So an Empty Man wouldn't quite be 'empty' as such, just animated by an especially clever and mighty demon, probably accused of having died during birthing or in early childhood, or the parents accused of making a deal to reanimate the child?

While not really talked about, the shamans acknowledge conditions where injury to the head can cause the Mind Soul to depart before the Heart Soul. If not so bad this just means that you slip into a coma and eventually the Heart Soul will realize that it is time to depart, although if truly lucky the Mind Soul might make its way back. If unlucky the Heart Soul might take over or a demon might be able to take up occupancy in the vacated seat, leading to truly awful things happening.

The possibility of a demon making its way into a gestating child is also something that is not talked about but known to the shamans. A demon occupying the position of Heart Soul is blamed for particularly deformed still births, and major deformities resulting in live birth is believed to be a demon that gained partial occupancy before being kicked out. The nature of children's minds is in fact believed to be a defence mechanism against a demon occupying the Mind Soul, with the seat of intellect being locked away for the first months and years so that nothing evil can get in. A demon making it anyway... the mind recoils at such possibility.
Look, the alternative is having the fanfic writers pair them up together and using that to justify Mary Sue behavour since "It is a well-known fact that queer people are better at magic".

Do you really want that?
To be honest Sasuke is already a Mary Sue so that's not much different, and them being canon would mean yet more crazy fan girls would be able to more easily shove them into every fanfic ever.

It just really annoys me that people constantly change cannon straight characters into gays with no explanation other than they want it. I understand it's fanfic but there should always be a reason for divergences and changes, like Kenchi618's fanfic Better Left Unsaid, massively different from Cannon but it all stems from one change.

Just saying "oh I know they were completely straight in Cannon and were in no way homosexual whatsoever but I'm going to change that for no reason whatsoever with no explanation for the divergence"
Metal it may be, but nothing will ever be as awe inspiring as Spider-Eyed Crow.
I'm actually working on art for that particular piece of awesome that is Spider Eye Crow. Gonna take me awhile since I aint that good but hey just an FYI to the thread in case people wanted to see it/make it but couldn't find the time or inclination.
To be honest Sasuke is already a Mary Sue so that's not much different, and them being canon would mean yet more crazy fan girls would be able to more easily shove them into every fanfic ever.
By the time we reach modern times so that Naruto could theoretically be written, we would have gotten rid of that stupid belief of queer = more magic
I disagree. Earth is our home, and it is also where we get the most benefit from a sunshade/mirror. The way I see it: we ain't going to move agriculture off the planet, no matter what.

By building the sunshade/mirror, we will be able to grow food where ever and whenever we want, while providing even more useful energy to the ecosystem.
The problem with the mirror is that it doesn't really benefit much. It can melt the snow in the arctic, but the fact that the arctic is cold provides great benefit through the circulation of air and water, biodiversity, and retention of water in a frozen form. Few/no other places would benefit. At best, it could be directed toward deserts, but the increased light and heat would likely have damaging effects.

The sunshade might be worthwhile, but only if we're overheating as a planet. If we're overheating, we've failed as ecological engineers.

The place where we would get the most benefit from a sunshade/mirror is in attempting to terraform other planets through increased heat and light. Even if we need to make bubble cities, people still need agriculture to feed themselves and be helped by the warmth and light the mirrors will provide far more than people on earth will. And we need to leave the earth so that we can a) stop random shit from happening to our home, b) not die when random shit happens, c) preserve/experiment with life in a contained setting, and d) exploit resources without ecological damage.

Edit: Also, I refuse to be the kind of aliens who just stay at home, build a "utopia" and die without having achieved anything of galactic value.

What's the current naming style within the Ymaryn?
k so plz resurrect the blood tree quest
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@Academia Nut
I know its basically far off (understatement I know :p ), but all this talk of other planets is making me wonder
How are we going to play the later ages? Because 20 years a turn means we'd basically gallop through a shitton of tech and cultural changes a turn
The possibility of a demon making its way into a gestating child is also something that is not talked about but known to the shamans. A demon occupying the position of Heart Soul is blamed for particularly deformed still births, and major deformities resulting in live birth is believed to be a demon that gained partial occupancy before being kicked out. The nature of children's minds is in fact believed to be a defence mechanism against a demon occupying the Mind Soul, with the seat of intellect being locked away for the first months and years so that nothing evil can get in. A demon making it anyway... the mind recoils at such possibility.
Note to self: Stack babies for Demon Resistance.

Metal it may be, but nothing will ever be as awe inspiring as Spider-Eyed Crow.
You mean Demon-God Spider-Eyed Crow.

To be honest Sasuke is already a Mary Sue so that's not much different, and them being canon would mean yet more crazy fan girls would be able to more easily shove them into every fanfic ever.

It just really annoys me that people constantly change cannon straight characters into gays with no explanation other than they want it. I understand it's fanfic but there should always be a reason for divergences and changes, like Kenchi618's fanfic Better Left Unsaid, massively different from Cannon but it all stems from one change.

