Voting is open for the next 19 hours, 10 minutes
Inserted tally


Nice Grim Patron impression faf

Tag me with the plans as of Friday evening and I'll vote for one or more.

It is Friday evening (or at least it is my time, you didn't specify).

Everyone! Remember, we get extra XP for sufficient quantities of votes on this update, so please vote if you're neutral or better to a plan! Also, while sealing economy and general economy stuff is being sorted out, plan input and crafting is still a thing we should do and polish before tomorrow, right?
Adhoc vote count started by Dissonance on May 31, 2019 at 4:25 PM, finished with 415 posts and 16 votes.
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Is there a quick way to count unique?
Inserted tally

Nice Grim Patron impression faf

It is Friday evening (or at least it is my time, you didn't specify).

Everyone! Remember, we get extra XP for sufficient quantities of votes on this update, so please vote if you're neutral or better to a plan! Also, while sealing economy and general economy stuff is being sorted out, plan input and crafting is still a thing we should do and polish before tomorrow, right?

I don't see your name in the tally?
Some back of envelope calculations:

Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that Fire had a total population of about 300,000. Assuming productivity per capita somewhere around 1790s America (pop. 4 million, GDP ~4.568 billion in 2018 USD), GDP of Fire should be around 380 million in 2018 USD. Let's round down to 300 million USD; there are a number of factors, both positive and negative, differentiating Fire from our sample set but the balance should skew moderately to the negative.

Military expenditure as % of GDP was typically between 10-25% for a major military power of the era. In modern times we tend to spend less than 10% of the GDP on defense, non-US countries much less. The totally mobilized economics of WWII ranged as high as 50%, whereas the Napoleonic Wars saw around 25%. Leaf is not on a total war footing but is a major military power with numerous rival belligerents so let's go with 20% for now.

60 million dollars of military budget, aggregate personnel costs typically account for 40% of that, we'll bump it up to 60% since ninja are extremely reliant on experts with the top tier representing the majority of an entire nation's firepower. That leaves 40% of the budget (24 million) to be spent on equipment & other expenses. Ninjas don't use large warships or cannon, equipment loadouts are personal-scale and typically consist of:

Rations (incl. in personnel costs)
Clothing, shoes, etc (low- to medium-skilled labor + cheap to moderate raw materials cost)
Kunai, Shurikens, Ninja Wire (medium- to high-skilled labor + moderate to high raw materials cost)
Seals & Medical Pills (expert labor + moderate raw materials cost)
Chakra Conductive Weaponry & Possibly Armor (expert labor + high raw materials cost)

With the latter two typically reserved for the higher echelons of ninja. Chakra Steel seems to be rare enough that only Asuma possesses such weaponry, so Seals & Medical Pills are the only means, besides basic outfitting & long-term education, for wealth to be directly converted into military power. Storage seals allow combatants to carry vastly larger quantities of specialized equipment and supplies, increasing logistical reach and versatility in battle. Explosive tags provide a semi-scaling source of AoE ranged damage that does not draw upon one's chakra pool, effectively increasing one's total chakra by "X" so long as "X" is spent on offensive purposes. Skywalkers have enormous implications for reconnaissance, ambush, disengagement, logistics (esp. in traversing hostile terrain), in-combat creative use, etc. Each Seal a ninja carries can effectively be thought of as an extra Jutsu the ninja did not have to spend XP to learn or chakra to power. The effective value of such Jutsus can easily be in the thousands of XP for a fully-loaded jounin kit.

However, Sealing is extremely dangerous, an enormous time commitment, and requires a level of abstract intelligence multiple standard deviations above even the ninja mean. The supply of sealmasters is extremely low and one has to account for (and subsidize, if one wishes to stay on the cutting edge of seal technology) their time spent on R&D, training, active duty and other activities. This is somewhat but not entirely offset by the relatively low material costs of seals.

Given the assumptions laid out above (that Sealing / Medical Pills are the primary direct ways to quickly convert budget into fighting strength), I think it's safe to assume each represents a large plurality, but not a majority, of the non-personnel budget. Say 30-45% each, 60-90% in aggregate. Skywalkers having disrupted the paradigm, Seals may be worth a bit more.

