yeah, arete + genetic manip could result in a caste system

would depend on other values, understanding the genetic and social traits that result in various skillsets, solving all diseases so that genetic conformity (which would affect the skillsets) isn't dangerous, etc.

If heterogeneity in regards to other traits exists the imperfections it would introduce renders the caste system flawed and thus unlikely to occur in a satisfactorily advanced and thus likely progressive society

edit: the caste system is what that was hinting toward, tbh
cus when people talk about eugenics it's always in the background concept of the "ubermensch" which is a totally implausible goal considering the required specialization of the modern era. Caste systems are more approachable, but even then the flexibility required in real environments would necessitate variation, which necessarily opposes caste systems that aren't correspondingly complex, which at a certain point is what we have now - semi-hereditary occupations w/ some flexibility but a heavy emphasis on connections and training.
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We don't have it yet, heat tempering doesn't strictly REQUIRE Steel, but the idea springboards off the process of adjusting carbon proportion in steel.
It's a little tricky to figure out that you don't actually want the same metal throughout your weapon, but that you needed certain parts to be soft and others to be hard.
Wasn't it the case that you wanted a gradient of hardness on a blade? Hard on the blade and soft on the back? And this is part of the reason for "wave pattern" metals in things like katanas and wootz steel blades?

You were right on the romans; the 1 BC time, and the bit about badlands were both from actual roman uses of primitive versions of it, called "ground sluicing". That said, looking back at the bit about the badlands...:
"The remains at Las Médulas and in surrounding areas show badland scenery on a gigantic scale owing to hydraulicking of the rich alluvial gold deposits. Las Médulas is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. The site shows the remains of at least seven large aqueducts of up to 30 miles (48 km) in length feeding large supplies of water into the site."
It does include aqueducts...we may end up with this either as a midturn decision, or as a mid-ironworks decision, when miners want to use this technique and the priests freak the fuck out over how terrible it is on the environment.

UUuuuuu. Nein! Neit! Iai!

*pinches nose bridge*

That's gonna suuuuuuck if it comes up. *thinks for a second*

Actually couldn't our extant tailings pits handle it? Glaze the lining bricks like we always do and funnel the water into them using specialized glazed aqueducts?

*tilts head*
@veekie, would our tailings pits be able to halt the badlands effect at an increase in expense?

Ooh, and jumping off your suggestion of it altering policies, maybe it doubles industry policies? and/or gives a free one, a la the Law and infrastructure?
A free one I could see, doubling as well. I think we will have a much better handle on what it does when we see the description and the action costs.

As for extended project...maybe? If so i imagine it would have to be more like salterns where we have limited sites, not like aqueducts or temples with lots of choices. Thinking on that comparison...maybe it would be for tech what salterns are for wealth?
Maybe? It makes... some sense? But I ain't feelin it, it seems more like a econ or something else. *scratches chin*
It could definitely work as a drip for something like a saltern does. Any such sites would be at old iron mines. So we'd have four... I think? One in Redhill eaten by the mega, one in Bleeding Cliff, one in the Stallions and one in Blackiron from West Wall I think.

I could even maybe see an econ drip, though i think if so it would have a wealth cost. So we could effectively trade our trade-based wealth drips for ironworks based econ drips (since iron mines give econ due to more tools)?
Oh Crow I want! Don't tempt me with sweet ideas Abby, I might dig out my old books and sell my soul to see that. My Hype Engine is spinning up!

At that point we could probably even convert them to martial drips (from weapons) during wartime.
And this would just be crazy bullshit. If we can switch all our iron works from "Econ drip" to "Martial drip" we'd be shiting out Martial.

*clutches head*

It'd be like a weaker version of The King Still Stands(Three) but for every conflict. And oh boy during a great power war or KOTH war we'd have nuts martial growth. Green Hulk Vampire we would be.

Let the Armies of Doom march forth from our Ephel Dúath!
Hey guys what's been happe


I'm just going to express my feeling with a video and not words!

Hey guys what's been happe


I'm just going to express my feeling with a video and not words!

Ahahahaahah. Wow that's something.

Car surfing seems fun.

Did you see AN's post about us now being the official Yandere's in the room?





Azel. I don't know why but I seem to confuse your avatars rather easily.
More seriously who is Azel?

The only persons I've found is a heavy metal band of some kind?
SV poster.

Made this little gem:

You know. We got the DB because we couldn't make up our mind if we should pour effort into HK with the goal of murder, subjugation, terrifying them, build a friendship or a combination thereof.

The DB now caused a big discussion if we should have them murdered, subjugated, terrified, befriended or a combination thereof.