Just saying "oh I know they were completely straight in Cannon and were in no way homosexual whatsoever but I'm going to change that for no reason whatsoever with no explanation for the divergence"
A: But we don't change canon character sexuality if we change the circumstances canon was written under so it would've been gay (or bisexual if you wanna keep the love-dodekahedrons) all along? We would get fewer cases of rabid shippers molding the sexuality of Naruto/Sasuke because what they'd write would fit canon all along.
Unless we then got a surge of rabid het!shippers, but even then at worst the result should be the same as our own world's.

B: I still don't really get why changing a character's sexuality is considered so much worse than all the other world and character changes we make.
Make a story where Naruto has something other than the Kyuubi stored inside him to see how it alters every future fight he's in? Sure go ahead.
Make a story where Naruto is a cynical loner/Sasuke clone because you think that's cool? has a place for you.
Make a story where Naruto and Sasuke are romantically attracted to their own gender because you want to see how changing their interpersonal relationship changes the flow of the story! THAT IS VERBOTEN!

C: The most likely answer to this entire debate is: "Any story that the Ymaryn as we can recognize them now would write is so different from our Naruto that any comparison really is silly."
Unless we then got a surge of rabid het!shippers, but even then at worst the result should be the same as our own world's.
I hope you realize that's not a thing, those are just regular shippers, so not a surge but normality... since straight relationships would be significantly more likely, and it is relatable to a far wider reach of people.
Also, writing gay naru and sas is stupid because no one writes it correctly, this wouldn't alter only their relationship but ALL relationships and interactions, as well as their approach to life. Noone does it well, so don't do it because no one can do it even remotely right, at least other things at least make sense and are not so all encompassing
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I'm actually working on art for that particular piece of awesome that is Spider Eye Crow. Gonna take me awhile since I aint that good but hey just an FYI to the thread in case people wanted to see it/make it but couldn't find the time or inclination.
Are you going with what our people would think a six-eyed crow (you know, the three masks together) would look like, or that weird abstract piece that's popped up in the thread before?
The most likely answer to this entire debate is: "Any story that the Ymaryn as we can recognize them now would write is so different from our Naruto that any comparison really is silly."
Well we do have ninja's.....
B: I still don't really get why changing a character's sexuality is considered so much worse than all the other world and character changes we make.
Make a story where Naruto has something other than the Kyuubi stored inside him to see how it alters every future fight he's in? Sure go ahead.
Cause it's not trying to change the story or plot of Naruto for any purpose other than watching two characters be gay. That's it, it doesn't change how they fight, how they act overly, it's just that now rabid fan girls get to imagine them having gay sex to get themselves hot, at least that's my experience with slash. It doesn't serve any other purpose other than cheesy romance and smut for gay men and straight women, basically Twilight but with sex scenes.
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I hope you realize that's not a thing, those are just regular shippers, so not a surge but normality... since straight relationships would be significantly more likely, and it is relatable to a far wider reach of people.
Hmm? Hetshippers are a sub-category of shippers, who ship heterosexual couples (or exclusively heterosexual couples if you want a more strict definition).

Since there are people who are undeniably shippers who don't do that, hetshipper cannot be the same as 'just' a shipper. Even if the term covers the majority of them, they aren't interchangeable.

Also, I hope you didn't insuate a correlation between your sexuality and what you ship, and that I simply misread that part. Because that would just be silly.
The problem with the mirror is that it doesn't really benefit much. It can melt the snow in the arctic, but the fact that the arctic is cold provides great benefit through the circulation of air and water, biodiversity, and retention of water in a frozen form. Few/no other places would benefit. At best, it could be directed toward deserts, but the increased light and heat would likely have damaging effects.

The sunshade might be worthwhile, but only if we're overheating as a planet. If we're overheating, we've failed as ecological engineers.

The place where we would get the most benefit from a sunshade/mirror is in attempting to terraform other planets through increased heat and light. Even if we need to make bubble cities, people still need agriculture to feed themselves and be helped by the warmth and light the mirrors will provide far more than people on earth will. And we need to leave the earth so that we can a) stop random shit from happening to our home, b) not die when random shit happens, c) preserve/experiment with life in a contained setting, and d) exploit resources without ecological damage.

Edit: Also, I refuse to be the kind of aliens who just stay at home, build a "utopia" and die without having achieved anything of galactic value.

k so plz resurrect the blood tree quest

The idea is to let in only useful light. Infrared radiation is basically useless for plants and heat our planet unnecessarily.

I am not saying that we should heat up the whole planet, but by using mirror/shade correctly, we might be able to create an even more lush Earth.
Are you going with what our people would think a six-eyed crow (you know, the three masks together) would look like, or that weird abstract piece that's popped up in the thread before?
That weird abstract piece is one I've been inserting. This one right?

I'm going for stacked masks and have two versions. Vertical stacking and triangular stacking. I am collecting inspirational notes and tidbits and mentions from the thread and then I will start to sketch and draw until I hit something I like.
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Our god is NOT a demon! He's something incomprehensible from beyond the natural order that guides our people to an unknown end.

He's an Elderitch Anomaly Crow. (Not abomination since he isn't evil or even destructive most of the time.)

Edit: Also, apparently our demons are from Kingdom Hearts. Huh.
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