- Location
- Volksstaat Hessen, Deutsches Reich
And why not? I condemn moral nihilism, but I'm all for nihilism of purpose.This I don't, there is no such thing as 'successful enough' this sort of thinking is why people shouldn't try because they 'clearly' done enough.
"Bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem"Ok, by that logic every nation ever is evil. Let's not kid ourselves. We take things using relative comparisons and also accounting for differences in time.
Is America now the same place that killed hundreds of thousands of Native Americans? Is America more evil than Nazi Germany?
(To be good, it is not enough to better than the worst)
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Actually, the way it is usually written, it goes exactly as you said. Some hand-wringing about how it is not good, not noble... and with that quickly out of the way, let's do it because it is necessary, and only we have the mental strength to actually make those decisions! That is what HMMHD is. It isn't declaring things noble. It is, as someone here called it, fetishization of callousness. Reveling in the own (or the character's) ability to make the "necessary" hard decisions. And while you're saying that it isn't noble, you sure as hell come across as callous about the prospect of conquest indeed.HARD MEN MAKING HARD DECISIONS is all about reveling in it. That man making said decision is to the right, or noble, or just for making that call.
So by your own admission, we should burn cities and enslave people if it conveniences us? Jesus fuck. I don't care if you admit that this is not the noble path. Those are clearly only words to you.When Phygrif sacked Xohyr, innocents were slaughtered, men tortured, women raped, children hauled off to be not!slaves- there's nothing 'good' about that, there's nothing noble or wholesome in it. But the fall of Xohyr was definitely to the benefit of the Ymaryn- and that's my primary concern, I dare say it's the primary concern of a lot of people in power today.