This ninja'd in while I was typing the previous one. Thanks for the nudge, we'll cover it as soon as possible.

If you have requests for the five elite pangolins we can factor it in. Otherwise my first thought would be to make them straight fighters -- you've already got a tactician and squad leader (Pankurashun), an engineer (Paneru), and a scout / spec ops expert (Panashe). Kagome has crypto covered so military force is the prime remaining need. That might include physical force and/or ninjutsu users.


Panzar - defense oriented melee tank

Panoptika - high alertness combatant.

Panrakka - grappling specialist.

Pandapo - soft style martial arts to

Panopony - weapons and ranged

Panzar - defense oriented melee tank

Panoptika - high alertness combatant.

Panrakka - grappling specialist.

Pandapo - soft style martial arts to

Panopony - weapons and ranged
Argument: That's waaaay too many close-quarters combat types. Panzar, Panoptika (?), Panrakka, Pandapo...that's 4 out of 5. It's worse when you realize that of Team Uplift, most of us are CQC types as well. Hazou, Akane, Noburi, Mari-sensei...

I agree with Panzar and maybe Panoptika (I'm not 100% on what this Pangolin is supposed to do) but the other 3 should be focused on ninjutsu.

Edit: On hindsight, Panzar may still not be a good choice unless he can make lots of bodyguard-clones, or has strong AOE defensive jutsu.
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Don't we have Tunneler's Friend and Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier seals? What's stopping us from putting them on, prepping our jutsu, then Kagome Manuever'ing their asses?

Nothing, and I think that's a perfectly valid plan of action. My point was that naively locking ourselves into a box in an attempt to avoid certain types of attacks is relatively easy to exploit. Poison gas is also just an example, neither of these seals work against mist drain afaik.

No it doesn't. There's other details in the discussion a few pages back, including an entrance/exit hole that's covered with an airdome when not in use. Although I'll note that we could totally explode out a wall to make another exit and it wouldn't inconvenience us except for costing one person their attack action for that round.

E: and no that wouldn't bring down the fort on us, because the other walls still have 5SB, and the explosion would carry the rubble outwards so it doesn't land on us.

E2: and no the explosion wouldn't hurt us, we have directed charges.

So, box with a lid? That sounds a lot more reasonable. We definitely need multiple people on watch in order to properly manage the air dome door. Or do we just keep it open until we need it?
Nothing, and I think that's a perfectly valid plan of action. My point was that naively locking ourselves into a box in an attempt to avoid certain types of attacks is relatively easy to exploit. Poison gas is also just an example, neither of these seals work against mist drain afaik.
Elemental Mastery works, since mist drain relies on mist, and the mist is considered to be "natural" mist (and as such is affected by temperature changes).
Nothing, and I think that's a perfectly valid plan of action. My point was that naively locking ourselves into a box in an attempt to avoid certain types of attacks is relatively easy to exploit. Poison gas is also just an example, neither of these seals work against mist drain afaik.

They can prevent the mist from reaching us in the first place. If the air domes default to on, then they can't surprise mist drain us.

We're locked into having a fort. The enclosed design makes the best of a bad situation.

Doesn't that mean we'd basically be locking ourselves in a box, needing to blow up a wall to get out? That doesn't seem like such a good idea. If enemies drop poison gas on us, then slowly make their way through our traps, we'll be forced to come out and deal with the gas anyway.

I've been campaigning for an explosive-enabled escape hatch from the start.
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I would be perfectly happy to have a pangolin who hasn't interacted with humans for at least 400 years attempt to operate on you using primitive medicine intended for a species with a different body structure, chakra system and ability to endure stress.
I'm going to call that a maybe? :p

On an unrelated note, it would be pretty neat to get a technique hacking pangolin, and outsource our ideas to them like we did with Kagome.
Maybe we could get a pangolin who has ninjutsu he can use to buff us? Or would that not be any different than adding aspects?
Clarification: What would a Technique Hacking Pangolin give us? I mean, FMPOV it just seems strange for us to spend a Pangolin slot on a jutsu developer, when there's so many low-hanging jutsu we can get for cheap.
Having a dedicated hacker developing new tricks for us, to our specifications, doesn't appeal to you?
Honestly, I'm unsure if that's gonna work? As in, these jutsu would have a ton of advantages meaning high strain...and high chakra cost. Which, yes, is somewhat offset by Noburi; but we still have trouble because he can't chakra transfer mid-fight.
That seems dishonest, and doesn't make much sense as an explanation. Truth is, with four teams in a fortified position, we're probably the hardest target in the swamp. For anyone optimizing for their exam performance, attacking us is counterproductive. There's no reason for everyone to coordinate against us.

