Locking in as...

[X][Loc] Valleyhome
[X] Shrine
[X] Library
[X] Library x2
[X] Storehouse
[X] Leave extra room for Gardens and Great Hall Expansion

That last one is a compromise option for the near inclusion of the other two. For 1 extra Econ but no additional actions a bit extra room will be left so that Gardens and an Expansion can be built more cheaply in the future.
That's nice, thanks
So we should be looking at 8-10 actions to complete, a bit less than the second Sacred Forest project.
Locking in as...

[X][Loc] Valleyhome
[X] Shrine
[X] Library
[X] Library x2
[X] Storehouse
[X] Leave extra room for Gardens and Great Hall Expansion

That last one is a compromise option for the near inclusion of the other two. For 1 extra Econ but no additional actions a bit extra room will be left so that Gardens and an Expansion can be built more cheaply in the future.
Is that one Xtra econ total, or one per annex (2 total), and is that spent right now? And is "more cheaply" "still a main action, but only 1 econ/1 art", or is it full on "half cost, 1 art 1 econ 2 progress and so just a secondary"?
After the Palace I think we should, barring any dire circumstances, should focus on completing the Census, the Law (Iron Age), and the Games megaprojects to truly fix the administrative strait, end the tax crisis, and promote cultural unity.
After the Palace I think we should, barring any dire circumstances, should focus on completing the Census, the Law (Iron Age), and the Games megaprojects to truly fix the administrative strait, end the tax crisis, and promote cultural unity.
I agree with the broad strokes, though before we get to the Law at the latest I would like to properly restore our stability, and before we get to the Games I would like to build some roads and maybe consolidate our holdings.
Locking in as...

[X][Loc] Valleyhome
[X] Shrine
[X] Library
[X] Library x2
[X] Storehouse
[X] Leave extra room for Gardens and Great Hall Expansion

That last one is a compromise option for the near inclusion of the other two. For 1 extra Econ but no additional actions a bit extra room will be left so that Gardens and an Expansion can be built more cheaply in the future.
Bit sad it isn't in Redshore, but thank god it's over!
@gutza1 @PrimalShadow I agree with the broad strokes, but after we do The Games (so the Khemetri can't steal them from us) we should do the Dam. Roads + Integration/Influence should occur during the progress of The Census & The Law as diplomacy + centralization allow. We should attempt to reach 3 stability before the end of The Census unless we manage to finish The Census in a single turn.

Edit: I was mistaken.

I completely disagree with the suggestion that we should do The Games after The Law.
What a foolish idea.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do The Games During The Census!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Funnily enough we could potentially do it when you just look at the stat costs, but action wise I don't think it is very easy to do when we get to then.

E: Well anyway I have my Schweppes, so I am prepared for the coming update which happens to be a midturn because the palace was complex enough AN separated them so our brains didn't explode.
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I think that once we get the administration and cultural split issues under control, the Dam megaproject will allow us to improve transportation with the Lowlands, which is highly important if we continue to expand into it.
Funnily enough we could potentially do it when you just look at the stat costs, but action wise I don't think it is very easy to do when we get to then.
You'd think that, but megaproject policy has room for 3+ main actions, limited by the cost. (And the Census is free!!!!) So long as we have stats (For The Games and them alone!!) the provinces alone could carry out both megaprojects. All that would happen is we need to spend more time working on The Census and thus in our tax crisis. For the sake of a legacy.

*laughs evilly*

E: 10 provinces / 2 = 5 secondary actions one of which is multiplied = 6 = 3 main actions. One more province (*cough* integrate ST *cough*) = 6 secondary actions = 3 + 1 main actions (one for each megaproject) or 3 main + 1 secondary. (I consider 3 + 1 Mains more likely so long as we have the resources for The Games. There is no need for a secondary if we have that, as doing the megaproject action takes priority over acquiring resources that are already available.)

*laughs more evilly*

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You'd think that, but megaproject policy has room for 3+ main actions, limited by the cost. So long as we have stats the provinces alone could carry out both megaprojects. All that would happen is we need to spend more time on The Census.

