One policy to forest, please.Oops, i missed the "free" part *facepalm*
And province actions round up, so going to 7 gets us a fourth province action.
yeah, the policy gain is going to be amazing; i'm pretty sure we'll have four true cities sooner rather than later, since that reaction action choice the other turn suggests lower valleyhome is getting crowded too. And we should have 3 true cities next turn, at which point we'd be able to push for +9 infrastructure progress/turn (4 policies on infrastructure, plus the +1 from Law), and the defense. Or we could be more varied, and grab forestry/vassal/city support, or the like? (if nothing else, we'll probably want one city support, because -4 econ a turn is bad if baby boom ends...
We use way too many forests, and getting one every other turn will help us immensely in the long run.