No I have not voted, Everything but the War Vote has clear winners.

Do not fret, I am still very interested in this Quest.
You know, there are some beautiful ninjas in this quest.
Locking in

[X][WB] Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy
[X][Hero] Gain a Genius general
[X][Kick] 2 Stability
War Priority
1) Txolla
2) Western Lowlands
3) Hatvalley
This is absolutely one of them.

Edit: and I think you ninja'd me by editing out the 'I'm holding out on my vote in case things shake up.' Either that or I was hallucinating.
Last edited:
I mean, I was going off of what you or whoever said - that the TH was the weaker of our enemies. I had expected that discussing the HK would be viewed in that context. I suppose that it's easier to keep context in mind when you're the initiator. My apologies for not referring to it.
It's fine, miscommunication happens on the internet far too often.

I was trying to say that between the Thunder Horse and the Khemetri, the Khemetri are far more threatening and difficult to beat up.
the Highlanders are the weakest, personally, if only because they have the smallest amount of land and thus the least soldiers, as well as having worse iron then we do and as far as we know worse combat tactics.
Eh, it isn't about equality, it is more about making this war even more legendary than it already is (because women generals are rare as hell she'll stand out a lot) and to see the face of the Khemetri God-King when he is beaten by a woman.
Actually, we have already had several. Three War Heroines to the ...Five, I believe, War Heroes. As of now, we just have to hope that dice gives us a chance.
...If we do kick high and bring our Martial down to 0, it'd be a good opportunity to Integrate the Stallions.
Too late for that. Locked in at two Stability.
You know, there are some beautiful ninjas in this quest.

This is absolutely one of them.
That is pretty funny, but I did not plan on voting so I am indifferent. I was definitely expecting it as we pretty much had everyone vote already. This is also the very first vote that veekie has not been part of. That brings me much more amusement. He is going to be in for a rude awakening.
That is pretty funny, but I did not plan on voting so I am indifferent. I was definitely expecting it as we pretty much had everyone vote already. This is also the very first vote that veekie has not been part of. That brings me much more amusement. He is going to be in for a rude awakening.
I have a feeling he probably would have voted for something close to the winner. He and I's voting preferences are pretty similar near as I can tell.
Analysis and Diffcheckers -- "Epic Age IV"​
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet)
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet BBCode)
Diplomacy 16 [+1]
Economy 16 [-2+12]
-Sustainable Forests 10/11
-Econ Expansion 6 [+2-12]
Martial 12 (+2) {17}
Wealth 12 [+5-5]
Diplo 15 -> 16​
15 + 1 (King of the Hill) = 16
Econ 16 -> 16​
16 - 1 (Raise Army) - 1 (Study Metal) - 1 (Support Artisans) - 1 (True City) - 4 (Arsenal) + 12 (Baby Boom + Pop Explosion) = 18 - 2 (War Losses) = 16 + 2 (Overflow)
We know the war losses number because of how much wealth we ended up with. So even with a crit on WHR with max econ at the start of the turn, we lost 2 econ...
Econ Expansion 10 -> 6​
10 + 1 (Raise Army Refund) + 1 (Study Metal Refund) + 1 (Support ARtisans Refund) + 1 (True City Refund) + 2 (Arsenal Refund) - 10 (Baby Boom before Overflow) + 2 (War Losses Refund) - 1 (2 Overflow from econ, 1 True City) = 7 - 1 (???) = 6
Hmm... @Academia Nut did i miss something?
Martial 11 (+1) -> 12 (+2)​
11 + 3 (Raise Army) + 1 (Veterancy) = 15 - 3 (War Losses) = 12 + 2 (Veterancy)
Wow, we got what sounds like a crit on We Have Reserves, with 16 econ to start, and still lost 3 martial... I think we might have been almost completely overrun if we rolled too poorly on WHR, actually o_O
Wealth 14 -> 12​
14 + 3 (trade) + 2 (Salterns) - 1 (Census) - 4 (Mercenaries) - 1 (Study Metal) - 2 (Support Artisans) - 2 (Raise Army) + 1 (Efficient Economy) = 10 + 2 (Overflow) = 12