If the state Sealing budget is 50% of 24 million, that gives about 12 million modern USD of budget to spend on seals per year. Assuming a jounin : chunin : genin individual pay ratio of 10 : 3 : 1, and assuming there are 3 jounin, 7 chunin, and 20 genin sealmasters, one year's output should be on the order of:

Jounin - 1.68 million modern USD / year
Chunin - 507,000 modern USD / year
Genin - 169,000 modern USD / year

Medics should see similar but moderately lower compensation.

Note that this is in the context of an economy that only generates $380 million of value each year. What does this mean?

-Mean per capita GDP is $1,000 / year; median is probably $750. Total expenses for a family of 4 should not exceed $3000 / year.
-Given a personnel budget of $36 million and a pre-BotG ninja population of 30 jounin, 240 chunin and 1200 genin, average (non-med, non-sealing) ninja compensation should be on the order of:

Jounin - 162,000 modern USD / year
Chunin - 54,000 modern USD / year
Genin - 17,000 modern USD / year

-This means that a genin can support up to 23 non-productive civilians by himself, seems about right.
-Post-BotG, median Jounin pay will go up due to constricted supply, unless Naruto takes all the missions in which case prices will go drastically down. Naruto could wage economic war on any clan by underbidding all their missions.
-For purposes of buying actual goods besides staple foods, you can use your economic intuitions as-is, since we converted to modern dollars. Their society simply doesn't make that much stuff.
-For purposes of buying labor, including bribery, assuming a ninja works 200 days per year, cost shakes out to the following: jounin $810 / day, chunin $270 / day, genin $90 / day, peasant $1-3 / day. It makes sense to hire a genin squad ($270) to clear your fields (1 family's fields = $3000 of income / year) of monsters if you only have to do so once or twice per year, but only the wealthy would be able to do so to babysit their cat. Productivity is low so labor is cheap, but experts are still expensive. A Sealmaster is able to sponsor many times his personal output's worth in shinobi labor.


There are a number of imperfections in this analysis, chief among them the reliance on a historical budget-based rather than supply/demand-curve based analysis of military expenditures. The latter was determined too difficult to work given the number of unknown variables involved; given background assumptions shown in the text, we know that demand for combat-effective seals far outstrips supply, but not the exact proportions involved. Using empirical historical percentages sidesteps all of that and consolidates some assumptions (in both cases the state has monopsony power over strategic-scale purchase of armaments, but must contend with rivals that are seeking to incentivize internal arms production, in both cases the state is primarily agrarian with specialized urban enclaves of no more than ~30,000 people, etc). The analysis does not capture seals created for private use.

As demand for seals outstrips supply and supply is mediated by the state, you will see effects similar to those exerted by command economies on high-demand objects: "breadlines," rationing, bribery and black markets to circumvent the former, and so on. If anything, the stakes are higher: treason may be death, but falling in battle is also death, and no sane organization can afford to execute its jounin over something like that, much less its jounin sealmasters. Further, any society which did tolerate such a black market would find its shinobi better equipped and thus more effective than their competitors.

Please note that GDP does not equal wealth; total wealth of Fire Country is likely to be 20x - 50x of annual GDP. Sealing is an incredibly lucrative profession as befits its enormous utility and severely constrained supply, but even jounin Sealmasters command incomes an order of magnitude less than the great lords of the realm, with the accumulated wealth of the latter being likely two orders of magnitude higher than that. A mighty clan like the Hyuuga might control 3-5% of national GDP representing 15-20 million USD / year of income (though much of this will be consumed maintaining their power and estates), with accumulated assets (95+% illiquid) of 200+ million USD, on top of their income from ninja missions.

Also, just because the average price of a Jounin's day is $810 does not mean you will be able to purchase such en masse; severely limited supply (only 10-30 jounin in the village) means extreme 'slippage' for each marginal purchase.