What are you trying to accomplish with this change?

We are currently in unsecured territory and unaware of the kinds of sensory teams within the area plus what ever sensory capabilities of Mist proctors. We need to maintain information security while within Mist. I am normally one for free information flow to our allies within Leaf we just have to be more aware of our surroundings at the moment.
That seems dishonest, and doesn't make much sense as an explanation. Truth is, with four teams in a fortified position, we're probably the hardest target in the swamp. For anyone optimizing for their exam performance, attacking us is counterproductive. There's no reason for everyone to coordinate against us.
IMO our strength is irrelevant to whether or not people will want to attack us. The Chunin Exams are essentially political posturing, and other villages (Mist especially, but it also applies to other villages) want to punish Leaf for what is arguably bloodline poaching. This means that they will try to screw us (Leaf in general, and Team Goketsu in particular) over at every possible opportunity, even if it may not be tacticallyw ise. Humiliating Leaf is waaaaay more important than going farther in the exams.

tl;dr Inter-village politics dictates that Leaf/Team Goketsu need to get fucked ASAP. This trumps optimizing exam performance.
Update delayed. I had a clever and exciting idea for a final scene, finished writing it out, revised it a bit, then realised I'd made one simple error that made the whole thing physically impossible.
Honestly, I'm unsure if that's gonna work? As in, these jutsu would have a ton of advantages meaning high strain...and high chakra cost. Which, yes, is somewhat offset by Noburi; but we still have trouble because he can't chakra transfer mid-fight.
One advantage that's very useful for dealing with Strain is Adjustable Casting Time. For the whole uplift thing, we could move a jutsu from taking an instant to taking an instant to taking 12 hours and so get -90 chakra cost cost. Or just move it up to an hour or so for -56 chakra cost. However, this scales at the same rate as duration does, so it's not super useful for buffs. You can cut like 2 chakra off it by making it take seconds to cast instead of an instant, but otherwise... nah.


Ah, also, I do support Pangolin Technique Hackers: If Vacuum Step isn't allowed to be a reflexive action, that's absolutely the first task we should set them to. Because it basically makes Kei unkillable in open terrain.


My idea for pangolin:

P1: Stealth, taken
P2: Genjutsu
P3: Technique Hacker
P4,5: Ninjutsu Specialists
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We are currently in unsecured territory and unaware of the kinds of sensory teams within the area plus what ever sensory capabilities of Mist proctors. We need to maintain information security while within Mist. I am normally one for free information flow to our allies within Leaf we just have to be more aware of our surroundings at the moment.

What kind of information do you think I'm revealing? It's all widely known, maybe with the exception of Hazou being Ren's nephew. The point of that conversation isn't to reveal new information, I fully believe that at least a couple of the other rookies have figured this out for themselves already. The point is to argue that we're in real danger and that they should take the subsequent tactics discussion seriously.

IMO our strength is irrelevant to whether or not people will want to attack us. The Chunin Exams are essentially political posturing, and other villages (Mist especially, but it also applies to other villages) want to punish Leaf for what is arguably bloodline poaching. This means that they will try to screw us (Leaf in general, and Team Goketsu in particular) over at every possible opportunity, even if it may not be tacticallyw ise. Humiliating Leaf is waaaaay more important than going farther in the exams.

tl;dr Inter-village politics dictates that Leaf/Team Goketsu need to get fucked ASAP. This trumps optimizing exam performance.

I don't think this is obvious at all. Hidden Villages seemingly send large groups of Genin to the exams, and I find it hard to believe they'd all be part of a conspiracy to screw Leaf over. I fully expect most of the examinees to not give a shit about us and focus on advancing through the exams; most of them shouldn't care that much about village politics. We've also seen no indication that everyone participating has a murderboner for Leaf in general.