Culture 6
Mysticism 13 (+1) [+1]
Tech 4
Prestige 61
Culture 8 -> 6​
8 - 4 (Arsenals) + 1 (Support Artisans) + 1 (Raise Army)
Mysticism 12 (+1) -> 13 (+1)​
12 + 1 (Refund from last turn) - 1 (Study Metal) = 12 + 1 (???) = 13 + (+1) (Study Metal Refund)
So we have an extra mysticism...which i think means i was right about us being short a mysticism last turn, and AN just fixed it by giving us the point this turn =3
Tech 0 -> 4​
0 + 3 (Artisans) + 1 (Study Metal)
Prestige 58 -> 61​
58 + 3 (War missions + maybe Arsenal?) = 61
Turns out taking massive casualties and being able to actually have reserves is really prestigious :V

Stability 2 (hopeful)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Stability 3 -> 2
3 - 1 (Divine Stewards land loss) = 2​
Pleasantly surprised we only lost 1...the fluff made me think we'd lose more. Still, it lost us getting a golden age! D=

King of the Hill: You are the most prestigious polity around, gaining you +1 Diplomacy a turn, but all other groups gain the 'Take the Crown' casus belli
Baby Boom:
Converting 6 Econ Expansion to 6 Econ a turn
Population Explosion: Converting 6 Econ Expansion to 6 Econ a turn
Efficient Economy: +1 Wealth/turn while above Econ 10
Woo, we dodged the "decent chance" that population explosion would downgrade :)

Trade Status
Resource Status Rivals
Amber Known only  
Fine Pottery Minor  
Fine Dye Dominating Trelli
Fine Textiles None Swamp Folk, Trelli
Furs Known only  
Gems Dominating Trelli, Tin Tribes, Khem (in)
Glass Dominating  
Gold Significant + minor trading (in) Metal Workers, Khem->Trelli
Incense None Khem->Trelli
Mercury Dominating None
Silver Significant (in) MW, Trelli (in)
Salt Dominating Trelli
Spices None (SI+Khem)->Trelli
Wine Dominating Trelli
Copper Leading Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MW, Trelli
Bronze Minor Trelli
Slaves Forbidden MW (in), Trelli, TT
Tin Minor + Significant Trading MW (in), TH (in), HK (in), Tin Tribes, Trelli->Khem
Iron Non-traded dominant MW
Pilgrimage Major Competition TH
No change in actual power, which is interesting considering the massive war, but our "leading" in copper is bold now, because our new economic system gives us bonus wealth based on "leading" or greater, instead of "dominant" or greater. ...Of course, we've pushed our best trading goods so much we only have the one leading, so... XD

Periphery States (8/9+3) (Loyalty [L], Dependence [D])
Stallion Tribes (March) - Eliminates raids from the north and mitigates raids from the east, can provide military advances and supports the Western Wall (L: 5/5, D: 2/5)
Western Wall (Colony) - Expands to produce new provinces and find new resources, and can take be brought into wars to the north and west (L: 5/5, D: 1/5)
Gulvalley (Colony) - Expands to produce new provinces and find new resources, and can take be brought into wars to the south, south-east, and south-west (L: 5/5, D: 3/5)
Greenshore Colony (Colony) - Settles the territory on the west coast of the sea (L: 5/5, D:4/4)
Red Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 5/5)
Heaven's Hawks (March) - Eliminates raids from the north-east, can provide military advances and supports the Stallion Tribes (L:4/5, D: 2/5)
Txolla (Vassal-Colony) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda, restricted to expansion through settlement (L: 4/5, D: 4/5) THREATENED WAR LOSS
Tinriver Trading Post (Trading Post) - Increases trade power for all Tin Tribe products, provides a market for an extra saltern (L: 5/5, D: 4/4)
Yet another subordinate slot gained thanks to prestige boost! Unfortunately, Txolla is majorly in danger, so we need to put at least decent focus on them in our war choices...