With that said here is my Grand Consolidated List of Prices:

Assuming 10 Ryo = $1 (2019)

Sealmaster Labor @ 200 days / year
Jounin: 16.8 million ryo / year; 84,000 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 1,400 ryo
: 5.07 million ryo / year; 25,350 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 422.5 ryo
: 1.69 million ryo / year; 8,450 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 140 ryo

Shinobi/Kunoichi Labor @ 200 days / year

Jounin: 1.62 million ryo / year; 8100 ryo / day
Chunin: 540,000 ryo / year; 2500 ryo / day
Genin: 170,000 ryo / year; 900 ryo / day

Assuming shinobi spend 150 days / year on downtime, training, mentoring, leisure, etc. Mednin should be between these two figures, as medical ninjutsu requires similar levels of talent but has a lower attrition rate than Sealing. Bribing a ninja for any (non-illegal, reasonable) task should rarely take more than 10-100,000 ryo; bribing a sealmaster would cost 100,000-1,000,000 ryo, and bribing a Great Clan 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 ryo. Illegal tasks probably command a 3x to 5x premium.

Common Labor @ 250 days / year
Skilled Craftsperson: 100,000 ryo / year; 400 ryo / day
Craftsperson: 30,000 ryo / year; 120 ryo / day
Pleb: 7,500 ryo / year; 30 ryo / day

350 days / year might be more realistic for plebs.

Any Crafted Object Within Tech Level

Price in 2019 USD x 10 = Price in Ryo

Low Quality Kunai = 10 USD = 100 ryo
High Quality Kunai = 50 USD = 500 ryo
High Quality Sword = 1500 USD = 15,000 ryo

Staple Foods: Price in 2019 USD x 2 = Price in Ryo
Other Foods: Price in 2019 USD x 10 = Price in Ryo
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Hey, I'm a mercenary. I pledge that, for the next update, I will give bonus XP of floor(unique voters /10)-1

If I wanted to be REALLY mercenary I'd make it a Patreon reward, but I'm not quite that far gone to the dark side. :>

Hey, that's really neat. I hope we have a good turnout this time.

In the aftermath of "we're just a small quest with a particularly dedicated community," I decided to go through the threadmarks and put together an MfD word count table, quantifying for the first time the amount of text this here thing contains.

Various notes:

  • The data are entirely unreliable. The per-update word counts were derived from the SV threadmark manager, which is dubious, the numbers have not been fully double-checked, there's various weirdness like some threadmarks being out of chronological order so I had to figure them out manually (especially but not exclusively that month of the Chūnin Exam Tournament), and just generally trust nothing.
  • The longest updates on record are 10,000 words, and there are several of them.
  • The shortest update is hard to calculate because at low levels it's hard to draw the line between an update and an in-character infopost. The absolute shortest canon story post is 59 words (Chapter 2b), but that's major Early Instalment Weirdness. I'd arbitrarily go with Chapter 156.3., at 660 words.
  • The two shortest months were December 2017 and January 2018, during the Great Rules Rewrite. January 2018 featured one canon update, weighing 2,500 words, with everything else dumped into the "non-canon" grab bag.
  • The smallest representative month is June 2018, during the fist stage of the Chūnin Exam, at 13,400 words.
  • The biggest month is May 2019 at 54,900 words. Honourable mention goes to October 2018, the inter-stage training period of the Chūnin Exam, with 50, 600. Contrast with the previous point.
  • The average (mean) month falls around 30,000 words.
  • If anyone wants to come up with any other interesting stats, feel free. The data are all there.
Now for the showing off.

MfD started in December 2015. According to this useful site, it overtook Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Sorcerer's Stone for Americans) in word count in April 2017, and the entire Lord of the Rings series (including The Hobbit) the following July. Also War and Peace and the full Chronicles of Narnia. Apparently those are all within around 20,000 words of each other. Who knew. Having finally beaten the full Harry Potter series this January, our natural next objective is to catch up with A Song of Ice and Fire, which should only take two more years at our current pace. Of course, having recognised a worthy rival, G. R. R. Martin is sure to publish another novel purely to stymie our efforts.

Now we just need the writing skills to go with the output, and we'll be set for life.

