-Kagome, 2016

This explains so much.

It explains so much about why so many culturally significant people have been dying this year.

Kagome has been systematically assassinating every single one of them in preparation for his army taking over Planet Earth.


You think I can't tell when somebody is being insincere, boy?
Hu-buh? What about that was insincere? :confused:

"To begin with, an unreasonable amount of our time has been spent socialising with members of Team Sarutobi. To give an example, Hazō has befriended Yamanaka Ino, and their interactions…"
Oh dear, here we go...

"Really, it's nothing," he tried for a casual voice. "Everybody has bad things happen in their lives."

"Yeah…" she said uncertainly. "I'm sure they do."
Ah-HAA! Score one in the dark and mysterious but oddly compelling column for Inazou!

"Rock Lee," Hazō strode across the clearing, suffused with righteous energy. "Let's go training together! Here is the list of forbidden words I've compiled for you."

"I accept your youthful challenge, my friend!"

Lee cast his eyes over the list. "'The', 'be', 'to', 'of', 'and'… Kurosawa, are these the hundred most commonly-used words?"

"That's right! And do you know why?"

Rock Lee opened his mouth.

Hazō pointed to the list.

Rock Lee closed his mouth again.

"Because you and I are going stealth training!"

"Hazō-sensei," Akane said wearily. "Your effortless honesty is one of your best features, and one I really admire, but when we're done here, promise me you'll go to Inoue-sensei and ask her about tact."
*Adds this to the next Action Plan*

"Also, Ino doesn't like pushy boys. Play it cool and make her curious about you instead of trying to share too much up front."
That could have gone a lot worse. I'm not convinced that Akane is happy with the prospect of Akazino, despite her giving Hazou advice on how to seduce Ino. It seemed to me like she might have just been saying what she thinks Hazou wants to hear.

And yes, we definitely need to get tact training. Hell, at this point maybe we should just give in and ask Mari for seduction training. I'm not happy about taking the quest in that direction, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that we're not going to survive the mess that is Hazou's love life without it.
[X] Action Plan: Akane and Hazou-OTP XOR BFFs

Hazou has, well, compromised Akane with his accidental heroics during her time of weakness. This puts Hazou in a position of power over her in a relationship, so if he does get into a relationship with her, he has a responsibility to be mindful of this. Having multiple romantic partners is possible, but difficult. In this case I believe that dating another girl or guy while dating Akane will make it too difficult for Hazou to reassure Akane when her inferiority complex pops up. A bad relationship with Akane will hurt her badly, which is unacceptable.

Akane said:
If you say it, I believe you. But I still need time to think. It's really, really scary to imagine that one day you'll meet someone better than me, and you'll love them, and I'll just fade into the background until in the end I lose you completely. If that happens, all the clear communication in the world won't save me.

People do change, but it is inadvisable enter a relationship expecting people to change. It's easy for Akane to say she believes us, but what she says also clearly indicates what her emotions are telling her. If we were to go into a relationship with Ino and discuss dating another guy/girl, things would be different because the balance of power would be more equal. Akane is obviously willing to try, and even get the speech from Inoue sensei, which is very much to her credit. But Akane is important enough that she should be cared for even if she never manages to get rid of her inferiority complex. Aside from this, multiple partners at the moment will increase easily verifiable weak points.

Because of all this, if we pursue a relationship with Akane, request that it be a pairing with neither party seeking external relationships. (It would also be a pain dealing with biological male jealousy on Hazou's part) If we don't, apologize for being a coward (strong words but us being self-effacing I believe would help Akane deal with this), and figure out how to move on from there.

This plan is meant to be combined with the plan with the next most votes.

(XOR is the exclusive OR operator, BTW)
I agree that while Inakazinou would theoretically be great, I don't believe that Akane would really be okay with Hazou being in a relationship with Ino at the same time, especially not at the beginning of the relationship. Maybe after a few months and after we figure things out more, we can, but for now we should stick to Hakane.
Yakushi-sensei's hand stopped tapping. "You and Mori and Kurosawa?"


(Not as bad as it could be, but mrgh.)

