Some kind of Fairness trait?

That sounds about right, and we already have the stuff for it what with giving back the Xoh. We've always kind of acted with fairness in mind.
Well, no. We have Charity as a trait which asks us to think of others and give them stuff when it's needed. The Xoh are the people who gave stuff to us in the interest of fairness; all we "gave" them back was a trip to see if we could return their priests home before their death, after having learned everything. IIRC none of the priests stayed in their city?

We could maybe get the Fairness trait from the Xoh but we'd have to wait for them to evolve it to be more in line with our values. Or force them to evolve it, through increased positive diplomatic ties...

The ability to do it at all requires some level of zealotry.
*shrug* Zealotry in regard to the notion of Harmony, I guess. Restoration of Order has the same level of zealotry in regard to Order.

Actually Sacred War at this point is...

Still not okay, our neighbors are too different._.

Sacred War seems best when you have similar values to your neighbors. It's too easy to trigger otherwise.

...though that doesn't seemed to have helped the Lowlands at all
We could get Sacred War and evolve it into Proselytize, which demands that we send regular trade missions to people whose values don't coincide with our own.
We technically have two chances, the immigration and Magwyna nomination.

...Greater Good is my only hope at this point

Yet we have so little luck with it ._.
I mean, whether we get GG on Magwyna and "just" roll to not take a hit on refugees, or if we get GG on both, we get capped at 3. I guess its possible we'd gain some bonus to make up for the loss, like how EU4 (which the stab system is at least loosely based on) gives 50 Admin Points if you get a stab raising event at 3 stab...

Though that does make me wonder if the "do we lose stab" and "do we trigger GG" rolls are separate, or just the same roll, and its just "below 50, lose stab, above 95 gain stab, otherwise null". Not exactly a major difference, but minor curiosity
Sacred War seems best when you have similar values to your neighbors. It's too easy to trigger otherwise.
It helps that our neighbors would currently have to provoke us for war to start in the first place; if Symphony doesn't outright block us from regaining Sacred War, it certainly makes it much harder to set off, by requiring whoever we attack to have done something to deserve it.
We could get Sacred War and evolve it into Proselytize, which demands that we send regular trade missions to people whose values don't coincide with our own.
Uhh no thank you.

That led to so many problems, mostly because it encourages inherent disrespect of the person your proselytizing to's beliefs. That pisses people right off if they realize it.

*shrug* Zealotry in regard to the notion of Harmony, I guess. Restoration of Order has the same level of zealotry in regard to Order.

Tricksy tricksy. Sacred War was more zealotry in general if I understand it correctly, and it was merely focused through the lens of Harmony. Perhaps the slight variation of zealotry for Harmony itself could work like you talk about. It might encourage Borg like tendencies, but I see that only becoming a problem if we reach for war, which is mitigated by our need for Causus Beli, and or get somekind of trait that encourages thought that the Ymaryn are inherently superior ( I don't think they are by the way ).

E: What @Candesce said too.

Here! I found this beating heart on the roadside~

Musta fell out of a cart somewhere...

Oh well!

I do not speak to half-exiles

Away with your old flesh

I mean, whether we get GG on Magwyna and "just" roll to not take a hit on refugees, or if we get GG on both, we get capped at 3. I guess its possible we'd gain some bonus to make up for the loss, like how EU4 (which the stab system is at least loosely based on) gives 50 Admin Points if you get a stab raising event at 3 stab...

Though that does make me wonder if the "do we lose stab" and "do we trigger GG" rolls are separate, or just the same roll, and its just "below 50, lose stab, above 95 gain stab, otherwise null". Not exactly a major difference, but minor curiosity
I was saying we have two chances at it currently. Nothing more complex than that.
It helps that our neighbors would currently have to provoke us for war to start in the first place; if Symphony doesn't outright block us from regaining Sacred War, it certainly makes it much harder to set off, by requiring whoever we attack to have done something to deserve it.
The problem is that it is rather easy to trigger us. Sure, not to the level of total war, but...
While they did things that the People disapproved of, so did basically all of their trade partners in one way or another,

So umm... Maybe?
Since the votes are unlikely to swing to all refugees, i can now safety speculate on the up and down of the city.
  • Administration difficulty: highly concentrated population would likely jam up the work/residence assignment process. Likely breaking and improving the system over long period of time.
  • Food source: cities are completely unable to feed it self, as shown by history. Thus the expansion of transportation and improvement are near assured, but the logistics of this will not be developed instantly. Would cause local food shortage if anyone dropped the ball.
  • Peace keeping: first dense population center would likely stress human due to sheer close proximity to one another. As we have not developed any parks or free space, there are risk of confinement feelings for our residents. The noises generated day and night would be an entirely new experience as well.

  • I agree.
  • You mean the Valleyhome region will be unable to support itself? It's a good thing we built the canal way back in the stone age.
  • You forgot that The Garden megaproject created a park for us, including shading for our residents.
Not sure if there will be an update tonight, but got a bit of a second wind so will lock it in and start work/thinking

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Also, you may wish to look at what happened the last time you had a character with really high Admin skills take charge...
I wonder what we would have got if did true city... :(
Now we'll never know at least for quite a few turns
Not sure if there will be an update tonight, but got a bit of a second wind so will lock it in and start work/thinking

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Also, you may wish to look at what happened the last time you had a character with really high Admin skills take charge...

