So, Kakashi's scroll went to the village after he died. We know Kagome is clan, but it doesn't seem fair to us that Goketsu benefits so grossly from a village effort. Do you think it would be appropriate to treat this like it's a village scroll that simply happens to be in the hands of someone clan, sir? It's important that Kagome has the scroll right now but we don't want to be seen to be using a temporary crisis to gain a permanent boon."
Kakashi's scroll went to his village because he had no heirs. Where as Gai's scroll went to his students
I agree that we won't be killboxed for keeping the Scroll, but I think you take it as granted that we can just keep pushing and pushing as long as we don't cross a line in the sand. We gain staggeringly little from trying to control ownership of the Scroll (Kagome is a Sealmaster, his role is to stay in Konoha and do research, he is arguably the ninja who gains the least out of a Summon Scroll in all of Konoha) and whittle away a large chunk of what little goodwill we still have. There are times to take but we won't have the opportunity if we've already compulsively taken so much that when we actually really want something Asuma looks at us and says he's had it up to here with our greed and we better go home and be a loyal Leaf-nin before he reconsiders the merits of our continued existence.

Again, what stops us from giving it to Akane once the problem is resolved? With Kagome's consent, of course.
Again, what stops us from giving it to Akane once the problem is resolved? With Kagome's consent, of course.
I mean, I guess we could. It would be a bit... overt about how we consider it genuinely our property to do as we please with despite it being given to us for the Dragonwar, and people might feel we're being somewhat unfair about it, but I don't think it would be that big a consequence (and it would be more focused on the Clans <---> Goketsu relationship than the Asuma <---> Goketsu relationship)
I mean, I guess we could. It would be a bit... overt about how we consider it genuinely our property to do as we please with despite it being given to us for the Dragonwar, and people might feel we're being somewhat unfair about it, but I don't think it would be that big a consequence (and it would be more focused on the Clans <---> Goketsu relationship than the Asuma <---> Goketsu relationship)

Consider it would happen once the dragonwar is over, and if we find Squirrel/Otter for Akane, we can just decide act accordingly and change strategy. Aside from Asuma(That we can keep happy with other things, such as seals or simply obtaining more scrolls for Leaf), the other clans are:
-On our side, therefore happy(If envious) of our power
-Already against us and willing to explode Leaf economy to defeat us.
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I just think kagome dont need a target on his back and the Nara have enough sealmasters and a predisposition to develop institucional knowloge to be better at the hole guard the great seal thing.
Overall it also removes kagome from the frontline priority and keep out position more stable. And assuma position more stable to given the Spider scroll control to the tower.
We lose verry little and kagome already would have sumoning training in case we get a third scroll.
The problem is we are on realy tin ice right now so we cant have anything draging us down.
Before we make any decisions we should probably talk to Kagome. One of our big recurring mistakes has been not respecting NPCs agency. I think that's a blunder worth avoiding
Kei's lips tightened. For a long second it seemed as though she might actually continue the argument but finally she rose to her feet, bowed, and departed.

I am disappointed in her.

It's like living with the Nara made her forget about the Goketsu motto of threatening a powerful authority figure to their face right then and there.

Also, someone should put "Fixing Keiko/assuaging her guilt" back on Hazou's calendar. Maybe make it a repeating appointment, once every three days or so? :V
I am disappointed in her.

It's like living with the Nara made her forget about the Goketsu motto of threatening a powerful authority figure to their face right then and there.

Also, someone should put "Fixing Keiko/assuaging her guilt" back on Hazou's calendar. Maybe make it a repeating appointment, once every three days or so? :V
Can we let tenten handle it? I like Kei as a character but hazou is not in the best possition to help her go trough it.
Let offscreen the visit Kei seces where hazou would generaly play support to tenten.
Also, someone should put "Fixing Keiko/assuaging her guilt" back on Hazou's calendar. Maybe make it a repeating appointment, once every three days or so? :V
I mean, Kei and Hazou have committed to maintaining their familial bonds, remember? Kei was drifting away, Hazou losing trust in her --they had a whole talk about it and everything.

