[X] Action Plan: Ripping Off The Plaster


0) Survive.
1) End the marriage plotline one way or another.
2) Leave Crazy-Town.
3) Rebuild our strength.


1) NOT Using Truth Lost in the Fog, have Noburi explain the truth of the marriage and the events surrounding it to Yuno. Tell her that since we like and respect her and want her to have a happy life (something that will never happen in Hidden Mountain), we want to stay her friends, and offer her the following options:
A: She joins the party.
B: We drop her off at a town of her choice (within reason).
If Yuno chooses A, have Mari thouroughly vet her as well as she can without Truth Lost in the Fog.
If Yuno chooses B, we explain the outside world's geopolitics, then let her decide where to go.
If Yuno refuses our offers, Noburi drains her chakra into unconsciousness while Mari uses genjutsu to stop her from fighting back. We make sure to leave before she wakes up.

2) With or without Yuno, we henge into ourselves and leave immediately, citing divine commandment.

3) We fall back to our secure fortress next to the civillian town.

4) Noburi and Mari recover. Keiko and Pandaa do their culturl exchange. Hazou prepares to research PMYF (or if a resarch plan to do so wins, Hazou begins researching PMYF).


1) Restock our explosives.
2) Restock our traps.
3) Avoid suddenly-not-an-idiot-elder like the plague.
4) Interact with as few villagers as we can.
5) Keep a close eye on Yuno until we know she's safe.
6) If Kannagi tries to pull something with the marriage, have Pandaa publically tell him just how thin the ice he's skating on is.
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So where and when exactly are all of our teammates at the moment? In

In addition to what @Velorien just said, recall that you also have the option to assume that everyone is back at the cave.

You may assume that Keiko and Kagome made it back to the cave and told you what @Velorien described.

If you want to, you can also vote for some other variant like "Hazou left the rest of the team alone in the cave and came to meet Keiko and Kagome" or etc. That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, but we won't stop you.
I strongly expect Kannagi to make the argument that because Noburi is engaged with Yuno, we have lost our claim to him, and so even if we are required to do Summon Quest, he is to remain.
Chapter 50.1: Truth Lost in the Fog Lost in the Fog
"Sensei?" Hazō asked quietly, kneeling at the edge of the mouse hole in which his teacher's broken body lay swaddled in blankets. "Are you awake?"

The pile of blankets shifted and sunset hair tumbled out. "S'up, kid?" Inoue-sensei asked, her voice going from sleepy to fully awake in the middle of a word.

"I brought you some soup," Hazō said, holding out the steaming mug.

Inoue-sensei laughed and then winced, clutching her abdomen and hissing in pain. "Man," she said, forcing a casual tone, "if I'd known it would get me breakfast in bed three meals a day, I would have gotten stabbed in the gut ages ago." She dragged herself a tiny bit more upright on the pillows so she could take the soup and slurp from it cautiously.

Hazō watched for a moment. "Um...I was wondering about Yuno," he said carefully. "I'm worried how she'll take it if we tell her that Noburi never intended to marry her. Could you use Truth Lost in the Fog on her?"

Inoue-sensei froze, then went back to sipping carefully at the soup. After a moment she sighed.

"The price for that is getting higher all the time," she half-said, half-muttered. She licked her lips uncomfortably. "Hazō," she said. "I...really can't. Before, I didn't have much to lose but now I do. All of you are...precious to me." The last words came out in a rush and she blushed furiously.

Hazō grinned fit to split his face. "Awww, Sensei, that's so sweet!"

Inoue-sensei growled and tried to swat him, but it was half-hearted at best. "Don't let it go to your head," she said. "Anyway, no. Given how things are, I'm not sure I'll ever be comfortable using Truth Lost in the Fog again. We'll just have to find another way."

She grinned at him, white teeth flashing in the dim interior of the mouse hole. "Let's make it an assignment. By dinner time, get me a list of options for dealing with Yuno."
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In other news, today is Jan 8, if my numbers are right. So, uh, happy new year, among other things. Not that locals are likely to celebrate.

Fake edit: welp. Back to the drawing board. Can't say I'm upset tho :3
Edited Plan:

[X] Action Plan: Ripping Off The Plaster


0) Survive.
1) End the marriage plotline one way or another.
2) Leave Crazy-Town.
3) Rebuild our strength.


1) NOT Using Truth Lost in the Fog, have Noburi explain the truth of the marriage and the events surrounding it to Yuno. Tell her that since we like and respect her and want her to have a happy life (something that will never happen in Hidden Mountain), we want to stay her friends, and offer her the following options:
A: She joins the party.
B: We drop her off at a town of her choice (within reason).
If Yuno chooses A, have Mari thouroughly vet her as well as she can without Truth Lost in the Fog.
If Yuno chooses B, we explain the outside world's geopolitics, then let her decide where to go.
If Yuno refuses our offers, Noburi drains her chakra into unconsciousness while Mari uses genjutsu to stop her from fighting back. We make sure to leave before she wakes up.

2) With or without Yuno, we henge into ourselves and leave immediately, citing divine commandment.

3) We fall back to our secure fortress next to the civillian town.

4) Noburi and Mari recover. Keiko and Pandaa do their culturl exchange. Hazou prepares to research PMYF (or if a resarch plan to do so wins, Hazou begins researching PMYF).