Did you know we've also had 92 unique voters in the last 50 chapters alone? They include:

faflec, Deathbybunnies, Aodyssey, MrCogmor, Esryok, MMKII, Halberdier, Pharos, Immortal Lurker, BG-Scout, Shadowwarp, LeMat, Damian45, ting, Mafferfew, AlphaDelta, Lord Marshal, TalonofAnathrax, nevereatcars, JulieK, Enjou, Sentient Tree, Tua, Rafin, fiirofa, ContextBot, Asquil, TaliesinSkye, TarzanNn, Inferno Vulpix, Kiba, huhYeahGoodPoint, firestorm440, Noumero, Vecht, Raichu1972, Insertion, 18scsc, Twinnstars, QTesseract, Torpling, Oneiros, MadScientist, Solonarv, Cariyaga, Dissonance, traverseda, Paperclipped, Adad64, Shard, PurposefulZephyr, Roomba, Traiden, Jello_Raptor, Dictator4Hire, Orisha91, Anderkent, elpachosan, Sampatrick, Evenstar, The king Chad, ChairAgainstWall, Langevin, Anderein, Mizu, jy3, Citrus, W.D Gaster, 1234qwerty, Megacookie, Fresh C, Malevolo, Waffle, Radvic, KaGoGoGadgetMe, Briefvoice, charlesrwest, Lailoken, Walter, eaglejarl, Ishtar, Icehawk78, Roadie, will408914, Kurkistan, Kalkin, Korporati, dakem, Raxner, anonym009, Rhodes, ashinator, and Gamerlord

That's quite a lot of people.

Alright, time for another attempt.

@eaglejarl, you previously promised that if we don't want it to, no update for this IC week will involve a timeskip longer than two hours. Does this still hold? If yes, I vote we spend some time on mid-term plans:

[x] Action Plan: "More Like a Cobweb, Really"
Timeline: Immediately after Chapter 267.
Wordcount: 277

  • Get Mari, Kagome, papers, a blackboard, writing implements. Go into a high-security room (anti-hyuuga seals...).
    • Brainstorm:
      • The Nara have a habit: spending five minutes each day contemplating how an enemy might be planning to destroy them.
      • Given thirty by-the-clock minutes, can we find any overlooked but fixable vulnerabilities in our clan?
      • Write ideas on the blackboard. Idea #1: People disguised as us poisoning our relations with merchants.
        • Or infiltrating our compound. Surely there's no way to disguise oneself that well? Although Fourth Event suggests otherwise...
        • Could one of us disguise self as, say, Hyuuga, and cause chaos?
      • Take extensive notes. Transcribe (concisely) the meeting and your stream-of-consciousness. Analyse how you think about things. Be thorough.
    • Get Noburi, if he's available. Share the BotG briefing.
      • What's Kagome's impression? Discuss:
        • Pain's goal and nature.
        • "The Five".
        • Fate of the lost bijuu.
        • Contents and authorship of the Akatsuki book.
      • Akatsuki:
        • They're loose, "pursuing peace the hard way". How insane would it be to contact them? If they're genuine about peace, you have suggestions...
        • We're at their mercy anyway. If we do nothing, they may decide to be direct: take over the EN.
        • Could we somehow assemble their psychological profiles? We'd need tailored approaches.
    • Update Mari on Ami. Should you:
      • Sell her valuable information for favours?
      • Spend a favour to:
        • Enlist help with the elections. "Maximize our personal influence on Leaf politics"?
          • She's alarmingly competent. We need to ensure her chaos doesn't hurt us.
        • "Maximize my social competence." (Or would Mari do it better?)
    • Who are remaining Leaf jounin? Could we adopt the clanless ones (Anko, Ebisu, Kabuto, Minori, Kurenai...)?
  • Commit one instance of creative training.

Seems like a safe enough plan with few failure modes considering we're just talking to our clan-mates inside of our clan compound. Good enough to earn my vote.

[x] Action Plan: "More Like a Cobweb, Really"
Hey, that's really neat. I hope we have a good turnout this time.

Did you know we've also had 92 unique voters in the last 50 chapters alone? They include:

faflec, Deathbybunnies, Aodyssey, MrCogmor, Esryok, MMKII, Halberdier, Pharos, Immortal Lurker, BG-Scout, Shadowwarp, LeMat, Damian45, ting, Mafferfew, AlphaDelta, Lord Marshal, TalonofAnathrax, nevereatcars, JulieK, Enjou, Sentient Tree, Tua, Rafin, fiirofa, ContextBot, Asquil, TaliesinSkye, TarzanNn, Inferno Vulpix, Kiba, huhYeahGoodPoint, firestorm440, Noumero, Vecht, Raichu1972, Insertion, 18scsc, Twinnstars, QTesseract, Torpling, Oneiros, MadScientist, Solonarv, Cariyaga, Dissonance, traverseda, Paperclipped, Adad64, Shard, PurposefulZephyr, Roomba, Traiden, Jello_Raptor, Dictator4Hire, Orisha91, Anderkent, elpachosan, Sampatrick, Evenstar, The king Chad, ChairAgainstWall, Langevin, Anderein, Mizu, jy3, Citrus, W.D Gaster, 1234qwerty, Megacookie, Fresh C, Malevolo, Waffle, Radvic, KaGoGoGadgetMe, Briefvoice, charlesrwest, Lailoken, Walter, eaglejarl, Ishtar, Icehawk78, Roadie, will408914, Kurkistan, Kalkin, Korporati, dakem, Raxner, anonym009, Rhodes, ashinator, and Gamerlord

