Oh goodness no, even I have standards.

I was thinking slice-of-life anime where Y-Chromosomes are banned and we have enough queer energy they'd be able to take down a greater Spirit.
Oh so stuff like this.

Though to be fair I think Nichijou, having never watched it myself but seen some weird clips such as the above, may replace the queer energy with sheer WTF.
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The possibility of a demon making its way into a gestating child is also something that is not talked about but known to the shamans. A demon occupying the position of Heart Soul is blamed for particularly deformed still births, and major deformities resulting in live birth is believed to be a demon that gained partial occupancy before being kicked out. The nature of children's minds is in fact believed to be a defence mechanism against a demon occupying the Mind Soul, with the seat of intellect being locked away for the first months and years so that nothing evil can get in. A demon making it anyway... the mind recoils at such possibility.

*gets a character idea*
*unsure of whether to write a omake or not - we'll see*
Oh so stuff like this.

Pictures snip

Must have crit-failed befriending roll. Have you tried bring it treats?

In other news, I'm 95% sure those older cooking anime's characters have been adding LSD and such in the dishes. Otherwise i can't explain the dragons, shining lights, or character flipping taste.
On the Order of Spirits

The People recognise multiple forms of spiritual entities and categorise them into a number of interrelated but non-exclusive groups. These groups have to do with relative power, function, and relationship to humans.

Lesser Spirits

Every living thing is considered to have its own spirit, and most places will also have a spirit of the location. Thus the overwhelming majority of spirits are classified of as lesser spirits, and there will usually be minor rituals to apologise or appease when trespassing on their domain, such as apologising to the spirit of a tree for cutting it down while also promising the spirit of the forest that this action is being done for the greater good of the People and the forest as a whole.

Greater Spirits

Greater Spirits are the very powerful spirits of the world, ones with broad domains that they oversee, typically with some relationship to other spirits in their domain. Most Greater Spirits are now associated with distant, primordial, or historical events or forces.


Gods are a special class of spirit that have three characteristics: they are powerful enough to affect the world, they are interested in human affairs, and they can be convinced of things through human intervention. This last part is perhaps the most tricky since many lesser spirits that are not thought of as gods can also fall under this framework, but the general difference is that rituals and prayers directed at lesser spirits are done personally while for gods they are as much addressing the responsibilities of the god as the god individually. Thus, when apologising to a tree for cutting it down, one is making a personal appeal to the tree's spirit, but when addressing the God of All Forests one is making an address to the responsibility the god holds. There are however a few examples of Lesser Spirits who are also Gods, usually because they have a localised but critically important job, usually of important natural places like springs, caves, or grottoes of important spiritual significance.

Terrestrial Spirits

Terrestrial spirits are spirits of earthly nature and are the most typical spirits. They are responsible for local natural phenomena such as the growth of plants and animals, the flowing of rivers, and all the other things that make the world a good place to live. When angered droughts and hill collapses and most other terrible things result, making them incredibly important to be kept happy. Fortunately, they mostly seem to appreciate their purview being kept care of, so by carefully tending the land the People can keep them pleased while still reaping the benefits.

Celestial Spirits

By far the largest category of Greater Spirits that are not gods, while also being a large contributor to important gods, the Celestial Spirits dwell in the sky as the storms, stars, planets, sun and moon. While individual stars are often considered to be lesser spirits, the constellations are the greater spirits and any of the "mobile" celestial objects are associated with a god of some sort, although distant and hard to please gods. Celestial spirits are typically associated with powerful but distant forces like fate, things of cosmic importance but that take little concern for human affairs.

The Dead

Every person is considered to have at least two souls, an upper soul which dwells in the head and is responsible for complex thought and a lower soul which dwells in the heart which is responsible for physical animation. An excess of souls or outside spirits can be associated with both great power and mental dysfunction. When a person dies, their lower soul flees their body, leaving it inanimate, while the upper soul lingers for a time before being collected by the Greater Spirit of Death, who assesses their deeds in life and then takes them off to their final fate. The dead can still however still influence the world of the living and thus paying the proper respects to ancestors helps ensure that they can speak up in the courts of the spirits, while disrespect can have them counsel for their impious descendants to be given a lesson in respect.


Demons are outsiders from the world, spirits that have no connection to the proper order of things and thus are intrinsically disruptive. Sometimes they are summoned up by Great Spirits to punish the wicked, being given free rein to cause havoc by bringing disease. Sometimes they come in on their own and war with the spirits of the world. While foolish humans can bribe them into doing what they want, demons know no loyalty to humans or spirits and thus ultimately cannot be controlled.


Crow, the Creator and Teacher, is something else entirely. By the framework above, Crow would be considered a 'demon-god', but the conclusion drawn is that while he comes from the same place beyond the order of the world as demons he himself is not a demon as he helped produce the order of the world, and he is not intrinsically malicious. Dangerous yes, but malicious no. A better translation of his role would be 'Primordial', 'Titan', or 'Asura'. Something immensely powerful and a little bit outside the current order, but not demonic. The fact that Crow does not take a leadership role among gods and spirits is also a notable divergence for one of his power.

