Diff Checker
Diplomacy 14 [+1]
Economy 11 [-1]
Econ Expansion 4
Martial 10 {14}
Diplo 13 (+3) [+1] -> 14 [+1]
13 +3 (last turn) +1 (saltern) +3 (dock) = 14 + 6 Art overflow
Econ 11 (+1) [-1] -> 11 [-1]
11 +1 (last turn) -2 (Festival) -1 (Megaproject) -1 (Docks) -1 (true city) +4 (expand econ) = 11
Econ Expansion 4 -> 4
4 -4 (Expand econ) + 1 (Festival) +1 (megaproject) + 1 (Docks) +1 (True city) = 4
Martial 10 {11} -> 10 {14}
Just the quality of its own bonus getting fixed
Stability 3 (emboldened)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Stability 1 -> 3
+1 from festival, +1 from hero crit(s)
Art 14
Mysticism 12 [-1]
Prestige 14
Art 13 -> 14
13 + 1 (Festival) + 6 (Overflow) - 1 (megaproject) = 14 + 5 Mysticism overflow
Mysticism 7 [-1] -> 12 [-1]
7 -1 (wisdom drain) +5 (overflow) + 1 Study stars = 12
New construction tech, from either temple or admin hero construction?
Political Art
Sacred Art
Murals and sculture are new =D
Communal land
Association equipment
Changed from just "Communal" for everything
Provinces - [Main] Expand Econ, [Main] Build Docks, [Sec] Study Stars
Stallions - [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Walls, [Sec] Expand Forest
Wall - [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Walls, [Sec] Expand Forest
I see there is a consensus on how to do things in the marches XD
Heroic Admin and Diplomatic Heir Gained!
+1 Stability
Fuck yeah!
About the only ones who were annoyed were the shamans who had asked him to help stockpile the various herbs they had been collecting from some of the forested hills in the western part of Redhills, considering that he had burned the wagonload of the stuff they had been studying. Still, while no one was quite sure how far the riot might have gone without his partial intervention, he had definitely helped minimize the damage, both in the immediate sense and in the sense of creating a lasting black mark upon what the festival was trying to do. Things could be corrected later and the next year would be better as intended.
Sounds like we had a terrible roll on festival, but then an amazing roll on forests? Consumed study forest chance in exchange for extra stab, crit fail negation, and a hero? maybe?
The Highlanders tried to use the disruption caused by the recent drought to smash into the over-extended and distracted Thunder Horse, but found themselves getting turned away after achieving early success against the vassals of the Thunder Horse. Part of it was that the Swamp Folk were apparently causing trouble in the south, distracting the Xohyssiri, part of it was that they were trying to get their house in order back in their main territory.
Yes, everyone in the lowlands kill each other...
Elsewhere it sounded like the newest king for the Metal Workers was making a big push to expand out into the territory around the mountains where they kept their mines. And as for the Hathatyn...
Hmm...i wonder if that will hurt our ability to make the trade post...
No one was quite sure what was up with them since it sounded like they had been fine, right up until somehow everything spontaneously caught fire - and that was only mild hyperbole, since it sounded like things being on fire was literally one of their big problems. Some suspected that perhaps what forests they had had been stressed by the drought the prior generation, but the People honestly didn't have enough to go on to be able to figure out what might be wrong, but in any case it sounded like at least one tributary city was just straight up gone. Whether engulfed in flame, buried in a landslide, drowned in a flood, or all of the above was difficult to say, but by the sounds of things the people there must have seriously pissed off the gods somehow. This had of course lead to what was frankly a terrifying amount of violent gygo among their southern neighbours. There were of course refugees that the People welcomed as always, but things sounded so bad that villages nominally under the control of the Hathatyn might be persuaded to switch allegiance.
Clearly someone should have gone to their neighbors to ask for forestry techniques, and cared for the land
What to do about the Hathatyn?
[] [CA] Accept those who come to the People (Chance of Stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] [CA] Encourage people to flee the conflicts (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] [CA] Attempt to take control of adjacent villages (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, -2 Diplomacy, unknowable chance of war with the Hathatyn, +8-10 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion)
...50% chance of staying at 3 stab for a golden age, or actual expansion in a great direction, and enough econ to overflow and fill i think all of our stats almost exactly...
Both were asking if the king might adjust the laws for occupational administration slightly to disfavour their opposition, usually by demanding either higher minimum occupation sizes or lower maximum administrative sizes, so as to make the behaviours harder.
Should the king intervene?
[] [Law] Have the law favour splitting
[] [Law] Have the law favour lumping
[] [Law] Attempt to close off both practices
[] [Law] Leave things be
...Gah, more admin stuff i don't understand!
And then... and then the People noted that they basically didn't have any other major worries and could focus their energy on infrastructural work if they so chose. Or possibly to brag to the lowlanders that unlike them they were safe and secure via a well timed salt gift.
Pick an option
[] [Infra] Main Salt Gift
[] [Infra] Main Saltern Construction
[] [Infra] Main Vineyard
[] [Infra] Main Expand Snail Cultivation
[] [Infra] Main Expand Economy
OOoh, nice--i love the fluff on the salt gift option, but i'd say probably go for snails? Not like the Hath are going to be competing for dyes any time soon...
Yeah, no, fuck corruption in all its forms.
Only issue is that option is likely the hardest
Hey folks can we wait on the Law vote till We get an answer to the question I asked? I don't want to fuck up again on an admin thing.
Good point...
Simplest? Lumping, definitely lumping. Least likely to cause problems? Hmmm... close off both practices, although that is probably the most complex, most likely to cause short term problems, and may have the possibility of straight up not working.
Will our admin/dip hero be applying his heroic skills to the rolls for this choice?
For now:
[X] [CA] Attempt to take control of adjacent villages (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, -2 Diplomacy, unknowable chance of war with the Hathatyn, +8-10 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion)
[X] [Law] Attempt to close off both practices
[X] [Boats] Size
[X] [Infra] Main Saltern Construction
Will look at arguments more after i get back from movies
Fake edit: My diff checker doesn't catch it, but the hath are already crossed out on the trade section...
Actual Edit: Fixing the diff checker link, and changing to saltern to help eat the econ overflow so it doesn't go to martial