Case hardening
Study metal didn't get us steel like we hoped, but at least we got Case Hardening, which i think people said is really important and also a good step on the way to steel?

Capital Palace
A grand center of government, the palace seats the king and all the necessary organs of governance, as well as being aesthetically attractive and imposing, so as to show off the wealth and power of the People. Required capstone project to move beyond Bronze Age models. Grants access to the Governor's Palace extended project.
Annexes (9/11): Grand Hallx2, Shrine, Library x2, Storehouse, Garden, Arsenal x2
Annex Effect: +1 National Library count, -1 Temp Econ damage, +1 EE before Valleyhome loses TC status, +1 Safe Martial, +1 Tech Refund
And double arsenal got us +1 Safe Martial limit and +1 Tech refund, which is awesome!
Provinces – [Main] War Mission x2 – Khemetri, [Sec] Raise Army
Logical; go hard on attack, and replenish losses.
Policy – Redshore Aqueduct (4/6), Significant Walls (12/42)
As expected; hopefully the walls went up in a useful place.
Stallion – [Main] Build Walls
Massive walls for their settlement from last turn.
Western – [Main] Support Artisans, [Sec] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Walls
Damn, we had our subordinate helping with support artisans and we still didn't get an upgrade to crossbows or bolt throwers :/
Greenshore – [Sec] Build Walls, [Sec] New Settlement
Expansion with walls as expected.
Gulvalley – [Sec] War Mission – Khemetri, [Sec] Build Watchtowers
As expected, and confirmation that watchtowers are useful.
Heaven's Hawk – [Sec] Build Walls, [Sec] Build Watchtowers
HH beginning to realize that our sedentary ways of static defenses can be useful :p
Txolla – [Main] Build Walls, [Sec] Expand Econ
Massive walls for...maybe Xohyr remnants? Likely one of hte few remaining settlements they have now...
Tinriver – [Sec] Expand Econ, [Sec] Trade Mission – Trelli
And tinriver is the odd one out, not expanding or preparing for war :p
The People were beset on all sides, near enough. While fortunately not unexpected, the Highlanders had launched a massive invasion out of the western passes, overrunning the warriors in the field.
Ughh, Highlanders!!! :mad:

What had happened to the fortified settlements in their way was unknown, but they probably still stood and had simply been bypassed for the most part.
Well at least they (probably) don't have siege ability yet...and hopefully we can relieve those settlements before the HK can starve them out...

Unfortunately, this had allowed the Highlanders to massively disrupt trade and essentially cut off Gulvalley and Upper Hatvalley from proper reinforcements, right as the King of the Khemetri actually showed up with the rest of his army. And then the Thunder Horse had decided that they wanted in too and had massively overrun the Txolla, whose defence had collapsed with alarming rapidity, pushing them back to a handful of fortified settlements.
Damn, it looks like our boats still aren't good enough to actually supply much... also, fucking Thunder Horse!

And yet the People came onward, tens of thousands of warriors hurled into the teeth of the enemy. The slaughter was incredible, and while the People were being steady pushed back and isolated, their reserves of warriors were deep and more could be trained up in short order.
We Have Reserves working hard this turn...

