I have no idea why you think I don't since I never said anything about boats.
Because since boat and canals are so much better at transporting people clearly better then roads, roads will have less of an effect for the disease problem while helping with ALL our problems while also costing less, So I think I am arguing that roads are better then any other way to handle things when it comes the whole stop fire and shit from flying everywhere thing, because roads are best.
As for boats they are the only other way to increase total interconnectivity, which you know has been the main argument for why not to use roads in the past arguments about road building and why 'not' to do it.
Myranyn Reforms I
[X][Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X][Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X][PiA] Freehills (Social Value)
[X][GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)

The king lounged upon his chair while going over the reports he had received regarding the more far flung sections of the kingdom. Especially when he compared them to some of the things he had been told about how the Khemetri and Trelli (used to) do things with their kingdom. For obvious practical reasons certain provinces had to be given greater autonomy for certain things, but he had been tracking down just where a number of problems had come from.

There were some extremely old tales of how kings had been challenged by sections of the People using laws and rules that had good and legitimate reasons to exist, to be complete shitheads, and this seemed to be another example of what was going on. The furthest provinces had additional administrative powers to deal with the distances involved, but they had been abusing that power in recent generations to facilitate the migration of bored warriors out of the core territories. Everyone had known they were causing trouble, but there had been a distinct desire not to push too hard before, and a sort of oblique desire not to sort out how exactly they had done it, because then something would have to actually be done about the problem. Well, no more of that.

The 'how' of it all was as simple as it was infuriating. The provinces had to report on their populations, especially of essential people like warriors and the muster and the like. The further out provinces had considerably more leeway in how they reported things, so the numbers were always a bit fuzzy, but in any case they could ask for top-ups in warriors or settlers if things weren't going great, and generally the crown made sure to keep everything about right. The frontiers generally needed more warriors than the core to prevent nomad raids or bandits from getting a foothold, and to replace the losses that happened anyway. So far so good, but in recent generations those in charge had been rather badly abusing the additional leeway given to them. In essence, they would report small groups of warriors as 'Missing, presumed dead' in such a way that it was impossible to sort out the legitimate losses from the warriors just up and leaving to go on unauthorized conquests. This drew warriors away from the core as the outer territories requested transfers, aided by the warriors themselves requesting transfers to the frontier. Simple and infuriatingly hard to stop without upending the relationship between king and governor in a way that might trigger a civil war.

Oh, if only prior kings had stopped the drain of warriors before the core had been depleted of expertise, then perhaps a short, sharp war might have been able to prevent all of this, rather than the western provinces having gobbled up huge amounts of manpower and expertise at the cost of the core.

Fundamentally the bigger issue was not the 'how', but the 'why', because it was the men administering those provinces who were the ones letting this happen. Depressingly, the 'why' was basically pure greed. Warriors looking to run off paid good bribes to slip loose from the administration of the crown, and more than that when they conquered tribes they pretty much immediately sent out feelers to get the traders to come to them, and rather appallingly more than a few of the renegades were more than willing to adopt local traditions of slavery and could thus extract quite a bit of wealth out of their conquests in short order. Even more gruesomely there was apparently a brisk trade in equipment taken off all of the young warriors who ran off with their weapons and then fell in battle. While technically the crown owned it all, that was basically a stele fiction and any serious warrior outfitted themselves with their own resources, or the resources of a more powerful member of the People. Thus scavenging and resale could be its own profitable venture, and if a governor reported warriors missing along with their equipment and in need of replacement they could potentially get compensated by the crown alongside the ghoulish profiteering.

In contrast, the Khemetri and Trelli had a far more lopsided view of their peripheral territories. The transfer of goods and personnel was much more in one direction for those groups, and while it had obvious failure points - such as the local elites deciding that they didn't need the king at all - one part of it seemed to be about keeping the territories further from the crown incapable of breaking away from the core. It was certainly appealing in more than a few ways, although there were obvious dangers.

Colony taxes
[] [SR] Money (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Wealth/turn each)
[] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[] [SR] Warriors (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Martial/turn each)
[] [SR] Rotate governors (All periphery states with at least one province cost -1 Diplo/turn each turn, have Min. 2 Loyalty)

Somewhat fortunately the lower level patricians, lead by Myranyn, had been pushing forward a series of reforms to attempt to address the loss of martial expertise and bodies via recruitment of the lower classes, armed by the state with weaponry and armour that was easy to police by maintaining it in large depots, the urban population not needing constant practice with crossbows to maintain proficiency like with regular bows, and their closer geographic distribution also making it easier to gather them only when needed. Unfortunately, more than a few people had caught onto the scheme - as well as more than a few patricians squabbling over the fact that they preferred alternate solutions to the issue. This had caused enough problems, compounded by the incoming influx of refugees from former Trelli territories, that the king was quite limited in options.

