[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
We've been in a food crisis in a long time, and this might help somewhat. Of course, this'll piss them off, and doesn't establish the Loyalty floor (rebellion-proofing? Rebellion-proofing!) that Rotate Governors does... but we can't afford Rotate Governors, so it doesn't matter. Right?
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
Chance to fix Second Sons?
[][Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[][Attack] Both
--[][Attack] To Freehills
We could go with the long-term diplo-annex strategy. Very long-term. Because really we only want to be annexing people when things are less on fire, and clearly when you're the King of the Hill, you enter a fire singularity, where the situation only moves in one direction.
...No, I think I just convinced myself.
[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
What could possibly go wrong?
The answer is everything.
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
We're going to be taxing our subordinates now, so they're likely to be pissed off by it, especially if we don't start rotating governors. Vassal Support is likely to counteract that somewhat, OR actually allow us to both spawn a new merc company and have Trelli as a vassal.