Were it just the Thunder Horse and Highlanders, there would be no issue, but the Khemetri had quickly been revealed as something else. They too seemed to have endless reserves of warriors and conscripts, and their king - or maybe it was heir, it was hard to tell - was a glorious shining beacon of martial skill and morale. Even in the face of superior weaponry the ranks of thousands at his command refused to break, and in fact overran more than one engagement that should have been assured for the People.
Ughhh, heroes! Still, at least we have confirmation that our equipment and weaponry is better...hopefully that continues to be true after our losses so far...

n general part of the problem was that the People were actively looking for a fight against the Khemetri while the Khemetri wanted to conquer territory. While the People had inflicted severe losses Weirdly this meant that those most successful at stymieing the Khemetri were the Trelli mercenaries, because they tended to try to avoid fighting warriors and instead preyed upon villages and camp followers. The People didn't like it, but it certainly worked, and certainly helped keep them fed when the supply route into the region was mostly cut by the Highlanders.
Interesting... the bolded is still a cut off sentence (@Academia Nut ), but presumably it would be something about how we inflict great losses but don't do much to the actual settlements? Also a narrative way of showing how only the Trelli mercenaries rolled at all well at war missions on our side.

Despite all of this, the core remained strong and robust. The People were upset and unsettled, but more than that they were angry.

Took massive damage, increased Martial score anyway. Choose a bonus
[] [WB] Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy
[] [WB] Upgrade We Have Reserves
[] [WB] Gain a new Honour Code slot
[] [WB] Gain a free use of Main Proclaim Glory
[] [WB] Let the storytellers sing of this forevermore (+8 Culture)
Ooooh, looks like critting on WHR, and having the Econ buffer and raise army to keep up with things, is really damn useful.
Looking at each option:
The King Still Stands:
AN described it as such:
Not directly, but "If you take a swing at the king, you best not miss."
So i'm gonna guess something like gaining a free war mission in response to the initial attacks of an enemy so long as we survive? Or maybe something like "1 martial damage from any individual war loss roll is refunded"? Either way, pretty damn useful. Not Essential, but i think the most powerful option overall, especially since legacies don't take up value slots or the like.
We Have Reserves:
An described the upgrade as:
The ability to get super swole in a hurry.
So maybe something like just increasing effects (and maybe cost?) of martial raising actions? Or some kind of response to war being declared letting us turn econ to martial directly? Hmm... Doesn't seem super useful to me, honestly.
Honour Code Slot:
Probably the least useful right now, since low level values are usually kind of shit. Still, value slots are hard to get, and developed values are amazing. Even mid level values are great; again, see We Have Reserves saving our ass this turn.
Proclaim Glory:
Lets us keep our stability up. 2 stability is really damn nice, after all. Still, this uses up all of our culture and 2 econ. That said, if we intend to keep kicking things, its pretty useful. Probably the most useful short term, and the one that guarentees the most safety.
This one seems weird...culture is certainly nice, but not very helpful right now...which makes me think there might be some hidden affects? *shrug* still, we couldn't count on any such effects, and the main use for culture right now would be the proclaim glory option, so i dont see much use to this.

So i think either The King Still Stands or Proclaim Glory would be best. The former is way stronger long term, and should provide direct military benefits, while the latter helps keep our stability up, and lets us either kick more or just have a bigger buffer.

Meanwhile the king desperately tried to get the best equipment and magic he could to those fighting on all fronts. A huge new section of the palace was built to accommodate work spaces for the very best of the artisans in the kingdom to work with the full backing of the king and access to the finest materials.
As expected, the narrative behind this is pretty good...

While for the most part this unfortunately didn't improve the quality of things quite as much as hoped - initially anyway - it did begin the process of transforming how things were done. With the artisan associations deeply rooted in the largest settlements and spread out to support the smaller ones, for those in charge it quickly became sensible to reorder how goods flowed. The clerks didn't need to stand between the farmers and miners and the artisans, but work alongside them to get everything to where it needed to be without having to stop at depots along the way.
Unfortunately the rolls were not as kind :/ Also, it looks like we massively influenced the economy switch, and so we got guild mercantile as an econ system...

<snip econ analysis was here before, now own section>

There was one peculiar thing that spilled out of the sponsorship of the king and having artisan facilities in the castle, and that was that the ever curious mystic got to watch the smiths work up close, and thus got to ask a rather peculiar question one day.

