Sometimes? Usually half-exiling is reserved for intermediate crimes - theft is pretty common - but petty fighting can also get you there depending on circumstances. A really good warrior might be "exiled" to the Red Banner rather than actual exile or execution for an ambiguous offence like getting into a fight where the causes were hard to pin down and it could have plausibly been self-defence or provoked but not convincingly so. The Red Banner is an elite institution, a place for the hardest warriors to go and earn considerable wealth and honour for themselves and their families.

How does our law enforcement system work?
Do we have courts which decide who become half-exiles?
Do we have town guards or full police?
Are the Blackbirds our FBI?
Is the King the chief executive of the Police and head justice of the Courts?
So, I think this is a record for us. This
Restore Stability to 3 and start a Golden Age
why is this third? It should be behind the law. That is far more of an urgent thing than getting our stability to three and starting a golden age. We barely have any good methods of stability management at the moment, so unless you're willing to dedicate three to five turns of festivals.

Not to mention, a golden age would require so many stats we just don't have at the moment it isn't even funny.
How does our law enforcement system work?
Do we have courts which decide who become half-exiles?
Do we have town guards or full police?
Are the Blackbirds our FBI?
Is the King the chief executive of the Police and head justice of the Courts?

We don't have anything remotely like the modern justice system and we turned down the chance to turn our blackbirds into the FBI.
I miss them in the same way that I miss the Spirit Talkers, in that they were interesting and did cool stuff, but were also gigantic assholes.
The Spirit Talkers were just charlatans. Loveable rogues, surely! And very advanced in some categories. Which really does make it a waste what happened to them (caused by us. Oops.) What's so bad about them?
How does our law enforcement system work?
Do we have courts which decide who become half-exiles?
Do we have town guards or full police?
Are the Blackbirds our FBI?
Is the King in the chief executive of the Police and head justice of the Courts?

A separate judiciary, never mind actual courts of law are very advanced concepts. At this point we just have the chiefs deciding on punishment with oversight from the local shaman/priest.
@Academia Nut, what clothes do our elites wear? Do they use bare skin with alot of gold, silver and gemstones or mostly multi layered clothing of various colours and extensive embroidery? Or a mixture of both? What about hairstyles? How elaborate are they, and do they include jewellery and goldwork?
Oh and do we use belts, are they elaborate, and do they have social/ritualistic significane.

And lastly, what kind of foot wear do we use?
We don't have anything remotely like the modern justice system and we turned down the chance to turn our blackbirds into the FBI.

So are the Blackbirds strictly military?
Something like military police crossed with scouting units?

A separate judiciary, never mind actual courts of law are very advanced concepts. At this point we just have the chiefs deciding on punishment with oversight from the local shaman/priest.

But who rounds up criminals and enforces the Cheifs will?
And what do they do if the crime goes beyond their own city/town/etc.?
why is this third? It should be behind the law. That is far more of an urgent thing than getting our stability to three and starting a golden age. We barely have any good methods of stability management at the moment, so unless you're willing to dedicate three to five turns of festivals.
We want to be at high stability in general, not just for the golden age; it makes us less vulnerable to all sorts of bad things, and gives us a buffer in case we need to urgently kick a defensive war or speed up a megaproject or get extra econ or do any number of other things.

It also doesn't take "three to five turns"; we can get an average of 2.5 stability in a single turn by maining RO+PG at the cost of some art, which means that it should take little more than a turn, without counting province actions.

Not to mention, a golden age would require so many stats we just don't have at the moment it isn't even funny.
A golden age requires two maxed stats. Our mysticism is maxed most of the time, and we will be maxing diplomacy in two turns (currently at 10, +1 from trails, and +2 for two turns for income). That gives us the stats we need.
I miss them in the same way that I miss the Spirit Talkers, in that they were interesting and did cool stuff, but were also gigantic assholes.
And yet, they are nothing compared to the true monsters, the Khemetri; Slavery and mutilation of said slaves is nothing compared to having more wonders than us. Building a wall from human skulls? A paltry offense when next to the crime of trying to be even smugger than we are when surviving and thriving while other civs die! And the Xoh's main sin of sacrificing children? Nothing compared to the highest crime of them all...hogging all the cats and not giving us any! Truly the depravity and evil of the Khemetri knows no bounds! Just as we manage the land to remove blight and pestilence and standing water, we must drain the world of such scum as they, so that they may no longer curse the world with their hoarding of cats!

why is this third? It should be behind the law. That is far more of an urgent thing than getting our stability to three and starting a golden age.
Well, I'm not so sure about the urgency. Yes, we should be constantly working toward crisis resolution, but it's much less damaging than the previous one, especially once trade recovers.

