Offense was kind of a mistake, and now we are stuck with it.

It'd be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
Not really. If 7 War Missions from us and 2 from the Stallion Tribes still caused us to take 2 econ damage, then 1 from us and 2 from the Stallion Tribes would likely end in even worse disaster.

This sets us up for a Grand Sacrifice next turn, so we don't need to panic about stability. Restore Order is too much of a risk right now.
As long as we don't take any other -1 Stability options, it gives a lot of stability.

If we go with the RO+Offensive+Yes plan, here's the spread:
6.25%: Stability -1
18.75%: Stability 0
75%: Stability 1 (capped by Legitimacy)

Going with Nothing+Offensive+No, we end up at -2 Stability with Legitimacy 3.
[X] Weapons (+2 Econ, +8 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Defensive (-1 Stability)
[X] Yes (+1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, Martial focused character becomes king)

Oy. Okay. Folks? Offensive warrior distribution, as best I understand it, means chasing two fucking heroic nomad chiefs onto the steppe plains. It is idiotic and will not end well. I understand why our people want it, but if we do that we're going to take another hit and we'll be bleeding stability even further. Don't do it. We won't win and we'll just bleed even more stability. I'm sorry, but we'll have to gut these sons of bitches another time.

We just ate two crits to the face, which shouldn't surprise because heroes tend to crit. Let's not ask for more. Our job now is to get actually implement iron and ready ourselves to obliterate the next nomads who dare set foot in our territory.

Replacing our king isn't pleasant, but at this point it's what the people want, and I'd rather have a semi-orderly change of power than a civil war. There are worse ways we could swing this.
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[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
I'll go to this for now...

@Academia Nut Couple questions: What admin score would the martial hero have, and how strong an effect would it have on restore order's chances?
A peacefull transition is better than a civil war.

Or, we could simply produce tools, not weapons.
A peaceful transition into military rule is better.

That's fair; i wanted to make sure people knew before the bandwagon hit

And no, thats not how it works. the only things that take place immediately are ones that say "immediate stability", like some of the options we've had during the Doom Comet. Otherwise its always admin checks...

@Academia Nut can you put a note about that rule in the update, people keep forgetting how it works D=
The voting has barely started, there is no need to do it all.

Why would it not be how it works.

King stays. Nothing changes.

Why would that action take longer than attempting to Restore Order?
Because most people don't care to think.
Not really. If 7 War Missions from us and 2 from the Stallion Tribes still caused us to take 2 econ damage, then 1 from us and 2 from the Stallion Tribes would likely end in even worse disaster.

As long as we don't take any other -1 Stability options, it gives a lot of stability.

If we go with the RO+Offensive+Yes plan, here's the spread:
6.25%: Stability -1
18.75%: Stability 0
75%: Stability 1 (capped by Legitimacy)

Going with Nothing+Offensive+No, we end up at -2 Stability with Legitimacy 3.
I'd rather have max legitimacy and Grand Sac next turn.
I do see that Restore Order is risky. But we'd probably gain? And it's a free Main It necessitates the below tho.
A thing to keep in mind: While only taking positive stability actions will keep Restore Order from blowing us up, it also sharply reduces the potential benefit (we can only gain at most one stability from it), and the narrative of a illegitimate warleader "Restoring Order" could go unpleasant places.
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1499 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
[36] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[33] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
[28] Restore order (Main usage)
[21] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[18] Weapons (+2 Econ, +8 Martial, ???)
[10] Leave things be
[5] Yes (+1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, Martial focused character becomes king)
[2] Defensive (-1 Stability)
Total No. of Voters: 40
Oy. Okay. Folks? Offensive policy, as best I understand it, means chasing two fucking heroic nomad chiefs onto the steppe plains. It is idiotic and will not end well. I understand why our people want it, but if we do that we're going to take another hit for stability and we'll be bleeding stability even further. Don't do it. We won't win and we'll just bleed even more stability. I'm sorry, but we'll have to gut these sons of bitches another time.
With Iron Weapons and a king with good or better Martial score, we're virtually guaranteed for it to end well. Iron Weapons are just that good.
Probably because they don't know about the relatively obscure rule that could break everything.
But it isn't obscure at all. Negative Eco/Food and Stab, the story out right stating that people are calling for blood and want a new king, everything is very frank about what will happen if they do this.
[X] Weapons (+2 Econ, +8 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)