"Why are you throwing that bar of iron out?" Desdydyn asked one of the smiths who had tossed a piece he had been working on in the waste bin, to be brought back to the kilns.

"I shoved it into the forge to heat up but I forgot about it when Yumuthyn distracted me. When you do that you get all of this garbage scale on it and you have to hammer and grind it down, which is a job for the apprentices in the mills," the smith replied.

Going to examine the crusted up bar of iron, the smith cautioned, "Sir, be careful, those scales are brittle and sharp."

The king paused and considered this for a moment before he asked, "Could you do that to something already sharp? Just give it a little bit of scale to make it sharper?"

The smith opened his mouth to explain why that was a stupid idea, paused when he remembered he was talking to the king, began to rethink what he was going to say, and then after a moment's consideration replied, "Actually, I don't know. Maybe? If you want me to potentially ruin a couple of completed arrowheads or the like to see I suppose I could do that."

"Absolutely. At the very least we can include it in the artisan's library of things not to do," Desdydyn stated.

With the experiment in motion, it was discovered that you could make a sharper edge by very carefully immersing an iron item in charcoal in just the right way. While widespread use of this would take quite some time, and getting these new, sharper weapons to those who needed them most was something of a challenge, it certainly had immense long term potential.
Well we didn't get Steel like we hoped, but we got Case Hardening, which is apparently really important both in general and in terms of getting closer to steel.

Further, between the war and the reorganization of the artisan associations and the way the People were bent towards throwing their all into this, it became the perfect cauldron of social alchemy to bring genius to the fore. In this time of heroes and epics, the greatest had to step to the front.

Hero unit production boosted for everyone right now, choose from the following
[] [Hero] Upgrade current heir to Heroic Martial, Good Diplo, Good Admin
[] [Hero] Gain a Genius general
[] [Hero] Gain a Genius artisan
[] [Hero] Gain a Genius alchemist
[] [Hero] Gain a Genius trader
[] [Hero] Randomly gain at least one new technology (exploding dice)

AN: Genius is Hero+
Ooooh! We finally know what comes after hero... @Academia Nut considering you said we rolled pretty poorly except for WHR, does this mean this was partially a bonus from the Arsenal synergy, or just a response to how many heroes are going around?
As for the choices:
Upgrade Heir:
This would give the best overall boost, shoring up weaknesses and putting us on par with our foes in at least having a martial hero, and it keeps the power concentrated in the king...but it also would be relatively shortlived, since the heir is in his forties*, and its "only" a hero. Not a big fan of this.
Geniuses overall:
So first of all it looks like either the Geniuses get more than just one awesome stat, since AN said before that a "General" is martial+admin, i think?, or they don't specifically do stats, and instead just have a more narrative boost? Also for all of these, its possible we'll get them as heir then king since the current heir is old. @Academia Nut how old are the geniuses going to be if we pick them?
Genius General
This is the obvious "focus on countering martial heroes"; make the negaverses face the possibility of a hero being outmatched. Either pure martial, or Martial+admin, probably. In particular, this will increase the chance of killing the Khemetri god king or god heir, which would be a massive boost. Otherwise, general (major) boost to war actions, which is obviously useful. With how poorly the war is going, i think this is necessary.
Genius Artisan:
Hmm...Depending on if this is general genius admin, or just artisan things (genius tech?), this is either "let the genius take care of things" or "boost mechanical tech, especially crossbows!", or both. The tech side of things would be better served by the alchemist, i think, but the admin boost would be great...if we were doing much better in the war, or had only the khemetri to worry about, i'd push for this.
Genius Alchemist:
Mystic hero king begets genius mystic alchemist? This is almost certainly the "give steel" button. That would be a major boost both in war and in general, both short term and long term... but it wouldn't directly address the martial hero problem. If things were less dire, if Txolla weren't in danger of being lost, and/or the HK hadn't cut off the south, i'd be pushing for this hard, because steel is a major boost...but as is i think its a bit too dire. That said, if we went proclaim glory and kicked hard, i think this would be alright. Drown the enemy in bodies while pursuing a great techup would be a good counter choice to the General, imo.
Genius Trader:
So apparently this is diplo guy, and would presumably try to push for peace i guess?
A trader genius would be able to Diplomance others, yes.
Seems a little risky...if they succeed they're the best short term, for ending one or more of the wars, or pulling in an ally (who? swamp folk??), but otherwise... ehh, pass.
Free Tech:
Ehh. I suppose this gives tech without acitons, while even the alchemist and artisan likely need to take an action to get us steel/ballistas/whatever. And i guess it might include admin or social techs too (tho thats both good cause those are hard to get and bad because we need military tech now), and if we get lucky we get more than one, but...ehh, pass.