That's quite a lot of people.

Seems like a safe enough plan with few failure modes considering we're just talking to our clan-mates inside of our clan compound. Good enough to earn my vote.

[x] Action Plan: "More Like a Cobweb, Really"
Apparently this counts as tagging me for alerts, oddly.
Some back of envelope calculations:

Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that Fire had a total population of about 300,000. Assuming productivity per capita somewhere around 1790s America (pop. 4 million, GDP ~4.568 billion in 2018 USD), GDP of Fire should be around 380 million in 2018 USD. Let's round down to 300 million USD; there are a number of factors, both positive and negative, differentiating Fire from our sample set but the balance should skew moderately to the negative.

Military expenditure as % of GDP was typically between 10-25% for a major military power of the era. In modern times we tend to spend less than 10% of the GDP on defense, non-US countries much less. The totally mobilized economics of WWII ranged as high as 50%, whereas the Napoleonic Wars saw around 25%. Leaf is not on a total war footing but is a major military power with numerous rival belligerents so let's go with 20% for now.

60 million dollars of military budget, aggregate personnel costs typically account for 40% of that, we'll bump it up to 60% since ninja are extremely reliant on experts with the top tier representing the majority of an entire nation's firepower. That leaves 40% of the budget (24 million) to be spent on equipment & other expenses. Ninjas don't use large warships or cannon, equipment loadouts are personal-scale and typically consist of:

Rations (incl. in personnel costs)
Clothing, shoes, etc (low- to medium-skilled labor + cheap to moderate raw materials cost)
Kunai, Shurikens, Ninja Wire (medium- to high-skilled labor + moderate to high raw materials cost)
Seals & Medical Pills (expert labor + moderate raw materials cost)
Chakra Conductive Weaponry & Possibly Armor (expert labor + high raw materials cost)

With the latter two typically reserved for the higher echelons of ninja. Chakra Steel seems to be rare enough that only Asuma possesses such weaponry, so Seals & Medical Pills are the only means, besides basic outfitting & long-term education, for wealth to be directly converted into military power. Storage seals allow combatants to carry vastly larger quantities of specialized equipment and supplies, increasing logistical reach and versatility in battle. Explosive tags provide a semi-scaling source of AoE ranged damage that does not draw upon one's chakra pool, effectively increasing one's total chakra by "X" so long as "X" is spent on offensive purposes. Skywalkers have enormous implications for reconnaissance, ambush, disengagement, logistics (esp. in traversing hostile terrain), in-combat creative use, etc. Each Seal a ninja carries can effectively be thought of as an extra Jutsu the ninja did not have to spend XP to learn or chakra to power. The effective value of such Jutsus can easily be in the thousands of XP for a fully-loaded jounin kit.

However, Sealing is extremely dangerous, an enormous time commitment, and requires a level of abstract intelligence multiple standard deviations above even the ninja mean. The supply of sealmasters is extremely low and one has to account for (and subsidize, if one wishes to stay on the cutting edge of seal technology) their time spent on R&D, training, active duty and other activities. This is somewhat but not entirely offset by the relatively low material costs of seals.

Given the assumptions laid out above (that Sealing / Medical Pills are the primary direct ways to quickly convert budget into fighting strength), I think it's safe to assume each represents a large plurality, but not a majority, of the non-personnel budget. Say 30-45% each, 60-90% in aggregate. Skywalkers having disrupted the paradigm, Seals may be worth a bit more.

