also more sub-turn events, particularly around wars. As a general rule of thumb I figure that the current era is roughly equal to 4000 BCE + 15 years/threadmark to account for various weirdness. So the era is currently about 2300 BCE. About. That rule of thumb is more to determine the century than anything else.
Its a precursor to Clear Glass. Though even once we invent Clear Glass, it will still be *hideously* expensive.

It's clear enough to work with for some optical uses. There might be a slight tint, but I doubt it's gonna bother anyone overly much.

Also hyped about the Colossal Walls.

And that after I don't know how many centuries, or even millenia, we finally do Expand Snails again.
Pretty much. I think we would have stayed as we were before that point: Turtling friendly Agrarian.

We only started our rapid expansion when we had fuckhuge levels of martial as a result of the advent of iron. Between that and our ridiculous disease resistance (it's still ridiculous) we have been solidly expanding and not overextending for centuries. That 200 year long baby boom and century of population explosion certainly helped.

Though from the look of things we were sort of tumbling down the rabbit hole with that gilded age and currency issue. Not to mention we had everyone else breathing down our necks. TBH I think the Horseman's Plague actually helped us, more than anything. So long as we can bring our colony loyalty back up and maybe incorporate the Western People, we should be in decent shape.
Yeah, all the super plagues basically forced us to deal with the underlying problems in the Ymaryn, instead of just doing our usual tunnel vision on specific issues.
We're starting to think about the Canals and such because there's basically no one else to talk to right now, and no external problems besides the Storm People because everyone else got wiped by plague.
Yeah, i don't think were even that far yet, and FIY clear glass was said to have been invented in Alexandria, more than 1000 in the future from our quest perspective...
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[Main] Great Dam
[secondary] Great Dam x2
[secondary] Great Dam x3
[secondary] Great Dam x4
[secondary] Great Dam x5
[secondary] Influence Subordinate - Greenshore Colony
[Guild] Snail Cultivation
[Guild] Snail Cultivation x2
[Guild secondary] Snail Cultivation x3

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1
4 + 4 + 6 + 1
8 + 7
15 econ

Going all in on the damn dam?

[Main] Great Dam
[secondary] Expand Economy
[secondary] Expand Economy x2
[secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
[secondary] Raise Army
[secondary] Influence Subordinate - Greenshore
[Guild] Snail Cultivation
[Guild] Snail Cultivation x2
[Guild secondary] Snail Cultivation

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 15 econ - 12 = 3 econ cost.

Hmm. I want to finish the megaproject as soon as possible, but at the same time, we do have priorities.

Also: possible upcoming reaction for this turn:

1) Megaproject progress
2) Great Hall expansion
3) Road
4) Raise army
5) Trade mission
6) Whatever problem intrigue managed to uncover.

We're also likely to see refugees from all that strife. We should be able to intake a large amount of immigrants at the opportunity cost of having to raise our stability buffer again.
The canal post dam is actually one of the very best "roads" you can build.
Boats are good for bulk trade, but most inner national movements arnt bulk, Information will still travel faster along a road/horse network, army movements are easier to predict and account for with good road networks, and movement of the non-rich are going to be along road networks because boat travel will be under the control of the more 'rich' groups in our nation.
Boats are good for bulk trade, but most inner national movements arnt bulk, Information will still travel faster along a road/horse network, army movements are easier to predict and account for with good road networks, and movement of the non-rich are going to be along road networks because boat travel will be under the control of the more 'rich' groups in our nation.
When we finish the Gov Reform, I'm going to push for putting a Sec Expand Forests and a Sec More Roads as repeated actions.
It should still leave us with 1 Main and 3 Sec, based on how many actions we have right now, so we would still be able to respond to situations with our own actions well enough.

It will also free up our passives to go onto Skullduggery and Diplomacy, and give us a constant increase in cent tolerance.
Canals are much better than roads for bulk trade. Roads until the invention of the automobile were primary constructed for military or prestige purposes. You can transport so much more by boat then on animal back or on carts. And it's also cheaper to simply build a raft then to build a cart and train an animal to pull it. And especially for our forests... much cheaper to just float the trunks downriver.
Boats are good for bulk trade, but most inner national movements arnt bulk, Information will still travel faster along a road/horse network, army movements are easier to predict and account for with good road networks, and movement of the non-rich are going to be along road networks because boat travel will be under the control of the more 'rich' groups in our nation.
Oh absolutely, but a good chunk of our problems are because our internal and vassal -> core transport network is so shit even the bulk stuff and the rich folks have issues.
Most cities and towns tended to be located near transportation hubs such as rivers anyway, and people can transport themselves using small boat.