1) Restock our explosives.
2) Restock our traps.
3) Avoid suddenly-not-an-idiot-elder like the plague.
4) Interact with as few villagers as we can.
5) Keep a close eye on Yuno until we know she's safe.
6) If Kannagi tries to pull something with the marriage, have Pandaa publically tell him just how thin the ice he's skating on is.
Options for dealing with the Yuno situation.
  • Just leaving without even taking Yuno or involving ourselves with her.
  • Officially break up with Yuno.
  • Get the marriage done and over with
    • Take Yuno with us on our adventures as a battle couple.
    • Leave her behind to manage household while Noburi goes adventuring.
  • Extend the courtship by having her come with us out of the village.
    • See if she would be compatible with our lifestyle beyond the village.
  • Improve her standing within the village so that she can have her own choice by giving her a chance at becoming a summoner.
She grinned at him, white teeth flashing in the dim interior of the mouse hole. "Let's make it an assignment. By dinner time, get me a list of options for dealing with Yuno."

A list? Oh boy! Also, she specifically assigned us to find options, not to decide for ourselves what to do, so we should make this plan a short-term one.

...Typo in bold, by the way, Eaglejarl. And thanks for giving us this now rather than with the update.
Options for dealing with the Yuno situation.
  • Just leaving without even taking Yuno or involving ourselves with her.
  • Officially break up with Yuno.
  • Get the marriage done and over with
    • Take Yuno with us on our adventures as a battle couple.
    • Leave her behind to manage household while Noburi goes adventuring.
  • Extend the courtship by having her come with us out of the village.
    • See if she would be compatible with our lifestyle beyond the village.
  • Improve her standing within the village so that she can have her own choice by giving her a chance at becoming a summoner.
Kill her, burn the corpse, dissolve the ashes in acid, dump the solution over the country side. Hope that it was sufficient.
...Typo in bold, by the way, Eaglejarl. And thanks for giving us this now rather than with the update.

Not seeing it...?

Also, you're welcome. I didn't want to have to write another "chuck the plan because it doesn't work" update.

Also: Remember people, any plan that boils to do "sit in a circle and talk to the other party members" is going to have an extremely low XP award. That doesn't mean you can't do it, but be aware.
Given how volatile the situation is, I suggest we limit the time frame of next plan to one day.

It's 7 AM and Keiko is back from Away. I assume she's no more keen on splitting the party than we are, so she will be making her way back to our cave asap, with Kagome in tow. We are waiting for them here.

[X] Action Plan: Plan All the Plans

  1. While we wait, Hazou is making tags, Akane is making traps (if they are capable)
    • Retrap the corridor leading to cave proper with fresh tags, same way it was done before, so teammates know the safe way. Mark the begining of kill zone. They can shout for us if there's doubt.
  2. Once Keiko and Kagome return, congratulate Keiko on completing the trial and getting the Summoning Contract (bacause of course she did, not that the giant scroll isn't enough of a hint)
    • Get Noburi to heal her
    • Get her story
  3. Kagome and Akane work on the basic perimeter
    • Give Kagome the tags we made
    • Check what supplies Keiko still has after everything
  4. Discuss our next actions w/team. Get opinions/feedback on:
    • Leaving:
      1. Do we try to leave tonight using the upheaval (henged into health) or do we wait for injured to recover naturally, letting things settle down or possibly escalate futher?
      2. Do we want to try to secure the option to return, or do we leave and never look/come back?
    • Do we try to meet with Takahashi? (for sitrep, advice on leaving, advice in general, Keiko wants to, other)
      1. If yes, how? Who goes (beyond Mari and Keiko)? Can we expect him to come to us?
      2. Actually, do we expect any elders to drop by? Do they expect us to visit? Do we want to go?
    • Do we plan to keep the village a secret? Do we offer to arrange a meeting with Jiraiya?
    • Where do we go from here (once we leave)
      1. To our first fort, unless someone objects? We could use some time away from excitement. Research calls.
    • About that marriage/Yuno. Our options:
      1. We are leaving, Because Summons Say So. This should make marriage a lot less appealing to Kannagi, since even if it happens we just take Yuno and leave. He might break it off? Or we break things off ourselves, officially. Because Summons Quest.
      2. We claim we require an extended engagement. We respect their traditions, they should respect ours. Esp. in the light of Keiko's newly-gained authority.
        • Have Yuno come with us as part of courtship. See if she would be compatible with our lifestyle beyond the village.
      3. Or actually marry?
        • Take Yuno with us on our adventures.
        • Leave her behind to manage household while Noburi goes adventuring (is probably not an option, given what we've seen from Yuno so far. Nobby's reaction should be fun tho)
      4. Have Noburi explain the truth of the marriage and the events surrounding it to Yuno. Tell her we can't stay, but since we like her and want her to be happy, we can offer the following:
        • She joins the party as a friend
        • We drop her off at a town of her choice (withing reason). If Yuno chooses B, we explain the outside world's geopolitics, then let her decide where to go.
  5. If Keiko is willing, meet her summon.
  6. Security:
    • We stay together.
    • We eat our own food, drink our own water. Stores should be adequate.
    • When we're not having a team meeting, keep a watch (two people)
    • Hazou makes tags

There, a framework. A lot of catching up, basically. Tell me what's missing?

Formating is a bitch. Italics for OOC commentary. For all that this won't earn much XP it does let us catch up on news and set up basic safeties. Given Mari's state I don't think we're running tonight. Maybe when all but her are recovered and she feels a bit better.

For one day, the above should be enough.
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