To any and all interested, we bring another episode of Historia of Ymaryn!
Today, we delve deeper into the insanity inherent in the Lowlands Academia.
Also, do forgive these rare moments of senility my colleague, @BungieONI, has. Our travels through time has that effect.
Now with this contraption powered by sodium chloride we've put together, we give you: Highschool Woes (2)! Enjoy~

Historia of (Early Teens) Ymaryn: Highschool Woes (2)
While lacking the clout each of the trio had, Ymaryn could keep whom she saw as the worst of them, Dead Priest, from acting overtly in her presence. This kept him from rounding up more of the classroom in the sort of protection racket he ran, though most of his followers simply found themselves doing Westcon's bidding instead. Baby steps, she guessed.

Ymaryn thought at least a benign change was upon the class when a sizable student body returned from a long term of truancy. Buggers.
"Come on now, Ymrii~ I promise that you won't regret doing this project with me.", the wild-haired boy pestered on.

Thunder Horse, as he chiefly referred to himself in third person had more or less given up on persuading Spirit Talker who outright ignored him in favor of getting Ymaryn to work with him, who had been way more responsive. Her reputation of never turning anyone down probably bit back on her hard in these kinds of situation as well.

"I have this amazing story down already, I just need some touching on the design for this star..."
She tuned him out, the nonsense he claimed to be plot lines were contradictory ideas and there had been little more than contrived circumstances that made the character obviously styled after himself look good.
She'd never understand why his Gary Stu had a mane instead of hair, though.

"...I'll owe you a favour for this. You can ask for anything! It may not seem like it but I have friends. Many friends able to help in many ways."

And there it was, the real reason why she considered his words at all. He had a following to reckon with. If they were put against Dead Priest...
"Let's just focus on the project for now."
As Thunder Horse cheered loudly and began to ramble inconsistencies one after another, Ymaryn hoped to herself that she was doing the right thing.


Ymrii had called in the favor almost immediately after the project was done, asking for the bullying in her class to stop, and hadn't that been a tall order! He had almost called her out on the imbalance in the weight of their requests, but real men don't go back on their words. He had rounded up his boys and called out to the leaders to have some more words.

He expected the talk and eventual breakdown just as much. Really, skipping to the fighting would have saved them so much time. Admittedly, him speeding things up to that end without paying attention to the points they were trying to make were part of why he was ultimately right, but those were merely semantics. Punches were exchanged and the meeting spot was wrecked, thus the agenda was met.

"Nuisances like you should stay out of the school."
He twists around, aided by his trusty wheelies, to meet cold eyes behind frosty glass.
"Eyes on the bigger threat, lowlife."
A bat with a skull emblazoned onto it smashed against his baton, sparks flying like the shooting stars etched onto it.
Awww yea. Haven't been in a threeway for a while. The duo pursed their lips in sync.
"I said that out loud, didn't I."


Ymaryn clutched at her face with both her hands, not knowing whether to push back the tears of frustration or pull out her hair.
One job, Thunder Horse. ONE JOB.

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If we ever get past the current real life time, then there'd better be fancy FTL spaceships no matter what our current knowledge of physics says about their impossibility.
Our trees will colonize the damn galaxy, damnit!

This on the level of "Evolution is just a theory".
Huh, so that was serious? I thought he was roleplaying like Maxmillian.
That's interesting. What do you think actually happens? Did we somehow semi tame animals or are they like the galapagos islands where the animals usually ignore or are unafraid of humans. I also remember we have a more primordial forest somewhere that we use to study so even if we manage the forests they come out differently. I don't think they look artificial, just cleaner and healthier.
Well a few things that will look odd:
-Theres going to be an unusual density of 'useful' trees deliberately cultivated. Which in turn would make for a larger proportion of small animals that feed on their produce.

-Larger and pack animals that are territorially aggressive against humans are more liable to be pretty chillax about human presence...but at the same time a big chunk of the forestry lore would include how to minimize provoking them as well. They'd also be rarer, we make sure there are viable populations, but anything that attacks people will be culled over time.

-Which in turn means a noisier forest, since we've culled predators for a long time, animals being heard by predators isn't quite so important a factor as having the more flamboyant mating displays and territorial cries.