Of course, the biggest question was where to focus efforts on the places where the People were being attacked. The People obviously needed to clear out the obstruction the Highlanders had made to most effectively continue prosecuting their fight against the Khemetri, but the Highlanders could also hit their holdings in the lowlands. While the fighting against the Khemetri was probably the hardest, the Txolla were also in need of the greatest amount of reinforcement against the Thunder Horse. Fortunately the Hawks and Stallions were going to be slamming into the Thunder Speakers from the north with all the fury they could muster, which was considerable. Of course, that would just be distracting them unless they got spectacularly lucky and were able to cut through the Spirit Channel and get into the lowlands.

Choose which theater to focus on. Priority will be given in order of the number of votes taken
[] [War] Hatvalley (Khemetri + Highlanders)
[] [War] Western Lowlands (Highlanders + Thunder Horse)
[] [War] Txolla (Thunder Horse)
Ugh, choices... So Txolla is really important, because losing them will knock our stability even more, and also probably have the remnants changing masters and fighting against us, and probably spreading iron to the TH if they haven't already picked it up. Hatvalley is important to take back our supply routes. Western Lowlands...depends on if passive policy has been walling up our new settlements, i guess... @Academia Nut how fortified are those settlements?

Snap and press The Button?
[] [Kick] No
[] [Kick] 1 Stability
[] [Kick] 2 Stability
[] [Kick] 3 Stability
[] [Kick] 4 Stability
[] [Kick] 5 Stability
[] [Kick] 6 Stability (requires Proclaim Glory choice)
[] [Kick] 7 Stability (requires Proclaim Glory choice)
That is why you can now kick your efforts.
An of course, the button...i think at least one is needed, both for IC and OoC reasons. Because fuck all these people for this bullshit, and also because we need more actions to push back. As i mentioned in the genius choices, i think if we take Genius General we can do with just 1 or 2 kicks (and then can afford to take King Still Stands), but if we want the alchemist we should go 3 or 4 kicks (and need to take proclaim glory)
AN: You are only a few years into the war and not yet at the mid-turn, so you do not have any reaction type actions yet. This can also be seen of as your war missions being double strength meaning that you get the same amount of fighting done in half the time and thus get additional sub-turns for fighting
Also, yes, you rolled pretty garbage on your war mission rolls (except the Trelli mercs) while your foes rolled amazing and I think every nation in this mess has a Heroic Martial king or prince now, but We Have Reserves prevented the majority of damage from actually hitting
Well at least our war missions are better now...but damn, those war mission rolls and all the enemy heroes sucks D=
To add to that:
Admittedly, the only rolls you did stupidly well on were We Have Reserves, and that one was being heavily synergized by Population Explosion, which is still going strong.
We apparently rolled poorly on everything else we might have even managed steel if we'd rolled well on study metal, but nope our luck sucks this turn D=
1 Stability is you go a little bit harder, 7 Stability is that the entire system is teetering on the brink as literally everything is thrown into the engine of war. Food is only grown to feed the smiths and the warriors, and most of your labour force is women or the very old or very young as every male between about fourteen and sixty-five is on the front lines fighting, along with a considerable number of the women. Tactics like setting fire to a forest and keeping the enemy penned in a valley while the world burns around them would be used. Martial would likely drop to near zero from simple attrition from all the war missions being thrown. But if anyone is left alive at the end of it all, they would deserve to be alive.
Yeah, let's not push the button quite that i said, 1-2 is good with the General, 3-4 would be painful but might be worth it to get the Alchemist and go for steel and maintaining our advantage in metal.
Mmmmmm... I will say that it [Golden age with proclaim glory] is a possibility I would roll for.
Wouldn't proclaim glory take us below max econ, though?
It is possible, although the Trelli will probably recall them within a turn.
Ouch, that makes things worse...still, at least we'll have them the rest of this turn...
Doom is sitting on the horizon like a dark cloud, distinctly possible, but not yet here, and the winds are ambivalent so it could very easily blow away.