How long it was this state is unknowable, but eventually Spider-Eyed Crow came in from the Dark Beyond Dark. Seeing all was Gygo and yet desiring for a place to rest, he whispered to that which was without form, and taught it To Be. Such that it was that light separated from dark; water from earth; hot from cold. Thus it was that the shape of the world was sketched from the void, such was it that Gygo separated into Gwy and Goya, the First Spirits. Born of Spider-Eyed Crow's teachings and from the Gygo, these spirits sought to continue, but they were incomplete and their works soon crumbled

It's like a weird Native American/Aboriginal troll version of the Tolkien Cosmogeny. Literally. Crow is troll Eru Ilúvatar. Just curious, @Academia Nut how did you design the the religious parts of The People?

Magical girl Mecha military sci-fi yuri.
>Ignores that he's only ever encountered one series that fits these criteria
What the foot eating outta the universe fuck? The hell is it's name?

Must have crit-failed befriending roll. Have you tried bring it treats?

In other news, I'm 95% sure those older cooking anime's characters have been adding LSD and such in the dishes. Otherwise i can't explain the dragons, shining lights, or character flipping taste.
Oh they're still doing it now. See Monster Musume if you can survive the harem or Shokugeki no Soma.

Actually come to think of it I'm pretty sure there was a segment of Kancolle that was about cooking and it had such fanciful images.
By the time we reach modern times so that Naruto could theoretically be written, we would have gotten rid of that stupid belief of queer = more magic
Well let's look at two of our previous heroes who had spiritual significance: Gwygoytha and Bynwyn. Gwygoytha was Gwygoytha and she was bisexual. Bynwyn had Heroic Mysticism, strong enough that even on a crit fail, still managed to slow down the Spirit Talkers in their working of celestial magic. He was gay.

Two examples of queer = strong magic. No examples of straight = strong magic. It's not enough evidence to provide a conclusive conclusion, but it's still overall in favour of the Ymaryn's beliefs being correct.
Must have crit-failed befriending roll. Have you tried bring it treats?

In other news, I'm 95% sure those older cooking anime's characters have been adding LSD and such in the dishes. Otherwise i can't explain the dragons, shining lights, or character flipping taste.
Did somebody say Befriending?
Spiritual Encounters
Galhwyn was walking through the fields above Valleyhome. They sprouted around him, fallow and unused for now. Sometimes he would see flickers of movement from the corners of his eyes, as if the spirits were breathing in their sleep. The spirits of mud and black earth, his mother had always said, grow tired, feeding the crops. Just as men sleep, so must the spirits, for seasons at a time, and when they return the crops they nourish are stronger for it.

So Galhwyn walked, and he looked down into the Valley.

The shamans argued, sometimes, over whether Valleyhome and the garden of water that flowed through it was in fact The Garden, the one Crow had brought from gygo, where the world began. One would say it was, another would call that heresy, and then there would be many appeals to the spirits. Sometimes, if you were lucky, they'd come to blows. Nothing quite so funny as two old holy men slapping each other and quibbling.

All Galhwyn knew was that it was beautiful, and peaceful. From this distance, at least. It was a virtue to bend your back to work, but Galhwyn was not a particularly virtuous boy, and for all his joy and trickery, he appreciated a breath of peace most off all.

A crow fluttered overhead against the pale sky, and Galhwyn yelled the crow-call to it, coarse and raucous as the Spider-Eyed himself.

"CAAAAAW," shrieked something in his ear. Galhwyn screamed like a startled pony, fell off the the path, slid down the slope at the edge of the field, and landed face first in the mud on the next step down.

Up above, someone was roaring with laughter, a crow-laugh that was somehow reedy and rich all at once. When he'd wiped the mud from his eyes and looked back up, the tallest woman he'd ever seen was sitting gaily on the edge of the slope, mindless of the mud. She wore an odd style of clothing, dyed as rich as the sail of a ship, and her hair was piled with gleaming black stone ornaments cut in the shape of feathers. Where the sun cut down, her muscles gleamed - she looked strong enough to pick any two warriors Gal had ever seen and beat their skulls together.

And she was laughing, loud and deep and raucous.

"Crow below, you should have seen your face!" she managed, between gasps. "By freakin' me, that was hilarious!"

Gal pulled together the shreds of his dignity. "Who in gygo do you think you are, huh? Jumping at me like that? I could come up there and-"

She shifted suddenly, and the tiny flex sent ripples of corded muscle racing over her body.

"-ask you to apologize..."

She flashed a sun-bright grin at him. "I missed this. Everyone's all serious where I came from, it's always work, work, work, work."

"You're... from away?"

"Nah, I used to live here a while back. Decided to drop by, see how the old place is doing from the ground, you know?"

