Note that Tower recognition of adoption is not only about tax purposes. Clan secrets are only clan secrets if you keep them within the clan; if you share them with people who are not officially part of your clan then they no longer get official protection. Likewise, clan ninja get preferential rights under the law -- their Clan Head must be notified, kept in the loop about the investigation (however in-depth that might or might not be), and be given the option to be present during interrogations and at sentencing for crimes more serious than administrative discipline. If the Hokage orders a specific ninja off on a mission for the Tower, the Clan Head must be notified. There's more but it's all in that vein.
The people who live on your estate but aren't Gōketsu on paper do not have these legal protections. They can be yanked away at any time by order of the Hokage, they can be interrogated without your knowledge, consent, or presence, and so on.
Tch. Damn, there goes that plan. In that case, my plan needs to be rewritten (well, moreso than just now having information on the head of the Daisho).
@eaglejarl, I'm sorry for not being able to give you this one.
The Daisho Clan have kept themselves politically relevant by having a sealmaster in every generation—until this one. With the rise of the KEI, their hopes of adopting a non-clan sealmaster any time soon have plummeted, but they still want their adoption slots on that million-to-one chance. Preferential seal trade terms, however, are the next best thing, and may be an option for persuading them.
Male, 50-ish, bald as an egg, lost his left eye in the field, a little fonder of sake than he should be but not a drunk, likes dog fights, bets on civilian cage matches because their lack of training reinforces his view of civilians as valuable herd animals in need of protection but not much in the way of respect. An excellent and highly respected poet with several published books in various poetic forms, three beautiful daughters ages 9 (Yui), 12 (Ichika), and 16 (Yuka). Yui is in the Academy, Ichika and Yuka both graduated with high marks. His wife, Saito, is missing both legs at the knee but still cheerful and charming. They've been married for over thirty years and no one has ever heard them fight. In fact, they are annoyingly sweet with each other -- it's like they never got past the NRE stage.
Kay, let's construct a profile for this baby boomer (trace his birthdate to twenty years after the formation of the village, when Konoha had enjoyed a period of peace and I think "baby boomer" is entirely accurate

Understand that this is a little bit of reading tea leaves, but has some degree of correlation, and because I am sadly not Evenstar who could construct an image using her models, I'll have to settle for using mine.
The thing that jumps out to me is the emphasis on fights: the Daisho Head likes watching bloodsports. Dog fighting and civilian cage matches are probably morally equivocal in his eyes, and he likes them both. To me, this suggests that on the achievement-relational axis of cultural values, that he lies more on the achievement end, because of the aggression and competitiveness involved in bloodsports. (though I will note that evidence for the achievement-relational axis is thin on the ground).
That predicts that the Daisho Head (because we
still don't have a name, dammit) would value gender role conformity (note: this was the thing that was questionable IIRC), assertiveness, aggression, amibition, and competitiveness. The prediction is that the head of the Daisho would value those qualities slightly more than relationships and quality of life, but that's probably not entirely true.
The next things that jump out at me are the two reasons he gives for liking civilian cage matches: They
reinforce the power difference between him and civilians, and
remind him of his obligation to defend. That suggests to me that he lies on the
high power difference end of the power difference continuum, and the
collectivist end of the individualist-collectivist spectrum.
The key predictions for high power distance are that he'd value accepting social positions as a fact of life, accept coercion as normal, and would probably feel uncomfortable challenging authority. The key predictions for collectivist cultures is that he'd value group goals, obligations, and group loyalty. (that's gonna be
real fun for us lol).
The other axes are kind of shooting in the dark, even by the standards of this analysis; poetry could be a hobby that he takes pride in, but whether that means he's operates at a high-context level or low-context level is hard to tell. We have no idea what his time orientation is (what does he think is a polite time to show up to a function), and we have very little idea about where he falls on the "humans have infinite potential" to "humans are born with inherent qualities and that's it".
Here's a shitty plan.
[X] Action Plan: Sealing Contracts
Word Count: 243
Run ideas through the clan first.
- Negotiate with the Daisho:
- We offer:
- Preferential seal trade terms, including:
- Discounted seals.
- Agreement to only sell certain seals to the Daisho.
- Commissioned seals.
- Teaching clanless ninja Sealing and steering them their way for adoption.
- We want:
- Adoption slot(s).
- Other:
- Seals.
- Technique scrolls.
- IFF we get a Daisho adoption slot, adopt Haru and his family.
- Invite him over, tell him how we operate/the rules. If he accepts, get paperwork filled out and submitted.
- Teach Haru the Pangolin Training Technique. Inform him of the Pangolin agreement.