I could totally see Hazou having "Resolve Kei's guilty conscience" as a weekly event in his mental calendar.
...Only if you get caught and the Hokage cares. Half of everything that clans do against each other is treason. That hasn't stopped anybody.
But why would they bother? If Asuma doesn't approve of the killing they aren't guaranteed the scroll after Kagome's death, they'd just be killing him for the chance of a scroll. That's not good cost/benefit analysis, it's a huge risk for them. I think there's a very low chance of Asuma approving of it, for reasons previously stated. So all in all, not a big jump in risk compared to Kagome's heirs getting the scroll.
I just think kagome dont need a target on his back
To be clear....are you advocating for just not giving him the scroll ever or...? Because if he gets the temp scroll that only changes possession with his death. Then....that's a bigger target than normal.

But why would they bother? If Asuma doesn't approve of the killing they aren't guaranteed the scroll after Kagome's death, they'd just be killing him for the chance of a scroll. That's not good cost/benefit analysis, it's a huge risk for them. I think there's a very low chance of Asuma approving of it
Because they'd presumably have something set up with someone in the Tower to make sure they get the scroll next. Asuma doesn't have to approve the killing, since the next scroll owner is already established to be selected by the Tower.

And I don't think Asuma likes/cares about Kagome much.
To be clear....are you advocating for just not giving him the scroll ever or...? Because if he gets the temp scroll that only changes possession with his death. Then....that's a bigger target than normal.
Nah, you can renounce the scroll making you unable to be a sumoner to said clan again.
The pagolins explained that to kei when she became a summoner.
!!!!!! Idea Alert !!!!!!
Step 1: Attend taleswap
Step 2: Tell awesome story of Jiraiya fighting Squirrel Summoner
Step 3: Explain how Scroll was lost to the world and no tracker has been good enough to find it after all these years
Step 4: Profit

if the rest of our Summons are any indication, the dogs will be lining up to sign up for this mission and prove themselves
And I don't think Asuma likes/cares about Kagome much.
Leaf isn't exactly replete with sealmasters, much less ones who supervise the teaching and research of other sealmasters, much less ones who create brilliant explosives.

We have every reason to believe Asuma would object to clans killing each other for any reason and Kagome is very valuable to Leaf. We have no reason to assume that Asuma doesn't like the only member of Goketsu who hasn't done anything weird or unpredictable and who has, frankly, only added value to Leaf. Kagome has been zero headache for Asuma.
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How about giving the ownership of the Arachnid Scroll to the Tower, to be retrieved upon Kagome's death, but bind it to the sole purpose of keeping an eye on the Great Seal? Scheming to kill Kagome would be pointless because the Scroll would be a burden rather than a reward.

Also, what's with all this talk about a scroll for Akane? Isn't she on the shitlist for whining atm?
I agree with asking Mari how best we can get back on Asuma's good side. She'll be able to tell us if letting the Tower/anyone else have the scroll after Kagome's death will help matters or not.

Also, what's with all this talk about a scroll for Akane? Isn't she on the shitlist for whining atm?
She's certainly on *my* shitlist for the whole Haru thing.
Also, what's with all this talk about a scroll for Akane? Isn't she on the shitlist for whining atm?
I don't think this is a popular opinion among the hivemind, let alone the characters of the story. And even if it was, it's kinda petty to make permanent career-changing decisions like this based on how irked we are at them this week.
Because they'd presumably have something set up with someone in the Tower to make sure they get the scroll next. Asuma doesn't have to approve the killing, since the next scroll owner is already established to be selected by the Tower.

And I don't think Asuma likes/cares about Kagome much.
Asuma is the Tower? It's like saying the White House will make that decision referring to the POTUS, but replace White House with Tower and POTUS with Hokage. Leaf is an absolute military dictatorship. If Asuma doesn't okay the killing whoever does it is not guaranteed the Scroll, because ownership of the Scroll is solely Asuma's decision. It's not like he's going to outsource the ownership of a Summoning Scroll to a mid-level career chunin.

Asuma might not care about Kagome on a personal level, but he sure as hell cares about sealmasters in general. More than that, Kagome is currently the second best sealmaster in Leaf, he is a valuable asset.
could give the dog scroll to akane. or trade it between hazo and akane if that works.

the great seal is a unique opportunity. last time world threat of akatsuki villages united together. building upon that good will. we can have the villages work together to stop the great seal making more good will. akatsuki showed the villages can cooperate. and hazo is uniquely able to propose this since he thinks of cooperation more. and isan and mist alliance gives good beginner steps for intervillage alliance on great seal before other villages.
easiest way to convince is through their summoners. akatsuki has itachi. grandmaster f for cloud. who are the other summoners outside of leaf? could ask the 7pathers to contact them.