There's probably more, but the bits i remember from when i first decided i liked cats and binge watched my cat from hell:
-Stay low to the ground, because it makes them feel safe; kneel or even lay down to get to their level if possible
-Don't stare at them too much, because that can make them feel targeted
-I think they're like dogs and perceive bared teeth as a threat, so don't smile open mouthed?
-as with most animals don't make sudden movements or loud sounds out of nowhere
-Slow blink at them; make eye contact and then very slowly blink, keeping your eyes closed a decent bit; this is basically saying "i trust you not to attack me while i can't see you", and if you ever see a cat do that to you, thats basically what its saying to you
-slowly present them with something that smells a lot like you and is long enough to be a bit aways from your hand; the tips of glasses if you have them are good are good, or i use my phone if i dont have sunglasses on. Put it a few inches/a foot away from their face and hold it still so they can approach and smell it
-Then, once they have your scent, if they're still there and not spooked or all fluffed up, hold out your hand the same way (i curl my fingers in a bit, but i'm not sure if thats actually a tip that helps, or jst my habit?), and let them sniff it and, if they so choose, pet themselves with it
-That "let them pet themselves" bit is important; that way they're in control, and you can't accidentally pet them somewhere they don't want to be petted
-Finally, once you have gained their trust, bribe the nice Trelli or Khemtri merchant that owns them with a fortune of salt, mercury, or sapphires in order to make them yours, and then find another merchant who has a cat, and repeat until you
have enough cats to bring home have run out of non-cat valuables
-Repeat on every trading trip until the People can be wealthy in the only truly important trade good