Huh. I'm terrified now.

What happened the last time we got an Admin Hero, thread? I can't remember.

*remembers something*



Huh. I'm terrified now.

What happened the last time we got an Admin Hero, thread? I can't remember.

*remembers something*



The last admin hero we had was from the mythic age of kings, remember? Young(relatively) king guided the ancestors of the Thunder Speakers to invade the lowland. We also got bonus to that settlement and added non-local authority.
The last admin hero we had was from the mythic age of kings, remember? Young(relatively) king guided the ancestors of the Thunder Speakers to invade the lowland. We also got bonus to that settlement and added non-local authority.
*clutches chest*

Haaaah haaaah haaaaaaaah~~~ < Deep breathing.

Oh thank you Kiba. Nice save.

E: Nomads must have Waaagh! themselves again. Hope we can weather the storm.
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The last admin hero we had was from the mythic age of kings, remember? Young(relatively) king guided the ancestors of the Thunder Speakers to invade the lowland. We also got bonus to that settlement and added non-local authority.
The last Admin hero let us start a tax reform....
Edit: wait our last one kicked off several turns of law changing which went on to the next king who then started the tax reform.
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K so, ignoring the midturn, my vote will be something like this:
[Main] Festivals/GS
[Secondary] Change Policy: Expansion
[Secondary] Aqueducts

RoO if < 0; GS if @ 0; Festival if > 0. Expansion > Infrastructure because of the extra provincial actions and the fact that we really do need more settlements.

If we're at 1 and doing The Dam for some reason gets more support than I expect, I'd like to do:
[Main] The Dam
[Main] Eastern Hills

Brings Cent down to ~4 again, gets us The Dam p fast, brings us up to 2 in probably 1 turn, w/ overflow likely.
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The last Admin hero let us start a tax reform....
Edit: wait our last one kicked off several turns of law changing which went on to the next king who then started the tax reform.
Um no the last admin hero was from the age of heroes where the people were ruled by heroes for a full century hero admin then hero mystic then hero diplomacy after that all other rulers were average
*Looks at the meteorite shards we've enshrined*

Magwyna: "Hey, handsome! Looking to show everyone that you're the Khan of Khans? Need to keep your people welded together into a coherent whole so that you can actually get something accomplished beyond despoiling the land and building skull pyramids? The Ymaryn have got a deal for you! Just look at our patented STAR AXE! Sure to impress your friends or your money back!"

Temujin: "Something about this seems familiar..."

Magwyna: "BUT WAIT, there's more! Buy now and we'll throw in a matching STAR SPEAR for even more star power! Offer only valid for a limited time! The Ymaryn are not responsible for civil war, comets, curses, plague, or poisoning as a result of Star Axe and Star Spear."

Temujin: "Wait, what was that?"
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Also, you may wish to look at what happened the last time you had a character with really high Admin skills take charge...
Wait, this?
Due to repeated Admin criticals, this generation's High Chief has been revealed as a genius, leaving a valuable legacy for his successor. Choose a bonus...
[] Improve stability (Increases Stability, decreases Econ)
[] One additional Secondary action (This turn only)
[] One Random Administrative upgrade
The last admin hero we had was from the mythic age of kings, remember? Young(relatively) king guided the ancestors of the Thunder Speakers to invade the lowland. We also got bonus to that settlement and added non-local authority.
You forgot that he admined so hard and proper that we got a +1 to stability as he convinced people stuff was chill...

Will our admin hero just passively get a roll to show people that copper is cool? That would be amazing!

The last Admin hero let us start a tax reform....
Edit: wait our last one kicked off several turns of law changing which went on to the next king who then started the tax reform.
That was not an admin hero, that was the cause of us granting audiences with the king and lowering hierarchy.
*Looks at the meteorite shards we've enshrined*

Magwyna: "Hey, handsome! Looking to show everyone that you're the Khan of Khans? Need to keep your people welded together into a coherent whole so that you can actually get something accomplished beyond despoiling the land and building skull pyramids? The Ymaryn have got a deal for you! Just looks at our patented STAR AXE! Sure to impress your friends or your money back!"

Temujin: "Something about this seems familiar..."

Magwyna: "BUT WAIT, there's more! Buy now and we'll throw in a matching STAR SPEAR for even more star power! Offer only valid for a limited time! The Ymaryn are not responsible for civil war, comets, curses, plague, or poisoning as a result of Star Axe and Star Spear."

Temujin: "Wait, what was that?"
We will forge Gram! Yay!

Gram the Sword! The chooser of Kings!

Daahn da da da dan!

...Oh god, the northern nomads have backed off for several turns. They have a peace hero don't they?

Well... we don't have any convenient enemies to point them at or trade routes I think we can establish. We'll just have to sic one diplo hero on another diplo hero, using salt gift, and see what happens if it comes to it I guess.