Not to mention, a golden age would require so many stats we just don't have at the moment it isn't even funny.
Um... No? It only requires two maxed stats. Mysticism is there, Diplomacy is close, and Art is not bad either.
@Academia Nut, what clothes do our elites wear? Do they use bare skin with alot of gold, silver and gemstones or mostly multi layered clothing of various colours and extensive embroidery? Or a mixture of both? What about hairstyles? How elaborate are they, and do they include jewellery and goldwork?
Oh and do we use belts, are they elaborate, and do they have social/ritualistic significane.

And lastly, what kind of foot wear do we use?
The Spirit Talkers were just charlatans. Loveable rogues, surely! And very advanced in some categories. Which really does make it a waste what happened to them (caused by us. Oops.) What's so bad about them?
It's mostly the whole "We're gonna fight anyone who goes into the Lowlands because it's cursed!" thing, basically starting up the eternal warring that can be found there.

I mean, they weren't assholes to us, because they were so far away and had no real reason or means to fight us, but the same can be said of the Xoh.
But who rounds up criminals and enforces the Cheifs will?
And what do they do if the crime goes beyond their own city/town/etc.?
  1. The local warriors for most things, the blackbirds are an elite, the arm of the king.
  2. If it's important enough s/he sends word by chariot messenger I imagine, but you should keep in mind that most people do not have the funds to travel in this age. That being said I imagine running is perhaps the best way to escape justice... at the price of significant loss of social status and wealth.
Honestly I'm starting to think about conquering Trell now. They've become the biggest market for slaves and thus are the new low, possibly competing with the SF.
How does our law enforcement system work?
Do we have courts which decide who become half-exiles?
Do we have town guards or full police?
Are the Blackbirds our FBI?
Is the King in the chief executive of the Police and head justice of the Courts?

Primarily community policing. So if there is an issue you go to your clan head or local occupational association leader (or the matter gets brought to their attention because its really obvious, like a public fight or murder with a body but no witnesses), who acts as judge and assesses penalties and corrective action. For more serious matters with semi-permanent punishments like half-exile you usually have to go at least up to the level of village chief. Outside the cities guards tend to be the local warriors as they are more concerned with outsiders , while inside the cities the cities there are local warriors attached to the leadership but more frequently you just have the largest members of the artisans acting as enforcers for their leaders.

The Blackbirds are like a combination of FBI, KGB, and Army Rangers. Their training is more about stealth and assassination, but eavesdropping on internal issues is also within their wheelhouse.

The king is the chief executive, a key legislator with ultimate veto power, and the supreme court (literally, you can theoretically appeal any decision all the way up to the king, although whether or not you should is another question, as it is fully within his rights to levy fines for wasting everyone's time with a frivolous appeal).

what clothes do our elites wear? Do they use bare skin with alot of gold, silver and gemstones or mostly multi layered clothing of various colours and extensive embroidery? Or a mixture of both? What about hairstyles? How elaborate are they, and do they include jewellery and goldwork?
Oh and do we use belts, are they elaborate, and do they have social/ritualistic significane.

And lastly, what kind of foot wear do we use?

They tend to wear additional layers of jackets, vests, and sashes on top of the standard tunic and kilt of most of the People, with considerably more colour, in both volume and variety of dyes used. Badges of various metals and precious or semi-precious stones signifying rank, station, and personal accomplishment are common. While this can be enough medals to make a Banana Republic president nod in approval, it can also include ritual headgear with sacred objects like specially treated crow or eagle feathers, or even certain designs on their clothes. Men and women tend to wear elaborately braided hair held together with bands of intricately gold, silver, and copper, and men typically extend this to their beards as well. Bleaching and dying hair in fantastical colours is also a common method of showing off wealth and status. Belts are pretty much the only way to hold clothes up and are fairly common among all classes, with the elite strata frequently having large and prominent buckles. Footwear depends a lot on climate, but is pretty much all leather and can be everything from boots to sandals.
Cats... it's always cats. Where's the love for the puppers?

Sorry it's so blurry. Old pic from an old phone.
Personally? I have some cleanliness focused OCD, as well as some general anxiety around animals, and dogs generally just feel dirty and disgusting to me, which means i'm always stressed and needing to wash my hands when around dogs. As is, a year ago i'd have said the same thing about cats, but my ex's cat eventually won me over by being a lot cleaner (at least to my obviously not objective OCD), and also just by the fact that i got used to him. Dogs still stress me out a bit, despite having interacted with them more as well, and my OCD still gets set off after petting a dog, basically the same as it does when i have to take out the garbage (because again, it's not an objective measure of actual dirtiness).

And so, while i dont have the money or my own apartment with which to get a cat of my own, i wish to live vicariously through the Ymaryn by getting many cats :p (Also, its a funny joke to make <.< >.>)