It is caution not fear. To evaluate an enemy and treat them with respect is the first rule of not becoming a cocky shit of a general
Well I apologize in advance for sounding like a dick if I do but it looks like fear to me from where I am sitting. I mean no offense when I say that but I am concerned you are not thinking this completely through. So maybe go back and rethink some of your old points and try to find old assumptions that are still kicking around?
As of right now I'll restate more clearly what advantages I think they have, because I kinda fucked up explaining my point about population sizes. derp.
Right now we have a population between 300k and 400k. This is solidly the individual largest population in the region. No one else has the agriculture to support such a population in the land area that we do. The HK have a probable population greater than 100k and probably approaching 200k due to land area and gradual agricultural tech ups. The Thunder Horse in their cities probably have 80 to 100k. I'd say 100k+ is a very strong bet. The Lowland Minors have been stated to hover around 80 to 100k most times. The Xoh have a pop greater than 100k, but probably not very much higher due to land restriction. The Thunder Speaker probably have a pop greater than 80k but with the recent things we don't really have a good way to estimate.
So advantages and disadvantages for HK vs TH Rumble.
Thunder Horse:
-Bronze weapons on their elites
-Nomad traits
-With their cities and the Lowland Minors they have a good sized population. Probably equal to the HK
-They have to sink their warriors into holding one of their vassals hostage
-Their government system is inherently unstable and if stressed too far will snap apart
-It's a long way to the HK. Not as long as to us but still long so attrition is a thing and they will have difficulty doing permanent damage
-Their other major vassal the Xohyssiri is a trade hub and can't devote war power unless the HK get right up close due to resource and distance issues (Having to maintain True City and Golden Age etc)
-Hills to retreat to and experience in hill fighting
-A good sized population probably equal to the Thunder Horse
-Time spent consolidating and forting up.
-A unstable government system prone to succession civil wars when in stressful times, as well as occasionally rebellious provinces
-An inability to reach all the way to the Thunder Horse cities to cause permanent damage
As to the fight between us and them if they crunch up the HK and leave that kingdom weakened and then push onwards to us which they are quite likely to considering their traits and the probable successful war high to morale.
Thunder Horse:
-Bronze weapons on their elites and probably most of their warriors. These are better quality one on one with iron.
-With their cities and the Lowland Minors they have a good sized population. They will have probably finished absorbing the Thunder Speakers by now but will still be nowhere near equal to us and said population was weakened by fighting the HK into a bloody whimpering paste.
-Their government system is inherently unstable and if stressed too far will snap apart
-It's a long way to us. So attrition is a very major thing and they will have difficulty doing permanent damage
-Their other major vassal the Xohyssiri is a trade hub and can't devote war power to fighting us, and we actually have good relations with the Xoh anyway.
-Iron. This lets us fort up and have ubiquitous good quality weapons for all of our warriors
-We have a truly massive population that is only growing
-The Ymaryn have a population of digital beings in the long term drivers seat who can see the gaps to shoot for
-Massive defensive bonuses. The best out of any civ we know of except maybe the Xoh.
-We know how to deal with Nomads and people who act like Nomads
-A kicked war if we absolutely must. We don't want to rely on this
-Inability for us to permanently damage them
-It can take a little time to fully fort up for us since that process involves old growth forests
-We have a rather frequent and distracting Nomad problem and the Hathatyn may be getting uppity enough to actually be a problem
As you can see they have the means to hurt, but not kill us.
There were several people I had to reply too and several lines of argument I had to counter, it's just really difficult to do the formatting sometimes
Yeah Andre's advice is good in this regard. Maybe clean up the three posts a bit and consolidate them into one big post and that should be fine. *gives hugs*
We've all been there before.