-The trees also would be orderly, basic human nature, you'd be seeing forests laid out in a semi-grid pattern since it's easier for the clerks to track them, while the undergrowth is going to be more adapted to human and herd animal passage, paths being maintained as part of the process. Which means less dense bushes and thorns around leg level.

-Trees are also younger in general due to the burn and harvest cycles.

Overall, nothing so obvious, but it'd be unsettling to others for multiple reasons, since wild forests are dangerous places and it's just so slightly off from what they expect.
Well a few things that will look odd:
-Theres going to be an unusual density of 'useful' trees deliberately cultivated. Which in turn would make for a larger proportion of small animals that feed on their produce.

-Larger and pack animals that are territorially aggressive against humans are more liable to be pretty chillax about human presence...but at the same time a big chunk of the forestry lore would include how to minimize provoking them as well. They'd also be rarer, we make sure there are viable populations, but anything that attacks people will be culled over time.

-Which in turn means a noisier forest, since we've culled predators for a long time, animals being heard by predators isn't quite so important a factor as having the more flamboyant mating displays and territorial cries.

-The trees also would be orderly, basic human nature, you'd be seeing forests laid out in a semi-grid pattern since it's easier for the clerks to track them, while the undergrowth is going to be more adapted to human and herd animal passage, paths being maintained as part of the process. Which means less dense bushes and thorns around leg level.

-Trees are also younger in general due to the burn and harvest cycles.

Overall, nothing so obvious, but it'd be unsettling to others for multiple reasons, since wild forests are dangerous places and it's just so slightly off from what they expect.
I read this and my immediate thought is "Fae forest".

The imagery evoked makes it very strange sounding and also peacefully energetic.
We do have the Amazon rain forest as an example of human-shaped forests, though probably not outright domesticated.

Our forests are definitely 'domesticated', a result of thousand of years of civilizations.
We do have the Amazon rain forest as an example of human-shaped forests, though probably not outright domesticated.

Our forests are definitely 'domesticated', a result of thousand of years of civilizations.
That reminds me. We need to ask AN if our trees have started doing a lot more of that extra branch dropping he mentioned a while back.

It's really weird to think about sometimes how much we've affected our forest.

Well to us it might be peaceful.
Anyone else living near forests would be giving the trees suspicious looks.
Sounds appropriately Fae. Only the Fair Folk are truly safe in their lands and forests and all that.
Actually, the Amazon rain forest civilizations probably did domesticate their forests as long as us. Though at this point in time, we surpassed the Amazonian in our management of forestry.
That reminds me. We need to ask AN if our trees have started doing a lot more of that extra branch dropping he mentioned a while back.

It's really weird to think about sometimes how much we've affected our forest.

Sounds appropriately Fae. Only the Fair Folk are truly safe in their lands and forests and all that. I am sad we don't have any prominent snake spirits.
To have an abundance of poisonous snakes in our forests, ones we have antidotes for and/or know how not to provoke, would just add that bit of extra deadliness. I am sad we don't have any prominent snake spirits.
To have an abundance of poisonous snakes in our forests, ones we have antidotes for and/or know how not to provoke, would just add that bit of extra deadliness.
There was Tuultox one of the xoh gods I think we adopted her so we now have a Godess of snakes, poisons, medicine, and whores.
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The Battle of Bloodvalley took place between the Khemeti Empire under the command of Reshemhetari the Great and the Ymaryn Kingdom under General Yenya in Gullvalley on Gull River just south of Hatriver.

The battle is generally dated to 0 CE, and is considered the climactic battle of the Khemetri-Ymaryn war. As a result of multiple inscription and murals by the Khemetri, as well chronologies and first-hand accounts from the Ymaryn, it is considered one of the most well documented battle in all of ancient history.

The battle also marked the end of the Bronze age and the dawn of the Iron age as it marked the last time that a Bronze army had matched or drawn an Iron age army in a major battle. Iron had already proliferated to the Highlander Kingdom and iron had started to spread throughout eastern Europe.

Removed some words about casualties. Will work on background.

We have yet to cultivate any historians of any notes. Perhaps we should construct a gym....
It's interesting what this thread is doing to the trending tag cloud. "Hubris is a coward's word" is now about as big as "Worm", and overall it appears to have put half of the words on there right now up by itself.