Our people are baying for blood. The iron going into producing weapons could improve stability. It'll certainly have good effects with TGG. In the eyes of the people, it is the king doing something they don't particularly like in order to better fuck up the nomads that they loathe with all of their being. It's good fluff and fluff is important.

The +2 Econ will be enough to avoid famine.
Why would that action take longer than attempting to Restore Order?

Because it's how the rules of the game work.

Academia Nut explained it before, and I see no reason for it to change now.

Our people are baying for blood. The iron going into producing weapons could improve stability. It'll certainly have good effects with TGG. In the eyes of the people, it is the king doing something they don't particularly like in order to better fuck up the nomads that they loathe with all of their being. It's good fluff and fluff is important.

Counting on an unknown bonus to negate a known danger is extremely risky.
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The voting has barely started, there is no need to do it all.

Why would it not be how it works.

King stays. Nothing changes.

Why would that action take longer than attempting to Restore Order?
...Because that's how it always works? Again, thats the whole reason there are "immediate stability" options sometimes, because of the difference:
AN: To answer a few questions, immediate stability gain means that there is no issue with the timing of the event for relating with stability loss or the like.

With Iron Weapons and a king with good or better Martial score, we're virtually guaranteed for it to end well. Iron Weapons are just that good.
Iron weapons helps with the battle, but the hard part is finding them, frankly
A thing to keep in mind: While only taking positive stability actions will keep Restore Order from blowing us up, it also sharply reduces the potential benefit (we can only gain at most one stability from it), and the narrative of a illegitimate warleader "Restoring Order" could go unpleasant places.

I'm changable on the Restore order and King.
I don't wanna risk blowing up tho...
Are people seriously expecting famine if we don't choose Tools? Weapons gives us +2 Econ, which is enough to avoid it. Picking Tools is overkill and will make our people hate the king for wasting the iron. They'd much prefer it if it's used to kill the nomads.
That doesn't really work. They could lead The People on a wild goose chase and easily get away. The nomad heroes made themselves look awesome and ran off with The People's stuff. Its not even in their best interest to stick around. The People just broke several tribes and now their lands and women are up for grabs. Profit and ego say its time for them to go 'YOINK and Away!'
You're discounting the glory of humiliating the powerful Wall-people who have massacred two other tribes and bloodied many others. The whole point of the raiding and pillaging in the first place isn't profit, it's martial glory to help weld their rule more firmly over the various tribes. It is ABSOLUTELY to their benefit to hang around and ambush our dudes on the steppes where they can cut them apart without any pesky walls or fortifications or twisty trails to worry about.

Honestly, loot is a very peripheral thing for most nomads because there is only so much they can carry. The critical thing is to prove to any warriors that might be willing to follow them that they will lead them to victory.

Don't hand them a chance for a clear and unequivocal victory over a numerically superior force, they will absolutely take it and remember it. That's where the phrase 'deeds worthy of song' pretty much originated from.
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GUYS! Stop voting for Restore Order with this combo, that's just asking for us to implode!
It's not that bad. We do have a chance of hitting -4 and dying, but it's not "just asking", we have to fail an admin roll. And even if we do fail, our people are likely unified enough that it'll just be a full-system overhaul, likely a hostile takeover by our military and several of the provinces splintering off.
With Weapons we're virtually guaranteed to kill off the nomads which would be pretty nice.
It's unlikely but I suppose if you completely derp they might come around for another go.

EDIT: If you have iron weapons I would say that it is all but impossible. HAVE to vote for the third, isnce it is VERY relevant for what happens with restore order.
No you don't. You can just only vote for the ones you care about.