@Dictator4Hire I definitely agree it would be healthy for Akane to have friends she can talk to when Team Uplift isn't around, and people she's comfortable being close to without idolizing as much as she does Hazou. I don't think Ino, in the context of being an active romantic prospect of Hazou's, is a good choice.
says she's okay with poly stuff, but it doesn't seem like she's terribly happy about it. And I think it's better to consider the poly stuff on its own terms rather than as a member of reference class "things Hazou has suggested".
It sounds like you want poly stuff to happen, and if later in their relationship it looks like that's feasible, I'm happy to try for it. But right now both Akane and their relationship as a whole is in a pretty fragile state, and I'd rather not introduce unnecessary variance into it. Very much agree on Akane having friends and confidantes, and I'm glad Noburi got our team access to her while we're around. If there are other people we could get to visit her while we're gone, I'm for it. If there weren't romance complications with Ino, I'd say she could be a fine candidate. As it is, that
could work out, there's enough of a chance of it blowing up that I'd rather not, at least not before getting closer to Akane + getting her more assured of her position with Hazou.
Are there other people we could get to visit Akane that could work out well?
We already have Lee and Gai. Nara might enjoy doing riddles/games with her, but her exuberant persona might put him off, and of course it's more troublesome than staying home. Tenten seems like she could be a really good person for this (she's been very gentle/considerate with Keiko so far, her pacifism aligns with Akane's compassion, and she might be able to talk shop about engineering). I think it'd be good to investigate her more anyway, so we could do that with an eye to this.
It'd be nice to smooth things over with her parents so their visits would be less stressful for her. And that's important to do for Hakane long term, anyway.
Are there other hospital people besides Kabuto? Some of the lower-down people might be less devious and more compassionate, and they'd be around anyway, so it wouldn't be a hassle for them to come chat with her.
Hinata might be good if she's canon-like, but it'd be tough to make that happen IC.