I have the weird feeling that this DB is here to stay. :V

This then sparked my brain fart. Which continued and decided that you were the inspiration.
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The way people are trying to spin this as if it was pro war parties that were the cause of all the problems is pretty irritating, but not all that surprising. That said yeah, now that there's a tangible thing to point at rather than baseless fear I expect there'll be a tough time getting a war vote passed despite the fact I find quite a lot of the reasoning why the DB means we shouldn't to be something of a stretch.
Once more, I say the same thing: stop and come off your high horse. Those advocating war with the HK have myriad of reasons for it - one of them, I'm certain, is because the opposition keeps shouting for pacifism to the point of illogical and ridiculing/caricaturing the war-faction as murderous murderhoboes.
Wasn't it the case that you wanted a gradient of hardness on a blade? Hard on the blade and soft on the back? And this is part of the reason for "wave pattern" metals in things like katanas and wootz steel blades?
The former yes.
Very crude basics is the spine of the weapon needed to be softer(but not too soft!) to absorb shocks and flex without breaking and the edge had to be hard, the harder the keener an edge you could make it keep.

The latter, no, the wave pattern was due to the production process, aesthetically pleasing, but not indicative of the blade's structure.

This gets further complicated by it being possible to attain similar results by different means. The amount of carbon had an effect, amounts of other metals in the alloy had an effect, the rate of cooling had an effect(via the crystallization of the cooling metal)....and you affected all three at once in different ways during the same process.

A good weaponsmith was basically magic.
Tools are a lot simpler
UUuuuuu. Nein! Neit! Iai!

*pinches nose bridge*

That's gonna suuuuuuck if it comes up. *thinks for a second*

Actually couldn't our extant tailings pits handle it? Glaze the lining bricks like we always do and funnel the water into them using specialized glazed aqueducts?

*tilts head*
@veekie, would our tailings pits be able to halt the badlands effect at an increase in expense?
Not really, you're blasting high pressure water into rock containing heavy metal, which would give you far too much watter to contain AND it kind of has to rip the land open to get to the metal?
Once more, I say the same thing: stop and come off your high horse. Those advocating war with the HK have myriad of reasons for it - one of them, I'm certain, is because the opposition keeps shouting for pacifism to the point of illogical and ridiculing/caricaturing the war-faction as murderous murderhoboes.
Thomas is agreeing with what you say. You might want to reread the quote. You have misread it.
so I heard you like big images

Not doing this again. I cannot draw scaled armor for shit, or articulated limbs, hands, faces... huh, that's basically everything in the shot.
Yenyna is of course double wielding, because berzerkers don't need shields where they're going. That mace sure chews through all the poor bastards in armor.
Both are wearing scaled armor, interestingly enough. I couldn't find a good image of heavy plate, so handwaving it as Khemetri royalty wear scalish armor to the battlefield.
No background fighting. That would have taken me too long to draw/figure out how to fill out.
Reshemhetari's shield is out of position, presumably from deflecting Yenyna's mace; that's what the subtly cocked arm is representing in the shot.
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Hmm looking at this foreigners are probably a little creeped out by the forests we maintain since they are much more used to the less managed forms. They wouldn't be fully primordial, because the other polities use them for things like firewood and possibly medicine but it is a distinctly different thing then what we have.

One big thing would be the animals that live in our forests probably acting very unusually, since they are so used to our presences. I seem to remember AN commenting that our prey animal to predator ratio is weird and the animals act differently than one may expect.
That's interesting. What do you think actually happens? Did we somehow semi tame animals or are they like the galapagos islands where the animals usually ignore or are unafraid of humans. I also remember we have a more primordial forest somewhere that we use to study so even if we manage the forests they come out differently. I don't think they look artificial, just cleaner and healthier.
That's interesting. What do you think actually happens? Did we somehow semi tame animals or are they like the galapagos islands where the animals usually ignore or are unafraid of humans. I also remember we have a more primordial forest somewhere that we use to study so even if we manage the forests they come out differently. I don't think they look artificial, just cleaner and healthier.
The primordial example we have is one of our holy sites:

Skyforest - Location: Southshore

Along the seaside cliffs of Southshore, one in particular rises up into a particularly high and flat plateau. Covered in thick forests, the place also seems to attract fogs to its feet, making the forest seem to sit within the clouds, both from the sea looking in and from the forest looking out. While maintained with care, the eerie fogs long ago lead the shamans to leave the forests wilder than most, to serve as a place of communion with the primordial green of the world.
I figure, like you, that our forests end up looking very healthy but not "artificial" per say.

That whole post was more about how our forest is so deeply tied to us that it probably feels strange to foreigners who's only experience are with their own forests. Which would not be in a symbiotic relationship with them, like we are with ours.

As to our animals I think I remember AN saying it was more in terms of the galapagos kind of behavior.
Honestly, I think that the "hard sci-fi" aesthetic fits the tone of this thread much better than cheesy soft sci-fi Star Trek shlock:
If we ever get past the current real life time, then there'd better be fancy FTL spaceships no matter what our current knowledge of physics says about their impossibility.
Our trees will colonize the damn galaxy, damnit!
If we ever get past the current real life time, then there'd better be fancy FTL spaceships no matter what our current knowledge of physics says about their impossibility.
Our trees will colonize the damn galaxy, damnit!
An example that has popped up before:
