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- The Deep Blue Sea
-Kagome, 2016But somebody hurts a member of your team, you wipe them and everything they ever loved off the face of the earth. That's just common sense
-Kagome, 2016But somebody hurts a member of your team, you wipe them and everything they ever loved off the face of the earth. That's just common sense
This explains so much.
Hu-buh? What about that was insincere?
Oh dear, here we go..."To begin with, an unreasonable amount of our time has been spent socialising with members of Team Sarutobi. To give an example, Hazō has befriended Yamanaka Ino, and their interactions…"
Ah-HAA! Score one in the dark and mysterious but oddly compelling column for Inazou!"Really, it's nothing," he tried for a casual voice. "Everybody has bad things happen in their lives."
"Yeah…" she said uncertainly. "I'm sure they do."
BRILLIANT. WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THIS?"Rock Lee," Hazō strode across the clearing, suffused with righteous energy. "Let's go training together! Here is the list of forbidden words I've compiled for you."
"I accept your youthful challenge, my friend!"
Lee cast his eyes over the list. "'The', 'be', 'to', 'of', 'and'… Kurosawa, are these the hundred most commonly-used words?"
"That's right! And do you know why?"
Rock Lee opened his mouth.
Hazō pointed to the list.
Rock Lee closed his mouth again.
"Because you and I are going stealth training!"
*Adds this to the next Action Plan*"Hazō-sensei," Akane said wearily. "Your effortless honesty is one of your best features, and one I really admire, but when we're done here, promise me you'll go to Inoue-sensei and ask her about tact."
AAAAAND THE GOODSHIP AKAZINO IS SETTING SAIL!!!"Also, Ino doesn't like pushy boys. Play it cool and make her curious about you instead of trying to share too much up front."
Akane said:If you say it, I believe you. But I still need time to think. It's really, really scary to imagine that one day you'll meet someone better than me, and you'll love them, and I'll just fade into the background until in the end I lose you completely. If that happens, all the clear communication in the world won't save me.
Yakushi-sensei's hand stopped tapping. "You and Mori and Kurosawa?"
"To begin with, an unreasonable amount of our time has been spent socialising with members of Team Sarutobi. To give an example, Hazō has befriended Yamanaka Ino, and their interactions…"
"Yes and no. My mum used to be clan heir like you, but the clan disowned her after she defied her family and married my dad for love."
"Wow," Yamanaka said. "That's… so brave… and romantic. She must be an amazing woman."
Yamanaka was giving him a strange look he couldn't read. "Kurosawa," she said softly. "I had no idea…"
"Honestly, it all reminds me of Kotetsu-sensei saying that foreigners had no souls. If you have no souls, then why is it impossible to tell the difference between people from different countries if you ignore accents and ethnicities and cultural habits and so on?"
"Anyway," Hazō said. "That's how it is. By any reasonable definition of romance, I'm pretty sure I have romantic feelings for you. But I realise that I have no idea how you feel, and if you'd rather we just be friends, that's perfectly OK because I'd never want to do anything to endanger our friendship, though of course if you want to be more than friends—sorry, run-on sentence. I'm trying, honest!"
"You swept me off my feet with your youthfulness, your insight and your compassion. You saved me from the Liberator, then you put your life on the line against impossible odds to save me again. I was ready to die for you that day, and that has never changed.
"I've spent a lot of time reflecting on the last year while I've been here in hospital. And looking back… I don't think there was ever a time when I wasn't in love with you."
The only ones where one of the people is stuck in hospital are those awful hurt/comfort things
"Bear in mind romance manga is probably on the Mizukage's list of banned genres."
And yes, we definitely need to get tact training. Hell, at this point maybe we should just give in and ask Mari for seduction training. I'm not happy about taking the quest in that direction, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that we're not going to survive the mess that is Hazou's love life without it.
[X] Action Plan: Akane and Hazou-OTP XOR BFFs
Hazou has, well, compromised Akane with his accidental heroics during her time of weakness. This puts Hazou in a position of power over her in a relationship, so if he does get into a relationship with her, he has a responsibility to be mindful of this. Having multiple romantic partners is possible, but difficult. In this case I believe that dating another girl or guy while dating Akane will make it too difficult for Hazou to reassure Akane when her inferiority complex pops up. A bad relationship with Akane will hurt her badly, which is unacceptable.
People do change, but it is inadvisable enter a relationship expecting people to change. It's easy for Akane to say she believes us, but what she says also clearly indicates what her emotions are telling her. If we were to go into a relationship with Ino and discuss dating another guy/girl, things would be different because the balance of power would be more equal. Akane is obviously willing to try, and even get the speech from Inoue sensei, which is very much to her credit. But Akane is important enough that she should be cared for even if she never manages to get rid of her inferiority complex. Aside from this, multiple partners at the moment will increase easily verifiable weak points.
Because of all this, if we pursue a relationship with Akane, request that it be a pairing with neither party seeking external relationships. (It would also be a pain dealing with biological male jealousy on Hazou's part) If we don't, apologize for being a coward (strong words but us being self-effacing I believe would help Akane deal with this), and figure out how to move on from there.
This plan is meant to be combined with the plan with the next most votes.
(XOR is the exclusive OR operator, BTW)
Yes please, I'd love to get a headstart on the research that leads to CCTV seals.Assuming Kagome mentions the seals, we should see if our magic IN seal memorization will let us pick out which parts of the design are the actual seal the next time we visit Akane.
Preferably without actually saying outloud that that's a thing we can do.
I have the feeling that we will need to have such a relationship since Hazou, while inspiring, will probably not be able to give either of them the necessary emotional support in a traditional relationship. They will need each other after they have to deal with Hazou's non-existent emotional intelligence.
I'm not sure about that. Hazou's been pretty good at giving Akane emotional support while she's in the hospital, after all--the only thing he's been awkward about is the relationship thing, and if they're in a relationship that'll be less of a problem, and one they can talk through.
And Akane pretty clearly isn't happy about the prospect of poly stuff--her self-confidence is shot, and having someone else she can so easily construe as better for Hazou also going out with him is not a good idea right now, or for a while into the future.
Also, we don't know if either Akane or Ino are into girls, or whether Ino would actually be up for poly stuff at all. Or how the hell we'd resolve things with Ino's family if we were to get serious with her.
Thats totally on you Akane.Akane collapsed back to her original position. She eyed the wall next to her contemplatively, but then seemed to think better of it.
"Hazō-sensei, you mean the world to me and are an incredible person, but you have no sense of romance."
Hazō nodded. "OK. So next question, how does one do the dating thing? Bear in mind romance manga is probably on the Mizukage's list of banned genres."