- Skysliders:
- Begin regularly checking in on the craftsmen and getting progress reports.
- Contribute any ideas or inspiration you think might help (such as your insights on updrafts from way back in Mist)
- Test their prototypes at safe low altitudes.
- Raise morale:
- An inspiring speech never hurt.
- Set up a prize for getting a functional prototype design: a sizeable sum of money or a personal favour from us.
- Misc.:
- If we have more decoded spy notes, bring them to Asuma.
- Spend some time with Yuno, keeping in mind her cultural traditions. Sparring, chatting...anything that helps her feel included.
- Have Noburi talk to Haru's father about restarting his business.
- Spread the word about our storage seal bank to merchants and farmers; they can hold seasonal produce and sell it out of season for better prices.
- Looking back, Aya acted OOC from our expectations. What's up with that?
- Perform Ami-style training daily.
Honestly, I'm stealing your adoption slot since Velorien shot down
eaglejarl's my idea, but I strongly think that you should decide which scenes you want in the plan, since by my count you have anywhere from three to five.
[X] Action plan: melting snow
- Meeting with Daisho
- review everything with Mari
- Metaphor for meeting: Melting Snow
- Hazō represents a new wave that threatens to wash away current structures
- Daisho is a diminished lake that needs to be field
- Daisho is your superior who can help channel Hazō's ideas
- purpose of meeting purchasing adoption slot and securing long term alliance
- We would be willing to trade
- Preferential seal trade terms, including:
- Discounted seals.
- Agreement to only sell certain seals to the Daisho.
- Commissioned seals.
- Teaching clanless ninja Sealing and steering them their way for adoption.
- Collaboration in future projects
- Highlight similarities between Hazō and Daisho
- Kurosawa also had a seal master every generation
- Daisho and his wife marriage compares to Hazo's parents
- Have a nice bottle of Sake. Hazō will only have one cup because a seal master must understand his limits
- Meet with Asuma
- Discuss what leads he had found about summon scrolls
- Can we use any of Jiraiya's contacts to help on this mission
- Would Asuma recommend working with various Yakuza groups to find information?
- Haru and Noda
- Invite them both to live with us officially
This isn't a bad approach and I'm probably going to take some of it, although the trick is not accidentally reminding him of us being missing-nin.
[X] Action Plan: The Contracts Are Sealed
Wordcount: 345
Run ideas by the clan.
- Daisho
- Goals
- Interact with the Daisho Head for mutual understanding.
- Begin negotiations for adoption slots.
- Expected timeframe for deal: 5 - 9 days.
- Our offers:
- Preferential seal pricing.
- Exclusive seals (i.e seals sold only between Goketsu and Daisho)
- Seal commissions
- Sealmaster training
- Our requests:
- Needs
- Adoption slot for at least one ninja
- Formally binding contract.
- Wants
- Business cooperation.
- Seal designs/notes
- Jutsus.
- Execution
- First visit: Bring sake, and a letter requesting to discuss artistry.
- Goals:
- Reference collaboration and sealing abstractly.
- Build rapport, and reinforce Goketsu as authorities and not ex-missingnin.
- Topics:
- His poetry, and our desire to learn
- Our propensity for ink drawings, something we hear he's interested in.
- Value of respective families.
- Second visit: Negotiate the deal, at first obliquely or directly.
- Skysliders:
- Begin regularly checking in on the craftsmen and getting progress reports.
- Contribute any ideas or inspiration you think might help (such as your insights on updrafts from way back in Mist)
- Encourage documenting what worked and what didn't, and why they think that.
- Test their prototypes at safe low altitudes.
- Raise morale:
- An inspiring speech never hurt.
- Reward good work.
- Set up a prize for getting a functional prototype design: a sizeable sum of money or a personal favour from us.
- Asuma
- Bring hot chocolate and a stack of decoded spy notes.
- Discuss the idea of a seal technician.
- Allow an alternate Academy track for those students who can't quite cut it as a ninja but can be trusted to operate limited amounts of chakra.
- Leverage this workforce for economic purposes.
- Chat with Asuma about intelligence leads - Summoning Scrolls and otherwise.
- Misc.
- Talk to the restaurant ownerabout a business opportunity: preservation of unseasonal produce through storage seals.
- Mention our Storage Seal bank.
- Spread the word about our Storage seal bank among farmers and merchants.
- IFF we get an adoption slot, adopt Haru and his family.
- Invite him over, tell him how we operate/the rules. If he accepts, get paperwork filled out and submitted.
- Teach Haru the Pangolin Training Technique. Inform him of the Pangolin agreement.
Edited plan, though I have to go run to errands and won't be able to edit the plan for probably another five hours or so.