If the state Sealing budget is 50% of 24 million, that gives about 12 million modern USD of budget to spend on seals per year. Assuming a jounin : chunin : genin individual pay ratio of 10 : 3 : 1, and assuming there are 3 jounin, 7 chunin, and 20 genin sealmasters, one year's output should be on the order of:

Jounin - 1.68 million modern USD / year
Chunin - 507,000 modern USD / year
Genin - 169,000 modern USD / year

Medics should see similar but moderately lower compensation.

Note that this is in the context of an economy that only generates $380 million of value each year. What does this mean?

-Mean per capita GDP is $1,000 / year; median is probably $750. Total expenses for a family of 4 should not exceed $3000 / year.
-Given a personnel budget of $36 million and a pre-BotG ninja population of 30 jounin, 240 chunin and 1200 genin, average (non-med, non-sealing) ninja compensation should be on the order of:

Jounin - 162,000 modern USD / year
Chunin - 54,000 modern USD / year
Genin - 17,000 modern USD / year

-This means that a genin can support up to 23 non-productive civilians by himself, seems about right.
-Post-BotG, median Jounin pay will go up due to constricted supply, unless Naruto takes all the missions in which case prices will go drastically down. Naruto could wage economic war on any clan by underbidding all their missions.
-For purposes of buying actual goods besides staple foods, you can use your economic intuitions as-is, since we converted to modern dollars. Their society simply doesn't make that much stuff.
-For purposes of buying labor, including bribery, assuming a ninja works 200 days per year, cost shakes out to the following: jounin $810 / day, chunin $270 / day, genin $90 / day, peasant $1-3 / day. It makes sense to hire a genin squad ($270) to clear your fields (1 family's fields = $3000 of income / year) of monsters if you only have to do so once or twice per year, but only the wealthy would be able to do so to babysit their cat. Productivity is low so labor is cheap, but experts are still expensive. A Sealmaster is able to sponsor many times his personal output's worth in shinobi labor.


There are a number of imperfections in this analysis, chief among them the reliance on a historical budget-based rather than supply/demand-curve based analysis of military expenditures. The latter was determined too difficult to work given the number of unknown variables involved; given background assumptions shown in the text, we know that demand for combat-effective seals far outstrips supply, but not the exact proportions involved. Using empirical historical percentages sidesteps all of that and consolidates some assumptions (in both cases the state has monopsony power over strategic-scale purchase of armaments, but must contend with rivals that are seeking to incentivize internal arms production, in both cases the state is primarily agrarian with specialized urban enclaves of no more than ~30,000 people, etc). The analysis does not capture seals created for private use.

As demand for seals outstrips supply and supply is mediated by the state, you will see effects similar to those exerted by command economies on high-demand objects: "breadlines," rationing, bribery and black markets to circumvent the former, and so on. If anything, the stakes are higher: treason may be death, but falling in battle is also death, and no sane organization can afford to execute its jounin over something like that, much less its jounin sealmasters. Further, any society which did tolerate such a black market would find its shinobi better equipped and thus more effective than their competitors.

Please note that GDP does not equal wealth; total wealth of Fire Country is likely to be 20x - 50x of annual GDP. Sealing is an incredibly lucrative profession as befits its enormous utility and severely constrained supply, but even jounin Sealmasters command incomes an order of magnitude less than the great lords of the realm, with the accumulated wealth of the latter being likely two orders of magnitude higher than that. A mighty clan like the Hyuuga might control 3-5% of national GDP representing 15-20 million USD / year of income (though much of this will be consumed maintaining their power and estates), with accumulated assets (95+% illiquid) of 200+ million USD, on top of their income from ninja missions.

Also, just because the average price of a Jounin's day is $810 does not mean you will be able to purchase such en masse; severely limited supply (only 10-30 jounin in the village) means extreme 'slippage' for each marginal purchase.

With that said here is my Grand Consolidated List of Prices:

Assuming 10 Ryo = $1 (2019)

Sealmaster Labor @ 200 days / year
Jounin: 16.8 million ryo / year; 84,000 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 1,400 ryo
: 5.07 million ryo / year; 25,350 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 422.5 ryo
: 1.69 million ryo / year; 8,450 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 140 ryo

Shinobi/Kunoichi Labor @ 200 days / year

Jounin: 1.62 million ryo / year; 8100 ryo / day
Chunin: 540,000 ryo / year; 2500 ryo / day
Genin: 170,000 ryo / year; 900 ryo / day

Assuming shinobi spend 150 days / year on downtime, training, mentoring, leisure, etc. Mednin should be between these two figures, as medical ninjutsu requires similar levels of talent but has a lower attrition rate than Sealing. Bribing a ninja for any (non-illegal, reasonable) task should rarely take more than 10-100,000 ryo; bribing a sealmaster would cost 100,000-1,000,000 ryo, and bribing a Great Clan 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 ryo. Illegal tasks probably command a 3x to 5x premium.