A warm, fuzzy feeling spread through Noburi's body.


"To begin with, an unreasonable amount of our time has been spent socialising with members of Team Sarutobi. To give an example, Hazō has befriended Yamanaka Ino, and their interactions…"


"Yes and no. My mum used to be clan heir like you, but the clan disowned her after she defied her family and married my dad for love."

"Wow," Yamanaka said. "That's… so brave… and romantic. She must be an amazing woman."


Yamanaka was giving him a strange look he couldn't read. "Kurosawa," she said softly. "I had no idea…"

Who needs seduction training when you've got a tragic backstory?

"Honestly, it all reminds me of Kotetsu-sensei saying that foreigners had no souls. If you have no souls, then why is it impossible to tell the difference between people from different countries if you ignore accents and ethnicities and cultural habits and so on?"

Oddly universalist. I guess ninja are the *real* globetrotting cosmopolitan elite.

"Anyway," Hazō said. "That's how it is. By any reasonable definition of romance, I'm pretty sure I have romantic feelings for you. But I realise that I have no idea how you feel, and if you'd rather we just be friends, that's perfectly OK because I'd never want to do anything to endanger our friendship, though of course if you want to be more than friends—sorry, run-on sentence. I'm trying, honest!"


"You swept me off my feet with your youthfulness, your insight and your compassion. You saved me from the Liberator, then you put your life on the line against impossible odds to save me again. I was ready to die for you that day, and that has never changed.

"I've spent a lot of time reflecting on the last year while I've been here in hospital. And looking back… I don't think there was ever a time when I wasn't in love with you."

Show him how it's done, Akane.

The only ones where one of the people is stuck in hospital are those awful hurt/comfort things


"Bear in mind romance manga is probably on the Mizukage's list of banned genres."

Yet another avenue of research to follow up on!

And yes, we definitely need to get tact training. Hell, at this point maybe we should just give in and ask Mari for seduction training. I'm not happy about taking the quest in that direction, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that we're not going to survive the mess that is Hazou's love life without it.

Think about it. In three days, current!Hazou's gotten Yamanaka Ino, poster child for oblivious ninja privilege, halfway onboard with uplift. With Inoue-level seduction skills, the world is our oyster.
[X] Action Plan: Akane and Hazou-OTP XOR BFFs

Hazou has, well, compromised Akane with his accidental heroics during her time of weakness. This puts Hazou in a position of power over her in a relationship, so if he does get into a relationship with her, he has a responsibility to be mindful of this. Having multiple romantic partners is possible, but difficult. In this case I believe that dating another girl or guy while dating Akane will make it too difficult for Hazou to reassure Akane when her inferiority complex pops up. A bad relationship with Akane will hurt her badly, which is unacceptable.

People do change, but it is inadvisable enter a relationship expecting people to change. It's easy for Akane to say she believes us, but what she says also clearly indicates what her emotions are telling her. If we were to go into a relationship with Ino and discuss dating another guy/girl, things would be different because the balance of power would be more equal. Akane is obviously willing to try, and even get the speech from Inoue sensei, which is very much to her credit. But Akane is important enough that she should be cared for even if she never manages to get rid of her inferiority complex. Aside from this, multiple partners at the moment will increase easily verifiable weak points.

Because of all this, if we pursue a relationship with Akane, request that it be a pairing with neither party seeking external relationships. (It would also be a pain dealing with biological male jealousy on Hazou's part) If we don't, apologize for being a coward (strong words but us being self-effacing I believe would help Akane deal with this), and figure out how to move on from there.

This plan is meant to be combined with the plan with the next most votes.

(XOR is the exclusive OR operator, BTW)

Begun, the Shipping War has.

