When we fought the Khemetrei, countless warriors and many civilians lost their lives. Not just to the Khem, but to the Thunder Twins and the Highland Kingdom who hoped that the distraction would prevent us from fending them off. When we were given the option for peace, we took it. The king who had caused the war was killed, and we considered justice to have been done. We joined in friendship with the Khemetrei, and found ourselves happier, more secure, and more powerful than ever before.
The nomad hero who caused the war, as a direct result of his war against The People. Our gods have punished the nomads for their sins. They have lost fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Let us do as we have always done, and help the remainder recover.
And what greater way to enrage the dead hero's spirit? He sought to destroy us, to leave no brick standing upon the other, to kill all those who refuse to embrace the nomadic lifestyle. And in the end, it is the "impure" and "evil" agriculturalists who will save his people, who will convert them from nomadic pastoralists into farmers and subordinate warriors. And their descendants will safe-guard us from future nomadic hordes. In the end, he who tried to destroy us will have made us stronger.