It's amazing how full our stats pool are and how hilariously high our effective martial is. But the -1 going to -2 stability is concerning, as is the effective 15 religious authority; which is about double our maximum?
Actually, now that i look at the effective martial, i'm really not sure where its coming from...i'd thought it was that we put 2 of the merc companies in regular budget, but that would give one of 6,7, or 11 martial. Meanwhile, depending on if permanent or temp econ is what determines the effective martial bonus, we'd have either 3 or 9 (or maybe 8 if it doesn't round). Meanwhile, we have 13 non primary martial, and unless i'm just being blind, i can't see a way to combine one each from the sets {6, 7, 11} and {3, 8, 9} to get 13...and looking back to last update, i can't make those numbers make sense either...
@Academia Nut ?
(Also, while 15 RA is terrifying, its 1. not double our max, which is either 9 or 10, and 2. only temporary, from the patricians supporting them. With luck, that will stop with the main turn, and it'll go down to only 10...still, we should expect a mid turn choice dealing with them next turn...but hopefully our hero will leave us with a decent amount of stab and legit to use to deal with them trying to purge the heretics again.
I think I made a few mistakes, but there was some damage in places, so I'm just going to leave it as is.
Alas :/ Still, i suppose given a plague, a war, and governor's being shits, really can't argue the narrative behind losing out on stats like that
Is it the same for the missing (+1+3), then, or was there some specific reason they disappeared?