Only one option for the refugees and already rolled up. 4 temp Econ damage, -4 EE, +4 Econ next turn, and -1 Stability incoming
PSN taking Main Expand Econ (+8 Econ, -8 EE, -2 Centralization) to ensure that everyone gets fed next turn
Of course taking Enforce Justice. +2 Stability and +3 Centralization incoming

Myranyn Reforms begin with a Main Raise Army and +1 power to Patricians, Guilds, and Urban Poor. Guild quest completed

Patricians (5*) - Objective: Have Light cavalry above 3 within 2 turns. Success: Free equestrian tech
Guild (6) - Power: Half faction power added to Max Wealth. Objective: Have a Level 2 Ironworks within 3 turns. Success: Free random megaproject AN: Yes, an entire megaproject, in a single turn, no charge
Traders (3*)
- Objective: Conquer Trelli within 1 turn. Failure: Civil War (Suppressible)
Yeomen (3*)- Objective: Finish internal reorg within 2 turns. Success: Half current EE converted to Econ, Failure: -2 Econ
Priests (3)- Objective: Have maximum Econ within 3 turns. Success: Free Spiritual Value slot
Urban Poor (3*) - Build 1 more baths within 2 turns. Success: Urban Plague status removed early. Failure: Patricians and Guilds -1 Power, Yeomen +1 Power
These counters iterate at the next mid-turn. The numbers in brackets indicate the general faction strength.

Of course, just because they were building up a new type of army didn't necessarily mean that the issue was going to be fully resolved. There were quite a few proposals about what the next phase was - including more than a few calling for new gymnasia to satisfy some of the things that Harmysyn had proposed, which while unlikely to be embraced might get a few folks to just shut up - and one of the unifying features was that there was more than a little expense to them.

Harmysyn Reforms, next stage
[] [HS] Main Build Gymnasium (Does not advance Reforms, +1 Stability)
[] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Center Command on the Cities (Blackmouth becomes a Free City, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Continue raising troops (Main Raise Army, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Prototype Deployment Organization (2xSec Blackmouth Colossal Walls, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)
[] [HS] Introduce an elite core (Sec More Spiritbonded + Sec Expand Econ, Reforms advance)

And then of course there was the question of, if the People were recruiting an army, should they use it?

Army use
[] [Attack] No one
[] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[] [Attack] Red Banner
-[] [Attack] Dragon Banner
-[] [Attack] Both
--[] [Attack] To Trelli
--[] [Attack] To Freehills
--[] [Attack] To Western Ymaryn
[] [Attack] Support Western Ymaryn Against Storm Tribes
[] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait

Select new passive policy
[] [Policy] Agriculture (+1 Econ and -1 Econ Expansion/turn)
[] [Policy] Diplomacy (+1 Diplo/turn)
[] [Policy] Skullduggery (+1 Intrigue/turn, -2 Diplo)
[] [Policy] Trade (+1 Wealth/turn)
[] [Policy] Armament (+1 Martial/turn)
[] [Policy] Patronage (+1 Culture/turn)
[] [Policy] Mysticism (+1 Mysticism/turn)
[] [Policy] Industry (+1 Tech/turn)
[] [Policy] City Support (2 Econ cost for True City support negated)
[] [Policy] Expansion (So long as there is land to expand into, +1 Econ Expansion/turn, reduces threshold to produce new provinces the longer active)
[] [Policy] Innovation (Extra 2 innovation rolls each turn, -1 Wealth)
[] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
[] [Policy] Defence (+1 significant walls/turn) x1
[] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns) x1
[] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)

New value attached to PiA
Division of Power
By preventing the accumulation of power into any single person or faction, the damage of someone throwing a tantrum is mitigated... although it also makes breaking up widespread support harder.
Pros: Faction quest failures have a free negation, requiring two completed quests or Support Faction actions to reset. Unsuppressible failure states become Suppressible
Cons: Addition -1 Stability when suppressing factions

Astrological Prediction: "Now is the time to strike" (38)
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[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)

This is the one thing I'm 100% unambiguously for. We need more food, now more than ever, so food we will get.

[] [HS] Main Build Gymnasium (Does not advance Reforms, +1 Stability)
Need the stability so we don't start dying
[] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance
Full greed, get a free megaproject
[] [HS] Introduce an elite core (Sec More Spiritbonded + Sec Expand Econ, Reforms advance)
Get more econ and horses for the nomads

[] [Attack] No one
[] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
Either attack no one or try to take Trelli, I'm not comfortable with loaning out our most elite soldiers while we're in a military reform

[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
Pretty sure AN says this covers Panem, and even if it doens't that's still 2 extra econ a turn.
[X] [SR] Rotate governors (All periphery states with at least one province cost -1 Diplo/turn each turn, have Min. 2 Loyalty)

[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)
[X] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)
[X] [HS] Introduce an elite core (Sec More Spiritbonded + Sec Expand Econ, Reforms advance)

[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait

[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
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[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
Econ fixed = Problems fixed

[X] [HS] Center Command on the Cities (Blackmouth becomes a Free City, Reforms advance)
[X] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)

More policies = More infrastructure
Random megaproject with no cost.. um wtf. Wtf.
Another Merc Company will eat -8 Martial, which should instantly put us in range of solving the stupid SS problem.