Although since I'm an Albertan, I may or may not have a poor doom calibration. I'm keeping an eye on it. Google that last sentence.
The reference is to a guy mowing his lawn with a tornado visible behind him...but he's keeping an eye on it :V And yeah, let's hope for good winds on this...
Less ability to withstand temp Econ damage, fewer policies, fewer bonus actions, but increased Wealth generation.
For comparison between Guild and Classical Mercantilism. So basically guild is superior in almost every way. So at least we dodged getting classic? (though i suppose we might have ended up at like [-5+9] wealth if it was "leading*1" wealth generation or something...
Palace Economy -> Guild Mercantile
The artisans supply the warriors and nobility with all the things they need to do their jobs, so the rest of the economy should be geared to supply them with what they need to produce those goods.
Extra Actions: +1 Secondary/3 provinces for manufacturing (must take min. number of actions)
Temp Econ Damage: Event + 1 - Centralization/3
Wealth Generation: Leading/2
Passive Policies: 1 + True Cities (includes Free Cities)
Special: Penalties for over-centralization doubled
Special: Low Wealth can generate Stability loss
Guild Mercantile instead of the expected Mandala, damn. @Academia Nut since it doesn't seem easy to switch econ systems would you be willing to share the stats for Mandala? I'm quite curious what would have changed in upgrading palace economy more directly.
Still, this is pretty good on most fronts as well.
-The extra actions are amazing, currently giving us a +50% boost to our King Actions...but they also seem to lock in actions similar to how wars and megaprojects do? So if we're lucky, we have to spend at least 1 secondary a turn on "manufacturing" actions, which leaves us +1 action for general use, and a dedicated action slot to make us take artisan/art/trade good/etc actions that we often neglect. If we're less lucky, then all extra actions are like that, and while it would be good to be forced to take those actions, and not lose our usual actions for it, it does mean we could end up in a situation where we have to spend our resources on them when we need them for other things.
Fake Edit: and AN responded like right after i finished writing this:
Every turn you have a Main action to be used on a production action like Glass, Boats, Wine, Mines, etc. Possible actions will be tagged as such. At 9 provinces you will have a Main + Sec, and at 12 provinces you will have 2 Mains.
So its all the extra actions that have to be dedicated to production. Still, a major boon nonetheless, especially if Support ARtisans and Art Patronage are included, which AN didn't mention yet.
Fake Edit 2:
Artisans definitely, artists maybe. Still thinking on it. Generally it represents the Guilds constantly trying to expand their influence by opening up new chapters and operations.
So if nothing else we can keep boosting up our mechanical tech with those actions, and we've got a good source of tech, as well as a good source of wealth by taking stuff like Poppies, which as a trade good should count :) @Academia Nut i don't suppose we'll have a "increase case hardening production" option next turn to boost martial and military power that will count for this? :V
-Temp Econ Damage on the other hand is a terrible downgrade. Our previous econ had "event - centralization"...meaning we lost 3 damage reduction. Our Census + Palace give us -2 temp econ damage, so we still have -2, but we used to have -5. the decrease just gets worse if we ever get our centralization high again...if we made it back to 6 cent (which we should imo) we'd have had 8 temp econ reduction...but now we'd only have 3. So that sucks :/ That makes grabbing storehouse x2 and garden x2 more important to me, to hopefully get another reduction point.
-Wealth Generation: Now we only need to be leading to get wealth...but because of how well we pursued our trade goods, that doesn't actually give us a boost yet. Still, it makes it easier to maintain them if we get competition.
-Passive Polices: Now this is amazing. This is already +2 passive policies, and we're almost certain to have 3 or 4 true cities in the nearish future. Add this to free cities giving another, and we could have a lot of passive policies... As is, we could put the two new ones on Infrastructure and get 7 progress a turn, quickly getting another true city and going up to 9 progress a turn, which would be amazing...also, city support can make the econ cost less ridiculous for having so many cities.
-Over-centralization penalties doubled: Ouch...means we need to be way more careful with the afore-suggested city spam. Still, hopefully shouldn't be an issue for a while, and our political system has a high centralization tolerance.
-Low wealth can trigger stability loss: ouch. Luckily we have a lot of wealth generation potential, but we need to watch out right now with our merc spam, among other things...
-Overall a powerful government type, and it + our political system cover each others flaws somewhat. Though i do still half-wish we got mandala to push the one strategy...

