I'm going for stacked masks and have to versions. Vertical stacking and traingular stacking. I am collecting inspirational notes and tidbits and mentions from the thread and then I will start to sketch and draw until I hit something I like.
You know, in case you find your work to be a bit too normal-looking, you could always try both vertical stacking and triangular stacking.

Sure, Crow would get a few more eyes than a spider, but I think he'll live.

Our god is NOT a demon! He's something incomprehensible from beyond the natural order that guides our people to an unknown end.

He's an Elderitch Anomaly Crow. (Not abomination since he isn't evil or even destructive most of the time.)
But Demons are literally defined as "weird things that don't fit into the established system". Demon is what the Ymaryn calls "Eldritch Abominations".

The only thing about Crow that doesn't match every Demon out there is that he isn't actually evil.
Someone unleashed the weeabos
Weeebweebweebweebweeb I am a weeb and I like battlehighscool anime!


Sort of. I am not up on my most recent definitions so... *shrug* I am content with being weird af.

E: actually yeah using google to find the common definition of "weaboo" I do not fit it. Huh. Thought I did. oh well.
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those are just regular shippers, so not a surge but normality... since straight relationships would be significantly more likely, and it is relatable to a far wider reach of people.
Most characters in all shows (that aren't specifically female targeted, i.e. nearly all) are men, in a roughly 5:1 ratio. So m/m is the norm in the sense of average due to the increased proportion of m/m relationships possible.

People who are shipping characters are already not normal in the normal sense of the word.

The idea is to let in only useful light. Infrared radiation is basically useless for plants and heat our planet unnecessarily.

I am not saying that we should heat up the whole planet, but by using mirror/shade correctly, we might be able to create an even more lush Earth.
.... Like... are you trying to make a transparent shield filled with IR absorbing gases or glass or something and hoping that it won't refract UV/etc. light away from the earth and thus decrease overall photosynthesis? Managing our chemical output is a vastly superior option. Heat is valuable.

I'd rather have a heterogenous, biodiverse earth than a lush but artificially uniform one.
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Ehhh, not all anime watchers are weeabos... that a very specific type of fan.

It's two pages of Naruto shipping.

If that aient the touch of weeaboaisim I don't know what is.

Edit : so turns out that the meaning is different from the one am used to.

Still, Naruto bloody Naruto. Why? In God's name why? That anime is like the son in the trinity of weeaboaisim.
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Ah, good to hear more about my fello-

Okay, even Cosmopolitan Acceptance has its limits.
My favorite anime genre is probably battlehighschool or mecha, but my favorite specific anime is Mushishi followed closely by Bakemonogatari.

I spend a lot of time imagining wandering Ymayrn shaman in other countries doing the Mushishi thing even if that is not happening quite yet.
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But Demons are literally defined as "weird things that don't fit into the established system". Demon is what the Ymaryn calls "Eldritch Abominations".

The only thing about Crow that doesn't match every Demon out there is that he isn't actually evil.
When the only definition of demons is evil and unnatural, something that is only unnatural is only batting 50 percent on similarities. Not a demon.
.... Like... are you trying to make a transparent shield filled with IR absorbing gases or glass or something and hoping that it won't refract UV/etc. light away from the earth and thus decrease overall photosynthesis? Managing our chemical output is a vastly superior option. Heat is valuable.

I'd rather have a heterogenous, biodiverse earth than a lush but artificially uniform one.

Nay. The sunshade can be engineered to block certain frequencies of light. We only want visible light, not infrared lights. Plus I am pretty sure we can generate our own heat anyway.

And I am not proposing we block out the whole sun either. The sunshade/mirror project don't even have to be one giant mirror either.
It's two pages of Naruto shipping.

If that aient the touch of weeaboaisim I don't know what is.

Edit : so turns out that the meaning is different from the one am used to.

Still, Naruto bloody Naruto. Why? In God's name why? That anime is like the son in the trinity of weeaboaisim.
Yep it went to total shit in my opinion pretty damn quick. Out of the Three the only one I like is One Piece because it isn't riddled with obvious to me plot holes and the Devil Fruit are so funny/weird to see.

Well clearly battlehighschool anime counts as an invasion of good taste!

We need to hold them at bay in favour of proper genres like... Crap my own preferences are even worse... Uhm, sports anime?
Fee fi fo fum. I smell the blood of a harem anime watcher. *raises axe* Come tell me more?
It's two pages of Naruto shipping.

If that aient the touch of weeaboaisim I don't know what is.

Edit : so turns out that the meaning is different from the one am used to.

Still, Naruto bloody Naruto. Why? In God's name why? That anime is like the son in the trinity of weeaboaisim.
Well I have the excuse of reading and typing in a Naruto quest on SB on another tab....
Also weeabos are a very specific type of fan, and only Omega has really done anything to earn that title :p
Nay. The sunshade can be engineered to block certain frequencies of light. We only want visible light, not infrared lights. Plus I am pretty sure we can generate our own heat anyway.

And I am not proposing we block out the whole sun either. The sunshade/mirror project don't even have to be one giant mirror either.
generate our own heat... across the planet... using up resources solely so that we can keep out the IR that would provide this heat. *rolls eyes*

If it's engineered to block certain frequencies of light it's a shade not a mirror. Mirrors redirect light so that certain areas of the planet/solar system get more of it.