[X] [Attack] Support Western Ymaryn Against Storm Tribes
[X] [Attack] No one
FUUUUUUUUU PiA vampirism. Vassallize WY. Ottherwise just stay home and garden.

[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns) x1
Need both.

AN: Yes, an entire megaproject, in a single turn, no charge
Holy shit.
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Diplomacy 16 [+4]
-Intrigue 4
Economy 6 [-6]
-Sustainable Forests 24/27.5
-Econ Expansion 18 [+6]
Martial 11 (+1) {13}
-Light Cavalry 1
Naval 2
Wealth 8 [-1]
+3 Salt
+2/2 = 1 Strategic
+4/2 = 2 Luxury
-2 Units
-5 Maintenance
Total: -1

Culture 24 [+4]
Mysticism 23 (+9) [+3-3]
Tech 18 (+3) [-1]
Prestige 87

Stability -2 (fearful)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 6
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 8
Steel Blooded: Expand Econ actions produce an extra +2 Econ
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[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)

Pay your god damn share! We will try not to squander it this time.

[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)

Central weapon store will be the way to go, better be guarded and tallied at all times.

[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)

Eh, raise army gives quite a bit of points.

[X] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)

More iron to feed people!

[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)

Need progress on all the non-mega projects.

[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns) x1

Need more charcoal!

Edit: approval vote for anything other than war. See you guys in 9 hours.

Edit2: just in case.

Edit 3: just making sure.
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Freehills
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Western Ymaryn
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Trelli
[X] [Attack] No one
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Second Son Crisis - Lesser warriors are flowing outward, attacking outsiders and risk bringing retribution to the rest of the People. They must be reined in, but once the seed of the frontier has been planted it is hard to uproot. Causes trouble each turn, may end on its own but can be definitively ended with: Max Legitimacy? and 2 of (Cent Greater than 5?, Martial Less than 5, Yeomen Power 0?); or a Civil War

Oh hey, we might have finally gotten enough done to see what we need for cent now.

Hm, if we combine that with mercenaries we put two stats at the theoretical fix points. Could we potentially fix this thing this midturn?
[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Main Build Gymnasium (Does not advance Reforms, +1 Stability)
[X] [HS] Increase Iron production further (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)


Trelli because:
Astrological Prediction: "Now is the time to strike" (38)

Gymnasium helps us get further on the path of mass education and gives us free stability which we need. Iron Production because we would be idiots to pass up a free Megaproject. And Food tribute to pay our increasing costs in something where too little is extremely dangerous. As loyality values are all fairly good except Western Wall, I think it acceptable. And with the extra Economy income, we can afford another Infrastructure Policy.
My initial thoughts are as follows:
[] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[] [HS] Introduce an elite core (Sec More Spiritbonded + Sec Expand Econ, Reforms advance)
[] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
edit3: Removed Xs

We're somehow at 11 Martial, so we both have a chance at winning and need to bleed off our Martial. Cavalry is incredibly powerful no matter what and we want to get to 3 for the Patrician quest, and we need more econ.
This does bring our Wealth down a bit low, but last time we did that we actually got a stability boost for bringing it back up again.

However, I'd like some more clarifications first.

@Academia Nut
Is Redshore Ironworks a level 2 or a second level 1?
Periphery State count should be updated to 13/10+4
What do our military leaders think of our chances of successfully taking and holding the Trelli Strait?
edit: Should "cent > 5" be yellow right now for the Second Sons?
edit2: What are our priests' opinions of the current astrological prediction?
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[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[X] [SR] Warriors (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Martial/turn each)
[X] [Policy] Armament (+1 Martial/turn)
[X] [Policy] Expansion (So long as there is land to expand into, +1 Econ Expansion/turn, reduces threshold to produce new provinces the longer active)
[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)

Our future King before and after he purges rebellious periphery states.

EDIT Raichu: Regardless, the Trelli will not like us immediately after vassalization, as was the case with literally all of our other vassals.
If we just ignore them as we did the Thunder Twins, they will rebuild and get a navy that will contest ours, and then they can just break free with impunity.

There is a large body of water between the Core and the Trelli, and we likely won't be investing in warships until it's too late, so be prepared for that.

I just hope that people understand that this will be more of a problem than just parking a merc company in the city and hoping for the best.

EDIT (me): The Trelli will require us to commit either genocide or stopping numerous rebellions. AN stated it doesn't help us administer our western vassals better at all.
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Is Redshore Ironworks a level 2 or a second level 1?
Periphery State count should be updated to 13/10+4
What do our military leaders think of our chances of successfully taking and holding the Trelli Strait?

Level 1, you don't have the pre-reqs for any level 2 stuff yet.
Will update.
*waggles hand* "Hard to say. A lot of others are gunning for it, but this is our best chance to get troops to the walls."