And now for my actual vote-
Locking in

[X][WB] Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy
[X][Hero] Gain a Genius general
[X][Kick] 2 Stability
War Priority
1) Txolla
2) Western Lowlands
3) Hatvalley
...But. I was literally just finishing up my analysis and going to vote when you posted this. My timing...why has it gotten so bad D= (...Of course that was basically what i wanted to win, aside from maybe going for alchemist, so...)

Edit: Actually, i'd also have wanted hatvalley 2nd in priority, so if it matters maybe add 1 vote to that for priority :p
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10 + 1 (Raise Army Refund) + 1 (Study Metal Refund) + 1 (Support ARtisans Refund) + 1 (True City Refund) + 2 (Arsenal Refund) - 10 (Baby Boom before Overflow) + 2 (War Losses Refund) - 1 (2 Overflow from econ, 1 True City) = 7 - 1 (???) = 6
Hmm... @Academia Nut did i miss something?
Oh, and since AN is probably about to start writing, to make sure he sees: I think we should have one more expansion left...or maybe 1 more wealth, if you forgot Efficient Economy? Since that would make it so we actually got 3 overflow to wealth, and make sense for the expansion slots.
That is why you always vote first Abby :p
I have a feeling he probably would have voted for something close to the winner. He and I's voting preferences are pretty similar near as I can tell.
He however, has a much greater success at changing the vote. So even if you have a greater number of posts, he still has greater influence. The absence of his influence makes me laugh.

Incidentally, helping out Txolla and punching Thunder Horse's face in might provide something no one has noticed.

Does anyone have any guesses? It has not been brought up in the thread yet.
Man I'm literally screaming internally I don't want this to be our fall.

That being said, is this literally the first Genius level figure we've seen?
Fuck me missed the vote :( not too messed about the result though.
(E: would have preferred upgrading WHR I think?)

Why not institute slavery with all its economical advantages while we're at it
Because it's not actually an economic advantage over the long term? You're preventing a chunk of your society from contributing innovations, or at the very least severely limiting their ability to do so.
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Incidentally, helping out Txolla and punching Thunder Horse's face in might provide something no one has noticed.

Does anyone have any guesses? It has not been brought up in the thread yet.
Since they took over our religious rivals and we may be sort of 'freeing' the Thunder Speakers, into being our vassals, thus gaining religious dominance?

Well, that's sort of two guesses.

We also might recreate the Xoh empire and make them to our liking in terms of principles.