But in all seriousness, we really should have a different name for our relationship goals rather than calling them action plans.
But yeah, overall, that was way better than it could have been. And that confession scene was really sweet. c:

I strongly agree with holding off on Ino stuff for now, for Akane's sake. And honestly, it seems like the best approach for Ino is a slow burn anyway--vanishing mysteriously off on missions and returning with interesting scars and gruff dismissals of "it's no big deal" and "that's classified". Not to mention it'll take a hell of a long time to get her family onboard, and getting into a relationship with her against her family's wishes is hazardous to our health and our goals.
We also need to bring up the concerns about the seals in Akane's room. Slot that into the list of things to do. Should we bring it up as seals in the hallway to see if J corrects us, plays it off as a thing Leaf always has done, and/or something else. Modeling of potential responses and what they could mean will have to be done.
This is assuming that Ino doesn't go full-ship-ahead mode once she learns that Hazou and Akane are a Thing, which I fully expect.
[X] Relationship Plan: Keeping Our Options Open
  • Hazou accepts that he is beginning a relationship with Akane, but she has expressed she is willing to consider multiple romantic partners.
  • Therefore Hazou shall still maintain a flirting attitude/approach with Ino.
  • Hazou should now start figuring out how to flirt with Akane in a unique way so that both girls still feel special to him in their own ways.
  • Hazou should start brainstorming ways to introduce Akane and Ino to each other and the idea of a poly relationship.

Hazou just got the greenlight to try to convince Akane that a poly romantic relationship could work. We might as well try to see if we can make it happen. Let's not be so afraid of failure that we don't even try to get the best possible outcome.

I have the feeling that we will need to have such a relationship since Hazou, while inspiring, will probably not be able to give either of them the necessary emotional support in a traditional relationship. They will need each other after they have to deal with Hazou's non-existent emotional intelligence.
Assuming Kagome mentions the seals, we should see if our magic IN seal memorization will let us pick out which parts of the design are the actual seal the next time we visit Akane.

Preferably without actually saying outloud that that's a thing we can do.
Assuming Kagome mentions the seals, we should see if our magic IN seal memorization will let us pick out which parts of the design are the actual seal the next time we visit Akane.

Preferably without actually saying outloud that that's a thing we can do.
Yes please, I'd love to get a headstart on the research that leads to CCTV seals.
I have the feeling that we will need to have such a relationship since Hazou, while inspiring, will probably not be able to give either of them the necessary emotional support in a traditional relationship. They will need each other after they have to deal with Hazou's non-existent emotional intelligence.

I'm not sure about that. Hazou's been pretty good at giving Akane emotional support while she's in the hospital, after all--the only thing he's been awkward about is the relationship thing, and if they're in a relationship that'll be less of a problem, and one they can talk through.

And Akane pretty clearly isn't happy about the prospect of poly stuff--her self-confidence is shot, and having someone else she can so easily construe as better for Hazou also going out with him is not a good idea right now, or for a while into the future.

Also, we don't know if either Akane or Ino are into girls, or whether Ino would actually be up for poly stuff at all. Or how the hell we'd resolve things with Ino's family if we were to get serious with her.
The apologies went a lot smoother than I was afraid they would.

Confession was adorable.

I suggest we keep to friendly levels of flirting with Ino until Akane is out of the hospital and able to participate.
Voice from off screen. "Please speak into the recorder seal."

A very put upon bird shuffles closer to the block of stone with a seal intricately carved upon its surface mumbles something inaudible.

"Again, louder so that it can be clearly heard."

"I'm uncomfortable at this time putting any energy into pursuing any other romantic relationship beyond Akane. Even though Keiko is clearly the best choice for a relationship for Hazou. As Keiko has stated that she does not view men as a romantic option I will put forth all efforts to ensure good things happen to Keiko. Hazou and Akane have a solid foundation for a long term relationship and both Hazou and Akane should seek guidance on how they can express their feelings and emotions to grow and strengthen their bond together."
I'm not sure about that. Hazou's been pretty good at giving Akane emotional support while she's in the hospital, after all--the only thing he's been awkward about is the relationship thing, and if they're in a relationship that'll be less of a problem, and one they can talk through.

Hazou has shown that he cannot pick up on subtle body language in the course of almost every conversation he has had with Akane. Akane needs someone whom she does not idolize to open up to like she did earlier with Mari. Akane could really use another girl in a relationship with the same guy as her to give her the perspective that she is not as worthless as she thinks she is. Hazou cannot do that simple because whatever Hazou does will always be tainted by Akane's irrational and ingrained belief that Hazou-sensei is amazing in a way she has never been. Furthermore, if the stress of striving to be as youthful as possible keeps bringing Akane down, having someone close who does not prescribe to that system of beliefs should help her decide if wants to continue to be "youthful".