*laughs evilly*

E: 10 provinces / 2 = 5 secondary actions one of which is multiplied = 6 = 3 main actions. One more province (*cough* integrate ST *cough*) = 6 secondary actions = 3 + 1 main actions or 3 main + 1 secondary.

*laughs more evilly*


I just felt a scream of insane giggles flit through my brain.

I need to think...
You'd think that, but megaproject policy has room for 3+ main actions, limited by the cost. So long as we have stats the provinces alone could carry out both megaprojects. All that would happen is we need to spend more time on The Census.

*laughs evilly*

E: 10 provinces / 2 = 5 secondary actions one of which is multiplied = 6 = 3 main actions.
Province actions are not free. The are nice enough to solve problems for us, but only ONE problem at a time. Do we want them to be on megaproject support? Sure, they can push through 3 megaproject actions a turn. Do we want them fighting our wars? No problem; they can do a pair of main war missions and another main recruiting besides. Do we want them to raise our resources? No problem, they can do that too. What they can't do is all of that at once. Every turn you have the provinces on megaproject support they aren't making resources, every turn you have them making resources they aren't repelling invaders, and so on.
Province actions are not free. The are nice enough to solve problems for us, but only ONE problem at a time. Do we want them to be on megaproject support? Sure, they can push through 3 megaproject actions a turn. Do we want them fighting our wars? No problem; they can do a pair of main war missions and another main recruiting besides. Do we want them to raise our resources? No problem, they can do that too. What they can't do is all of that at once. Every turn you have the provinces on megaproject support they aren't making resources, every turn you have them making resources they aren't repelling invaders, and so on.
Legacy > concern over what their actions are being spent on.

We haven't been seriously worried about resources for a while (8 econ aqueduct aside) and probably will not be able to spend enough ourselves over the ~3 turns that completing both megaprojects would take unless we're for some reason being frivolous.
We will have 2 Mains + Subordinate actions to deal with war.
We aren't looking to be involved in war.

Clearly this is something that will depend highly upon our actual post-Palace state, but it's still a valid and worthwhile approach. Megaprojects provide enormous benefits and the potential for synergy between megaprojects is notable.

Edit: More info
The Census - How many People are there anyway? (4-6? action commitment, -2 Mysticism per action) [Reserves + Library]
The Games - Physical competition and prowess are becoming a popular pass time and way for warriors and militia to train. Could a special festival be founded to celebrate this? (4-6? action commitment, -1 Mysticism and Art per action, 2 Econ total commitment) [Elites]

4-6 expected actions for both.
Census = completely free.
Games' total cost = 2 Econ, 4-6 Art, Library-nulled Mysticism.

8-12 total actions. Province gets 3-4 actions per turn meaning that we spend a minimum of 2, maximum of 4 turns with provinces alone on megaproject.
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Provence actions will be taken to generate resources needed for the policy that they are set to. For example, if we need additional art for the megaproject, they will take art generation actions while on megaproject support.
As a tangent, there's a civilization + worldbuilding game on Reddit that has recently been revived. Here's a copy of the first post, and I'll link the post relevant to the new civilization at the end.
"Dawn breaks on a new, pristine world. One with no biological fauna on it... only flora of many different shapes, sizes, colors and allergen-producers. No sounds emerge from the forests save the blowing of the wind... no chirps of crickets, no buzzing of flies, no nothing... for fauna of any sort has not yet arisen.
This is an Earth-like planet, with the same four seasons that we humans are used to. Gravity equal to Earth's exists, with the planet the right size for its part of the Habitable Zone. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall come and go without being noticed by anyone, anything, or any plant. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, same as Earth, and a single large moon shines overhead reflecting light from its sun back down onto the planet below.
Then, one fateful night...

