Who's to say she won't be working with the Balanced Provinces to do study actions? Who's to say we'll only manage a single study action next turn.
As for the pathetic moralizing... do you even fucking hear yourself? Do you truly think that there's never been a conquest that's been held? Or that the conquered will even care all that much? We're long before national, or even ethnic identities have settled, and city states give far less of a shit about who rules them than a kingdom.
You can spout inanities about all conquest being intrinsically self-defeating, about how it's absolutely never productive and we're magically better people for it... but it's just that- inanity. Why have we been able to function in peace so well and so long? Because the Northern Marches protected us. How did we get the Northern March(es)? Why... by conquering. Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum motherfucker. Those who wish for peace must prepare for war, and part of that preparation is by ensuring when war does come about, it's as decisive and quick as possible. People have claimed that by doing more than the bare minimum we're making the conflict magically worse- but wouldn't it be worse if it went longer and got bogged down? The worst wars in human history weren't the decisive ones, they weren't the ones where one side went in overwhelming force and the other crumpled... it was where the war bogged down, where blood spilled and spilled and nothing was gained.
The turks were from fucking central asia, where are they now? Magyars migrated into the Danubian basin, conquering it from the natives- where are they now? The fucking Celts migrated and conquered their way across the entirety of Europe. Where are your examples? You treat this issue as so fucking simple, as so damn obvious and you never ever bring up citations, you never point to the fantastically powerful pacifistic civilization that by all rights has to exist in order to justify your interpretation. Because at the end of the day, no matter how kind, or open minded, or progress, or just a civ is doesn't matter if that civ get's wiped out. I'm not demanding we renounce our values, I'm demanding we not behave like lemmings and ensure at the very minimum we have our civ's best interests at heart- and that sometimes requires things different than peace, isolation, and teching up.