Common Labor @ 250 days / year
Skilled Craftsperson: 100,000 ryo / year; 400 ryo / day
Craftsperson: 30,000 ryo / year; 120 ryo / day
Pleb: 7,500 ryo / year; 30 ryo / day

350 days / year might be more realistic for plebs.

Any Crafted Object Within Tech Level

Price in 2019 USD x 10 = Price in Ryo

Low Quality Kunai = 10 USD = 100 ryo
High Quality Kunai = 50 USD = 500 ryo
High Quality Sword = 1500 USD = 15,000 ryo

Staple Foods: Price in 2019 USD x 2 = Price in Ryo
Other Foods: Price in 2019 USD x 10 = Price in Ryo
Very impressive work. I won't offer detailed feedback as I am on the verge of falling asleep, but I note that the MfD tech level, before factoring in ninja, is based on 12th century Japan, putting it a long way from early industrial era. Also mostly no soldier pills (they've been alluded to, but are not in general use).
Very impressive work. I won't offer detailed feedback as I am on the verge of falling asleep, but I note that the MfD tech level, before factoring in ninja, is based on 12th century Japan, putting it a long way from early industrial era. Also mostly no soldier pills (they've been alluded to, but are not in general use).

Yup, 1790 US real GDP per capita is actually lower than 1280 Song Dynasty China (the closest in-time correlate to Kamakura Era Japan that I have good data for), and only twice that of Han Dynasty China or Rome.

1790 US - $1000 GDP per capita
1280 Song Dynasty - $2220 GDP per capita
200 Han Dynasty - $480 GDP per capita

Industrialization would eventually 10x - 100x those numbers, but 1790s US was still 98%+ agrarian.

If Sealmasters have no competition from mednin in producing combat-effective equipment, their percentage of the equipment budget would likely increase to ~80%, given this would still not be enough to fulfill demand, the society would capture all spare wealth within the sector and convert it into higher sealcraft production. You might see Sealmasters work more days per year or longer periods per day but with a 60% pay raise compared to the numbers in my chart.

I can see GDP per capita being anywhere from .6 to 2x my median prediction, but it's an easy fix for the chart, just multiply all the labor costs by the adjusting factor.
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@Rihaku How would real estate work , do you think? Staring at 21st century equivalent and using the "X$ is 10X EN Ryo" rule of thumb seems like it might fail us hard in that edgecase (though I don't really know).
Jounin: 16.8 million ryo / year; 84,000 ryo / day; 1 seal @ 60 seals / day = 1,400 ryo

If I am right, Kagome alone can produce 2,520,000 ryo every month at 30 days, which is 63% of our mortgage + construction cost.
@Rihaku How would real estate work , do you think? Staring at 21st century equivalent and using the "X$ is 10X EN Ryo" rule of thumb seems like it might fail us hard in that edgecase (though I don't really know).

Arable land is worth a multiplier of its annual output less the cost of working the land (10x - 100x depending on the risk premium of the society in question). Urban land is worth what the rich will pay for it, or a multiplier of its annual rents adjusted for expected appreciation. For reference, in London in the 1400s a merchant's home within the city would cost about about USD $1500-2000 per year (15,000 - 20,000 ryo).
Arable land is worth a multiplier of its annual output less the cost of working the land (10x - 100x depending on the risk premium of the society in question). Urban land is worth what the rich will pay for it, or a multiplier of its annual rents adjusted for expected appreciation. For reference, in London in the 1400s a merchant's home within the city would cost about about USD $1500-2000 per year (15,000 - 20,000 ryo).

We live in Leaf, the most populated city in the EN, at 30,000 people, and bought a dilapidated(Snek Uncle's biohorror research laboratory) compound that could house future 100-200 clan members provided that it's renovated.
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