And Akane pretty clearly isn't happy about the prospect of poly stuff--her self-confidence is shot, and having someone else she can so easily construe as better for Hazou also going out with him is not a good idea right now, or for a while into the future.

It is when we are at our lowest points that we are open to the greatest changes (shamelessly stolen from LoK). Akane has followed Hazou for so long and trusts him so deeply that she is willing to give a such a relationship a fair chance. Everything that Hazou has proposed to her so far has ended fairly well, why not this? Akane needs someone else also since she is otherwise going to be all alone once Hazou has to leave on a mission (we already have a summons from Jiraiya). Fixing Akane's self-esteem problems will not happen in the time we have currently and leaving her alone will only make her problems worse. Ino is the best person Akane will have available to help her with her emotional health.

Also, we don't know if either Akane or Ino are into girls, or whether Ino would actually be up for poly stuff at all. Or how the hell we'd resolve things with Ino's family if we were to get serious with her.

Well the two of them don't have to be romantically involved with each other (although Akane does seem to fall in love with whoever shows her attention, so if we can get Ino visiting her everyday while Hazou is on missions we would be halfway there. For Ino we will have to be creative), but it never hurts to ask (so long as we prevent Hazou from putting his foot in his mouth). As for long term problems we can look into various political and historical cases involving multiple wives. That at least with would be a problem we can do some research on.
Akane collapsed back to her original position. She eyed the wall next to her contemplatively, but then seemed to think better of it.

"Hazō-sensei, you mean the world to me and are an incredible person, but you have no sense of romance."
Thats totally on you Akane.

Hazō nodded. "OK. So next question, how does one do the dating thing? Bear in mind romance manga is probably on the Mizukage's list of banned genres."
Omake MonkeyOliWhail I demand to hear more about this. Noooaw!
@Dictator4Hire I definitely agree it would be healthy for Akane to have friends she can talk to when Team Uplift isn't around, and people she's comfortable being close to without idolizing as much as she does Hazou. I don't think Ino, in the context of being an active romantic prospect of Hazou's, is a good choice.

Akane says she's okay with poly stuff, but it doesn't seem like she's terribly happy about it. And I think it's better to consider the poly stuff on its own terms rather than as a member of reference class "things Hazou has suggested".

It sounds like you want poly stuff to happen, and if later in their relationship it looks like that's feasible, I'm happy to try for it. But right now both Akane and their relationship as a whole is in a pretty fragile state, and I'd rather not introduce unnecessary variance into it. Very much agree on Akane having friends and confidantes, and I'm glad Noburi got our team access to her while we're around. If there are other people we could get to visit her while we're gone, I'm for it. If there weren't romance complications with Ino, I'd say she could be a fine candidate. As it is, that could work out, there's enough of a chance of it blowing up that I'd rather not, at least not before getting closer to Akane + getting her more assured of her position with Hazou.

Are there other people we could get to visit Akane that could work out well?

We already have Lee and Gai. Nara might enjoy doing riddles/games with her, but her exuberant persona might put him off, and of course it's more troublesome than staying home. Tenten seems like she could be a really good person for this (she's been very gentle/considerate with Keiko so far, her pacifism aligns with Akane's compassion, and she might be able to talk shop about engineering). I think it'd be good to investigate her more anyway, so we could do that with an eye to this.

It'd be nice to smooth things over with her parents so their visits would be less stressful for her. And that's important to do for Hakane long term, anyway.

Are there other hospital people besides Kabuto? Some of the lower-down people might be less devious and more compassionate, and they'd be around anyway, so it wouldn't be a hassle for them to come chat with her.

Hinata might be good if she's canon-like, but it'd be tough to make that happen IC.
@Velorien / @thread: why does Noburi think we're studying ninjutsu tomorrow? Who offered to teach us? I thought the hope was for Kabuto to show us things and watch as we learned..?