Love of Wisdom (Maxed development) -> Philosopher Kings (Maxed Development)
Through intellect and careful testing of the world, the People have developed a love of knowledge and learning, and expect their leaders to follow suit.
Pros: Majorly improved use of study actions and innovation rolls, improved leader skill sets
Cons: Question social foundations, Over Leveled Penalty: -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, & -1 Wealth per turn due to education stress
In Service to Order too rigid to function alongside Philosopher Kings, it has been discarded.
Nemesis Fashion has drawn from the Trelli.
Rule of Gold
He who has the gold, makes the rules (which are often about who is allowed to have gold).
Pros: Mercenary companies do not occupy subordinate slots, double efficiency Wealth gain from market control
Cons: Loss of trade dominance causes Stability loss, worse penalties for failing Trader quests