There's also a difference between "teams from other villages try to impede us when they have the opportunity" and "a specially assembled force attacks our fortified position during the night". The former is just general resentment, and I expect to see it primarily from Mist. The latter is a serious operation someone spent significant resources preparing; the "we don't care about exam performance" people. And I bet they're here specifically for us, the Goketsu team. I don't think we're going to see random Mist teams try to attack us during the night, they'd simply be too stupid to live, and I doubt their ability to spontaneously organize into a larger force.
tl;dr Inter-village politics dictates that Leaf/Team Goketsu need to get fucked ASAP. This trumps optimizing exam performance.

At the same time, us actually pulling off our "come 'n 'ave a go if ya think ya' hard enuff!" strategy would demonstrate to the international community that Leaf is absolutely going to get away with this, so cut that shit out and fall in line.
Hm... we should make the additional offer to people of "if your team submits itself as chakra battery, we'll give you a significant quantity of seals"
Oh thank Jashin, somebody that knows the rules. Mind if I run some things by you? Are you saying that placing an aspect on an opponent for an ally to tag doesn't cost a fate point? Even if that's the case, it seems like one can come out ahead in actions spent if they use one action to retreat after more than one aspect has been placed on them but not tagged. Here's a mock scenario: Alice and John are fighting Bob and Kate. If initiative goes JBKA, I'm envisioning Jihn using an action to give Alice an aspect to tag against Bob on her turn, but Kate subbing with Bob before that happens or after Alice has spent movement to get close, or even at the same time as an attack. This might be advantageous if Bob is a ranged specialist while Kate is taijutsu focused, even accounting for the disorientation malus(which I assume applies to both parties?). This becomes more effective as more tags are applied, which might happen in 12v12 battles, or if clones are doing it instead of consequential combatants.

I also wanted to ask about MEW. In the same scenario but initiative AJBK, would Alice be able to effectively separate a zone in 2 with earth walls, leaving Jake free to target Bob and Kate with explosives, assuming she used to share a zone with both opponents before MEWing but Jake was a zone away? I'm sure there are many tactics that have been explored by players in the original system. Any you could share would greatly speed up my comprehension of typical combat.

Rules discussions are literally why I'm here ;).

(in that they're what finally motivated me to de-lurk and actually join the quest)

As EJ said, when you create an Aspect you make a single free tag on said Aspect, which either you can use on/by your next action, or you can give to someone else to use for/by their next action (within reason - no handing tags to people who aren't there, etc). After you've used the tag, you can keep hitting that Aspect with Fate Points like any other.

Yeah, clever use of Substitution to switch out people who've had Aspects slapped onto them would work. It only applies a -2 to your pools, which is almost always going to be less than your opponent's Aspect Bonus (which is their [skill/10, rounded up] + 1). The strict reading of the current jutsu rules suggest only the person using Substitution takes the penalty, but I suspect that's more that they hadn't written in that edge case yet and less that being used as a Substitution target is less disorienting than actually using the jutsu.

The flip side, though, is that Aspects are applied via Skill rolls, and damage is applied via Skill rolls, so unless you have some kind of advantage in creating an Aspect (by using Genjutsu to roll against a nonstandard defensive Skill, Ninjutsu that debuffs as well as attacks, or maybe something that puts Aspects on multiple targets all at once), it's usually better to just attack people. Fated to Die is a fair bit more lethal than standard Fate, so just going after their Stress tracks is usually pretty good :p.

As for the MEW question - probably? Zones tend to be quite large, which would make cutting one completely in half impractical, but if you're indoors or otherwise in a smaller space I don't see why it wouldn't work. I believe MEW can also be used to create cover, which would allow for explosive attacks without hitting you (unless they use enough explosives to destroy the MEW) - it'd probably mechanically count as a Block (preventing yourself from being targeted by ranged attacks).
What if we have Keiko try to trade separately for a pangolin technique hacker? We can say that any techniques we jointly create are the property of both us and the pangolins?
What if we have Keiko try to trade separately for a pangolin technique hacker? We can say that any techniques we jointly create are the property of both us and the pangolins?
Wouldn't the Pangolins be doing most of the heavy lifting, though? Since none of us have Technique Hacking, and the Pangolins probably have their own version of jutsus we might want to hack (so we can't offer jutsu)?