Gal scrambled up the side of the slope and sat besides her. Well, if she was a visitor, even one that was just returning, she got some leeway. Practical jokes were sadly frowned upon by most people he knew, and a bit of levity might be worth a few pranks turned his direction.

Also, she was... very pretty.

"So, what do you think?" he asked. "Changed much?"

He looked out over the valley, and the city in it. From here, you could just barely see the specks of cloth as people and goods bustled about, moving out to the farms and back to the town, or pulling slow wagons of wares to the square.

Gal was suddenly aware of a heat on his side. The strange woman was close.

"Oh, immensely," she said. "A thousand years will do that to a place."

And just as Gal had registered that, he felt a hand brush against his neck, and somehow he wasn't doing much thinking for the next good while.

Afterwards, lying there on the grass under the pale sky, Galhwyn closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the woman against him.

"What's your name?" he asked. He somehow felt like he'd forgotten something, lost a train of thought, but then, his mind had been pretty focused on other things.

"I was born Gwygoytha," she said. "But most people call me something else these days."

That word itched at him, clicked with something. A lecture from a shaman, maybe. Something about Crow, and the Garden, and...

A thousand years, she'd said.

"Gygowyn," Galhwyn whispered.

She chuckled, lying on the grass behind him, and it was a woman's laugh, deep and seductive, and it was a crow's laugh, high and reedy and mocking. "You're a real clever boy, Galhwyn."

"Why... why me?"

She clucked her tongue. "Well, I like the way you think! And you were out walking here, and it is such a beautiful day. That's something people seem to forget these days, with their iron tools and weird tax systems and crowded city life. Sometimes, you just have to go for a walk when it's beautiful out. Or, other strenuous outdoor activities. Here, look, you'll like this bit."

Gal rolled up to a sitting position and watched Gygowyn, who was First of Mankind, rise naked to her feet. She was magnificent, like the strength of an aurochs distilled, the cleverness of Crow himself made into a body. Mud streaked her, but she wore it like warpaint, like the blood of enemies.

And then she winked, and jumped, and as her feet left the ground, the black stone feathers in her hair rolled across her and spread. For a moment, she seemed to be a crow-shaped hole in the sky, infinitely distant and just as huge.

And then a ragged crow flapped off and up, wheeling once high above before flying away.

Galhwyn managed a single long crow-cry before the birdshit hit his forehead.

The harsh laugh of the crow echoed back at him as he gathered his muddy clothes. And somehow, despite his wonder and horror and confusion, he found himself wearing a rueful grin.

He'd never be able to listen to a lecture about Gygowyn with a straight face ever again, would he? And they'd ask him, "Young Galhwyn, would you perhaps like to comment on the sacred lore of Gygowyn," and he'd say, "Well, there's this thing she does with her tongue..."

Oh, Crow. He was going to be made a half-exile for heresy, wasn't he?

Somehow, he was having trouble regretting it.
Well let's look at two of our previous heroes who had spiritual significance: Gwygoytha and Bynwyn. Gwygoytha was Gwygoytha and she was bisexual. Bynwyn had Heroic Mysticism, strong enough that even on a crit fail, still managed to slow down the Spirit Talkers in their working of celestial magic. He was gay.

Two examples of queer = strong magic. No examples of straight = strong magic. It's not enough evidence to provide a conclusive conclusion, but it's still overall in favour of the Ymaryn's beliefs being correct.
INB4 Ghost pops a blood vessel: Of course being dependent on if magic is a thing.

Did somebody say Befriending?
Need to watch that at some point, as well as PMMM.
generate our own heat... across the planet... using up resources solely so that we can keep out the IR that would provide this heat. *rolls eyes*

If it's engineered to block certain frequencies of light it's a shade not a mirror. Mirrors redirect light so that certain areas of the planet/solar system get more of it.

I was thinking a combination of mirror and sunshade, and I wasn't talking about 100% coverage anyway. I was specifically thinking about covering a specific part of Earth, maybe a forest, or maybe the breadbaskets.
Well let's look at two of our previous heroes who had spiritual significance: Gwygoytha and Bynwyn. Gwygoytha was Gwygoytha and she was bisexual. Bynwyn had Heroic Mysticism, strong enough that even on a crit fail, still managed to slow down the Spirit Talkers in their working of celestial magic. He was gay.

Two examples of queer = strong magic. No examples of straight = strong magic. It's not enough evidence to provide a conclusive conclusion, but it's still overall in favour of the Ymaryn's beliefs being correct.
Who's this Gwygoytha you're talking about? Some sort of unholy combination of Gwy and Goya?
Admittedly, the idea of them combining like a Giant Mecha/DBZ hero is a amazing that would possibly become an entity powerful enough to rival Demon-God Crow, but I'm still pretty sure it hasn't happened yet.

And naturally there's a bit of a selection pressure there. Queer people are more likely to recieve mystical training, and as a result mystical heroes are more like to be Queer.