The clouds part, and a massive comet... nay, an asteroid, strikes through the planet's atmosphere. It defies the planet below commanding it to make way for itself, screaming across the sky and rending the heavens asunder. Micro-meteors and debris trail off as it crosses, some burning up in the atmosphere, some large enough to survive the trip to the planet's surface, and still others as large as boulders slamming to the ground with the force of hundreds of kilotons of TNT.
The asteroid breaks up into three huge chunks. The first chunk bounces off the atmosphere like a basketball being dribbled, spiraling off into space before slamming into the moon and making it appear that the moon's face has a sharp "nose" of dark, angular, different-styled stone than its regular composition. The second chunk explodes in the atmosphere, causing a sonic boom that flattens untold amounts of trees, splintering them like toothpicks. The third slams into the ocean, causing a tidal wave that reduces the nearby landscape to a washed-out beach and neatly scours the nearby forests and hills clean of all plant life.
This third chunk broke apart while sinking to the bottom, bubbling and hissing as the water cooled it after its roaring surge through the atmosphere. When it broke apart, a huge chunk of a strange lavender crystal stone was exposed.. While this chunk promptly sank to the bottom faster than the rest of the meteorite, at the same time it was also being intentionally "propelled" away by some unseen force.
The strange lavender crystal shattered, releasing its contents into the unsuspecting pristine waters of the planet's oceans.
Some strange advanced civilization had seeded the comet with a single fast-breeding bacterium they called X. Neutralis Thromalius. Colorless and measuring only an inch both long and wide (so it looked like a square), this bacteria had the potential to go on to be the sentient, sapient force for the planet and would shape the world to its whims and desires.
In order to bend reality to its whim, it just needed to survive the deepest oceans, first!
By the time it reaches the surface, the frozen wasteland left by the millions of cubic feet of dirt thrown up by the asteroid should be thawed.
While utter darkness in the bitter depths, bone chilling waters that freeze the bones within your skin, and crushing pressures capable of piercing the fabric of space and time are not really a sentient life form's best friends... Life Finds A Way. It
always finds a way.
All right, folks. I want you, the redditors to "suggest" mutations of this colorless, translucent bacteria. As there are other bacteria in the ocean to prey upon and be preyed upon by, let's see if you survive. Suggestions for mutations can include anything from what it eats to what color it is to how it moves and defends itself. Be creative but try and keep it within the length of a single tweet. Nature likes to Keep It Simple.
Go ahead and leave your comments on this post as to how the microbe evolves, and we'll see what turns up. I want to see what you guys are capable of coming up with!
For the first week and a half, I will write a post once every day explaining which mutations made it. The top three upvoted mutations per post will be added to the microbe. I will then write about what our little bacteria does, as well as what its opponents do... and there WILL be other critters in the ocean to deal with!
Each post, for this first round, will equal about 100,000,000 years. When we hit 1 Billion Years, various paths will open up and evolution will slow down as you vote on said paths. At 2 Billion, more paths open and evolution all but stops; basic appearance and abilities will be "locked in" until we end at 3.5 Billion Years. then the next stage of the game will begin as you decide to Proceed Unto Land or Remain in The Deeps as an aquatic race. The discovery of religion and magic (and how to deal with both!) will come later.
Will the new race be steampunk? Natural-materials only? Medieval taken to the 21st century and onward? Ancient Egypt? A tale of a desert species living under the moon because the sun burns them all to death? Robots? Tree-root beings? An elemental race? Reptilian? Anthropomorphic?
That's for you guys to decide... and for me to find out!
That... is enough out of me, and I now turn it over to you. It's time to get this Civilization underway. Whether you read for the story or actively take part in guiding the civilization's hand, may you Enjoy Your Stay. Can you, the Collective Hivemind of the Internet, give rise to a Civilization starting from the primordial soup?
... ... ... Or will you be forever lost, condemned to the gene pool of history?
Let's... find... out.
Good luck, everyone."

Discord Link: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
Current Civilization link (currently in worldbuilding phase):
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Legacy > concern over what their actions are being spent on.
I don't even know what you are trying to say.

We haven't been seriously worried about resources for a while
Speak for yourself. I've been plenty worried about resources.
Also, just this turn, between us and our provinces we used two secondaries on expand econ. That doesn't strike me as not worried about resources.

We will have 2 Mains + Subordinate actions to deal with war.
We aren't looking to be involved in war.
Our actions are needed elsewhere, just like our provinces' actions. And while it would be lovely to not be involved in a war, I don't know how likely that is.

Clearly this is something that will depend highly upon our actual post-Palace state, but it's still a valid and worthwhile approach,
In what possible world is taking extra time to do our current projects better than finishing one and then finishing the other?