So i've finally figured out the obvious evolution of the Nega-verse omakes...Nega-verse omakes about the real verse
So i've got a fake omake* by "Usual James", one of the players of the Dead Priest universe Nega-SV, about how they think the "Beast Folk" would have responded to finding out about their Wall of Bones, and i was about to write up the fake comments when i realized the obvious solution was to have actual "Beast Folk" players do the responding.
So if anyone wants to pretend to be a parody of themselves, playing a distorted image of our civ as portrayed by a parody-me who loves sacrifice and thinks eqalitarian nature lovers are stupid and prone to failure, let me know
I'll start up a private conversation with anyone interested and share the fake update. Once the interested people have commented, i'll add in some more Dead Priest players commenting on the complete fake-omake, and then we'll have a complete omake...and proof to
@Academia Nut that his comments about "Nega-SV" driving the other civs has spawned something terrible
@zamin @Powerofmind @Citino @notgreat You've all done omakes, so would you be interested?
* ofake, perhaps?